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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 💦[RAIN]💦X11💦ONLY DL FROM GITHUB!💦20,000,000 COINS BURNED!💦💦 on: May 10, 2020, 02:25:44 PM
I mention this coin in a book on staking
so get excited, pump the book and therefore pump the price

I need proofreaders

Did you write this book in like 2016? lol

You mention defunct exchanges and a price for Doge of 86 sats. This book needs a lot of updating.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [CMCN] CommuterCoin - Rebooted. A more rewarding commute. on: September 14, 2019, 01:40:28 AM
Any pools?
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] TOURIVA on: September 13, 2019, 12:19:56 PM
Hopefully the age of the chain will support our claim to being a geniune project and not some scam! Certainly if this was a scam it would have to be some sort of record holder for the longest slowest scam in history.

Another thing to consider if your going to join us is that as a low-cap coin, which has already been running for a significant time there is very little  inflation running now and any coins you obtain are not going to be swamped out by a high ROI peak 2 minutes after you buy them.

For me, the age of the chain does the exact opposite. It makes it look LIKE a scam, because who has all those coins if you just announced it? You have a mil coins yourself now? Do you have 371 mn? Nobody else is posting here, etc.

I'm interested in pow, but I didn't mine this because it's already nearly a year old and not on any exchanges, with today being the first announcement. Looks sketchy to me. Not looking for another coin to waste my time mining for it to just be dumped by the devs.

Tell me, what's the difference between a premine and announcing the coin after you mined it for a year? Like you said, it's a low cap coin. So, a million coins being in circulation for a low-cap coin that was just announced. Of course, I'm going to assume that you have them all. lol. If you don't, who does? Why aren't any of these other people posting in here? (inb4 a bunch of copper and below noobs start posting random support)

Your ann also has no links to anything but your website. No wallet, no block explorer, etc. No mention of pools. Very little content. Your website is basically the same, but at least has a block explorer and wallet link. It's almost like you don't even want miners to mine it.

You also talk so much about not being a scam that it's fishy. lol.

Most crypto scams don't make sense, so your "slowest scam in history" point is moot. "Touriva is entirely funded by donation" and "I don't take any money for this project" don't work well together. If I donate to the project, you take the money, right? It goes to your pocket, right? Sure you might invest it into the network, but you're benefitting from that too. Ultimately using someone else's money for your (and hopefully our) gain. Is that not taking money and profit?

Don't get me wrong, not saying you are definitely scamming people, or not, just explaining what I feel when I read over this thread, why I am not mining it, etc. Once I ran the wallet and seen 46 weeks, it was a wrap. lol
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ETC] Ethereum Classic: hardfork called “Atlantis” on: September 12, 2019, 10:29:33 PM
I am enraged by people who do not understand investing and cannot distinguish a question from a pump

If i were you i'd be enraged too, your scams are being called almost instantly now. There is also a new thread bumping policy which will help put away bump accounts and fake conversations for good. Oh, i almost forgot you shilled for Stellar Shark too:  Grin

During the network snapshot there will be a live broadcast with the developers, do not miss, subscribe to the social network to keep up with all the news!

#shark #xlm #xlk #lumen #stellar
I'm really looking forward to the launch of the network, I think I can earn money on this, excellent competition XLM!
Of course, I said that I am an investor, and I am humming in new currencies, and of course if I can make money, and what did I write there? What am I waiting for the launch of the network to make money !!!! Did I lie or something? Are you really an asshole or don't understand anything at all!

I don't know, he's posted some evidence, you've just posted the exact type of angry comment I expect from someone caught for scamming. Not saying you are, just giving you a third party observation. Calling him names and stuff doesn't really help your point.

You registered over a year ago, by now you learned enough to be able to spot some sketchy forks. If not, what have you been doing? You look sketchy too. Maybe you're not, but I wouldn't trust you.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [PRE-Alpha]✅✅ The future of MMORPG's🔥🌍✅🔥✅Claim your LAND🔥✅Become the ELITE🌍 on: September 12, 2019, 10:24:53 PM
Can we expect a long support and constant patches?

I'm not part of the team...

However, I am a game developer.

I'm curious, how long do you think a game should "survive" and how often do you think a game should patch?

In my experience, as the owner of a game for almost 7 years. Weekly patches are nearly impossible (without a large enough team and/or significant money) and after 7 years it starts to become very difficult to justify adding new things. Eventually, it starts to make more sense to add a new game. Doesn't it?

Paid DLCs are an option, but heavily frowned on by the gaming community. Lootboxes are a good way to earn money, but unethical.

Anyway, my point here is to ask you what you think "long support" and "constant patches" means?

This is the reason why it is economical to create a new game rather than try to maintain the old game.
I believe the "long support" that he's talking about is the unfading effort of the dev team to address issues encountered throughout its lifespan.
A team can only fulfil certain things especially if it has very small number of people working on this project.
However, updates once in a while is very much appreciated.

