Scam alert: @AXELUnlimited(twitter handle) did send airdrop tokens based on ERC-20 that can't be used or exchanged for real tokens. They did hire people to promote their project and paid with fake tokens.
Scam alert: @AXELUnlimited(twitter handle) did send airdrop tokens based on ERC-20 that can't be used or exchanged for real tokens. They did hire people to promote their project and paid with fake tokens.
Scam alert: @AXELUnlimited(twitter handle) did send airdrop tokens based on ERC-20 that can't be used or exchanged for real tokens. They did hire people to promote their project and paid with fake tokens.
Just a waste of time big chance that you will never receive the coins they did promise , year ago I did try some airdrops but after all I did only receive 20% of the coins. Also noticed that the coins you will receive almost never match the value in $ what it should be worth according to the airdrop information.
All campaigns that require a certain amount of post each week could be seen as adding more spam to this forum, Yobit campaign is paying people without the need to reach a certain amount of posts how great is that. They also never said that you should post the max amount of post they are willing to pay and when Yobit did announce the relaunch of the signature they directly added some extra rules to this campaign so they did thought about the problems from the last signature campaign. It's never good to judge about a whole group of people when some individuals are the main problem, in each campaign you will find rotten apples and if people go to far you have always the forum mods and staff that can kick/block people from joining a specific campaign.★☆★ Rules ★☆★ Poor quality and unconstructive posts will not be tolerated on this campaign. You don't need to write an essay with each post but one word replies in spammy off topic threads or streams of constant half-assed one liners will immediately get you removed. Please just put some effort in to your posts and you'll be fine. Users with negative feedback from defaulttrust members are no longer permitted on the campaign. If you sign up you will be removed. Any user who hasn't made a post in over a month will also be removed.
Do you think that bitcoin debit card link to our bitcoin online wallet will be implemented or is it possible to happen in the future? After all, we still want some improvement and some option for us to pay in some grocery stores or department stores that accepting cards right? And do you think this is helpful?
if im correct coinbase offers a credit card but you need to comply for KYC like other bitcoin credit card provider, and i think you need to convert it first to fiat to be able to use. All Bitcoin Debit Cards require nowadays KYC verification so for this reason it doesn't matter what card you want to use, keep in mind that the Coinbase Card is at this time only for people from the United Kingdom. The good old days that we were able to use anonymous cards were still the best but regulations killed all this cards. can sign up for a Coinbase Card?At this time, only residents of the United Kingdom may apply for a Coinbase Card. We’re working on expanding the offer to additional European markets.
Someone suggested me to start using this game faucet so I did give it a try, the idea is nice only the way people get forced to buy a premium option the so called Patron isn't really great. The amount of popups isn't normal anymore even when the page is in the background you still get popups. Can't imagine people will keep playing this "game" for a longer period because I got already sick of it after a few days. Think that people are willing to pay for extra options but hate it when people got forced or they can't use the website in a normal way. Takes also really long time before you reach the same earning amount as a normal faucet will pay you for only 2 clicks.
Think that the website could earn much more if they did find the right balance in the number of popups they show on each page.
After 20 hours the scam messages from this imposters are still on their Twitter account, better they remove it quickly before someone really is sending them what they asking for. Personally I would never send someone this amounts of Bitcoin. Need to admin that I really thought thay they did require BTC0.1 on your yobit account to verify yourself.
I went to their official twitter . There is no such message. Maybe you looked at fake twitter Just look at the comments and you will see that many scammers are trying to mislead people. Did screenshot some of the messages and these were not even all messages. Did join the fake Yobit telegram group that did lead me to this information.      
