Holo fuel is not really generated at the origin but transfered to the host by someone else. That other part it is either a developer that previously purchased it at an exchange or in the reserve.
Maidsafe built their own forum where the community tends to hang out. It's always lively there, especially on Thursdays when the updates come out. I am pretty sure most project gave up on weekly updates long ago due to the bear market.
What does it mean if in my Owallet Unbound ONG is switching from 2.2 something ONG back to 0.00004 and than back to 2.2 something? Strange
The upper moon near the jupiter ring got re-orbited into the lower traction of the 3rd planet, aligned with Silberts Vision this resulted in a shortage of ETC on the sellside and thus naturally moved the price upwards.
As we come closer to the new year, I’ve been hearing a lot more conversations from the mainstream media about UBI and it’s acceptance as a solution for a future financial crisis. Will eosio have code written in time to implement UBI in case this happens or not?
There are really a lot of developers on BCH from various team. if Bitman will fire his developer (and this is only a rumor) it will be a damage, of course, but nothing of terrible.
Bcn will not be back in binance and most of us don't care for it to be back on binance, there are better options such as being listed on Dexs.
I am sure there will be many projects will switched from eth to the waves. No need to struggle with Erc now. Liquidity is one of the problem should be achieved first.
I believe the neo ecosystem is expanding and their dominance will grow. Especially with switcheo introducing more official USD and future fiat pairs and going cross chain with ETH, hopefully more users and volume will come which may in turn start changing the market dominance for neo / nep5’s.
Bitcoin is a store of value and speculations like gold. for every day it’s still useless especially due to high fluctuation. Monero is for privacy payments, but it’s still for geeks mostly. Stable coins are great for b2b payments. I have various partners, former I paid in BTC. but moved to stable coins on eth blockchain. The main reason it’s always predictable rate.
All still depens on btc price and total mc at this point, obviously a lot of tokens / projects are already out of business cause of current market conditions, icon still delivering and is very much alive so that’s a good sign, 2020 icon could reach 10dollar easily if the market recovers and the products has it first commercial adoption.
It is clear that usage cannot be used instantly. After the Golem API was released on the Clay Golem, one can make an implementation like this in the Golem. Please remember that the products made by the Golem are very complicated and the Golem also pays attention to safety and security. More cases will come but it takes time so please be patient. Slowly but surely win the race. Clear use cases cannot be added instantly. After the Golem API was released on the Clay Golem, people can build implementations like this in the Golem.
Who pays the interest for ETPs locked in wallet? ("Lock your ETP for a number of blocks and earn interest."). Is the 20% reserved for interest coming from pre-mine or tied to mining rewards?
Everyone, just a general announcement, please be aware and careful of potential scammers: things like “selling LRC for big discount”...if it sounds too good to be true, it likely is  . Stay alert! In fact, this is a big part of what Loopring solves - if someone wants to trade with you, use upwallet.io or other non-custodial solutions! If they refuse to, well, it’s because they can’t scam you that way.
Definitely Horizen is a work in progress. Working to get fully decentralized as quickly as we can get the software developed to do so.There will only be enough unstaked Zen in circ by Q4-2019 to satisfy very few buyers. Every buyer will aim for a sec node at the very least. Look at what dash achieved last yr with less than 8mill circ supply.
I would be more excited about Waltonchain's IoT + Blockchain tracibility solution being applied to different industries around the world. Especially the appllication in smart cities as the development of 5G technology.
Veritaseum displays an inertia that is simply not present in any other ICO I am aware of. Selling gold at spot to joe public is a masterful marketing plan especially when costs are mitigated by bulk PM purchases.
I don’t work for ICON, but it’s not a coincdence that ICONLOOP existed before ICON ICO and they haven’t used much of their ICO funding, while expanding the team many times over.This can be outside investor (very likely) who believe in icon.
My bet is when Golems API is released, or Golem Clay, which comes gradually from upgrades to Brass. Developers can then start to build applications on Golem itself, therefore allowing endless computational possibilities.
Any dev view on why ASIC resistant algos are chosen? For me it doesnt make sense at all from a security standpoint. We need as much electricity to be spent, as efficient as possible, in order to keep the network security there. What if someone, over night, break the ASIC reistance of Ravencoin and gets majority of hashing power?