There will always be people that complain you don't update enough, even if you maintain weekly updates. Depending on how your updates are, people will complain you update too often because of their internet connection, bandwidth limitations, etc.

That's the issue in a nutshell tbh. It's the same on every aspect. Grind, shop mechanics, progression, etc. Some people want to be able to see endgame quickly, some people want a challenge to get there.

"It's lifespan" is what I'm talking about. What is an acceptable lifespan for a game? If I log into a 6-year-old Call of Duty, it has fewer people online than my shitty game does. Partially because they release a new game every year, partially because I don't. Either way, you can't make everyone happy.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ETC] Ethereum Classic: hardfork called “Atlantis” on: September 12, 2019, 09:58:30 PM
i dont think this 'dev' is in any way connected to the eth classic dev team???

Of course they are not connected. It's a fake hardfork/airdrop, luring people to enter their private keys with a promise of free coins. They have been hardforking Stellar/Tron/Ethereum and NEO for months now. Not anymore tho...

Here's a "friendly" bump for this brand new thread and account of yours.


@OP Every shill account posting in this thread will be -ve tagged!

remove the negativity from me

I will not remove my negative tag from your account. You have been shilling for NEO Classic, Ethereum Next and now Ethereum Classic: “Atlantis”.

Thanks, I've been away for a while.

Good to see we still have people that are doing due diligence to protect others. I was compromised by a malicious wallet in 2016, thankfully I was able to reach Theymos from outside of forums and used 2fa for the good stuff.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [SSTC] Super Stake Coin on: September 12, 2019, 09:46:29 PM
When are you planning to release wallet? Block explorer? etc.

10% premine and 20% fee?

Wow. lol
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ETC] Ethereum Classic: hardfork called “Atlantis” on: September 12, 2019, 09:42:56 PM
Looks sketchy to me.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][DOGE] Dogecoin - very currency many coin - v1.10.0 on: September 12, 2019, 09:38:26 PM
Reminiscing over the times I gambled away millions of doge because they were "worthless".

Those same doges, I could sell now and make enough to buy a house.

Just crypto things.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [PRE-Alpha]✅✅ The future of MMORPG's🔥🌍✅🔥✅Claim your LAND🔥✅Become the ELITE🌍 on: September 12, 2019, 09:37:01 PM
Can we expect a long support and constant patches?

I'm not part of the team...

However, I am a game developer.

I'm curious, how long do you think a game should "survive" and how often do you think a game should patch?

In my experience, as the owner of a game for almost 7 years. Weekly patches are nearly impossible (without a large enough team and/or significant money) and after 7 years it starts to become very difficult to justify adding new things. Eventually, it starts to make more sense to add a new game. Doesn't it?

Paid DLCs are an option, but heavily frowned on by the gaming community. Lootboxes are a good way to earn money, but unethical.

Anyway, my point here is to ask you what you think "long support" and "constant patches" means?
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Project Pixel - Blockchain Gaming Platform - PoW GPU Mineable ✅ on: September 12, 2019, 09:30:25 PM
Looks cool.

I'm interested in doing something, idk what yet, just been mining for now.

I am a game developer, but current projects are a bit much and once you mix crypto and kids in, life is hard. That said, I want to branch out from what I am doing and develop stuff I won't talk about, and I think maybe an 8-bit game would be some fun practice. I don't think it should be limited to 8-bit games, though. Is it? I think any game would be a good fit for "allows game-creators to monetize their creations with Pixel tokens", correct me if I'm wrong.

I could even, hypothetically, accept Pixel for "Bananas" which is a current web-store currency for one of my games, but Pixel has no value, but maybe this gives it value. I don't know, drunk thoughts.

where i can find roadmap this project ?
i can't see in your website ?
please detail information about this project

You can find it on first page.

what do you mean by this?

but there is no specific information about them

obviously the team wants to stay anonymous. up to you if you will join them or not. anyway, no overwhelming promises here. they will develop their project according to their pace so no roadmap either.
tired of seeing roadmap? maybe this is the project youre looking for?
but be very careful with your investments, they are not to be blame in the event that you lose here. just a piece of advice!

It's cool to see people I remember, whether they remember me or not, haha. Glad to see you're alive. You ready to get into this one?
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [CMCN] CommuterCoin - Rebooted. A more rewarding commute. on: September 12, 2019, 09:22:35 PM
No probs, thanks.

Confirmed terms with iOS and Android devs this evening on mobile app development. So, once again, we're all set...

Sweet. Well, we're stuck waiting for about 23 hrs more, but I'm watching this thread, waiting for the wallets. Planning to mine as soon as it releases.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Bitcloud 2.0 - BTDX - PoS3 - Newest Masternode Core 12.2 - Quark on: September 12, 2019, 09:19:52 PM
Does this chain even still work? Anyone doing this? Development dead? what's going on?

