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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: UK Bitcoiners - Let's get Just-eat to accept Bitcoin on: November 28, 2013, 11:52:36 AM

Its not really an option for most businesses.

The issue with banks only seems to relate to directly setting up a bitcoin business. Using bitpay or another payment preprocessor to accept payments in bitcoin should not present a problem, especially for an established business. The argument of VAT does not apply to accepting bitcoin as payment only trying to sell bitcoin itself, and besides I've not been able to find anywhere that directly states bitcoins or "digital currency" or "crypto currency" should be treated as a single purpose voucher on HMRC's site to justify that anyway. The FOI refusals may simply be because they are been slow and don't actually have anything officially down on paper to release yet.

It's a well written article and I don't doubt that many of those problems exist, but there is a bit difference between operating a business and accepting bitcoins as payment and operating a business to deal in bitcoins.
2  Economy / Speculation / Re: Final Price of bitcoin to stabilize at? on: November 28, 2013, 11:34:10 AM
We should be looking to measure its worth in trade value in the future, not against another currency.

I'd be more interested to know how much in bitcoins people think we will be paying for a loaf of bread, wedge of cheese or pint of milk in the future.
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Need to switch to mBTC soon on: November 27, 2013, 01:15:43 PM
No one can dictate what all the exchanges and wallet software providers will do, so a variety of approaches will be tried.

This brings risk when a user accustomed to a particular decimal point location switches to another client.  A user in the habit of typing "100" for 0.1 BTC may accidentally overspend by a factor of 1000.

So we should advocate software that provides customizable transaction/fee size limits and warnings, regardless of whether there is a choice of btc/mBTC/uBTC preference.

We need warnings such as:  "You are asking to send 270 BITCOINS but you have requested alerts for payments over 2 BTC.  Previous payments to this payee have not exceeded .5 BTC (500 mBTC)."

And:  "You have not included any decimal point in the amount of this transaction.  Do you really intend to send 527 BITCOINS?"

And enforced limits such as:  "You have specified a 0.5 BITCOIN FEE for this transaction.  Your maximum fee setting of 0.5 millibits currently prohibits this."

(To limit such risks, one should of course keep higher balances separate in cold wallets.)

It would be useful, at least for the foreseeable future, to include a fiat amount akin to bitcoin wallet on android. I can enter the amount I want to spend in either and it fills out the approx. amount in the other field. If someone is buying a bar of soap and fills in 0.5btc and see's the gbp amount of £281 they are going to think twice before hitting send.
4  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: [WTB] BTC for GBP - Fast UKBT or PPUSD on: November 21, 2013, 05:32:18 PM
Thank you very much Craynon, no fuss transaction and polite and friendly service.
5  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: Criticize my tamper-proof paper wallet design... and steal 0.1 BTC if you can. on: April 23, 2013, 11:53:59 AM
The calibration didn't align the front and back 100%. I used Zoom: 3, Shift: 7 if that helps anybody else.

With any combination of zoom/shift settings, did you manage to get the calibration page to print out perfectly *centered* (horizontally centered, that is?) That's the factor that influences how accurately the front/back line up. For zoom 3 / shift 7, what browser / OS were you using?

If anyone reading this thread is scratching their heads, this is what we're talking about:

So far I've had the best success with Safari, pretty good with Firefox & IE, possibly some problems with Chrome.

Any chance there will be an option to specify the size? Would that mess up the Zoom/Shift settings? I think it would be cool to have it the same size as paper currency, but I suppose paper currency has different sizes throughout the world.

Not yet. I'll think about that some, like a "master zoom" function. However the resulting wallets wouldn't size properly for the tamper-evident tape I sourced -- so you'd be obligated to use regular tape.

Using Chrome / Windows 8 printing on a HP CLJ, the zoom and shift didn't seem to do anything at all, but the extra bleed on the back was adequate to make it a reasonable fit, here is the bleed after been cut with the details from the calibration page behind, maybe it just needs extending on that leading edge at the right of the picture

6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Britcoin on: June 08, 2011, 08:57:37 AM
Its redirecting to a dodgy holding page and the registration information was just updated today. I would say either the domain was sold or hijacked
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Official Bitcoin Unicode Character? on: July 19, 2010, 11:27:24 AM

The strike across 8 seems easier to write.It also doesnt resemble the dollar sign.

double lines?

8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Official Bitcoin Unicode Character? on: July 19, 2010, 09:20:55 AM
How about the number 8 with a slash through it?Like this

8 bits=1 byte
UTF-8 (which uses one byte)  
8 is the luckiest number with the chinese population.
8 is an infinite closed loop like bitcoins.

It is similar enough to a B but it differs from the baht symbol.

Also $ symbolises a broken monetary system while a closed 8 is  not broken.

My only concern with the slashed-8 is that at first glance it looks a lot like slash-S $.  S and 8 are only one small line apart, and putting the line down the middle makes them look even closer.  That, and an 8 would work better for Bytecoins than Bitcoins.

Perhaps with the vertical line at an angle instead?
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Nenolod, the guy that wants to prove Bitcoin doesn't work. on: July 17, 2010, 03:17:15 PM
nope, hes the Technology Director at SystemInPlace Appears to be a hosting company

I would guess that if he doesn't manage to break the market, he will find something useful to do with it that will benefit him and probably bitcoin as a whole (though maybe not all individual users of bitcoin).
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin mobile. on: July 17, 2010, 09:29:24 AM
The biggest problem I foresee with a mobile client having thought about it, is that you could loose a certain amount of anonymity.

If the carrier knows your location and can recognise or at least guess at certain traffic been bitcoin, then when you start the app to make a transaction to another mobile user in the same location it may be possible to tie the two together.

The same even goes for using a mobile website. I think ideally you need something like Tor running on the device to avoid the such a problem, and it needs to be running all the time really or your internet activity when you fire it up for a transaction will be a dead giveaway.

Of course this is only a significant problem when bitcoin gains enough of a foothold to cause governments to take notice, and hopefully by that time it will already be to late  Cheesy
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Why another surge in interest? on: July 14, 2010, 03:54:57 PM
It hit reddit a couple of days ago too:
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin mobile. on: July 14, 2010, 09:25:03 AM
I'm working on something like that, for iPhone, but not really for generating, more for spending.. the problem is it's really hard to type in a bitcoin address on that little thing.

QR codes have been proposed as a solution here.

This was my first though too, it would be nice if someone was able to do this for the android as well, especially when it should be very easy for the QR integration with the zxing library.

I dislike the idea of using a third party site myself, at least at the moment. I would much rather carry around a wallet on my mobile device.

A mobile client would really be a great bump to bitcoin overall, been able to go to large group events (LUG event, Con's etc) where there may be opportunity to make real world transactions in front of people who might otherwise be unaware of bitcoin, especially if they could download a app there and then and get involved.
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