Ja, aber in welchem Fall tauschen sie es? Wenn sie es entweder als sicheres Aufbewahrungsmittel sehen oder aber eben interessante Dinge damit kaufen können.
Oh.... And I hoped, someone was working on another trading client...
You got good ideas how such a tool should look and work?
The official LakeBTC client? Would be cool.
Kann coden und bräuchte eh selbst nen Shop. Vielleicht kann man sich zusammentun.
Maidak: Yeah, finding a working business model is the hardest part, I guess. AwesomeTRADER: I use java Swing for the desktop UI and html for the server part so far. https://i.imgur.com/iYMDpyB.png
Danke! Mal schauen, ob ich dafür nen Docker-Container hinbekomme.
Well, any design would help _me_ definitely, since I cannot design anything.
Promoting such a project would be nice also, although I'm not sure, if it's necessary?
Why java: java comes with a great lib full of networking functions, UI classes, math classes etc etc. It also runs as a binary on intel 64, intel 32, linux, windows and even android if you do it right.
AwesomeTRADER: what could you contribute to such a bot?
I try to compile my code under Android on a regular base. Building an android app shouldn't be too hard, I guess.
any download links? gg play? I hope i can try it, at the first group for free I only released a smaller part as opensource: https://github.com/ReAzem/cryptocoin-tradelib
Well you need at least some info on the prices. The depth, the recent trades etc. Just a buy and sell form doesn't make much sense, I guess.
It's a lot of work, if you do it right.
Maybe I can help you with some sources.
What language you want to use?
Hacked a docker container to run the wallet. If anyone is interested, PM me.
What kinda features would you expect? Unfortunately I cannot really do any graphical design.
No. I think there's always a risk. And another problem is, that you might need lots of currencies. Maybe like 100 or so. I'm working at the moment to run lots of wallets on a machine.
I try to compile my code under Android on a regular base. Building an android app shouldn't be too hard, I guess.
Better abstract from the actual exchange and coin type. Maybe I can help with that.