I have like a mil of these somewhere, lol. Useless now I guess.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [BRK] Breakout Chain | Coin Sale Complete | Multicurrencies | Gaming + eSports on: September 12, 2019, 09:17:46 PM
I was with Breakout Coin from the very beggining, playing poker on their initial platform, mining BRK etc. In the end, it seems that Breakout failed, like many were saying a long time ago. It could've been a huge success if it was develop by the right people and if it was led as a decentralised crypto business and not as a business of quick profit for its greedy leaders!

Honestly, it was never really going to work.

I think our first clue was when SIS mining really never worked, but difficulties with the poker software came up quickly. So many other issues, tbh it's not even worth listing. These guys also rarely responded in Discord.

I'm not convinced it was ever a legit project.

The thing is, we invested in everything at the time. Not all of us, but some of us anyway. We invested in all, and all failed in the long run, but the odd one made some money and that's what kept us going for more.

Would I invest in BRK again? Sure. Do I regret it? Absolutely, but it's all part of the game. The biggest wins came in the most unlikely of places.

I'm letting Bittrex keep my coins. Not even worth the effort to withdraw and track them. Write it off and move on.

I know this is a necro, but so am I. Get over it.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [CMCN] CommuterCoin - Rebooted. A more rewarding commute. on: September 12, 2019, 09:12:27 PM
Reminder to COMC holders. Last chance to post screenshots of balances. Technically we should have ended this freebie already, however we are keen to ensure COMC investors get a start on CMCN and I'm aware that a new chain slices off those who held COMC. So it's only fair. Note that compensation will be paid only once CMCN achieves a successful listing. We need to control inflation. Note also that a pro rata approach will be taken to compensation. You will not receive the exact same number of coins as you held for COMC. The reason for this will become clear when the coin launches (and if after that point it is still not clear, drop us a message via email or on Discord), so bear with us. Thanks, Dev.

I don't remember if I have any and cba to look tbh.

Just going to wait for launch and mine it, lol.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [PRE-Alpha]✅✅ The future of MMORPG's🔥🌍✅🔥✅Claim your LAND��✅Become the ELITE🌍 on: September 12, 2019, 09:11:18 PM
"Attention, these are from our game but might not reflect the quality or the final outlook of the game"
While that may be true those environments were not developed by you. The Future city screenshots are from a asset pack on the unity asset store.
And while I can't find anything like the grass lands environment I would not be surprised if that was stolen as well.

Why are you being dishonest? Is there nothing developed at the moment that you can show?
Investors beware.

Probably worth pointing out that like 99% of games are using at least some of the same assets. This is 100% normal in game development. Especially if the game is being developed on any of the open-source engines, like Unity. Also true for anything really. It's like you think this forum is anything more than a template.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] TOURIVA on: September 12, 2019, 08:58:58 PM
Didn't expect the chain to be almost a year old. 202k blocks and 371 mn, but announced today. lol
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [CMCN] CommuterCoin - Rebooted. A more rewarding commute. on: September 12, 2019, 08:36:48 PM
Will old COMC coins change to new CMCN? I can’t translate ANN.And what about the exchange VaultMeX, I have coins there, I can’t withdraw.

An as yet to be determined amount of CMCNs will be provided to COMC holders from the premine (hence why it's higher than our preferred 1% premine) and to that extent I'd already asked COMC holders to show their wallet balances via Discord. We would like to take care of COMC holders as much as we can and yes I'll be discussing with VaultMex but CMCN is a new blockchain because I want to give CommuterCoin every chance of success. I've already had discussions with another exchange which COMC was not listed on and I'm hoping that can move forward ASAP after we're live.

Windows wallet Huh

Still 24 hrs for launch
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: NatisCoin English algo X11 POW/MN - WE IMPROVE THE QUALITY LIFE OF THE PEOPLE on: September 12, 2019, 08:35:36 PM
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] 🔥 Project Pixel 🔥 - 🔥Blockchain Gaming Platform🔥 - PoW - CN Turtle v2 on: August 30, 2019, 08:43:01 PM
Marketing and exchanges cost thousands of dollars in Fiat. VPS cost Fiat to make network run. We are fronting our money in hopes we can all make something great. Less that 1% premine won't even cover giveaway let alone a single real cost. We are very upfront about all of this. It's crypto so if you don't like it everyone is more than free to move along, no one's trying to conceal anything. This is not a charity or some hobby.

To address anonymous devs,  how many projects have fake dev profiles, qualifications that are completely made up, people that are imaginary? It's an illusion that having a bunch of faces attached increases legitimacy. Depending on the crypto circle you travel in you may know who we are.

i like the direct approach here and being frank from your end. however, my only concern is how are you going to commit that you will not be MIA once you sold some of your coins when you hit in exchanges? though you can promise whatever you want or vowing not to abandon the project, but theres always no guarantee in this space, right?
am just sick of those crap projects that rip off small time crypto users by letting them in to a project that has no intentions of fulfilling their primary goals...

We'll see if it even hits an exchange, lol.

You know as well as I do that there are no guarantees. Even if he says it.
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