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1  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] Official Shareholder Discussion Thread [Moderated] on: May 19, 2014, 09:09:13 PM
My guess for the connected dots:

Hashfast have discussed changing their battle plan, in the form of mass-producing chips only and let other companies handle the boards and end-users.

Ken bought the chips from Hashfast and perhaps plans on continuing the trend with future chips.  Become the middle-tier and sell direct to customers.

Does this make sense or am i completely off the mark?  I haven't kept up on Hashfast news for a couple of weeks at least, but if their company is in the same position, this is a possibility.

PS: 100+ TH now.
2  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] Official Shareholder Discussion Thread [Moderated] on: April 15, 2014, 08:56:33 PM
Stuart, while I do agree that Simon is being a little over-dramatic about all of this, and I can see he's rubbing people the wrong way, I want to play devil's advocate for a sec:

This isn't just about the most recent updates relating to our shares, this is about the culmination of update after update stating that we will have shares within a week, or two. Or soon.  You can't deny that we've heard this over and over. It gets old after a while, and eventually it will push people like Simon to go beyond idle threats.

We all knew from the beginning that our shares did not grant us voting power for decisions made within the company.  We don't have the power to argue any business decision Ken makes. The only thing about ActM that we SHOULD have control over are our own shares. The ability to sell if you don't agree with the direction Ken is taking, or to buy more when you feel confident in the company.  Simple as that.  

That's why if anything, these shares need to be given back to shareholders as soon as possible.
3  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] Official Shareholder Discussion Thread [Moderated] on: April 14, 2014, 04:45:08 AM
I'm sorry I have no idea why this is even an issue at the moment.

The best possible solution would be to have a decentralized system that is widely accepted and used for our shares to reside.  Since that option is currently not available, we have a choice between 2 centralized exchanges.

CT have no volume. I mean literall NO volume. Not just ActM shares, I mean they barely trade in any security on that site. It would be a waste to host our shares there in the meantime.  Even if you intend to hold those shares long, what if by some bad turn of events you would need to sell in order to get coin quickly? Even that would be impossible on a website that hardly deals in any volume.

Havelock on the other hand do appear to be the current go-to location for commodity exchange.  They hold multiple securities, all of whom do decent volume.

What is the concern?  Does havelock have KYC/AML identification rules in place? Other than potentially becoming the next BitFunder (which to be honest I feel CT has as much of a chance of that seeing as they may not even be making profit).

My vote would be Havelock in the meantime, but obviously it would be best with an accepted and popular decentralized solution in the long-term.
4  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] Official Shareholder Discussion Thread [Moderated] on: April 02, 2014, 07:39:24 PM
Banana for scale, please. For the skeptics.

Someone is definitely a Redditor!!

Lol at this point in time it's more likely that someone is a Redditor than not.
5  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] Official Shareholder Discussion Thread [Moderated] on: April 01, 2014, 05:25:12 PM

It was actually because it didn't start with [WTS], I think.
6  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] Official Shareholder Discussion Thread [Moderated] on: April 01, 2014, 04:43:24 PM

Some advice.  Familiarize yourself with Reddit.

Posting the $1499 special there would probably help get more visibity.

For sure a post on would be appropriate.  You could also post in /r/bitcoinstocks, /r/bitcoin, /r/cryoptocurrency for starters.

The people who read this thread are those who already have vested interest in the company. This could help spread the word to potential new buyers.
7  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] Official Shareholder Discussion Thread [Moderated] on: March 28, 2014, 06:00:09 PM
/lurk mode OFF

Without more definitive proof that we actually have a machine and buyers are actually purchasing it, all I can do is refer to past history when passing any judgement.  So far I have seen half-truths, contracted-out hashpower, and no visual evidence aside from an empty garage with some empty workbenches.

That in mind, I hear about the sold-out in-stock product and I'm not convinced.  At this point I won't be considering anything to be "good" news proof of a product is definitive.  I'm talking about pictures or video of a working ASIC and an objective review from an actual buyer.

Don't assume I'm a troll here.  I am simply being cautiously optimistic, and I wanted to voice my concern.

