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1  Economy / Securities / Re: ASICMINER: Entering the Future of ASIC Mining by Inventing It on: October 22, 2013, 05:21:36 AM
@ hlynur, thanks!
2  Economy / Securities / Re: ASICMINER: Entering the Future of ASIC Mining by Inventing It on: October 22, 2013, 03:13:35 AM
Anyone know how long it usually takes for friedcat to transfer shares to another address?
3  Economy / Marketplace / DIRECT ASICMINER SHARES FOR SALE on: October 07, 2013, 04:18:46 AM
Hey, there!

I have 114 direct AM shares for sale. The going price is 1.45 BTC each. (Will consider offers)

These shares are currently paid out to 1DEWpfx4MCkHTA233h7Cd4VDFiHXTBiD51.

Last transaction (10/3/2013):  4d5c7e939093b047276a887474cb5d73ea4a5bfdb92ed1f72b377a9c23431cbe
From: 115tTroRo3B9ZDQ6ATJGDCHcNEVbjJoZnF
Amount: 0.91238418 BTC.

Proof of ownership (for your peace of mind)

Address: 1DEWpfx4MCkHTA233h7Cd4VDFiHXTBiD51
Message: 114 shares
Signature: H6PlNxxrEu8vseeJtsjzUwmeBT2SUdABtcQKeJj+RsNbMi1BRGDHAyiJuz1bLA9u8qK9JzinLVA0gdYZ/O8XGDU=

Let me know if you are interested. I'll provide you with the payment address and notify friedcat once the payment is received to complete the transfer.

Thank you for looking!

4  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Looking for a business partner on: September 19, 2013, 01:06:11 AM
What language are you looking to code in?

Right now, the project has the following technologies implemented.

  • twisted
  • sqlachemy
  • postgres
  • jquery

So the front-end is javascript/jquery/css/html and back-end is python.

Thank you for the interest.
5  Bitcoin / Project Development / Looking for a business partner on: September 18, 2013, 09:03:40 PM
Sup, all! I have an idea for a business which I would like to get of the ground.
I am looking for a business partner to split the work and expenses to get it going.

About me: I am very experienced programmer. I've been involved in BTC since 2011.
For the past 8 months, I was working as a CTO at and recently decided to separate.

About you: You are passionate about business, marketing or programming. You've been around BTC for at least over a year. You are an active board member. You are always available. You can pay 50% of the expenses. You can work for you 50% of profit.

About the business: The platform is currently in development. The best description for the niche would be social marketing.

PM me if you would like to talk further.
6  Economy / Securities / Re: [BitFunder] Ukyo.Loan - Paying 0.05% daily. on: August 14, 2013, 04:56:16 AM
Just a heads up for all, Ukyo redeemed my shares just as he promised he would. A+ service...
7  Economy / Securities / Re: ASICMINER: Entering the Future of ASIC Mining by Inventing It on: August 07, 2013, 01:54:28 PM
Buyer question:

Where do I buy - ASICMINER Block Erupter Blade  ?
I need it shipped to Poland, European Union Smiley
8  Economy / Securities / Re: [bitfunder] RentalStarter - A Midwest Real Estate Investment Company on: July 31, 2013, 02:05:28 PM
I still don't get it.
What do you mean by re-financing the property?

It's like selling back the property back to the bank.
9  Economy / Securities / Re: [bitfunder] RentalStarter - A Midwest Real Estate Investment Company on: July 30, 2013, 08:09:38 PM
10  Economy / Securities / Re: [BitFunder] Ukyo.Loan - Paying 0.05% daily. on: July 29, 2013, 11:21:14 PM
Requested refund at face value for all my shares. Will do another post when Ukyo delivers.
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Five Paradoxes of Bitcoin on: July 11, 2013, 04:02:46 AM
Great post!
12  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Why bitcoin price dropped ? on: July 08, 2013, 08:06:08 PM
A+, Mr. Hamilton
13  Economy / Speculation / Re: Winklevoss Twins File to Launch Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Product on: July 02, 2013, 07:22:56 PM
All this is very simple. They are going to raise a lot of money by using their BTC pile as a collateral and then they are going to use that money to fund bitcoin startups and make BTC more valuable. Pretty genious shit.
14  Economy / Securities / Re: [BitFunder] Kenilworth Exploration - Real World Mining Opportunity with Bitcoins on: July 02, 2013, 03:12:45 PM
Excellent presentation.
15  Economy / Securities / Re: [bitfunder] RentalStarter - A Midwest Real Estate Investment Company on: June 29, 2013, 09:07:08 PM
16  Economy / Securities / Re: [bitfunder] RentalStarter - A Midwest Real Estate Investment Company on: June 28, 2013, 02:52:21 AM
I want to avoid dilution as much as possible.

Dilution sucks.

Can you please share your vision? Are you planning to grow this into a big real-estate company or keep it small?

17  Economy / Securities / Re: [bitfunder] RentalStarter - A Midwest Real Estate Investment Company on: June 27, 2013, 07:30:34 PM
Why did the price per share ended up being 0.011 instead of 0.01?
18  Bitcoin / Press / Re: 2013-06-23 Forbes - Bitcoin Foundation Receives Cease And Desist Order From Ca on: June 24, 2013, 05:21:37 AM
I am aware of all the things people are saying. I'm just trying to say there are multiple ways to interpret the basis for the memo.
19  Bitcoin / Press / Re: 2013-06-23 Forbes - Bitcoin Foundation Receives Cease And Desist Order From Ca on: June 24, 2013, 04:15:10 AM
If you ever read that FinCen guidance document, the fact that Bitcoin Foundation develops the software that is used for "making" Bitcoin makes them an administrator of such currency and according to "law" administrators are a subject for money transmitter regulation.

I think people might be making a mistake saying that "State of California has made a mistake somehow".

20  Bitcoin / Press / Re: 2013-06-23 Forbes - Bitcoin Foundation Receives Cease And Desist Order From Ca on: June 24, 2013, 03:35:26 AM
Well, technically though the Foundation develops the software...
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