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1  Economy / Reputation / Re: Bitcointalk user Joerii passed away... on: September 16, 2023, 02:47:56 PM
To be honest, I don't know him, in fact I didn't realize that he had handled several campaigns to the extent that he was active as a forum user. But however, it is always sad to hear that someone is die and leaving his wife and children without proper financial provisions. Of course, everyone is afraid of this, but as a fellow user of the bitcointalk forum, I also express my condolences to him.

However, the question that may be right now is not the amount of donations the family received, but whether the Joerii family also managed to gain access to a number of Joerii crypto storage wallets?

As far as I know he wasn't a "big roller" in crypto, he had a family to support, a mortgage to pay, etc. We never talked about money, as I said, he just liked to be part of it, "being in the crypto game". Just earning his money, being creative with a team of people (see first link in opening post).

And right now, nobody is earning the money for his family.

For me, it's pretty much the same, crypto didn't make me rich but it got me into a job I wouldn't be in without the existence of crypto.
2  Economy / Reputation / Re: Bitcointalk user Joerii passed away... on: September 16, 2023, 10:51:52 AM

Yes, the Gofundme has reached the expected amount to cover some initial costs. But to stay in their house, a little more (around €32.000 more) is still needed, so it's still open for donations.


I don't expect to find donations on a forum where everyone is pretty much anonymous but every Euro counts...

I don't understand why they only put €16,000 as a goal, then, and not €32,000, I guess with the emotional shock they didn't think about it properly. Don't they accept donations in Bitcoin, apart from gofundme? For a previous forum member I suppose it would be logical but I imagine that the wife or the person who organized the gofundme may not have a clue.

The goal is €50,000
But you're probably right, for a lot of people bitcoin and crypto is still very vague and unknown.
I imagine GoFundMe has, in some way, have to make sure they know where donations are coming from, so an anonymous currency doesn't really work out that well. Donation under €2,240 (per donor) are tax-exempted in The Netherlands, so as long as each individual donor stays under that amount, the receiver doesn't have to pay taxes. Over €2,240 it's 30% iirc.


I remember that he manage one campaign here before that offers highest rate among all campaign's except Chipmixer. Mintlayer ( is the campaign I was referring. I didn't manage to join on this campaign since I'm enrolled on different campaigns but I'm sure that participants of his campaign will remember him since he offer a high paying campaign that time without a problem.

@Turing, Do you knew hum personally? Condolence to his family.

I spoke to him on Telegram a lot, he always had ideas and was very creative, driven and he really could organize something and keep his promises.
Honest and generous too, not really caring about money but more about "being part of the game" in general.

I'm not saying I was among his best friends but we got along fine and had many things / interests in common.

"De mortuis nil nisi bonum", the Romans said. But about him, I couldn't think of any negative.

3  Economy / Reputation / Re: Bitcointalk user Joerii passed away... on: September 16, 2023, 10:28:39 AM
I do not know him, probably because he was not that active again after August 2017. May his soul rest in peace.

Me neither, probably for the same reason but I felt a little sorry for him because he looked young. In the end, Bitcointalk is like life itself, with the only difference that we don't see each other's faces here.

I see the gofundme has exceeded the expected amount already, at least it will help the wife and kids a little with material issues. May he rest in peace.

Thank you.

Yes, the Gofundme has reached the expected amount to cover some initial costs. But to stay in their house, a little more (around €32.000 more) is still needed, so it's still open for donations.

Quoted from the article in "Noordhollands Dagblad":

Zijn familie is nu een inzamelingsactie gestart. Doel is om vijftigduizend euro op te halen. ’Joeri was de enige kostwinner van zijn jonge gezin. Joeri heeft twee jonge meisjes die voor de rest van hun leven zonder hun vader moeten. We zullen als familie er alles aan doen om te zorgen dat zijn vrouw opgevangen wordt, financieel geholpen wordt, en wordt bijgestaan in iedere stap van dit gruwelijke verwerkingsproces’, aldus de tekst bij de inzamelingsactie.


His family has now started a fundraising campaign. The goal is to raise fifty thousand euros. 'Yuri was the sole breadwinner of his young family. Joeri has two young girls who have to live without their father for the rest of their lives. As a family, we will do everything we can to ensure that his wife is taken care of, is helped financially, and is assisted in every step of this gruesome recovery process," says the text of the fundraising campaign.

I don't expect to find donations on a forum where everyone is pretty much anonymous but every Euro counts...
4  Economy / Reputation / Re: Bitcointalk user Joerii passed away... on: September 16, 2023, 09:53:36 AM
I do not know him, probably because he was not that active again after August 2017. May his soul rest in peace.

