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1  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Do you consider OKpay to be trustworthy? Why or why not? on: February 27, 2015, 12:40:28 PM
Necropost  Grin
Guys, anyone fund OKPAY with bank wire ?

Good day, i can help you with some information abont it. Please specify which information do you need.
2  Local / Бизнес / Re: Okpay, Liqpay и политика AML ( Борьба с легализацией дене&# on: May 24, 2013, 08:29:39 AM
Что вы хотите сказать вашей темой? Да это требования нашей платежной системы совместно с Liqpay и W1.
Каждый пользователь при совершении депозита через систему Liqpay или W1 предупрежден, что переводить средства далее на обменники или биржи запрещено. В связи с тем, что Liqpay/W1 - это кредитные карты, а перевод с кредитки на обменники = 90% скам.
Вы хотите подискутировать дальше, продолжайте. Обсуждать с вами условия использования смысла не вижу. Использование наших услуг сугубо добровольное.
3  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [Resolved] Caution about OKPay [Turns out they're probably fine] on: May 24, 2013, 08:01:18 AM
OKPAY Inc. is a BVI registered Company. Legal documents can be found online on our website:
According additional verification documents request these are the requirements of our Financial Services provider - Mayzus FS Company.

Mayzus Financial Services is registered in the United Kingdom as an independent organization under the number 06721866. Registration number 12492642. Legality and security with Mayzus Financial Services are guaranteed by several international documents such as the Anti-Money Laundering Act, the license of Financial Conduct Authority of Great Britain (FCA), and by its membership in the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT).
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: A successful DOUBLE SPEND US$10000 against OKPAY this morning. on: March 13, 2013, 10:25:08 AM
Yes we resolved this situation.
5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: A successful DOUBLE SPEND US$10000 against OKPAY this morning. on: March 13, 2013, 09:49:16 AM
This is not the way to do customer service. If not this incident, I don't know when they start to care me and return me the BTC.
The payment has been successfully completed

Yup the "duplicate" payment has been payed out and thus the amount of 64 BTC was put on hold before user agreed to return the faulty payment. So everything could be solved much faster and easier by contacting support. I suppose it's always a tempting to try to get away with something that not belongs to you.
6  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: OKPAY lowered Bitcoin processing fees! on: February 06, 2013, 07:10:43 AM
Bitcoin processing restored. All deposits were completed automatically. If you're still experiencing any issues, please create a support ticket and we will look into it.
7  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: OKPAY lowered Bitcoin processing fees! on: February 05, 2013, 01:09:31 PM
thanks  Cheesy
I will announce as soon as it is resotred
8  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: OKPAY lowered Bitcoin processing fees! on: February 05, 2013, 12:28:29 PM
Yes we do. Bitcoin processing is under tech maintenance and will be returned back online shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause you.
9  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Do you consider OKpay to be trustworthy? Why or why not? on: January 17, 2013, 11:32:42 AM
P.S.  I did also see a couple of reports online from people saying they got locked out of their merchant accounts after building up large balances... So maybe they are not trustworthy to hold large amounts.

Hi guys, let me assure you that the only ones complaining are real scammers that got busted by our security dept. As you know such people will do anything possible to discrete our name except providing required documents/proof/etc. Nothing to do with bitcoin thought. You can stay unverified as long as you use your 300 EUR monlthy limit or approve your account and get full access.
Don't understand what's the deal with website anyway. Does it look legit? Nope! haha. most of the info is outdated there and why even trust such resources? When you can get all the information from the first source.
Stephen Gornick is right, identification is required if you are going to use bank or related services.
10  Economy / Service Announcements / OKPAY lowered Bitcoin processing fees! on: January 17, 2013, 09:51:09 AM
Dear Clients and Merchants, we are pleased to announce that bitcoin crypto-currency processing fees are lowered to 2.5% for a deposit/payment and 1% for a withdrawal.

