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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Pools (Altcoins) / Re: [Pool] Coinotron - LTC pool RBPPS = 2% fee, only 15 confirmations !!! on: May 02, 2013, 10:07:41 PM
wats the current share difficulty?
2  Other / Archival / Re: - New Bitcoin SportsBook: Best interface, anonymous option on: May 02, 2013, 09:29:22 PM
I personally like that my winnings are not being return to my wallet after each game is completed. With number of bets weekly/daily this would be alot to keep up with and track as well as loading the wallet to update the blockchain with such frequency.

With that being said when I am ready to cashout I then need to make a request here or using the support form on the site?

I had an issue concerning the following wager. The kansas city game was rained out and then played the next day with the same scheduled pitchers and kansas city won. That game was graded as a push and the odds were reduced.

Friday, April 26, 2013 6:40pm                               2 Bet Parlay
Cleveland Indians v Kansas City Royals   4/26 - 18:54    MLB     Kansas City Royals ML  -153
Pittsburgh Pirates v St. Louis Cardinals    4/26 - 19:15    MLB    St. Louis Cardinals ML    -190
PARLAY:                                                                                                                       -190

On the general rules page it states
General Rules
17. Date of events
If an event is not played on the same date as announced by the governing body, then all wagers on the event are cancelled.
If an event is posted by NitrogenSports with an incorrect date, all bets will stand based on the date accounced by the governing body.

23. Sport specific rules
If a sport specific rule contradicts a general rule, then the general rule will not apply.
On the sport specific rules it states
Baseball Rules
In the case of a suspended playoff game that will be resumed in a span of 96 hours after its suspension, all bets are valid
and will be graded after the completion of the game. If the game is not completed with the 96 hours following the time
of the suspention, then all bets are cancelled.
All bets stand regardless of any pitcher changes.

It seems the push grading is following rule .17 on the general rules page. Although rule .23 cites sport specific rules over rule the general rules.

However the sport specific rules for baseball become confusing when the  word "playoff" is thrown into rule number .4

My only complaint so far is alot of times the bet slip will not update the amount to be won when changing the amount being risked when betting parlays. Then when it is showing correctly and I click to confirm the wager a red box sometimes appears stating something to the effect that a minimum of 1,0000 mbtc must be wagered.
3  Other / Archival / Re: - New Bitcoin SportsBook: Best interface, anonymous option on: April 21, 2013, 05:50:03 PM
Just wanted to post after a quick viewing of the site.


Show me one other bitcoin sportsbetting site offering up an 800 number for customer support.

Also take a look at the odds being calculated for parlays. It seems they may be incorrect or inconsistencies.

I will be making a deposit shortly and look forward to the continued growth of your contribution to the bitcoin community.
4  Economy / Gambling / Re: AnoniBet Sportsbook on: April 21, 2013, 05:00:07 PM
No payout yet still waiting...

Your Waiting Withdraw Orders
Order Number   Order Date   Order Status   Withdraw Amount   
349114   18 March 2013 12:41   Waiting ...   531.00 BTC   Cancel
349107   17 March 2013 03:08   Waiting ...   178.00 BTC   Cancel

531 BTC PAID!!

Still waiting on 178 payout

transfer id?

Post #1 says its out of business, whats the deal?

Also saw the MOD comment on the first page from theymos and a bit confused after the comments above stating a recent payout of over 500BTC
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: [LTC][Pool][PPS] PPS Pool | Port80 Mining | Stratum | US&EU Servers on: April 12, 2013, 09:06:01 PM
Don't understand why those accounts using stratum were plundered from. All fees that were to be paid to the pool have been paid and now the pool has stolen from its workers.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Ripple Giveaway! on: March 19, 2013, 08:23:57 AM
7  Economy / Exchanges / Re: exchange Bitcoin, Litecoin, Namecoin <-> USD\BTC (fee 0.2%) on: March 14, 2013, 08:41:37 AM
down here as well, probably ddos with the LTC events set occur
8  Economy / Gambling / Re: AnoniBet Sportsbook on: March 13, 2013, 04:07:03 PM
When visiting the site today a page stating the following has been posted.

AnoniBet.Com | Site Temporarily Unavailable

We're sorry, is temporarily unavailable. We are working to make the site available again as soon as possible.

Until that time, please use the following contact information to reach



E-Mail :
Blog :

Would like to see anonibet address this in this thread, not likely though since this thread has been neglected by the OP for quite a while now. Last post in the forum was back in june 2012 and last time that user accessed the forum was this past januauy.
 Hopefully watever issues can be resolved and operations will resumed.
9  Economy / Computer hardware / need fan shroud for gigabyte 5830 on: February 09, 2013, 03:33:32 PM

Anyone happen to have the factory fan shroud with fans for a gigabyte 5830 its the ultra durable series GV-R583UD-1GB. Not sure if others are matching or not but this one has the 3 heat pipes.

