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221  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: [DISKUSI] Harga Bitcoin on: May 16, 2019, 03:03:40 PM

Sebenarnya semua tergantung karakter setiap individunya juga sig gan.
Kalau mau sedikit lebih aman sih ya seperti yang agan katakan.

Ane dulu karakternya beda, percaya bitcoin bakal bikin kaya raya hanya dengan hodl, sering ambil resiko tinggi dengan dana yang cukup besar di crypto... seiring berjalannya waktu, akhirnya ane sadar strategi terbaik buat bisa setidaknya merasakan hasil "investasi" di cryptocurrency adalah dengan withdraw ke rupiah. Pengalaman merubah cara pandang ane.

Intinya sih setiap orang mau bitcoin harganya naik atau turun harus punya rencana.
222  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Don't follow the hype on: May 16, 2019, 02:57:10 PM
I believe the most effective way to not fomo was to experience the effect of that thing first, so you must personally trying to fomo first, after that you will learn it's now wise to just follow your emotion based on fomo, or not.
223  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [TIPS] Motivasi untuk bisa naik Rank & mendapatkan bonus Merit on: May 16, 2019, 01:17:46 PM

Kayaknya ya, buat orang-orang yang memang menginginkan merit dan niat, ya bakal dapet-dapet aja.

Gak butuh sesuatu yang khusus kaya harus paham tentang hardware wallet, regulasi, mining dsb..sebagian besar yang posting di sub forum Indo ane yakin gak terlalu paham urusan teknis tentang cryptocurrency, ane contohnya dan kebetulan bisa dapetin merit.

Trus gimana cara dapetnya kalau gak paham tentang pengetahuan khusus? Intinya niat ngasih kontribusi ke sekitar, kontribusi yang kaya gimana? Yang positif. Contoh paling gampangnya adalah jawab pertanyaan orang (postingan) dengan niat membantu sejelas-jelasnya. Kalau orang nanya tentang "gimana sih exchange abc kok gini, ane mau verifikasi susah?" dan kebetulan agan tau dan pernah ngerasain, kasih tau yang jelas dengan petunjuk gambar jika dibutuhkan. Dari sekian lama agan bergelut di cryptocurrency pasti lah bisa jawab 1-2 pertanyaan, kecuali agan baru dan gak tau apa-apa. Kuncinya autentik sih yang ane rasa..

Kalau belum dapet juga udah kaya gitu gimana?

Keep hustling..until you find yourself a luck. Believe me after you got your first merit, you will know how to get a second one and after that too.


224  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: [DISKUSI] Harga Bitcoin on: May 16, 2019, 12:59:53 PM
~ snip

Harga Bitcoin udah $8k nih.

Setahun yang lalu, harganya sekitar 8k++..orang yang beli pas harga segitu baru breakeven..entah deh mau dijual apa engga.

Ane pribadi kalau ada pump yang signifikan kaya gini sih bakal ambil profit walaupun sedikit. Ku kira hodl pas 20k$ ke 3k$ itu sangat berat, apalagi tidak ambil profit..makan hodl ntar.
225  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin reached 8000 - and what next? on: May 16, 2019, 12:47:55 PM
Take profit.

Especially if you don't know where this is going, I am not saying to cash all of your bitcoin, but just take a little bit so if this will get hammered again you can stomach it much better.
226  Economy / Speculation / Re: what will happen if BTC hit 1.000.000$ on: May 15, 2019, 08:49:26 PM
if btc hit 1mil$ it will be a headline in my local tv and have a talks show talking about it, more and more people will get scammed, many shady-outright scam business will start using it like MLM/Money games things.

Well there will be more and more bad things around security in general.
227  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: BITCOIN THE ONLY KING, NO DISPUTE on: May 15, 2019, 08:34:41 PM
Every other fork will only prove that bitcoin was still the king. In the future, if there's any sort of fork happening, they will have a little-zero value anymore. People will be lost trust with all the fork that happening with bitcoin.

Yes bitcoin is the king, one as the part of the "starters" project that has been long enough in this space, have proof of resistance in terms of security at least.
228  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Hope I can still ride the bull. on: May 14, 2019, 02:11:47 PM
I think binance still has a top tiers exchange in terms of many alts that you can choose, liquidity, good support, etc.

My suggestion is just stick on binance, because you already know the exchange yourself, you know about kyc and many other things? They will be back soon I think. Just don't fomo.

229  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Another proof that cloud mining is a scam on: May 14, 2019, 01:54:33 PM
A newbie + old people= higher percentage to get scammed.