OKPAY is offering one of the most simple and user-friendly bitcoin processing services that are getting even cheaper now! Convert your bitcoin to real USD/EUR/etc. currency hassle-free in seconds; start accepting bitcoin crypto-currency along with the regular payment options and instruments available with OKPAY right out of the box!
11  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: fraud or not? on: August 18, 2012, 07:32:23 AM
yup. you can use liqpay to deposit funds to your okpay account directly!
If you will run into any problems with our certified exchanger - contact us as well, we will try to assist you with that matter. If we will keep receiving complains for that exchanger it will be removed from our partners.
12  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: fast way to deposit money from btc or mtgox to => okpay on: August 17, 2012, 02:35:12 PM
Hi to everyone Wink
Deposits are instant, after 6 confirmation you are able to access the deposited funds. If there is any sort of delay, please do not hesitate to contact support team at
13  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: OkPay Deposit pending? on: August 17, 2012, 01:16:15 PM
Deposits are instant, we require 6 bitcoin confirmations to complete the transfer.
14  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: OkPay Deposit pending? on: August 17, 2012, 01:14:13 PM
Dear customers, Bitcoin processing has been restored and now fully functional. If you still experiencing any issues please PM me or contact support team directly at We will be glad to resolve your issue.
Thanks  Wink
15  Economy / Service Announcements / Bitcoin >> OKPAY deposit price drop! on: August 03, 2012, 11:27:19 AM
Dear forum users and guests, we are dropping deposits (and payments) fee on the Bitcoin-to-OKPAY to 5.5% at a current market rate.
Keep tuned! Cheesy
16  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: OKPAY is scam (probably not) on: April 17, 2012, 08:13:00 AM

Well, at least now you have your DNS configured with SPF properly (and thus the next attempt if there is one will likely go to my spam box):

Yep, thank you!
17  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: OKPAY is scam (probably not) on: April 16, 2012, 08:56:00 AM
Why can I encounter with the “OKPAY is scam” information?

As we have already stated our policy in relation to any illegal activity (scam, fraud, phishing, money laundering) is very strict. We value and protect our honest and decent customers; we do not tolerate the violation of the safety and rights of the OKPAY Community.

Therefore all sorts of hackers, scammers and fraudsters that got banned by the Security Service are trying to compromise and falsify the information and spreading various rumors about "okpay is scam", "okpay is closing", etc. These rumors are without any foundation and are aimed only at discrediting the name of the Company.

The situation is exactly as described. Security department found illegal activity (fake documents and money laundering case) in order to resolve the situation and clear the transaction a scammer was asked to complete verification steps.
18  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: OkPay does not deposit my money transfer on: November 25, 2011, 11:54:21 AM
I'm from Germany. I first transfered money to my TradeHill account with SEPA transfer. Since they disabled this way, I tried OkPay.

I transfered 20,87 Euro from my german bank account to my OkPay account at 31. of October. After a few days the money reached my account in OkPay successfully.

So, I started a new money transfer the same way as before, but with a rather large amount of 998,00 Euro, at 9. of November. It didn't reach my OkPay account up to now.

After about 7 days I wrote the first support message to OkPay, after about 9 days the second, and after about 2 weeks the third. No answer by OkPay up to now on any of this messages.

The comment field (for reference) was correctly filled in. The email support works, because I got an answer to a question to currency exchange.

The account is not yet verified. But I have uploaded my copy of my identity card some weeks ago. So they know me, but they do not verify me.

The last message of them, with regard to my verification, was on 15. of November:
Thank you for contacting OKPAY support!
Your account will be reviewed soon,

I'm angry about this behavior. Who can help?

There were no support tickets or emails from the email address client used regarding the wire transfer.
(However we have phone and Skype support that can be also used when immediate attention required)
Regarding the verification: an email was sent requesting to provide a proper proof of address. In order to complete verification client need to click on "Request verification" button on the "Verification" page Cool
19  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: OKPAY accepting bitcoin as a deposit method on: November 24, 2011, 08:30:50 AM
Stn that's weird..what email address did you reply to?
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: OKPAY accepting bitcoin as a deposit method on: November 23, 2011, 02:37:59 PM
TradeHill will take OKPAY transfers directly.
molecular TradeHill should have the information on their website
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