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Service charged 0.5%, not a 5% fee.
Also, it did not provide services in IIRC. Just telegram, web and mobile application.
I will give other details, response later.
Due to my background in software development and telecommunication, I was introduced to Bitcoin at the very beginning of its existence when nobody could imagine how important it may become in the nearest future. Learning about bitcoin in the late 2010, I was actively mining by Febrary 2011. Since 2013 my partners and I started to mine professionally in partnership with such companies as Bitfury, AsicMiner and Bitmain. Together we have built a great team of leaders who relentlessly work to make our customers successful. In 2013, I had predicted the MtGox exchange failure, 6 months before it actually happened ( MtGox followed the same path as a few other Bitcoin exchanges before them. The failure of Bitcoin exchanges made me think. What was the root cause of these failures? What needs to be done to avoid them? How users of exchanges can be protected from such events? Since then, my team and I have analyzed numerous failure scenarios, including a simulation of a hacker attack by the exchange owners and operators, and we found a solution that allows us to operate a bitcoin exchange in a highly secure manner. Step-by-step we will introduce our strategy along with the working exchange platform. In addition, using our previous experience in software engineering, we are determined to provide the best user experience and productivity exchange to our customers. Our product roadmap includes the following essential features: - All pairs are be based on Bitcoin Cash - No User funds blockage for uncertain time or due to regulation issues - Best user experience on various software platforms - Extremely low transaction fees - Deposit/withdraw through p2p Telegram bot - Unprecedented referral bonuses. It's a great chance to make money! We are actively looking for beta testers! During beta testing, exchange will operate free of charge, with great bonuses for bug seekers.
What are the differences between “Altcoin” and “Forkcoin”?
“Altcoins” are not duplicating balances of bitcoin users. On the other hand, “forkcoins” are duplicating balances, and in order to access your early coin accumulation, you need to use same private keys, which were used before the “fork” release. Significant difference is focused on the ability of including capitalisation of “fork-coins” into capitalisation (i.e. market price) of the bitcoin.
Our solution
We suggest to make a decisive step towards Bitcoin future, with the help of “Hard-fork”, which can be carried out anytime and is not limited with certain dates or other party’s opinions.
Issues, related to up-scaling of the network are being solved by implementing all best achievements, which created in “altcoins” As for decentralization - it is being achieved by changing the hash-algorithm (Triple SHA256, for instance) for graphics and based mining and with a future opportunity of using various gadgets at the same time.
We had to stick to the original ideas of Satoshi Nakamoto, as best as we can, where it is possible. On this stage we upgrade at least 2 elements: decentralized mining, based on GPU-type graphics card, which provides way more secure network and less risk of attacks. Clients (i.e. software), which are written by different teams provide less risk of having mistakes in a bitcoin code.
Entire balances and private keys of users must be saved. Economic model should remain the same. (Coin generation, 21 mil coin limit, etc.)
Bitcoin should obtain all the best, from “Altcoin” !
There are a lot of great improvements in “altcoins”, which are oriented on an anonymity, speed of transactions confirmation and efficient history storing. Unambiguous, clear list of what needs to be included is not formed yet, and will depend on developers.
We support any “fork-coins” which are oriented on an up-scaled Bitcoin available for everybody.
Our initiative is non-commercial. We do not receive any profits from “fork-coins” at the same time, with different technical specifications.
How do we expect it to develop?
Nowadays , we have such parties, as: Bitcoin Core, Bitcoin Unlimited, “altcoin” developers.
Step 1.
As soon as the hard fork takes place, new Bitcoin costs < 0,000000001$. But, generation and exchange process can’t be stopped, and it would probably be hated by Blockstream/Core, which would give us advantage. Even if they are not reacting, it is still a win-win situation for us.
Step 2.
This reaction varies, and changes the price of the new bitcoin up to 1-10$. Carefully will join such parties as: “Bitcoin Unlimited”, “Classic” and “XP”, because they truly realize the essence of changes. Without “HardFork”, they simply act in a standby mode. Now, they fully implement code into real life. Also a few alternative “clients” appear which are not supported only by us, and as a consequence, the whole Bitcoin software is gradually improving in terms of reliability. “GPU” miners are also joining, because such activity as mining now provides a level of income which can be compared to Ethereum/ZCASH and potential rate growth predicts huge profit. Huge bitcoin owners will also join, because their ownership over 10-100k gains tangible value.
Step 3.
Rate grows up to a couple hundreds of dollars per new bitcoin. “Altcoin” developers are joining - a lot of them couldn’t notice how promising was the old bitcoin, and as a consequence - they left the project. Huge Bitcoin owners, such as Winklewoss brothers become more and more interested in it. Mining activity is also profitable and leads to even bigger exchange rate for new coins in the future.
In my opinion, “Forkcoin” capitalisation will be equal to an old coin in about 2-3 years.
Return free network transactions!
Due to our calculations, which will be published later, bitcoin is being on the increase and a certain part of transactions will be included into blocks without any commissions. Even though, we’ll need fee for the major part of the transactions in order to have “spam” protection.
In case you are...
Developer. You have an opportunity to have a direct influence on future bitcoins technical realization.
Investor. On initial stages, “Forkcoin” would be drastically undervalued. As for the future - the new bitcoin would push the existing bitcoin. There are two options. First, is to buy bitcoin now and after the “fork based activity” total evaluation of all forks will exceed current evaluation. Second option is to buy only “fork-coins” while they are cheap, and observe how they develop.
Miner. Mining activity would be available on affordable equipment, such as graphics cards and miner can actually influence on various key-decisions through “forks” development.
