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Looking to get back into litecoin mining but a lack of funds is pretty much killing me atm, so if anyone wants to send any old hardware my way i don't mind paying for shipping (uk based)
When I Google Install Open CL I continue to get the Intel SDK 2013 one, and that is unsupported by my hardware  Is there a link for Windows Vista out there somewhere? if you don't know who made you gpu i think mining isn't suited for you.
Hello! I am trying to get cgminer to work on my computer (I run Windows). I've downloaded the windows zip file, extracted it to my computer, and made the batch file. The batchfile reads: cgminer.exe -o http://stratum.btcguild:3333 -u (myUserNameHere) -p 123 When I then proceed to click on mining.bat (I went through the un-checking hidden file extensions and everything), I get an error that says: This application failed to start because OpenCL.dll failed to be found. What should I do??? Thank you! You need the opencl drivers from your gpu manufacturer
I have serious doubts about this being true.
Feel free to post proof and prove me wrong.
Well the source code is available, not like people can't check this crap themselves..
for mining not, but for rendering video/images sure mega!
Mhm, it has opencl support for the 64 risc cores, should be good for something 
190khash using 5 cpus (only 3 fast ones) and 2 nvidia cards
But those cards are unused You can mine ltc on cards
[02/04/12 17:30:47] Started [02/04/12 17:30:47] Connecting to: [02/04/12 17:30:47] Using AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing OpenCL 1.1 AMD-APP (851.4) [02/04/12 17:30:49] BFI_INT patching enabled, disabling hardware check errors [02/04/12 17:30:49] Added Cypress (#1) (18 CU, local work size of 128) [02/04/12 17:30:52] BFI_INT patching enabled, disabling hardware check errors [02/04/12 17:30:52] Added Cypress (#2) (18 CU, local work size of 128) [02/04/12 17:30:52] Using ATI Stream OpenCL 1.0 ATI-Stream-v2.1 (145) [02/04/12 17:31:00] BFI_INT patching enabled, disabling hardware check errors [02/04/12 17:31:00] Added Cypress (#3) (18 CU, local work size of 128) [02/04/12 17:31:07] BFI_INT patching enabled, disabling hardware check errors [02/04/12 17:31:07] Added Cypress (#4) (18 CU, local work size of 128)
#1 and #3 seem to take forever to actualy hash anything this is with using 2 5850's and using diablo miner, alnough i have had something similar in cgminer
I am no longer using bamt,
All you need to do is cut the end off of the x1 slot. the x8 adapter will work in it
Realy? I dont want to go damaging my mobo slots for nothing here  It can be done. The other option is to cut the "fingers" of your PCIex8 extender with a dremel tool so only the PCIex1 "fingers" remain. Wrap the cut portion in electrical tape. A mistake there only ruins a $10 extender.  Ye thats what i did  , well i didnt have adremel to hand so i used scissors very carefully its working , what i dont get is why cablesrus are selling them for $8 mor ethen the 8x to 16x types :/
All you need to do is cut the end off of the x1 slot. the x8 adapter will work in it
Realy? I dont want to go damaging my mobo slots for nothing here 
Does the usb device support dialup protocol if so you should make a dialup profile and set it as the default connection windows should then autoconnect on lost connection
i have a pcie x1 on my mobo, and 2 normal pci slots which i thought was x8 slots due to the similar size on the images basicaly im stupid and didnt check what ports i had
So i now need a x1 adapter
I just recieved a x8 to x16 adapter that i thought would work with my slots (should of looked first, thoght the normal pci slot was a x8 :@)
Is there anyone in england that has a x1 adapter and would be willing to trade?
Doesn't Kano have a cgminer simple OS developed? I could swear he has something like that in his sig.
im just setting up my one now :3
i was looking into it, but itd have to be a installable os, as you cant upgrade drivers with persistance the normal way not too sure how bamt is allowing it but meh :/
 You can upgrade drivers with persistence. Although driver changes are so rare it would simply make more sense to release a new version of the OS as needed. Are you lurking on irc anywhere?
sorry to hear that. 0.5 added a "feature" called mother which when a card locks up it reboots the server and disables OC on that card. It is posisble that it what happened.
I use cgminer and really just use BAMT for the OS. I find it more stable and easier to configure that way.
Still I am considering offering a bounty for a cgminer only OS as BAMT doesn't support x64 and thus is limited to 6 or 7 GPUs per rig.
i was looking into it, but itd have to be a installable os, as you cant upgrade drivers with persistance the normal way not too sure how bamt is allowing it but meh :/
OK. Where can I buy lots of these for cheap in the UK  What is the price for the old product and the new one with the SATA cables ? ask bigpiggy for a quote as he will test them first then ship them to ya