10  Economy / Gambling / Re: Fund your acct (a leading casino/sportsbook/poker site) using bitcoin on: January 27, 2013, 08:17:54 AM
Requested a trade with thaddeus, sent coins and received the deposit he made into my account. Appreciate the transaction and hopefully it will be some time before i may need another.
11  Economy / Gambling / Re: AnoniBet Sportsbook on: January 26, 2013, 07:19:45 AM

Not sure wat issue was but finally got my wagers graded and credit. Now just need the lines posted for tomorrows games.
12  Economy / Gambling / Re: AnoniBet Sportsbook on: January 25, 2013, 02:38:03 PM

As for the futures bets, the odds were as follows

ravens +1600
49ers +1300
patriots +650
falcons +2500

Seriously? Did ya'll really think a book was going to be giving away free money?
13  Economy / Gambling / Re: AnoniBet Sportsbook on: January 25, 2013, 02:24:32 PM
The last time the original poster was active was way back in november.

Posts:    31
Position:    Jr. Member
Date Registered:    22 December 2011, 03:09:29
Last Active:    28 November 2012, 02:58:56

It doesn't seem like help will be coming along by means of this thread anytime soon. Personally I'd rather contact from my own email than through the site but the site has the support contact. Anyone know more about the individuals running anonibet and if they are active under a different username?
14  Economy / Gambling / Re: AnoniBet Sportsbook on: January 25, 2013, 09:45:44 AM

Yeah those odds were so obviously out dated, every single team was listed with odds.

I have not had any wagers graded from events on the 23rd and 24th, contacted through the support form then again today from my email. Usually with an issue like this would be resolved without a response within a reasonable amount of time or with other issues a I've gotten a response. However this time neither has occurred and was wondering if anyone is experiencing the same?

Really the time between events ending and the time anonibet takes to grade wagers has been the most negative thing for me when considering pro's and con's of a book. However it has never taken this long before. As no events have been added for tomorrow in the sport category I frequent I suspect the person who does this has not reported for duty.

Anonibet to me is the best representative for bitcoin out of the available BTC books. As it is the only true sport book with wat it offers and wat sports bettors expect from a book these days. Just wish they would get their shit together a little better.
15  Economy / Gambling / Re: BTCSportsBet 2 Year Anniversary!! on: January 22, 2013, 06:46:14 AM
I also would like to see the betting features and options that are normally offered at sports betting sites be offered at BTCSportsbet. The look and feel players are acustomed  to using at mainstream books is lost and missing.

The format and style offered now is just very limited and restricted. The BTC book that comes along and basically combine the features, options and sleekness found at anonibet with the sport selection and automated feel of btcsportsbet will that something these seem to be lacking.

Have been thinking about the coming baseball season and wat the sites now will choose to offer as well as how they offer it to its players. With the slower pace that comes with baseball the way its wagered can really help bring the entertainment back into it.

Hopefully a BTC book will come along or get it together and offers wat is expected. Which I am sure everyone would be happy with
5dimes + BTC =  Grin  Huh  Shocked
16  Economy / Gambling / Re: Looking to trade $1000 of 5dimes cash for bitcoins on: January 07, 2013, 08:22:27 AM
sent you a PM thad
17  Economy / Gambling / Re: AnoniBet Sportsbook on: January 06, 2013, 05:49:37 PM
Anyone else still waiting for ungraded wagers from yesterday to be graded or did I just get over looked?
18  Economy / Gambling / Re: Anonibet withdrawals?? on: December 30, 2012, 10:20:13 PM
Seems it was prolly just a timing variation due to the holidays and the slow down that occurs on these days with less sporting events occurring. Glad to it was taken care of but was never in doubt myself.
19  Economy / Gambling / Re: AnoniBet Sportsbook on: December 30, 2012, 10:11:27 PM
Bitcoins best/closest thing to real money sportsbook in betting options avaliable. Odds can be terrible in comparison at times. Which can be a major factor for some bettors especially those who are currently betting with fiat currency considering giving bitcoins a shot.

20  Economy / Gambling / Re: Anonibet withdrawals?? on: December 27, 2012, 03:20:03 PM
Withdrawals are processed manually and have always been done the same day, sometimes as little as an hour but never has it taken them longer than 24 hours. The system not being automated seems to simply add a layer of security to protect from potential hacks.

Last withdrawal for me was on the 23rd and anytime I have ever had the need to contact them they have either corrected the issue without response or have responded to my concern and replied to every correspondence until the issued was resolved.

If your withdrawal is still visible under the withdrawal tab then it has not been processed and will still be visible on that page until they get around to it.
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