What's everyone doing for Bitcoin Pizza Day (BPD) 2024? The best tagline I've heard so far is: "14 years ago, you could buy pizza for 10,000 bitcoins... now you can buy 10,000 pizzas for 1 bitcoin!" I will be at Scratch Restaurant from 11am until 1pm. This is my flagship location that has been accepting bitcoin since 2018! Then, in the afternoon, we will head to Higher Heights Fitness for a crypto 101 discussion from 2pm until 3pm. https://www.facebook.com/events/362670259601793/Hope you can join if you're near me. Otherwise, share your plans here!I don't know where you are located and definitely can not join but I can purchase at least 3 or 4 packs of pizza on that day and share with my family. I definitely will also pay in Bitcoin. Also, we usually have Bitcoin pizza contest on this forum during that period of time, so I hope you will join the contest by then. I just looked and can't find anything about this contest. Is it the thing on a discord server someone linked above from 2020?
Hope you can join if you're near me. Otherwise, share your plans here!
Wouldn’t it be streamed online or something so people can tune in and join the conversation? well... i'm ordering a pizza obviously. and the next day, for the eth etf approval, i'll celebrate by ordering another one.  and on the 24th, i'll do two hours of cardio That’s what came to mind. A great way to celebrate would be to buy some pizza (if possible with Bitcoin), and download them into one’s stomach. And if not with pizza, to make more transactions with Bitcoin. online streaming - interesting thought. I doubt I'll have a large enough crowd or interesting enough of topic for that, but I'll probably record the discussion to post. I assume there's gotta be an online stream discussion somewhere else to join on this, yes? I guess I haven't looked for anything like that in a long time. If I do post, hopefully, it gets more than 58 views like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygIfIWPvMEchaha.
well... i'm ordering a pizza obviously. and the next day, for the eth etf approval, i'll celebrate by ordering another one.  and on the 24th, i'll do two hours of cardio Hehe, a small reminder only Bitcoin lovers are allowed here so please avoid discussing the other shitcoins haha I know ETH is a good coin but it is a shitcoin when we talk about Bitcoin, Hmm I like many others as well but I try my best to avoid discussing those here in this section especially, come to Altcoin section we can have a good discussion on it and other's as well. __Bitcoinera... haha I'm sure someone from senrios will defiantly mention you on your post haha, so I thought why not to react first. Anyway Bitcoin as a payment is not efficient now, we can call Bitcoin now a good source of valuation (store of value). OP sad to say mostly members are from remote locations, many are even from different regions whising you good luck haha, even if its late. lightning network is helping bitcoin be an efficient payment method. Have you had a chance to use it yet?
We are back down to 1 restaurant location. Scratch Restaurant still holding strong! I will be at Scratch Restaurant from 11am until 1pm. This is my flagship location that has been accepting bitcoin since 2018! Then, in the afternoon, we will head to Higher Heights Fitness for a crypto 101 discussion from 2pm until 3pm. https://www.facebook.com/events/362670259601793/Hope you can join if you're near Cleveland!
The best tagline I've heard so far is: "14 years ago, you could buy pizza for 10,000 bitcoins... now you can buy 10,000 pizzas for 1 bitcoin!"
I don't try to convert Bitcoin to my local currency because you can use 1 BTC to own a fortune here in my country. Buying a pizza for 10k Bitcoin 14 years ago and to buy 10k pizza for just one Bitcoin today shows how far it has gone for the digitized currency, it is really worth celebrating because 14 years ago few or no one knew that Bitcoin will reach this height. Possibly 14 years from now again we will record another milestone that Bitcoin has achieved. The power of HODL is the key to achieving that milestone. I believe the power of SPENDL needs to take over for long term success. But HODL certainly doesn't hurt 
The bitcoin pizza day is always a remarkable celebration day in the bitcoin community, I could remember the forum member getting interviewed about how he feels that people celebrates the day he sold pizza for such a huge amount of bitcoin. The last two year's celebration was so lit with many people on social media talking about it. I guess it was because of the 2021 bull run, many people had a keen eye on bitcoin. Now the transaction fee is lesser, though not very fast, but the intuition of LN to people and store owners is also a great idea to keep them prepared against any congestion in future.
