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1  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: 1000 BTC GIVEAWAY! From your friend rekcahxfb on: August 03, 2016, 04:01:48 PM
2  Bitcoin / Armory / Re: Will the free open source Armory wallet continue to be developed going forward? on: October 24, 2015, 01:44:20 PM
I would like to know too. Armory is great.
3  Bitcoin / Armory / Re: Armory - Discussion Thread on: February 22, 2015, 04:16:43 PM

I was testing the last version of Armory and I think this was fixed, right?

No this is still here and we don't plan on getting rid of it.

Strange. I can't reproduce the problem anymore.
4  Bitcoin / Armory / Re: Armory - Discussion Thread on: February 22, 2015, 03:06:24 PM

I have a problem:

1- I hibernate the laptop with Armory opened.
2- I back from hibernate.
3- Armory doesnt syncronize. (To syncronize again I need to restart Armory).

OS: Ubuntu 64

Nothing can be done about this. Some of Armory's stack is forced in the RAM through mlock. Hibernation copies the entire RAM into the swap partition. Since that would defeat mlock's purpose, mlock'ed memory is not copied imaged in on hibernation. Armory won't be able to recover from that.


I was testing the last version of Armory and I think this was fixed, right?
5  Bitcoin / Armory / Re: [ANN] Armory 0.93 Official Release on: February 21, 2015, 05:12:11 PM
Thanks. I love Armory wallet.  Wink
6  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: GreenBits - New snappy Android Bitcoin Wallet with multisig and hw-wallet on: February 07, 2015, 05:18:33 PM

1- I think Greenbits app should have a menu on top like the one of Strava app. See screenshot:

I would like to see on top menu an option to see the price of bitcoin on different currencies, like the bitcoin wallet app. See the screenshot:

7  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: GreenBits - New snappy Android Bitcoin Wallet with multisig and hw-wallet on: February 07, 2015, 02:42:40 PM
On transaction details I would like to see the fiat price of when the transaction happened and the price now. Please implement this. Thanks
8  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: GreenBits - New snappy Android Bitcoin Wallet with multisig and hw-wallet on: February 07, 2015, 02:40:45 PM

I received a transation on greenbits and on transaction details I see that the time that happened the transaction is different of the time here in my country. Why this happens? I live in Brazil.
9  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: GreenBits - New snappy Android Bitcoin Wallet with multisig and hw-wallet on: February 07, 2015, 02:23:54 PM
I think if someone deposit bitcoins on a 2of2 account, what is the disadvantage of NOT check instant confirmation?
I think instant confirmation should be standard for 2of2 accounts. I think the checkbox should not exist.

What do you think?
10  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: GreenBits - New snappy Android Bitcoin Wallet with multisig and hw-wallet on: February 07, 2015, 02:19:09 PM
For the block never changing: are you running in a corporate wifi that only allows https and may be blocking bitcoin?

No. I'm at home wifi.
11  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: GreenBits - New snappy Android Bitcoin Wallet with multisig and hw-wallet on: February 07, 2015, 02:09:46 PM
I enabled SPV on settings But I always see the ? with the message: unconfirmed balance and the remaining blocks for SPV verification... (number never change).
I use Wifi connection.

12  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: GreenBits - New snappy Android Bitcoin Wallet with multisig and hw-wallet on: February 07, 2015, 01:56:04 PM
I have a 2of3 account on On settings I see this message:
(NOTE: instant transactions are not available for these accounts because GreenAddress can't protect them from double spending)
I installed greenBits and selected my 2of3 account. Go to send tab and I still see the instant transaction checkbox for 2of3 account.
I think for 2of3 accounts the checkbox should be hidden.

What do you think?
13  Bitcoin / Armory / Re: Is an Armory update on the horizon? on: December 19, 2014, 11:15:31 PM
And what will be the new features of 0.93 release?
14  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: [ANN] CoinMap - Map showing places where Bitcoin is accepted on: November 12, 2014, 10:48:50 PM
I "found" this great site ( that show places that accept Bitcoin and that is synchronized with OpenStreetMaps' database.
15  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Bitcoin Wallet for Android on: October 25, 2014, 08:36:18 PM
Hi, Look the screenshot

Device: Xiaomi Mi3
Latest version of Bitcoin Wallet Android
Language: Portuguese Brazilian
16  Economy / Services / Re: [Contest] New Brazilian Bitcoin Exchange on: September 11, 2014, 11:53:10 PM
Who won?
17  Bitcoin / Armory / Re: Armory - Discussion Thread on: September 01, 2014, 10:25:37 PM
Hi, I sent some bitcoins to my Armory wallet and something strange happened.

On Armory main window I see a different Uncorfirmed value than when I click on Wallet properties window.
Obs: After some minutes the value is now the same on Main Armory window and Wallet Properties window. (But I took a screenshot when the value was different)

Is this a minor bug?
18  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: [ANN] Ninki Wallet Network: Beta Release (mainNET) on: August 15, 2014, 03:21:24 AM
Amazing wallet service. I liked it a lot.
19  Bitcoin / Armory / Re: Armory - Discussion Thread on: August 01, 2014, 01:47:33 PM
#5 is not possible in an automated fashion (at least not without trust).  If the coins can't move until they both agree, any "automated" coin return process will give one party an edge to scam the other.  For instance, if it's buyer-seller escrow and the coins are supposed to go to the seller after 30 days, then the seller doesn't have to send the merchandise -- they just stop responding for 30 days and they get the money.

If you want #5, you must include a third-party who can arbitrate.  If the coins need to be moved and one party is uncooperative, the third-party can verify the terms of the agreement and help get the coins to where they're supposed to go.


1- What I would like is a collateral incentive:
(The collateral serves also as incentive to follow the protocol (e.g. that Bob is not lazy or careless and forget to release the payout tx).

2- Question: The bitcoin protocol doesn´t allow to specify a date to automatically return the bitcoins to people that funded the lockbox? (I would like this feature, because a lockbox participant may for example, die.) But I would like to know if is possible too, have an option to (any lockbox participant) extend the term (to return the bitcoins) that "was"specified when creating the lockbox.

Sorry for the bad english. 
20  Bitcoin / Armory / Re: Armory - Discussion Thread on: July 31, 2014, 06:15:32 PM

I would like to know if Armory will implement something like:

1- I create a lockbox (2of2) (Bob and Maria)
2- Bob and Maria will simultfunding the lockbox
3- I want to see an option (If Bob and Maria agree) to be able to return the bitcoins sent to lockbox.
4- If Bob or Maria doesn´t agree to return the bitcoins, the bitcoins sent to lockbox will be locked until one of them agree.
5- I would like to see an option (when creating the 2of 2 lockbox) to specify a date to automatically return the bitcoins, if no action occur.

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