Not sure where to post this, "serious discussion" seemed the most fit.
You supposed to post it on reputation board. Move it to reputation board. Just scroll down on this thread, you will see move topic, click on it and move it to reputation board.

Thank you, I have moved it.
5  Economy / Reputation / Bitcointalk user Joerii passed away... on: September 16, 2023, 09:29:19 AM
A few days ago I got the news that Bitcointalk member Joerii (Joeri Pross) passed away, leaving behind a wife and 2 young kids.

A lot of you may have known him as he was one of the "oldbie" users on this forum and community manager for a lot of projects, like Factom.

He went missing august 30th and his body was found september 2nd.

As stated in the second article, there's a "GoFundMe" started for his wife and kids.
Already 585 donations have been made and €18,315 has been raised.

~ Turing

6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [PHR] PHORE BLOCKCHAIN - Private Decentralized Marketplace & Ecosystem. POS/MN. on: February 09, 2021, 10:12:25 PM
Best time to buy Phore is now.

Once the snapshot period starts, it will be expensive.

Already 50% up since this post.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [PHR] PHORE BLOCKCHAIN - Private Decentralized Marketplace & Ecosystem. POS/MN. on: February 08, 2021, 07:17:57 PM
Best time to buy Phore is now.

Once the snapshot period starts, it will be expensive.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: SilentNotary The 1st Blockchain Notary Company in the world! on: January 27, 2021, 03:52:45 PM
Very good, I missed the exchange, I have my SNTRs in my ETH address and they seem to be worthless, could someone help me update my tokens...I can't find a definitive information on how to do it.

Too late. The team f*cked us over by not updating this topic and not letting us know they're moving to another blockchain.
Many of us don't look at Twittter...
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 💎[ANN] Graphene [GFN] 100,000+ TPS💎Sharding • CASPER • Golang • eWASM • dAPPs on: January 13, 2021, 01:37:54 PM
The price of coins has dropped a lot. I don't know when it will be able to revive.

Graphene isn't even in circulation yet.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 💎[ANN] Graphene [GFN] 100,000+ TPS💎Sharding • CASPER • Golang • eWASM • dAPPs on: January 06, 2021, 11:47:25 AM
I recently just joined the discord channel and can say this is growing into a nice little community. I can only see this project booming. Its the most promising new project I've seen since my late inception into the crypto space. Am I right in thinking that full programs will be able to run on the chain? not just financial transactions?

yes, your correct, one of the biggest use case will be DeFi
There is an article called "Phore Synapse — The Future of DEFI" and another called "How Phore will lead the DeFi industry", they are both speaking about Graphene
Take into consideration that Synapse was the old name it was recently rebranded to Graphene.

"If DEFI is the heart of Crypto, and Phore Synapse is the future of DEFI, then by extension Phore is the future of Crypto."

I remember those two articles impressed me a lot at the time and I continued to follow the team's developments until the new rebrand in Graphene.

I think this is just the beginning and just today the price of PHR has gone up significantly.

Let's hope this is a sign of things to come, looks to me like a there was a few bulk buys.

People are starting to belive in the project

When the dates for the snapshots are announced, that will boost the price.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Reflect.Finance - RFI | Frictionless Yield Generation. Hold and Earn. on: December 16, 2020, 08:56:50 AM
The Black Hole has surpassed 500,000 RFI today and keeps growing!
We have now officially less than 9,500,000 RFI left in circulation.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Reflect.Finance - RFI | Frictionless Yield Generation. Hold and Earn. on: December 13, 2020, 10:34:33 AM
Let's reflect:

- price is $2.80 and that's 2800% up from $0,10 on november 30th
- that makes that we have a $23 million market cap
- we passed the 5,000 wallet mark
- we passed the 3,500 Telegram members mark
- 1,697,744 RFI have been paid out in fees, coming from trades and transactions
- the "black hole" already holds 496,777 of the 10,000,000 supply and keeps growing and compounding
- we are cloned at least 20 times but nothing beats the original and our fast growing community
- we set up a community treasury to move RFI forward with development and promotion
- all treasury donations are converted into RFI
- new integrations, projects and platforms using RFI are coming

Please join the friendly RFI Army on Telegram!
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: WAVES - Complete Blockchain ecosystem for a token economy on: December 12, 2020, 06:37:20 PM
YES keep deleting posts that tell the truth of this fucking bullshit ongoing project.
real fair.  Roll Eyes  Roll Eyes  Roll Eyes

This thread is unmoderated.