Bitcoin is not well-known in the country where I reside and no business accepts Bitcoin. Which means I will join any celebration on social media or the forum. Maybe I and a few Bitcoiners I know in my location would consider starting an event to make the yearly Pizza Day celebration. My main problem is the government's negative view of the crypto industry. I am concerned that they might see such an event as an avenue to promote Bitcoin and find it offensive. Another possible problem might be the negative perception that people who own Bitcoin are rich. People who attend such an event might become targets for scammers and other villains. these are all very valid issues. Of course you don't have to discuss how many you own, but I understand that if you're promoting it, it seems obvious that you've benefited. Best I can recommend is to have cold storage in a secure location OUTSIDE your house. It's rather ironic how bitcoin sometimes is branded as "be your own bank".... but then it's a lot of work to be your own bank... and there's a reason we have banks... it's cuz they do provide a server, haha. Anywho, be sure you put most of your bitcoin in secure storage... Anything more than you want on an exchange to trade with or in your wallet to spend. Good luck! hopefully, as more governments start to use it like currency like El Salvador, it will continue to be seen for the legitimate uses it can be in addition to the bad ones...
What's everyone doing for Bitcoin Pizza Day (BPD) 2024? The best tagline I've heard so far is: "14 years ago, you could buy pizza for 10,000 bitcoins... now you can buy 10,000 pizzas for 1 bitcoin!" I will be at Scratch Restaurant from 11am until 1pm. This is my flagship location that has been accepting bitcoin since 2018! https://facebook.com/events/s/bitcoin-pizza-day/751797533827918/Then, in the afternoon, we will head to Higher Heights Fitness for a crypto 101 discussion from 2pm until 3pm. https://www.facebook.com/events/362670259601793/Hope you can join if you're near me. Otherwise, share your plans here!
OP, I am really glad someone are actively engaging people to adopt Bitcoin and also the Lightning Network. I think the LN is key to the adoption of Bitcoin as a currency, but I think the learning curve for that, is still too high.  Will you be offering some discount for people who are paying with Bitcoin as an incentive for them to use Bitcoin as a currency? I find that a discount are one of the most effective strategies to increase Bitcoin adoption.  Sorry, never got back to you on this. Haven't had much discount for bitcoin payers; however, where I work out offers a decent discount for when I use bitcoin. This year, if anyone is willing to listen to me talk, and maybe install bitcoin wallet on their phone, I may given them bitcoin to pay for their meal in full. (while funds last). I doubt I'll empty my wallet which will have a few hundred bucks, heh.
It's that time of year to talk about our plans for BPD 2023!
Unfortunately, I haven't made any yet... but kicking around a couple options for Cleveland, Ohio, USA:
Juice Lab, Brecksville, Ohio - 9am-11am... would love to teach someone how to pay using the lightning network... I say someone, cuz my guess is that I will be lucky if I get ONE person to attend, haha.
I've had to switch from BlueWallet to Muun, and fees were never low on BlueWallet lightning wallet, and now they seem higher for the couple transactions I've done so far... not sure how much energy I have to set up my own node to save a quarter on transaction fees, but this is increasing the pressure... will it happen in 2023??? ... the years's almost half over... don't hold your breath.
Hofbräuhaus in Cleveland, Ohio - 11am-1pm. There has been a monthly meetup here with successful turnout. I've only made it twice in the past 12 months, but I may piggy back off their event in meetup group to try a lunch crowd on a Monday.
My 3 restaurants accepting lightning network is down to 2 (one closed), but I've added a barber who accepts the lightning network! We'll see if I get back to this in the fall after summer break with the kiddos.
I hope to be back with my final Bitcoin Pizza Day 2023 plans, but in the meantime, others can share theirs! Cheers!
I think it's clear why businesses want to ACCEPT bitcoin... what we need are folks finding reasons to SPEND bitcoin. So instead of focusing on a new business accepting bitcoin, try to find ways to have places you shop currently know that you would like to SPEND bitcoin there. Would a bitcoin discount, or a bitcoin rewards program incentivize you to start doing this? If you can’t find a restaurant that accepts payment in BTC, try to get a restaurant owner who would be interested in crypto. If you happen to find a Bitcoin enthusiast they would totally love to get funded through a pizza delivery. I think that will be the best way to celebrate Bitcoin pizza day.
