hi friends, am i able to convert dogecoins from my old freedoge.co.in acc to freebitco.in?
i was trying from freedoge.in, also made confirmation with mail and was waiting 1 week, but nothing happend.
Definitely. When you visit the Freedoge site, you'll see this: You can withdraw your Dogecoin balance to your wallet or ask for it to be converted to BTC and credited to your FreeBitco.in account. i have done everything, nut i am not receiving anything
hi friends, am i able to convert dogecoins from my old freedoge.co.in acc to freebitco.in?
i was trying from freedoge.in, also made confirmation with mail and was waiting 1 week, but nothing happend.
if you think, you got scammed and you have enough prove, open Scam Accusations against him/her and leave negative trust, hope it will helps you a little, here is the example how to open Scam Accusations thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=240849.0good luck...
I dont really understand why are you loosing while trading for two years. trading need big knowledge and practice and i dont know how good you are in this and that why i cannot tell you why you are loosing and give you advice quite or not trading, but i hope my experience will help you a little.
i am poker player and i am playing very often and every time i am playing it for fun or like a sport and i am not just trying to win much money faster, i am winning almost every time, but every time i have no more money and trying to win some, with my last cents, i am loosing.
i want to tell that psychological factor is one of the main thing, when you are doing something: if trading is your main income and you havenot any other job, it will be very hard to make profit, because every time you are losing, its impacts on your nerves and you are trying to win more and more to return your lost, as soon as possible and its make you lose everything. But if you will make trading like a hobby and will trade for fun with the money, witch cannot harm you, when you lose it, you will reach better results.
i hope i was understandable
wish you more luck and big profit...
(p.s please dont tell me that poker and trading isnot the same and its difference, because in this situation, i have written, i am 100 % sure they are the same, if you are doing it like pro, and not just like trying to be very lucky and become rich in 1 or 2 hour ),
სალამი, გილოცავსთ ახალ წელს, მრავალს დაესწარით, გისურვებთ ბევრ ბიტკოინებს და ფასის ზრდას  დაახლოებით ერთი წელია სტატუსის ამაღლების ახალ სისტემაზე გადავიდნენ, მერითები თუ არ ააგროვე, სტატუსი არ მოგემატება, https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2818350.0 ესაა დეტალური თემა და გადახედე. წარმატებები...
I deposited 0.04 Dash yesterday, but coins still didn't come. How long this process takes usually? User id 10779429
and why you deposited dash in freebitco? its bitcoin faucet and you can only deposit only bitcoins, i am sorry but your dash are lost. next time be careful while deposited somewhere and be more attentively good luck Have you ever pressed Deposit button? You can pay with altcoins yes friend, i know it, but pay with altcoins is different then deposit, you said that you have deposited Dash and its mistake. next time be more clear and understandable please if you need our help.
I deposited 0.04 Dash yesterday, but coins still didn't come. How long this process takes usually? User id 10779429
and why you deposited dash in freebitco? its bitcoin faucet and you can only deposit only bitcoins, i am sorry but your dash are lost. next time be careful while deposited somewhere and be more attentively good luck
i think it will be better if you will wait, because i think soon prices will began increase. its true, no one cannot tell 100% what will happens with market, but just trust your intuition.
wish you good luck and good profit
User: lenoli Postion to Apply: Hero Member Posts Start: 1311+1 Address: 14Ljrm9jKEQbs7STspmSrAUggqbE5cxEmp
i want to participant in this signature campaign...
i am off from this "amazing" signature campaign.
you can delete me from list
i am sure btc willnot fall down to 10 000$, so its very good time to buy, soon it will start rising, you may lose max 700-800 $ but dont risk any more and buy it now.
good luck, hope you will make good profit...
sorry for tour lost, but yobit is the worst exchange site with the worst support and admins, they are stealing peoples money already long time. i dont understand why people are promoting this shit site in this forum and why you are using the worst exchange for trading, there are several good trading sites with good platform and more trusted.
anyway, hope you will return your lose money
good luck...