Feel free to:
Leave your comment below. Support the initiative by donating here: 14XVzyqpKqvELQAwDrhSmhMBf3GCfQdS7Y Share this initiative with everyone, who cares about bitcoin Take part into software development for a new “Forkcoin”
Please visit our page at
Кто-нибудь видел Dragonfly вживую?
на берегу Средиземного моря, это где-то в Алжире?
Да, все вакансии ещё актуальный. Особо интересны специалисты по ремонту РЭА.
Let me share info about quite useful bot for telegram. It will notify about any new incoming transaction to bitcoin address after 1 confirmation. Just enter address (with label) and it will start work.
Какие требования к сис-админам по линукс?
Требования разные. Присылайте резюме, будем рассматривать.
Я думаю монтажников в датацентре не так уж и много.
Ремонт плат - нам выгодно отправлять их в другой город. Потому что сейчас мы отправляем в другую страну. Есть задумка сделать круглосуточную слжбу управления и слежения за оборудованием. Предпочтительно что б в ней были люди из разных часовых поясов. Для тех вакансий, где необходимо непосредственное участие, у нас налажена работа вахтовым методом (по 2 недели). Транспорт оплачивается, проживание предоставляется.
svetoch, про Хабаровск нам особенно интересно. Позже распишу более подробно.
Рабочие, инженеры и менеджеры в крупный датацентр. В связи постоянным расширением необходимы сотрудники со следующими навыками: - Монтажники - Монтажники-электрики - Системные администраторы linux - Инженер по ремонту сложной РЭА (вычислительной) - Разработчики ПО.
Датацентр находится на юге России. Для некоторых вакансий есть возможность работать удалённо (ремонт, системное администрирование). На постоянную работу или подработку. Все условия работы обсуждаются при собеседовании. Если заинтересовало, присылайте резюме в личку.
Поделюсь кофе: Вы можете обналичить чек в Telegram боте @BTC_CHANGE_BOT командой /cashCheque. Код: X4LZUAY7212FY5T8EQ3JPV
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no one will give or share a working prototype of a .3 watt chip.
If I had some in hand I could sell them for 1,000,000 usd
Frankly the .3 watt chip may be like unobtainium. The rarest of all elements a little humor for a sat afternoon.
As of today no one has shown that they have a .5 watt chip maybe the sp30.1 from spondoolies can do it maybe not.
My current, not so good 40nm chips run @.63 watt Maybe you are right, maybe not.
Good luck with your venture, but I'd imagine that a company with engineers smart enough to make a chip with this level of performance would also have worked out a design for a cost efficient system. Your pricing ratio presumably doesn't include the costs of PSU's?
You are little bit wrong about smart engineers. It is like producing devices and hosting devices. Sounds similar, but in fact completely different business. I "sell" design for cheap. Many times cheaper then develop it, because I have it already. Yes, my pricing ratio includes PSU!!!!
As most of you understand, only low power chips will work this winter and only those who have such chips will do profits in near future.
I would like offer a best ever miner design in exchange for such chip. What I mean of 'ideal miner'. Manufacturing costs for miner will be only around 1/5 of overall price. 4/5 of price will be net cost of chips.
Miner will run at high voltage with great efficiency ~95%.
Miner can work with nearly any chips, but I'm searching for best chip ever.
I have prototypes for different current chip manufacturers, so I can provide proof if needed. Also I have a farm for personal use that employ such technology.
PM me if you have great chips to offer, only with working samples.
Из статьи на хабре: Одним из первых советских домашних компьютеров был Микро-80. Чтобы его собрать, нужно было использовать инструкцию из цикла статей в журнале «Радио» в 1982-1983 годах. Что-то напоминает...
120 градусов для ключей это штатный режим работы. Чипы тоже отходили неделю при такой температуре и выжили.
напомню, на лоджии +15 и установлен дополнительный вдув в морду от высоконапорных 120-к. было б лето на дворе все было бы гораздо хуже. и, кстати, 120-130 очень плохая температура для двухслойных плат, прогорают они. вообще, не надо пытаться выдать экстремальный разгон за штатный режим работы, у вас прокладки из картона под платами лежат... эх жалко все платы сразу перемазал, надо было с заводской "пастой" разгонять, наставили бы рекордов по температуре чипов. PS а маску то под чипами почему не сняли? не хотели радиатор заземлять? Изначально маску сняли, но на заводе сказали одеть обратно. Иначе вся паяльная паста протекает. Ну а наждачкой снимать - занятно выглядело б. Кстати, если на каждый радиатор установить персональный вентилятор, то всякие извращения с +15 и 120ками не понядобятся. Но подойдет это только для одиночных устройств.
Ниразу не обиделся! Я прочитал посты выше и если их скомпилировать в одну годную статью - то это будет достойно 1 монеты. А насчёт ожидания копытных - ждать долго придётся. 120 градусов для ключей это штатный режим работы. Чипы тоже отходили неделю при такой температуре и выжили. Наиболее вероятен выход из строя индуктивности - было 2 таких случая. Если всё делать с умом (ну или с тепловизором взамен) то думаю прирост будет значительный. Напомню, приблизительно каждый 5-6 майнер сразу выдавал 120 перед отгрузкой. Калибровочные котики в статье тоже приветствуются! Для тех у кого майнер работает на 120 Гх - напишите пожалуйста подробную статью Если статья будет хорошей - с меня награда 1.0 BTC Предложение ограничено )))
на 240Гх ваш майнер работает херово даже при +15С на лоджии, сижу жду когда кони двинет. см. термограммы парой страниц выше. а что, считаю, неплохая статья получилась правдивая