Over here many people still going to MLM, join money game. They don't understand anything, they think it's possible to get that much money when you just doing an easy task.
230  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: should hold or sold BNB ? on: May 14, 2019, 01:45:58 PM
heard from who?

You know, bitcoin in a rally now, lots of alts will be hammered down. So just take it's easy, if you want to buy that so much just averaging down, it will be so much better if we still in btc rally.
231  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: [DISKUSI] Harga Bitcoin on: May 14, 2019, 01:42:36 PM

Hahahha saya rasa itu hanya sebatas sugesti atau cuma keadaan yg kebetulan saja Om .. Btw klo tujuannya invest jangka panjang (bukan trading) mau beli sekarang atau pas harga belum up kemarin, saya rasa keduanya juga sama-sama bisa memberikan potensi profit yang besar  Grin

Kebetulan yaah haha, mungkin karena kepikiran terus kenapa gak beli murah makanya jadi ada bias kalau ada kebetulan yang sama.

Soal halving ane rasa harga gak otomatis langsung naik, itu halving tahun 2016 kayaknya malah sempet turun dulu sebentar lalu beranjak naik. Godaan terbesaranya adalah sanggup gak hodl (kalau agan tipe holder jangka panjang) ketika hari yang ditunggu-tunggu tiba pas halving, harganya malah gak sesuai ekspektasi, malahan turun. Tapi ya dilihat dari sejarahnya halving emang bikin harga jadi naik sih, tapi ya itu gak instan.
232  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Will You Advise Newbies To Enter Bitcoin Now? on: May 12, 2019, 06:12:33 PM
Sometimes in 2017 before the bull run begins, I replied to someone asking in the facebook group, he asks for some advice to buy bitcoin.

I tell him, no you don't buy it now, I said that because we hit another ATH I think? like 2k-3k..

Fast forward a few months later, we got a bull run, the biggest one we got, any alts pumping right and left.

Also in the past I used to tell my friend to buy some altscoins, you know something that I think at the time will make me rich, he didn't buy and the alts I was talking about become dead, the dev abandoned the project.


From that story, you can see that I don't know shit. So if I found a newbie and asking for advice, I will tell him he can lose all the money he has and I can't give him any advice, you must do your own research.
233  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: [DISKUSI] Harga Bitcoin on: May 12, 2019, 07:59:27 AM
makin gila saja ini harga bitcoin, biasanya kalau ada exchange yang terkena hack dan yang hilang pun itu 7rb bitcoin biasanya itu harga bitcoin cenderung turun.
Eh malah sekarang makin naik saja, mungkin bakalan bisa naik ke 10k usd dalam bulan ini ?

Karena ini gan:

Kemungkinan market BTC menjadi merah memang ada, jika dalam hal ini pelaku hacker langsung melempar (menjual) BTC tersebut ke market, tetapi jika BTC tsb tetap disimpan oleh pelaku hacker maka hal tsb tidak akan mempengaruhi market dan hanya menimbulkan efek FUD saja. Dan jika kita perhatikan dari besar volume trading BTC dalam sehari yg mencapai $16.410.228.942 = ~ 2.790.722 BTC (by coinmarketcap), maka nilai 7000 BTC seharusnya tidak akan memberikan efek bearish yang berkepanjangan (market bisa pulih dengan cepat).

Beda cerita kalau kalau nominalnya lebih besar, pernah kejadian kaya mt.gox kehilangan sekitar 650k btc.

Soal bisa 10k bulan ini ane gak paham deh, tapi semenjak hack binance BTC ane perhatiin belum pullback ya malah naik terus, ane sih sangsi bisa langsung ke 10k. Masalahnya kalau langsung naik ke 10k tanpa membuat support dulu di level bawahnya, ane mikirnya pump ke 10k bakal cepet dan harga drop dalem.


Oh I spoke too soon about a pullback.

Belum sempat ngumpulin BTC, tapi sudah keburu naik duluan.

Ini masalahnya selalu sama ya, kalau bener dalam memprediksi belinya selalu sedikit atau gak sempet beli, kalau salah memprediksi jumlah dana yang kita keluarin terlalu besar.  Huh Huh

234  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Crypto Communities on: May 11, 2019, 09:27:26 PM

Well, KYC is not bad to also add to the site but it should be made optional, and For a start, it will really not be a wise idea to start with KYC, as this may discourage a lot of people who would have trusted your service, since right now, we have so many users that detest KYC, so you can use that one to your own advantage first to gather the necessary volume before imposing the use of KYC.


few dex already implemented a KYC, like cryptobridge and maybe idex?

