your SSL certificate just expired 1 minute ago ...
wouldn't be more accurate to compare by square millimeters of silicium ? number of transistors ? GH/s/Watt maybe ?
no ASIC is 6 PTH/s ... you are talking of a device with many ICs ...(integrated Circuit)
That number is 6TH/s, not 6PH/s. Think you might have read it wrong. yep, my bad 10^12 is tera not peta ...
wouldn't be more accurate to compare by square millimeters of silicium ? number of transistors ? GH/s/Watt maybe ?
no ASIC is 6 PTH/s ... you are talking of a device with many ICs ...(integrated Circuit)
he wants US to use his shitty dropbox links ... my antivirus did not seen anything wrong but why not give link to public/trustable websites ?
Parles correctement, avec ton recel tu ne sais même pas de quoi tu parles mon petit. Et retiens ta langue quand tu ne sais pas à qui tu parles
Explique donc comment tu peux vendre a perte et je retirerai ce que j'ai dit ...
Tu vends du matos neuf ... moitie prix. Pour quel raison ne le vend tu pas au prix public ?
Envoyez un mail a "vandale au top 2 skill 2" si vous voullez devenir receleur et passer 3 ans en prison :>
OVH ? lol parle en a slush, quelqu'un chez OVH a redemarré un de ses serveurs pour redemarrer en mode rescue (root) et piquer le fichier wallet.dat ... Solution anti DDoS pas au point non plus ...
la puissance necessaire depend du nombre de client et la puissance total du pool.
realises-tu le nombre de gens que tu va devoir faire venir pour esperer generer un block ? slush a 900 TH/s et genere 125 BTC par jour ...
0.138 BTC par Terahash/s
Bonne chance
j'ai eu des problèmes de manque d'inode avec BAMT sur une clef de 4 Go. un petit script à exécuter et zou cela repart... utilisée pendant 1 an environ ...
Miners takes data related to the last transactions on the network, the hash of the previous block, add some random (in brute force) and try to get a hash that starts with leading ZEROs in the resulting HASH. If enough 0 are found, (it's related to difficulty) you get a block and a reward. For bitcoin, since november 2012, it's 25 BTC+fees of added transactions.
Mining is the process of securing the transactions (by making it hard to forge fake blocks) and also CREATE the crypto currency. BTC are created ex nihilo ... but in exchange of a crypto challenge...
hope this can help you ... keep reading ...
Is it me or even if any company would ship ASIC, they would not reach a return over investment in a finite time ?
I think it's best not to buy anything anyway ...
beware : this is an obvious scam.
Previous post is really wise ^^
is you ip address starting with 192.168.1 ? With a netmask of, you need this 3 first bytes to be setup like this...
*t'as pas besoin d'une alimentation aussi ouf. *pourquoi un SSD ? si c'est pour le silence c'est rate avec les CG ^^
j'ai des riser (5) dont je ne me sers plus si tu veux.
CGMiner ou BFGMiner selon les perfs et le taux d'erreur hard que tu obtiens ...
conf un miner LTC n'est pas evident pour obtenir le rendement ideal. la 7950 est, il me semble la carte la plus adapte au LTC.
bitcoin use SHA256 twice. It is worthless for any other use than bruteforcing SHA256(SHA256())
A block is a bunch of transactions + junk that we bruteforce to get a SHA256 Hash of the SHA256 Hash that has enough leading ZEROs to achieve the required difficulty.
You cannot bruteforce SHA256 with it ...
On pourrait même comparer Mt.Gox à BFL.
Ou même à Hitler. un point godwin pour toi 
le pool de slush n'utilise plus que stratum. Go page principale pour saisir la bonne URL. met en place un proxy si nécessaire.
so you did not follow the drawing on the back(bottom)plane ? you most probably plugged 12V to the ground and vice versa ... does it smell weird ? nothing turned black ?
All my Block Eruptor stopped working 15 miutes ago for no obvious reasons ... using BFGMiner. Network on my RPi seems ok. Anyone else has issues with the pool ?