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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: AMD gpu on Ubuntu 22.04 on: January 08, 2024, 07:30:38 PM
Hello, i have amd rx6800 gpu and i just want to test it to mine something. The card was second hand so i want to know if it works in mining too.
I have registered on nicehash and found that no any Linux software available except dedicated nicehash distro.
As far as i know cgminer 4.9.2 which available via apt no more works for GPU.

If you dont want to use ready-made software like Hive-os etc, but would like to just install the graphics driver and run any mining program from the command line, then you can follow this recipe.  It works for my RX6600 cards.

Goto the AMD web site and download the latest driver .deb file  from

If you enter your GPU model, RX6800, then the latest version to download is  amdgpu-install_5.7.50702-1_all.deb

After this file is downloaded, open a terminal window, cd to the ~/Downloads folder and run the following commands to install driver:

sudo apt-get install ./amdgpu-install_5.7.50702-1_all.deb
sudo amdgpu-install -y --accept-eula --opencl=rocr,legacy --usecase=graphics,opencl

Then edit /etc/default/grub and add these kernel parameters to it:
Change the line where it says GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT to
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash text noapic amdgpu.gpu_recovery=1 amdgpu.ppfeaturemask=0xffffffff"
and save, then run

sudo update-grub

Then register your user id in the video group:

sudo usermod -a -G render $LOGNAME
sudo usermod -a -G video $LOGNAME

After this you may need to reboot for your system for it to register your card.

Then after that you can start looking at mining software like lolminer, SRB-Miner, Teamredminer...
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: No one talks about xmr and CPU mining anymore on: November 21, 2023, 01:16:46 PM
People are not talking about mining xmr any more.   XMR mining has been taken over by ASICs.  
There were some rumor that XMR is going to modify their mining algo sometime next year...
By the looks of it a lot of ASICs have been moved/introduced on the ZEP network recently.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: SRBMiner-MULTI AMD & NVIDIA & INTEL & CPU miner on: October 23, 2023, 02:14:53 PM
Hi doctor83.  I am mining Dynex with my 3080 GPU.
Can I use the API to change GPU clocks on the fly?
I am thinking to write a script to tune the GPU programmatically if I can use API to change clocks on the fly..
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: cpu mining Raptoreum on: December 04, 2021, 10:11:05 AM
CPU mining?
1. Have a long term perspective.  It is not going to pay back a quick buck.
2. One way to reduce the cost risk is to combine CPU mining with GPU mining.
3. Dont buy the newest parts, i.e. for mobo buy an X470 instead of an X570 if your intention is mining only, and avoid the cheap B450 boards with inferior voltage regulation.  You will want to undervolt your CPU and that requires good power delivery for stability of operation.
4. Install Linux or use Hive OS if you can.   Windows is going to want to update itself every month causing disruption.
    Find out how you can set up your rig to auto-start mining on power-on.  It is not too hard to do it.

I got two MSI mobos, B450 Tomahawk and X470 Gaming Plus Max for a good price.
The MSI BIOS is nice. It lets you undervolt your CPU at a constant voltage.   I have update both to run with latest Ryzen Zen-3s.
I have two Ryzen 3700X's.
I run my CPUs at 0.9V and for CPU mining alone the rig will consume 67-70 Watts total, mining Raptoreum at 2100 Hs/s.
Or Veruscoin at 18MH/s.
Lately, CPU mining has caught on and most retailers are sold out on the high-end CPUs.  The 3900X is the sweet spot, but hard to come by these days.  5900X would be my second choise, but also sold out atm.

5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Becareful when mining coins on: February 06, 2021, 03:43:19 PM
Agree fully.  Be careful with what you download.
A couple weeks ago I downloaded  OverdriveNTool version 0.2.9 for my RX 5700, only to find out it is riddled with virus.
After 1 day I could no longer remote connect to that rig and had to go onsite to reboot it.
Ended up having to reinstall the OS.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Desperate situation with my rig, can't see any solution!! on: February 06, 2021, 03:34:26 PM

this morning I decided to use ddu and then install drivers again.

first I put only 1 rtx 3080 and then the second one. after some minutes, decided to connect 1 rtx 3060ti, but windows and miner does not recognize it... as I had not enough time for testing, I left the 2 rtx running.

hours ago again I saw with teamviewer that the pc was not running, so rig was freezed out completely and this afternoon my girlfriend had to restart it manually (I'm not at home out until sunday)

so, as the options are limited, I think I will install an specific miner os as some of you have recommended me. any advice about that? nvidia drivers are the same? I'm totally newbie with that

then I think will try 12 hour with only one card, then will add the second and test again 12 hours

important: where could I find the phoenix miner log? in the folder didn't see it....