We're in a bit of a catch-22 right now.  We all would like access to our shares whether or not we intend to sell immediately, and I believe for the majority it's "the sooner the better".  The problem is if Ken follows up the news of sold-out product with more news that we will be trading again very soon, I will be highly suspiscious of his motives until I see the definitive proof of product that I mentioned earlier.

Ken.  It doesn't take much time or effort to point a camera at the product.  Perhaps a photo/video of the monitorwhile the unit is hashing away, as well.  If there truly is a product for sale, it would be in your best interest to show that to us.  Hell, if I were in your position and had these units ready, I'd be quite proud of that accomplishment and would be chomping at the bit to show it off, wouldn't you agree?

- Effayy
8  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] The Official Active Mining Discussion Thread [Self-Moderated] on: November 28, 2013, 01:28:26 PM
I'm guessing VE got bitcoins in the first place to buy meth online... seems like the typical druggie type...

But I would like an update from Ken please - December he's supposed to start shipping, and he's already supposed to have test chips in hand. Updates have been extremely thin and they are borderline overdue now.

Announcements will officially be overdue on Sunday. Just a little more patience, and I'd say we have reason for concern if Sunday/Monday comes without word.
9  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] The Official Active Mining Discussion Thread [Self-Moderated] on: November 28, 2013, 07:02:35 AM
chairforce1 will also buy 10,000 of your shares at .0001

Willing to buy 20k at .0001
10  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] The Official Active Mining Discussion Thread [Self-Moderated] on: November 28, 2013, 04:06:45 AM
Normally I don't think much of VE, but here he is actually talking sense. come to think of it, if eASIC are on time Ken could actually be keeping profits to himself.

Now we are getting to the point where there are no more excuses. Ken you need to start talking.

He said that he would make an announcement in November.  He also said that he would release financials on Nov 30th.  I'm going to assume he's making that announcement on the 30th as well.  Can we at least wait until Sunday before acting like clingy girlfriends here?
11  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] The Official Active Mining Discussion Thread [Self-Moderated] on: November 23, 2013, 06:42:54 PM
After consulting with minerpart I will report these threats to blackmail and extort money from companies on Bitcointalk to an FBI Field Office.

We believe a crime has already been committed, but if this poster actually proceeds to Troll because no money has been paid to him, then certainly things will be serious enough for an investigation.

I will start a thread to collate the relevant posts and if anyone sees any Trolling from the member 'pankkake' after today can you please quote them on the thread which I will link to here:

This is a terrible idea. I think it can be filled under "wasting police time" and that can come with hefty fines.

It is not wasting police time in the slightest. If you think a crime has been committed then you can of course report it to the authorities. If you lie about what has happened/report it as worse than it was in order that they take it on as a case, and then it becomes apparent that you've lied, THEN you are wasting police time (and likely a couple other things).

You are not wasting police time by reporting something that turns out not to be a crime. The general public is not expected to know the ins and outs of criminal or civil legality.

Either way, can we just let cooler heads prevail and chalk this up to someone attempting something he found humourous (which wasn't really all that funny) and just leave it at that? I highly doubt he expected to actually generate revenue from the stunt, and he's well aware that it takes 5 seconds to ban him from the thread altogether.

How about we ALL just give this shit a rest and focus on something more constructive.
12  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] The Official Active Mining Discussion Thread [Self-Moderated] on: November 23, 2013, 04:25:21 AM
Cross Posted Here from "Hire A Troll"


Any bitcoins sent to 1EpdhQNyr2H288XXaiT7ho7vg1qHHLg8hq will count towards the Make pankkake stop posting Fund.

This entails all Bitcointalk posting, IRC on any channel having bitcoin in its name, same with subreddits (though I have no reddit account, thank god), etc. Since most of this activity is public, it is very easy to check.

Current price is 0.1337 BTC per day. For example, if 0.1337 BTC is sent, I will have to shut up for at least 24 hours - any slippage is considered void and I have to redo it.

I have a lot better solution which will put an end to your business.  Send 1 BTC a day to  1DJpsvnM7xTnQbWEhLYyCyfxQyxwupEzCa for all the problems you have caused or I will give away this solution to any one that wants to make you STFU.  I will be deploying this in our Active Mining thread soon and you will see what it does.