I think it's a good idea to have a grace period like what cryptobridge do. So people can choose whether they want to remain or get out. Just don't suddenly force people to do KYC and locked out people fund who refuse to do so. Give people some warning period or something.
235  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: [DISKUSI] Harga Bitcoin on: May 10, 2019, 08:02:33 PM

Pendapat dari seorang newbie (jika ada yg salah mohon dikoreksi)
Kaya pernah denger ini kalimat di thread mana gitu, hmm...


Kemungkinan market BTC menjadi merah memang ada, jika dalam hal ini pelaku hacker langsung melempar (menjual) BTC tersebut ke market, tetapi jika BTC tsb tetap disimpan oleh pelaku hacker maka hal tsb tidak akan mempengaruhi market dan hanya menimbulkan efek FUD saja. Dan jika kita perhatikan dari besar volume trading BTC dalam sehari yg mencapai $16.410.228.942 = ~ 2.790.722 BTC (by coinmarketcap), maka nilai 7000 BTC seharusnya tidak akan memberikan efek bearish yang berkepanjangan (market bisa pulih dengan cepat).

oh wow mantap om analisanya haha, kemarin sempet lihat-lihat resistence pas di 6k sulit ditembus ya? pas mendekati garis itu malah banyak berita yang sifatnya FUD, kaya bitfinex di tuntut, binance di hack dsb. Kebetulan kah

btw soal binance ke hack mungkin benar om, ane belum cek lagi tapi kayaknya btc masih belum bergerak ya? walaupun bergerak dan dijual akan cepat recover kata om abhi, beda mungkin skalanya kalau cold wallet binance kena hack, semacam Mtgox v2 dengan 650k btc, saat itu kayaknya mtgox masih sentral posisinya ya gak kayak sekarang dan persebaran btc di berbagai exchange gak terpusat dengan volume yang besar hanya di satu exchange.
236  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] BestMixer Signature Campaign | Sr. Members - Legendary | Up to 0.01225BTC on: May 10, 2019, 07:52:25 PM
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=515495
Current amount of posts (Including this one): 851
SegWit BTC Address: bc1qyeqeyda2d657kzr8qkxa3p2hkxlhgvchd8pxyl
Amount of EARNED merit in the last 120 days: 110++

Will update my sign & avatar once accepted, thank you.
237  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: [DISKUSI] Harga Bitcoin on: May 08, 2019, 06:05:15 PM
Iya gan ane pun merasa heran, padahal di binance kehilangan sekitar 7000BTC, lah terus ane buka di coinmarketcap malah BTC turun tidak sampe 1%.

Menurut agan kenapa? (sebenernya sempet drop dari 5,9k ke 5,6k++ tapi mantul lagi ke range 5,8k CMIIW)

Ada yg terkena pancingan om panjay kan... Grin

wkwkwk emang lagi di empang apa..
Nunggu analisa suhu besar TA dan FA buat ngasih pendapat mengenai hal ini nih...

Beberapa waktu belakangan ane lagi losing streak trade di binance, kayaknya ini kode dari binance biar ane profit dulu baru boleh tarik BTC ane.

238  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Have more coins in your portfolio in a short term on: May 08, 2019, 07:59:44 AM

it really depends.

Last year Ravencoin (RVN) went up more than 200% in a couple of days
GIN made a x10 in a couple of months.

not necessarily years.

definitely possible.
and sometimes it's a shot onthe dark as well.

Yea in the end the only handful of coins goes to the moon I guess. Do you hit some of that home run by yourself?

I think one of the important aspects was networking perhaps? I mean good friend can inform you of some a good coin to mine, it's better to have more eyes and more ears in this fast-dynamic environment. 
239  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Mining VEIL on: May 08, 2019, 07:48:38 AM
maybe we still need to learn more about this veil coin, because this coin still appears on the surface, and we still can't determine how profitable this coin .

What do you mean about learn more? you put a VEIL signature and you don't have any idea or something?

about the price, I think we can determine to some extent like that guy with awesome SS above.

You would be better off getting on an exchange and buying. There was a recent price collapse, so getting a bag is much cheaper than it was 2weeks ago.

I second this, maybe you want to wait a little more because VEIL doing some bounty (as you can see on my sign) and after distribution that will happen this month, there will more "discount" if you looking to buy more.
240  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: [DISKUSI] Harga Bitcoin on: May 08, 2019, 07:00:24 AM
-Buka twitter, Binance kena hack.

"Hmm pasti harga pada drop drastis nih"

-Buka coinmarketcap.

"Lah turunnya kenapa cuman sedikit ya, gak sampe 1% nih BTC."


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