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1  Economy / Speculation / Re: It is Buy time! on: July 05, 2016, 09:02:50 AM
Better to buy right now or cry later. I have this feelling that bitcoin is starting to climb the mt everest again..bulls are coming.
you are definitely right about it, i think the price is going to grow at a very rapid pace and make me some decent money for just holding the bitcoins i bought, hopefully ill be right about this
You can say that again man. Price of bitcoin will continue to rise and if you have plans in buying bitcoins, the time is now. Especially that the bitcoin halving is just around the corner, price of bitcoin will soar all the more. Go buy as many as you can and hold on to it until the halving... Smiley
2  Economy / Speculation / Re: When will bitcoin reach 500 USD again ? on: July 05, 2016, 08:56:52 AM
...and why do you think so ?
We have already passed this amount and we are now waiting for the halving and what the price is going to be after the halving.
It could be possible that the price could drop back to $500 but I do not think that that is going to happen.
We are already in around $600+/btc and we have even reached the $700+ mark. Who knows, maybe it will go back to $500.. But with the current trend, it will not happen most likely... Bitcoin price will surely go up and if predictions were ac curate, it could reach the $1000/btc that everyone is wishing for.. Smiley
3  Economy / Speculation / Re: 400$ was the top on: July 05, 2016, 08:47:26 AM
I can remember that the value of Bitcoin was at $400 for a very long time but was also because of that fact that the price was stable for a long time.
We have now passed this and we are moving on the halving is coming soon and people are very excited about it.
Yeah, $400/btc is history. It stayed there though for quite some time. Now that the price of bitcoin is soaring high, especial;ly with the bitcoin halving that is about to happen, it excites me all the more about how high the price can really reach.
4  Economy / Speculation / Re: I'm All In - Sold My House! on: July 05, 2016, 08:43:28 AM
Great to hear somebody that is so devoted and believing in bitcoin. It is rare to find one these days Tongue Well, good luck on your investment and I'm 100% sure that it will go very well.

Just don't sell in the short term, hold it.
I also, it is rare to have such a person, I compared to see the special currency, but also long-term bullish, so the short-term inside intends to sell.
Whoah! That's some guts you have there man. When you said you are all in, does that mean that you will invest all the money you got from the house you have sold? Just don't go into gambling man... if you are to invest that amount of money, study the company that you will entrust your money with. Look for track records... Good Luck! Smiley
5  Economy / Speculation / Re: 2016 will be a boring year for bitcoin on: July 05, 2016, 08:37:14 AM
First months seemed normal, no crazy things happened, but the last period it has been quite exciting for me. I wonder what the rest of the year brings Smiley
I don't think that this 2016 is boring. As for me, I am always excited to open my laptop and go to sites to earn bitcoins. Slowly but surely I am earning from those sites that gives free bitcoins. And with the bitcoin halving only a few days behind, I am pretty sure that a liot of exciting and interesting things are going to happen.
6  Economy / Speculation / Re: 10 BTC. Will I be a millionaire by 2030? on: July 05, 2016, 08:32:27 AM
100 BTC? 0.00000001 BTC? Nah... extremes are not for me.

What do you guys think?
10 btc is a lot of cash right now and we dream about 2030... so well i would say nobody knows if bitcoin will survive until 2030,but if it will,you will surely be a millionaire.
Why? cause there will be more ppl in the world and the whole btcpool will be mined already = less btc per person = bigger price = u are a millionaire Smiley
Why not??? hahaha If I have that kind of amount in my wallet right now, I will surely feel like a millionaire already. So if your question is will you be a millionaire by 2030, with the current trend in  bitcoin amount plus the near halving, you sure will be millionaire by then. A multi-millionaire at that... Smiley
7  Economy / Speculation / Re: 1 BTC = 1000$ in 2016 on: July 05, 2016, 08:28:45 AM
Look this is what i am telling you the whole time at the end of 2016 the price of the bitcoin will be 1000 each for sure or 950 but atleast above the 900.
Im not sure what 2017 wil bring after this year off course but it wont be such a dramatic year as this year was for the bitcoin for sure.