Ken are you simply talking about banning him or some news that you think might silence the troll(s)?

13  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] The Official Active Mining Discussion Thread [Self-Moderated] on: November 23, 2013, 03:19:31 AM
Thankyou. What's your public address?  This means a lot.
I doubt this is 4realz but this gave the motivation to put what I had in mind for a little while in writing:

lol! or, you know, there's that ignore button that's free to use. Wink
14  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] The Official Active Mining Discussion Thread [Self-Moderated] on: November 19, 2013, 09:53:02 PM
So if the 1.4k BTC (or a portion) are still with us then when is the best time for Ken to convert to FIAT?

We could have got 800USD last night for them, 500 this afternoon or 700 now. Tomorrow or in a few days they could be back in the 3-400 range.

Any thoughts on this.

Or next week they may be worth $2,000 each.

Exactly.  I'd say a rise has more merit than a fall next week, too.  After the US senate hearings (which are quite positive by the way), investors will be more at ease to step in, and those who may have heard of Bitcoin but haven't done any research may now start to invest as well.  Give it a week for that new money to pass through the system into a position where Bitcoin can be purchased, and boom! Smiley
15  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] The Official Active Mining Discussion Thread [Self-Moderated] on: November 18, 2013, 07:25:04 AM
Why doesn't Ken point all the prototypes towards our TEAM AMC?

If I had to take a guess, it's because we're not to be given any information on the prototypes at this time, therefore even having them hashing on a known address would be giving away too much info.
16  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] The Official Active Mining Discussion Thread [Self-Moderated] on: November 16, 2013, 04:27:19 PM
Well if that's the case, I'll put out an offer that if you have 30k or less shares in ActM and want to sell the lot, I'll buy them for a price of .0001 btc / share.

So 1btc = 10k shares.  That's a 100% markup on the current hashrate value. Smiley

The thing you need to take into account is that most people holding the shares are waiting for the eASIC chips.

I assume any shareholder that was invested based on our current hashrate has already jumped ship.

My point is that if we do not get eASIC chips soon and bring our hashrate well above 20TH/s then a fair value for our shares really is 0.000015 or less.

EDIT: Re-revised number!

Current hashrate makes 10 bitcoin per week, Lets average this out over the year and expect perhaps a total of 150 Bitcoin to be mined at current rates if we get no more miners.

(150 bitcoin mined over a year) / 10,000,000 shares = 0.000015 per share.

oh I agree. I just noticed that there were no buy offers on the table, so I threw one up, even if the odds of it getting filled are next to nothing. Smiley

17  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] The Official Active Mining Discussion Thread [Self-Moderated] on: November 16, 2013, 04:18:44 PM
I will feel sorry for the people who buy from you. Greed is a dangerous thing. Karma will always have the last laugh.  

Don't worry no one will be buying any shares until we have an exchange.

The market price is still under 0.002 and to be honest all of our shares are currently worth about 0.00005 at our current hashrate.

If we had 10% of the hashrate by January then 0.01+ is certainly a possibility, unfortunately we cannot predict what our projected hashrate is going to be due to super quiet Ken.

I personally think 3% is reasonable due to the fact that Ken is ok selling several of those 24TH/s units. If he is so confident he can ship more than 6 of those then we must easily be able to get over 100TH/s online. But maybe Ken is lying? Maybe first batch only has enough chips for half of one 24TH/s miner? Then why is ken selling machines he can't ship till batch 2 or 3?

Well if that's the case, I'll put out an offer that if you have 50k or less shares in ActM and want to sell the lot, I'll buy them for a price of .00006 btc / share.

So 1btc = 16.666k shares.  That's a 100% markup on the current hashrate value. Smiley

(Edited to reflect drawingthesun's revised number)

18  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] The Official Active Mining Discussion Thread [Self-Moderated] on: November 15, 2013, 03:30:16 PM
can I ask when are ActiveMining dividends due? I haven't received any for a while now... Huh

Dividends have been halted.