Next days in other forums or facebook, twitter, there will be thousands topics of selling Merit :|
I need 10 Merit to become a Member :|
you can just try to make good and constructive posts other members will give you merit for it. Merit system was just created for it, try hard and you will succeed good luck...
did you get your investment back or not yet? i am happy, that i have only 3 antminer s9 snd 2 rig of rx 580 also, i was going to build at least 1 rig of gtx 1080ti, but i think prices are too high for now and i stopped thinking about it for now I still need to work it all out, I also have 5x L3+, 3x(+1) M3, 8x 1080 Ti and a S9 on the way. I've been spending on new ASICs from what I have earnt i think you are risking too much, i am trying at first to get my investment back, and after it, reinvest from profit, i know its less effective but i have guarantee income and less chance to lose my money Never invest more than what you can afford to lose. This money came from peer 2 peer lending interest, but now I am planning on holding coins so that I can cash out when required, like when buying a house. you are absolutely right. ok, thanks for pleasant conversation. hope you will reach your goal soon. wish you good luck and good profit
did you get your investment back or not yet? i am happy, that i have only 3 antminer s9 snd 2 rig of rx 580 also, i was going to build at least 1 rig of gtx 1080ti, but i think prices are too high for now and i stopped thinking about it for now I still need to work it all out, I also have 5x L3+, 3x(+1) M3, 8x 1080 Ti and a S9 on the way. I've been spending on new ASICs from what I have earnt i think you are risking too much, i am trying at first to get my investment back, and after it, reinvest from profit, i know its less effective but i have guarantee income and less chance to lose my money
did you get your investment back or not yet? i am happy, that i have only 3 antminer s9 snd 2 rig of rx 580 also, i was going to build at least 1 rig of gtx 1080ti, but i think prices are too high for now and i stopped thinking about it for now
the same thing was happening to antminer D3, in the beginning D3 was very profitable but difficulty was rising very fast and soon it becomes useless, for now, D3 is giving 3-4 $ in a day, i think the same will happens to A3 too, so i prefer to invest my money in other things then buying A3, also i think the price of this antminer is very high as price of D3
anyway, i wish you luck and hope you will get your investment back soon.
happy mining...
რა მაინტერესებს იცი? signature რატო არ გაქ? თვეში 4000 ლარია არაფრისგან.
რომელი signature campaign ნახე თვეში 4000 ლარი რო იყოს, ჩვენც გაგვიმხილე რა  თუ ერთი 0 ზედმეტი მოგივიდა ეგ კიდე შეიძლება 
How can i buy right laptop under $700
can i buy a laptop with below specs:
Core i5 CPU 1920 x 1080 screen 8GB of RAM SSD Storage instead of a hard drive. 8+ hours of battery life
what are the other things i need to checkup ?
this is very useless information, because it determined witch i5 is it, witch ssd and so on, because some i5 is better then some i7 or some i5 is less then some i3, the same is on SSD and Video card, so give us these info in detail and we will advice you better good luck...
Amount needed: .1 btc Time needed: 15 days Return amount: .112 btc Intrest rate: 12% in 15 days Collateral: 5700 kapu coin
Need a escrow if a deal is to be made
you are alt of this user: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1683954there is the prove: Loan Amount:.1 btc Reason for Taking out a Loan: Personal reasons, you can get to know about it if really needed Amount to be repaid: .112 btc Repayment Date: 2/10/18 Type of Collateral: 5700 kapu coin Bitcoin Address:1LMcXMC7cP2Dkrz5gBUQSbZnDfMagkDF3r
Bitcointalk username: jho214 Amount of btc needed: 0.07 Reason: going to trade Repayment amount: 0.09 Repayment date: 2/13/18
Bitcoin address:1LMcXMC7cP2Dkrz5gBUQSbZnDfMagkDF3r Collateral(if any): Genesis mining account with 7.7th contract and 30 my ethereum (2k in contracts spent)
providing same btc addresses while requesting loan, and in a both situation, you are trying to provide scam collateral, i am advising to all stay away from you.