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1  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: wallet was closed on May 31 on: November 16, 2024, 08:43:01 PM
Hey everyone. Avysaurus, thanks for mentioning me and my service. People should get access back to their coins.

Now I entered the private key in myetherwallet wallet and it says “This is not a real” private Key”
If it doesn't let you import then you should try different wallet provider like trustwallet until you can access the account and transfer it to a different wallet. Take note that you should only use trustwallet to access your account using the private key. Trustwallet is not an open source wallet so you shouldn't use it for creating an account and storing crypto. I used it myself but only for receiving crypto until I sent the crypto to my main account. Anyway, I am not sure why it says like what you explained but if it's the private key you copiesd then you should be able to import your account unless it is not a key but a seed phrase or mnemonic phrase. By the way, is it letters and numbers or is it by words 12-24 words?.

Unfortunately this will not work with any existing wallet, because it is super non-standard multisig. TrustWallet, Electrum, Sparrow, ...., nothing.

The problem is that first key is BIP32, but the second key is a static private key. So the wallet software should iterate and derive the first key, but do nothing with the second one. That is why it is quite hard to recover, because no one else does multisig like that.
2  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Cannot send TX - deadlock after pressing Pay on: December 12, 2020, 12:20:45 AM
I can't use trezor wallet because it does not have configurable gap limit.

I don't think it being specific to Trezor plugin follows from what I said. I used a completely different wallet that signed and broadcasted with Trezor completely outside of electrum. And even PSBT signing with electrum did not work.
3  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Cannot send TX - deadlock after pressing Pay on: December 10, 2020, 06:32:31 PM
I am on macOs Big Sur, the wallet is Trezor hardware wallet, P2WKH in P2SH (3... segwit addr), no other keys were manually imported or anything non standard (except for increased gap limit).

I tried importing PSBT from Btcpayserver, that crashed the same way as creating the transaction itself.

The utxo was not 30 satoshi, I set the unit to BTC in settings.

I made the transaction with btcpayserver and their vault app in the end, worked almost flawlessly. Electrum saw the transaction and the wallet is in correct state again.
4  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Cannot send TX - deadlock after pressing Pay on: December 08, 2020, 02:28:12 PM
jackg: In latest Electrum, you cannot choose fee before, only after you click Pay, in a dialog that I never see.

ranochigo: Logs say nothing, this is the whole log after attempting to create the transaction:

20201208T141303.424938Z |     INFO | network | fee_histogram [[95.9, 103099], [80.9, 110213], [71.3, 123499], [68.5, 174551], [61.0, 147077], [53.4, 161427], [36.1, 178882], [26.2, 197312], [23.0, 223641], [21.1, 303774], [20.1, 197957], [20.0, 748258], [15.8, 313896], [10.9, 350923], [8.9, 410955], [6.1, 436814], [5.0, 780269], [4.0, 642323], [3.1, 217826], [3.0, 1511159], [1.1, 1136504]]
20201208T141303.795518Z |     INFO | interface.[] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.14.0', '1.4']
20201208T141304.027405Z |     INFO | interface.[] | set blockchain with height 660500
20201208T141304.027782Z |     INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 660500
20201208T141304.037840Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21106, 10: 68310, 5: 68310, 2: 68310}
20201208T141304.290057Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21106, 10: 68310, 5: 68310, 2: 68310}
20201208T141304.323981Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21106, 10: 68310, 5: 68310, 2: 68310}
20201208T141304.335250Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21106, 10: 68310, 5: 68310, 2: 68310}
20201208T141304.450137Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21106, 10: 68310, 5: 68310, 2: 68310}
20201208T141305.609841Z |     INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 21106, 10: 68310, 5: 68310, 2: 68310}

I also tried to load PSBT to sign from another wallet. If it includes that particular input, Electrum freezes. So it does not relate to fee calculation (PSBT should not calculate fees).
5  Bitcoin / Electrum / Cannot send TX - deadlock after pressing Pay on: December 08, 2020, 12:51:38 PM
I have Electrum 4.0.6 (same problem with 4.0.5). I have three inputs, but one of them is small (0.0003 BTC). I want to spend all of them with 1sat/vB (I don't mind waiting), consolidating them into one UTXO.

The problem is that when I enter an address, click "Max" and "Pay", I get a popup "Preparing transaction", then it disappears and electrum freezes. The problem is with the small input (when I only click the other two inputs in coin control tab and click spend, the transaction is prepared).

I guess that Electrum is in a loop, because the fee estimator cannot spend the input according to the default fee (which I want to change later, but I don't see the window). Is there a way to change the default fee somehow from console? Or is there a way around freezing electrum in this edge case?

Thank you.
6  Bitcoin / Electrum / Electrum 1.8.1 on Mac won't start when run directly on: August 30, 2013, 07:23:03 PM
I have Electrum 1.8.1. When I try to start it as a package (by clicking on the app icon in Applications folder), I see the icon appearing in dock and then it disappears without any error message or so.

When I run it from command-line like this:


it works normally.

Anyone else experiencing the same issue? How can I help debug the problem?

7  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Whitelist Requests (Want out of here?) on: March 30, 2013, 11:23:43 AM

  I would like out of here. I am a long-term member of the community, I have written several articles about Bitcoin for the past few years, I was a speaker at the London Bitcoin conference and held several presentations about Bitcoin (see here:

  It never occured to me to post on the forums before, but I want to change that. I am usually very brief and to the point.


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