If I ever open a shop in my neighborhood this is the first thing I advertised outside the door of my shop to further promote bitcoins in our city since it is already known here, it's better to light things up even more by doing such things because it may be the first step to push the other stores and shops to do so as well. Right now we are in the era of promoting bitcoin so that it might become one of the official currencies all around the world with less volatility and as an enthusiast you can also help on your own way.
The easiest thing everyone can do is when they are cashing out, simply ask "may I pay using the bitcoin lightning network?" If customers don't ask, businesses jave no reason to start. Now you also have to be ready to spend... which most folks aren't. If you can’t find a restaurant that accepts payment in BTC, try to get a restaurant owner who would be interested in crypto. If you happen to find a Bitcoin enthusiast they would totally love to get funded through a pizza delivery. I think that will be the best way to celebrate Bitcoin pizza day.
Welcome to every day of my life.
Haha, it worked out perfect for my kids to have cheese and me and my wife to get pepperoni  I missed the thread but already celebrated My bitcoin Pizza day cooking my Own Themed Pizza that we celebrate with my Wife with a bottle of Vodka and ended with sweet and very lovely evening as it fell at sunday and that is our Date Night. Wishing that one day i will be able to buy Pizza using my Bitcoin as there is no available in my place . Cool , the arrangement of pepperoni is indeed Bitcoin , but please before eating , arrange back the stuffs for better segregation lol.
If happens, it will be a great even on the forum. I would like to forget about it, the biggest mistake in my life. I don't want to talk about it in rest of my life if I was lazloMate, this was not a mistake and Lazlo himself doesn't consider it as the biggest mistake of his life. I have watched his interview and he said he's not regretting his actions. He has embedded his name in bitcoin as long as bitcoin lasts, as the first man to make a bitcoin transaction. Also consider this; As at when Lazlo bought his pizza, btc was worth about $0.004 and 10,000 of it should be about $41. So, it still easy for anyone to buy two pizzas with $41. Even if he didn't spend it for pizza, eventually he would have blown it on other things. 2010 (May 22) $0.004 2012 $5 2014 $450 2016 $450 2018 $9000 2020 $9000 2022 $30000 Great chart! Hope it's right. We'll see if the trend continues... Be ready to hold 2+ years before we break above 30k?
in my area there are no shops/restaurants that accept bitcoin as direct payment. but that's not a problem for me. because today I have sold a little bit of my bitcoin and and then exchanged it for money. and will buy food such as pizza and the like for small parties with the family. and of course I will slip education about bitcoin to the family on this bitcoin pizza day. because my family has started to be interested in bitcoin. this is happiness when one family together holding bitcoin  This was happiness 6 years ago. The next happiness I'm looking forward to is one family spending bitcoin... And maybe some day, one family all understanding bitcoin... haha Which will come first, understanding bitcoin or spending bitcoin???
As someone from New York I think all chain pizza is not real pizza you can get some pizza gift cards from Bitrefill tomorrow and get 50% sats back. But then you have to eat something that is only vaguely pizza like. As opposed to real pizza.  For anyone from Chicago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCgYMFtxUUw-Dave Thanks for sharing! And I love Stewart's deep dish pizza rant, hahaha. I'm half way between NY and CHI, so I eat both.
What are your plans for bitcoin pizza day this year? Bummer that it falls on a Sunday! I've only got 3 restaurants that accept bitcoin lightning network in my area and all three are closed on Sundays...  I usually end up buying 20 bucks worth of bitcoin a day, that is more than enough for a random day to be fair, because it is just one thing that we all know of but the reality is that there must have been plenty like that. People need to realize that all those times when bitcoin worth tiny cents there were tons of transactions as well. I remember back in the day we paid under 1 dollar transaction fees and it was still like 0.01 bitcoin or so, and that was nothing, today the same amount worths about 300+ dollars, if we were to spend the same amount of bitcoin. Of course we do not spend that much anymore but that is thanks to dropping the fee in bitcoin too. I'm "old enough" to remembet when blocks weren't full and we processed zero fee transactions, haha.