To clarify: suspended until a new method of exchange is worked out, at which point all accumulated dividends will be distributed accordingly.
19  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] The Official Active Mining Discussion Thread [Self-Moderated] on: November 14, 2013, 05:10:25 PM
Isn't the 20TH/S supposed to be up by now?  From now on I will refer to Activemining as LabKen...

If you want to call something late, then do so - there's no need to associate ActM with LC. At the very least, you've had phone calls with Ken - you can't say the same about Fabrizio or Samuel Noi or Armando or whoever is running the Labcoin 'operation'.

I agree with this. Although Ken may be tight-lipped on his operations and stage of development, he has always been out in the open and accessible. Comparing him to a (practically confirmed) scam is offensive.

Regardless of your opinion on how he is running his operation, I think we can all agree that it's not a scam.
20  Economy / Securities / Re: [ActiveMining] The Official Active Mining Discussion Thread [Self-Moderated] on: November 06, 2013, 04:31:45 AM
Step-By-Step Guide to Tendering Shares to ActiveMining

So I figured I'd do this for those who have absolutely no idea.  I realize that most of us DO know what we're doing, but there's no point in having people left behind because they're too afraid to ask.

I use bitcoin-qt for my Bitcoin dealings. I don't have much trust in the online wallets at this point, so I'll provide steps based on what I know.  If you would prefer to use another wallet, do your research and don't be afraid to ask questions to determine if it is right for you.  For example, make sure you can sign messages from whatever client you intend to use.

Part 1.  Bitcoin-qt

1. Google for and install the official bitcoin-qt client on your computer.  In fact, just to save you some time, go here:

2. Once the software is installed, run it.  It will create a local wallet.dat file for you among other things.  This wallet.dat file is what stores your bitcoin addresses, balances, etc.  Never lose this file.  This is important.  You lose the file you lose your Scrooge McDuck riches.  Simple as that.  Also note that the client will start to download the entire blockchain.  It weighs in at 10+ gigs right now. If you have a terribly sucky low-bandwidth cap service from your ISP, just bear in mind that this could up your numbers.

3. First and foremost. SECURE YOUR WALLET!  Here's how...

     - Under the "Settings" menu item, click "Encrypt Wallet"

     - Enter a passphrase.  This is possibly the most important password you'll ever enter. Please ensure it's STRONG.  10+ characters, random letters numbers and symbols. add caps.  For example:  "yT658!{93%$#uyhgjKIyshI"  ... Write this down somewhere and keep it safe!

4. Go to the "Receive" tab.

5. Click on "New Address" at the bottom-left

6. Enter an appropriate name for this address so you know what it represents.  When you click Ok, a new address will be generated for this account.

7. You should now see the account you created with it's address in the grid. Congrats.

Part 2.  BitFunder

1. Log in to

2. Go to "Settings" in the upper-right hand corner.

3. Under "Public Bitcoin Address" on the right side, copy and paste the newly created address from bitcoin-qt into the new address field.  Double-check to ensure you're copying the right address!

4. After saving the public address, click on the "Transfer" menu item on the left-hand menu.

5. Enter the appropriate information on the transfer screen. make sure to enter ALL shares you own of ActiveMining into the "Share Amount" field.  no use in keeping any of them around BitFunder now.  Oh, I already tendered mine, so sorry for the sloppy paint job. Worth a chuckle at least, right? Wink

NOTE: make sure you get the user name correct!  It's "AMC-TENDER". No spaces!

6. Once you click the "Transfer!" button, that's it that's all.  make sure you get your info right before you click.  If your palms are sweating, good!

7. Click on the "Transactions" menu item. You'll see the latest transaction history menu item reads "Send Transfer To: AMC-TENDER" along with the number of shares you transfered.  TAKE A SCREENSHOT OF THIS PAGE AND SAVE IT!  The entire browser window.  ALL of it. Include the blue bar at the top too with your username.  This will be helpful in case there are complications in the future.

Well that's it.  Message signing was already covered, and we don't really have official word on what to do yet from Ken, so just complete this guide and hang tight for more info when it's time.

Hopefully this helped a few of you anyway.  If I missed something, let me know.

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