I have other question, that never asked before, I hope some of you can give me some info about this. The story starts so many years ago, when btc price was about 30 dollars, I started mining with 2 dual cards, the top amd cards in that moment, and if my memory is enough good today, I remember that I mined 2-3 btc so easily.

I had in my desktop the .dat file and as all people told me that was pathetic and with no future, so as I was young, finally I sold the cards and stopped mining...

however, I think I had the file renamed and with the extension .dat removed (I thought someone could enter my computer and steal my wallet) in some place in hdd. Which is the easier solution to find a file like this in a hard drive: I have tried several ways but all times without success.

The miner is likely not going to be able to log the reason for the crash.  You will have more luck looking thru the system log (use event viewer in Windows and look for hardware related events).
As for your second problem, you can download InfoRapid Search & Replace.  With this you can look for a particular file in your whole computer.  Widh you good luck!
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Rig with 4 GPU's, 2 fast, 2 slow on: February 06, 2021, 03:09:03 PM

I' ve built a new 4 GPU rig and have a weird problem with it....


Mainboard= Asrock Z490 (I had a CPU for it lying around)
CPU= i5 10400
Ram= 2x4GB
PSU= 750W Corsair
GPU's= 4x Nvidia 1660 Super (2 onboard, 2 with riser)

Now my problem is that i've got hashrates around 27Mhs on 2 cards (one in #1 pci-e 16x onboard, one with riser) and only 20Mhs on the other 2 cards (one in #2 pci-e 16x onboard, one with riser).

Things i made/tried to solve the problem:

BIOS update
installed new nvidia driver, using DDU
installed new chipset driver
enabled/disabled above 4k decoding in the BIOS
tried different miners (Phoenix and t-rex)

Nothing changed... Any idea here in the forum?!?

Cheers Hi-Fish

PS: Temps are ok

If your BIOS has an  Above 4G decoding  then enable it and connect your display to the onboard HDMI/VGA/DP  (ie on the mobo).
Also, in the BIOS, see if there is an option to select 1st gen PCIE.  I think you would have better luck connecting all your GPUs via risers.  
If your mobo has more than 4 PCIe slots, then try to use any of the other slots.
You may also  want to disable ports not in use, ie  serial, parallel, even disable USB.  I once had a heck of a time with an AsRock  Fatality Z87 board.  I got it to work with 5 GPUs after a lot of trial and error.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Any recommended guide to build a 6-rig GPU for a 1st time beginner? on: February 06, 2021, 03:01:29 PM
my 2 cents

Make two of them.

a sub 1000 $ with at least one nvidia (1060 6GB) and one amd ( rx 470 8 gb) card and mobo used, windows  
and the good one with the rest

For the good one: no more than 6 card, use simplemining, the best card value/ hash if you are able to find them, are the 3060ti.
The boxes need to remain intact as well as the bios in case you will decide to stop mining it will be easier to sell them , a 1.3 kw PSU with plenti of 8 connector ( at least 12 PCI 6+2)

With the first rig you will be able to learn software and also try  the different strategy. For example you know that today with one single rx 580 I was mining ERGO more profitable than eth ?

The good one hopefully will teach you to make calculation, understand roi, understand that few MHs make the difference and few degrees on the memories may break the cards etc and that 24/7 mining its boring but its profitable ( at Least now)
oh, and don't forget that in some countries you are supposed to pay taxes on the revenues...

This is a very good approach.  Make one good, stable rig which produces daily income and then one test rig to experiment with software and gear.   With a test rig you can cheap out on parts, even use a 450 Watt bronze PSU for 20 bucks
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Any recommended guide to build a 6-rig GPU for a 1st time beginner? on: February 05, 2021, 04:15:26 PM
at op
No.1 most expensive part will be the GPUs.  So take your time choosing.  I would go with either RX 5600XT or 5700(XT) from AMD
or 3060TI / 3080 from the nVidia side.
No.2 is PSU.  Buy 2x 750/ 850Watt PSUs instead of one single 1600W PSU.   These things are expensive.