Only Bitcointalk mods can remove posts.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Reflect.Finance - RFI | Frictionless Yield Generation. Hold and Earn. on: December 10, 2020, 01:24:56 PM
So there are no ICO, no pre-sale, and no fundraising of any kind. So what are the ways to get this tokens? Only RFI Yield Farming?

You can buy at UniSwap.

After that: just hold them in your wallet and see the amount of RFI grow.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Reflect.Finance - RFI | Frictionless Yield Generation. Hold and Earn. on: December 09, 2020, 11:10:27 AM
Dylan Carter on the dynamics and economics of the RFI Black Hole:
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Reflect.Finance - RFI | Frictionless Yield Generation. Hold and Earn. on: December 06, 2020, 07:30:12 PM
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Reflect.Finance - RFI | Frictionless Yield Generation. Hold and Earn. on: December 05, 2020, 09:32:13 AM
The yield in fees for the first week is ~ 5.85% for your total stake in RFI.

So if you held 1,000 RFI for 1 week, you would now have 1,058.5 RFI and that keeps compounding.

This 5.85% depends on the amount and size of RFI transactions,
so in the near future, with an increase in transactions, this can go up even higher.
How much is the yield for the second week?

Didn't make the calculation for the second week but it should be ~ 0.4% per day based on what I read in the Telegram group.

Price is at $0.45 range, up 450% from $0.10 last weekend so in $ it's going even faster.

Current price:
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Reflect.Finance - RFI | Frictionless Yield Generation. Hold and Earn. on: December 02, 2020, 05:58:44 PM

The black hole already holds 4.77% of all the RFI in circulation and close to 720,000 RFI in fees has been redistributed to RFI holders!

And we're only ~11 days old  Smiley

The evil black hole consumed another 4,000 RFI today, now holding 4.81% of all RFI.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Reflect.Finance - RFI | Frictionless Yield Generation. Hold and Earn. on: December 01, 2020, 10:13:00 AM

So uhh, the scheme roughly goes like this: 1% of each transaction is set as a transaction fee, which 99% of them will be distributed to each token holders, and 1% of that (on other words, 1% of 1% of every transaction) will be burned. Thus, the burning rate is 0.01% of every transaction?

0.047% and growing Wink

Ok, but the percentage of burned token were from the 1% transaction fee, right? Wouldn't that mean the more it grow, the less amount of token a holder will get?

The size of the black hole doesn't affect the amount of fees you receive for holding a fixed amount of coins. It only affects the amount of coins in circulation, that decreases after every trade or transaction.

If you hold 10,000 RFI it's always 0.1% of the total 10,000,000 RFI, so you will always receive 1 RFI for every 100,000 RFI that are traded or transfered.

Ofcourse your stake will grow too, compounding to it, but I didn't take that into account to keep it simple Wink

I don't think I get the number for blackhole. The RFI distributed from the entire tx fee were divided proportionally to each holder according to the amount they hold, correct? If we may use easy number, let's say there were only 2 holders of RFI, 2,000 RFI and 8,000 RFI. So A will be entitled to 20% of stake and B, 80%. Suppose there were 100 RFI transferred or traded, this will brings us to a situation where A will be entitled to 20 RFI and B 80 RFI, am I correct this far?  Where is the allocation for blackhole, then?

The black hole is a "holder" too, there's just no known private key to recover the coins.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Reflect.Finance - RFI | Frictionless Yield Generation. Hold and Earn. on: November 29, 2020, 09:07:45 AM
The RFI black hole already holds over 471,000 RFI tokens and keeps expanding,
 decreasing the total amount of 10,000,000 RFI in circulation with every transaction.

What is the rate of token burn and where does the amount generated from? The 1% fees were distributed entirely to holders, wouldn't that mean there were no other token left to be sent to the blackhole (nice address, by the way)?

The rate of burn is now 1% of the transaction fees that are burned in a (472,000 / 10,000,000) ratio.
Fot the first week that was about 3,300 RFI tokens a day that are burned, but that has decreased for obvious reasons; more people are holding their stake.

The future is hard to predict; the black hole grows, holding a bigger stake it will eat up a bigger chunk of the fees.

But when price goes up, you can expect more but smaller transactions, so the burn may actually slow down.

Holding RFI has 2 advantages for a holder: receiving fees + deflation

So uhh, the scheme roughly goes like this: 1% of each transaction is set as a transaction fee, which 99% of them will be distributed to each token holders, and 1% of that (on other words, 1% of 1% of every transaction) will be burned. Thus, the burning rate is 0.01% of every transaction?

0.047% and growing Wink
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