I want to inform everyone that I have some concerns over this ICO after conducting some preliminary due diligence.
I have messaged all the following information to Seb (the escrow) to consider as-well.No real 'unique' use-case & very high bounties in comparison to fixed investment rates. I'm not sure if there has been changes to the ICO structure and bounties throughout the campaign (I'm tired and not going to read through all the pages here).
It looks eerily similar to:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1778405.100 - which I was the first to speak up about when they scammed.
Same 100 BTC cap and similar systems.
Same use of escrow where funds are transferred in few hour periods to the escrow address so not always protected (the scam strategy here is to wait until a high concentration of deposits has been achieved in a short time-frame and then cancel the transfer to the escrow address).
In addition this time accepting alts which aren't under any escrow at all.
They're also using telegram instead of Slack which was used by the above and ended up being a pit-fall. Telegram is probably more anon and secure. Obviously this is no-where near a reason to suggest they are a scam by itself and there are many legitimate teams that use telegram favourably.
I messaged the team about providing identities and real-life details but they responded with the below:

Could well be legit but I would advise caution.