There are a lot of dedicated mining mobos to choose from.  Or get an ASUS Prime mobo that has 6 pcie slots.
You can get Z270-Ps second hand.
Then there is a whole industry doing mining frames for GPU rigs.  You could get a Veddha or a Banggood.  Or design or build your own.   Your choice.
You need risers.  Any from version 006S and up are good.
Generally, prices have gone up a lot due to the all coin new moon season.  Even 2nd hand parts. 
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Old gen core series works for mining? on: February 05, 2021, 03:56:10 PM
Asus P5N32 E-SLI mobo here.   4GB of DDR2-667 memory and a core 2 quad cpu installed.
Works and mines fine with either Win 10 or Xubuntu 18.04.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Desperate situation with my rig, can't see any solution!! on: February 05, 2021, 03:42:27 PM
Try new risers.  Faulty risers will fail intermittently.
Your power should be fine, just make sure your 3080s dont take 300Watts each.  Dial them down to 200ish.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Motherboard wattage consumptions on: February 05, 2021, 03:37:53 PM
BTW, here are a few things you can do to reduce mobo power consumption.
1.If Intel cpu, then you should be able to undervolt the cpu.  My Has(h)well cpus are happy with 75-100mV undervolt of both core,  cache and graphics sub-unit.  You can dl the Intel XTU for this.
2.Install only one stick of RAM.  Any dual RAM module setup will likely double the RAM power consmp.
3.Disable serial and parallel port in BIOS.
4.Disable any mobo RGB
5.Avoid HDD, use SSD or USB
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Linux 18.04 for Lolminer and 5700XT? on: February 04, 2021, 08:56:50 PM
You will need 8gb to 16gb hdd or flash drive for the OS, it's your decision to pick where you want to boot from, also every other tools are available in the OS, overclocking, flash bios and others

I'd probably put it onto my spare 250 GB SSD, but I would really prefer to run it off of a USB and keep my drive somewhere else.  Do you need a USB 3.0 drive so that it's fast enough?  So you would use the OS to do the tuning instead of the AMD drivers?  Does it automatically override them or something?  Thanks for the replies.

Let me tell you.  Drop USB and go get yourself a couple of cheap SSD drives, 60GB or 120GB, new or used.  They are not that much money and will pay you back in time saved.   They are way faster and more reliable than any USB.
Dont screw around with USB, especially if you are a linux noob, its not worth it.

There is nothing wrong with running Linux OS of a usb drive unless you get those cheap/fake usb drives from china, I've been booting my mining OS from usb stock for months now and I've never run into any problems, I don't know why you are saying all this, share your experience with usb drives, you make it sound like a joke

There is nothing wrong using an USB stick if you know what you are doing.  USB is fine once you have a stable rig.
This guy is asking for advice giving away the impression that his knowledge of this stuff is basic.   If he gets stuck with some problem during software installation and have to reboot 10 times to trouble-shoot his problem, then having the OS boot from an SSD instead of an USB stick will save him a lot of time.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Linux 18.04 for Lolminer and 5700XT? on: January 30, 2021, 05:02:44 PM
You will need 8gb to 16gb hdd or flash drive for the OS, it's your decision to pick where you want to boot from, also every other tools are available in the OS, overclocking, flash bios and others

I'd probably put it onto my spare 250 GB SSD, but I would really prefer to run it off of a USB and keep my drive somewhere else.  Do you need a USB 3.0 drive so that it's fast enough?  So you would use the OS to do the tuning instead of the AMD drivers?  Does it automatically override them or something?  Thanks for the replies.

Let me tell you.  Drop USB and go get yourself a couple of cheap SSD drives, 60GB or 120GB, new or used.  They are not that much money and will pay you back in time saved.   They are way faster and more reliable than any USB.
Dont screw around with USB, especially if you are a linux noob, its not worth it.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Mining on Windows 10 and possibly fixing lower than expected hashrate on: January 26, 2021, 03:33:11 PM
I agree with you all that Linux is the preferred platform for mining.  I have used Xubuntu since 12.04 and recently Hive OS myself.
But that is not what we are discussing, unless you are suggesting this as the solution to the problem.
For my part I got a small uptick in pool side hash rate once I "fixed" Windows.  Would be interesting to know if others have made the same observation.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Mining on Windows 10 and possibly fixing lower than expected hashrate on: January 24, 2021, 03:51:39 PM
Hmm, it sounds like I'm hearing this for the first time but it's true, anyways I never like mining on windows OS for few reasons and as per hashrate issue mining on Linux OS works better and also we have hive OS and other mining OS now so I don't need windows OS, it's too buggy

To buggy for you. Please don't always generalize windows 10, if good guided people use windows, then there is no difference between windows and linux, but windows is user friendly, because most people can handle it.

