Is this minable or only pos?
WTB Riserless Case/frame for my Onda 8 gpu mobo
Few questions:
1. Are they new or used? 2. Do you still have receipts? 3. Can you post pictures, including a time stamped message? 4. Do you accept escrow?
They are new, might not come with receipts. They are in my reship and yes I accept escrow.
comes with any games? also do you offer discounts if including games?
Does not come with games but I believe one or two of them are fortnite neo bundles. I’ll check later today.
I have a few available. Willing to sell for $225, preferably in the U.S.
Looking for facebook, google, yelp ad codes (maybe others lmk what you have)
Any new exchange listings in the works?
Lost my coins on cryptopia 
WTB Aged Amazon account + email
DM Offers
is it worth cpu mining with gpus also mining? does cpu have it's on mining channel to make it equal?
WTS Amazon Target Walmart Ebay items for 90% Want Crypto
Can get items from these sites including physical gift cards for your crypto. You pay 90% of item value.
WTS Legit Physical Gift Cards and items for Crypto
Can get you most gift cards or items sold on ebay/amazon.
you pay 90% of my trade value
Example: $100 gift card for you, you give me $90 in crypto
I will buy legit amazon gc ,if you can sell for 80% PM sent!
WTS Legit Physical Gift Cards and items for Crypto
Can get you most gift cards or items sold on ebay/amazon.
you pay 90% of my trade value
Example: $100 gift card for you, you give me $90 in crypto
Looking for ebay and paypal no limits
Any guide to start cpu mining? Any linux vps guides?
WTS Physical Legit GC from your choice of store 90%
PM me
Would be interested in visa gc, let me know denominations and rate
Physical GC's which means you get the scans - $25 , $50, $100 VCC can be whatever you want. Still waiting for the rate, that’s the big one
Would be interested in visa gc, let me know denominations and rate
WTS Apple Airpods Brand New Sealed ($140 each, 2 available)
Price is negotiable