I think bitcoin can achieve that price at the end of the year but not possible to touch that price at halving, as price rise is slow at a moment, I hope it will gain pace in next few days.
Achievable price actually. With the popularity that bitcoins is gaining plus this bitcoin halving that is about to happen, I don't see why this will not be met. As of this moment it is just a few hundred dollars away from achieving it so I guess yeah, It is possible.
8  Economy / Speculation / Re: 1 bitcoin = 200k dollars on: July 05, 2016, 08:21:57 AM
Maybe it will happen in the future bitcoin is unpredictable 200k value for me is possible to happen but not now maybe in the future.. if bitcoin will grow locally every each country..
Way too absurd dude! But then again, there's no harm in being tooooo optimistic. hahaha...Think positive and think of it as often as possible. Because the universe will conspire to make your wish a reality. The more you think of it, the more it will likely to happen. hahaha Smiley
9  Economy / Economics / Re: Why have Bitcoin instead of cash? on: July 05, 2016, 08:12:45 AM
i dont think that cash will dissapear from the world completely. it is good to diverst your money. have cash but also bitcoin.
i think it will be completely possible to be honest because bitcoin will surely grow in the future and make me money
Why have bitcoins instead of cash? Surely because bitcoin amount appreciates.. Oh well it also depreciates, but that only makes it more thrilling to have bitcoins because of its unsteady characteristics. One thing is sure, if the price of bitcoin goes up, you will have a lot of cash..! Smiley
10  Economy / Economics / Re: How to save money. on: July 05, 2016, 08:08:32 AM
The best way to save your money is just have power of will, it will help you not to spend your money on useless purchases and other stuff. Everything depends on you guys.
That is what you called discipline, when you have that it would be easy for your to achieve your goals in saving money. As a discipline person, you know how to prioritize things and you will sacrifice your wants and focus on your needs more.
Actually there are many ways to save money. Buying only of things that are necessities is one way. Buying unnecessary things not only slashes your budget but also creates clutter in your house. Remember that the money you saved is the money you earned.
11  Other / Off-topic / Re: Will you quit your day job to go full time on bitcoin? on: July 05, 2016, 08:04:07 AM
Yes I will surely if I get any fixed,trustable way to earn a good amount of bitcoins for a long run...I would love to earn only in bitcoin
Same goes for me if I have a trusted investment company that will give me steady income. WHy continue working in a 9 to 5 job and go through the hassle of every day preparation and traveling just to be in the office on time. Why work so hard for your boss. Work so hard for yourself instead.
12  Economy / Speculation / Re: How many bitcoins do I need to retire in 20 years? on: July 05, 2016, 08:00:29 AM
Lets say I want to buy bitcoins today and store them for 20 years to use a my retirement fund.  Live comfortably, but don't need to buy a yacht or anything.  How many do you think I would need to buy?
I think that that is going to depend on what the price is going to be in the future so at the moment it is not save to say what is going to be enough for the future.
You will have allot of time to earn Bitcoin in 20 years so you should get enough of them.
No one knows what can happen after 20years and saving or holding on to bitcoins for such a long time will secure your future.  I suggest that you continue to earn bitcoins as much as possible as the day pass by and after 20years, I am pretty sure that you have saved enough for your retirement.
13  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin worth to you or not... on: July 05, 2016, 07:56:03 AM
Bitcoin is very much worth to me
Bitcoins worth so much to me as well because of the comfort I get from it whenever I am short of budget. I can easily convert my available bitcoins into regular money to buy the things I need or avail of any services, so I guess, yeah, bitcoins means so much to me.
14  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin or gold? on: July 05, 2016, 07:51:37 AM
I will go for 60% on bitcoin and 40% on Gold and Silver. Smiley
If you can earn both, bitcoins and golds, why not? But if we need to choose one, I would choose bitcoins for the flexibility of its characteristics. You can do many things with bitcoins unlike gold. As it is, you can already buy anything with bitcoins or avail of any services available. While you cannot do those with gold.
15  Economy / Speculation / Re: bitcoin continuous rising? on: July 05, 2016, 07:47:42 AM
it will continue rising until it is popular. and i think many will hook on it because of gambling.
Bitcoins are here to stay and I think the popularity of this currency will continue to rise. Especially that the bitcoin halving is getting nearer and nearer. You can already feel the effect of this thing to the soaring amount of bitcoins. If it reached $1000/btc, I will be dancing like crazy... hahaha
16  Economy / Economics / Re: Best way for steady income on: July 05, 2016, 07:43:39 AM
I think the best way for steady income is just diversifying your earning methods and trying more than way to get paid, trading, signature campaign, faucets, selling goods and services/skills..
For me I think the best way for you to have a steady income is to invest PATIENCE, TIME, and EFFORT in earning bitcoins. We need this three investment in order for us to raise the decent amount of bitcoins that we are wishing to have. And continously a steady income will go on and on...
17  Economy / Economics / Re: Is it better to save money or invest it? on: July 05, 2016, 07:38:35 AM
do both for the future...if you'll just save it wont grow,if you will just invest you may have nothing to spend for emergency
Agree with you sir. Have we heard of somebody that got rich because of his savings account? All those rich people have gotten rich because of their investments. Oh well, we always start with saving and then when we have enough money for a certain investment, go for it..
18  Other / Off-topic / Re: Do you actively spend your bitcoins? on: July 05, 2016, 07:34:59 AM
I actively spend my bitcoin in online shopping, buying online things like computer accessories etc and also in buying other things.
the same for me, if i have a chance i definitely spend my bitcoins online because i think it can allow you to shop really fast and really easily, thats the best shopping option in my opinion
I can't say that I am actively spending my bitcoins because I haven't reached that amount of bitcoins where I can always buy anything I want using this currency. But whenever I need actual money to buy necessities I always exchange my available bitcoins and use the money I got from it.
19  Economy / Speculation / Re: Good idea to buy bitcoins now? on: July 05, 2016, 07:31:07 AM
Buying bicoins at this time is good idea because halving is not yet over still a few days after that bitcoins price will be good to sell all of yours

Anything is good to buy before the halving, as we will surely see higher price in compare to current price, so the profits are guaranteed, so buy now if you can afford to.
When this halving thing pushes through, it is most likely that the price of 1btc will surely go up. So if your question is if it is good to buy bitcoins now, I guess it is.  But then again, we never can tell if these predictions will hold true. Gamble if you may...
20  Economy / Economics / Re: Bitcoin to be international currency on: July 05, 2016, 07:26:32 AM
then it would be taxable? and i think it would become overrated and it will decline.
Not gonna happen. If people want this to become an international currency it is because of it's good behaviors like a tax-free money, secured transactions and anonymity.

It will be only taxable if it gets green signal from Government and that is never gonna happen, so we don't  have to pay taxes on it and that is the best advantage.
don't you think that bitcoins are already an international currency??? Which ever country you are in, bitcoins are already recognised. And most people in the internet are already into it and using it. It this still does not consider bitcoins as international currency, i don't know what else to call it.
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