Windows runs for month without restart or problems, same on linux. I need 5minutes to setup a new windows rig and i need 5minutes to setup a new linux rig

Windows forced updates ruins anything good about windows for miners.  Plus the TOS for Windows makes it a no go for me. 

You can solve that by having your miner start up automatically on reboots.  Windows update usually ends with a reboot.
In Task manager go to Startup and add a miner startup script there.  Make sure it starts in elevated mode.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: can I mining ALT Coin with PC's CPU (core i7) on: January 24, 2021, 03:46:07 PM
I have a bunch of computers all with i5  3rd and 4th gen and they mine Monero at 1600 - 2000 H/s each.
An i7 will be slightly better, especially the newer generations which have more built-in cache.
The hashrate isn't the problem, what you are making every day is where the problem lies, you can't even make 50cents mining with these CPUs so why still mining with them? Ryzen CPU are way better than other

My CPUs combined mine me 1 XMR every 160 days according to Whattomine.  I am hodling hoping that XMR will moon one day.  Besides the rigs are GPU rigs. Main crypto income is from GPUs.
Are you running on free electricity because all your CPU are outdated except the ryzen CPU only, you are running at lose here if you are paying for electricity, your i5 will give you only 13cents or close to 13 cents each on 24 hour mining, only the ryzen will give you 0.55 cents for 24hrs, what am I missing

Not free electricity, but all my CPUs are part of GPU mining rigs and the rigs have already paid themselves.  So instead of mainly sitting idle, they might as well support the Monero network with some mining :-) .  With a combined hashrate of 13-13.5kH/s they make $0.7 - 1.0 a day at current prices.
Also, I like that everybody else is dismissive and negative about cpu mining.  Means more profit for me ...
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] TeamRedMiner 0.8.0 - Ethash/Kawpow/Nimiq/Etchash and More on: January 24, 2021, 01:48:23 PM
Upgraded to TRM 0.8.0, then discovered I had to upgrade my AMD driver from 20.4.2, too, in order to get the new config mode B work with my RX5700s.
Then discovered I had to upgrade Overdriventool from 0.2.8 to 0.2.9, since the old version didn't work with the newer driver.  
I tried AMD driver version 20.9.1, since that was the lowest recommended, but found this to be flaky.  And overdriventool would not apply settings.  In the end I reverted back to AMD driver 20.4.2 and am now running the miner with A576 config on all my RX5700s.

19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Post your 5700XT Power consumption mining ETH on: January 24, 2021, 11:53:01 AM
Did you try AMD Mem Tweak XL to reduce mvddc & mvddci? Does it work?

Never tried, what I do to reduce temperature is set my fans 70% and leave my case open

It's very confusing about bios mod and memory voltage on these models, some people said that Gigabyte rx 5700xt are hard to bios mod because these cards are locked and won't turn on with biosmod, and I never find a way to reduce the voltage of ram, you can search on google and there's a lot of confusing information about

Same here, haven't managed to tweak mvddc. I get temp of 98C (Gigabyte XT), the default voltage for RAM is 850.
For some reason amd mem tweak doesn't work for me
Any ideas?

Can confirm that you can reduce both MVDDCI and MVDDC using AMD Memory Tweak XL by Eliovp.  I have 2x MSI RX 5700 Gaming X and they both work fine.
So first time you run this tool it will ask you to put your OS into Test mode.  Press Yes, then reboot.  After reboot, start your miner as usual, then start AMD Mem Tweak.  You should now be able to tweak GPU values.  The memory voltage control can be found in the lower right corner.  Reduce both in small increments (say 25 mV).  Then press the V at the bottom to copy the updated values to Powerplay tables and reboot again.  After reboot start your miner as usual and monitor.  And do write down the original values so you can restore in case things go south.  You should see the memory temp dropping in the mining software.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: can I mining ALT Coin with PC's CPU (core i7) on: January 23, 2021, 04:10:30 PM
I have a bunch of computers all with i5  3rd and 4th gen and they mine Monero at 1600 - 2000 H/s each.
An i7 will be slightly better, especially the newer generations which have more built-in cache.
The hashrate isn't the problem, what you are making every day is where the problem lies, you can't even make 50cents mining with these CPUs so why still mining with them? Ryzen CPU are way better than other

My CPUs combined mine me 1 XMR every 160 days according to Whattomine.  I am hodling hoping that XMR will moon one day.  Besides the rigs are GPU rigs. Main crypto income is from GPUs.
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