Zelf gebruik ik BTCpop waar je tegen een 2% fee 100+ coins kan staken, grootste voordeel is dat je geen eigen vps servers hoeft te huren en meerdere coins gelijk kan staken. Naast BTcpop heb je ook andere websites die deze services aanbieden maar vind dit zelf wel een fijne website. Voor de mensen die niet zoveel geld hebben om te investeren hebben ze ook een faucet die word gevuld met de 2% die ze verdienen van de mensen die coins staken. Website: https://btcpop.coHandige websites voor staking coins:
I've sent a request to coin geck to fix the max supply and get 404 back into the rankigns again. New youtubes up Bitcoin Clown World Series #22 - Hamas Terrorists Now Teaching Others How To Launder And Use It don't you try to get listed on CoinMarketCap, it's the most used website by people who want to track the capitalization of different cryptocurrencies. Did you also know that BTCpop is only displaying the value in $ if the coin is listed on marketcap, until that moment the total value will be always zero because they don't want to add the CoinGecko API on their website.
Yeah Trade Satoshi is very incompetent at the moment for some reason. They'll eventually get the 404 wallet running. In the mean time yes, Crex, btcpop, or nuex exchanges will work well.
The actual reason why the wallet is in maintenance doesn't look like it's related to problems with Tradesatoshi but more with the Blockchain itself and the wallet. Tradesatoshi maintenance reason: Blockchain sync stuck infinite1/24/19
Found recently some old BITB balance in Yobit and already own this coins since it was BitBean, the wallet status shows me online and get this error: Withdrawal for such currency is temporary off. IS BITB withdraws for all Yobit users not working or is the problem because I have old coins?
Sorry for the delayed response, I've just found out that I won this round and I didn't notice before that I was the winner. Thanks again that I was able to take part in this free raffle and need to say that I am really happy with the price. Will send you a message with the information you need for shipping.
Actually I am not sure if it's really smart to join such trading groups, most of this groups can't be trusted since they are only thinking about their own pocket and dump on their followers. The quality groups are not free and even they have a hard time in this bear market to do some good predictions. As newbie I don't think that it's really smart to invest in ICO's and maybe you can better start with coins that are already listed on some bigger exchanges, with ICO's you can easily lose a lot of money and the outcome is mostly really unpredictable or they end in a big scam.
Mostly I search myself for investment opportunities on Twitter, reddit and this forum, might be also smart if you check their activity on Github and if there was recently positive or negative news.
Best advice: DYOR=Do your own research Avoid coins without real working product
Thanks again and good luck!
Goedemorgen allemaal,
Ik heb sinds 2 dagen een flink probleem met de Ledger Nano S! het lukt me niet meer om mijn Ledger Btc en Eth wallets te openen! Ik heb werkelijk alles geprobeerd wat ik op het net kon vinden om deze %$%$# aan de praat te krijgen! Ook mijn probleem voorgelegd bij het Ledger support team maar vooralsnog geen enkele reactie, wel ben ik vele vergelijkbare gevallen tegen gekomen. Ik weet het op dit moment even niet meer, als hier mensen zijn die dit ook hebben ervaren en het hebben opgelost, dan zou ik dit heel graag horen
Vriendelijk dank,
Heb ook even rond gekeken en heb dit kunnen vinden wat je eventueel zou kunnen proberen. -Browser support uitzetten -Zorg dat geen ander programma de usb verbinding vergrendelt zoals Geth of Parity -Probeer een andere USB-poort of kabel aangezien sommige kabels alleen gebruikt kunnen worden om een apparaat op te laden en niet geschikt zijn voor data. Ledger Nano S
Het is eigenlijk niet de bedoeling om op een verkapte manier je refferal in een link te verbergen, daarnaast voegt je bericht niet veel toe dus aan dit topic.
To be honest I would never use your exchange the fees are ridiculous, why would anyone pay $500 more for one Bitcoin if they can buy it also on another website with good reputation. Your website also shows a Btc price that does not even come close to the real price.
Your price: 6774$ Real price: 6265$
We don`t know any website where you can buy btc with real market price, Do you? Don`t forget for credit card fees, site maintenance cost, salary and profit. Why somebody should sell you btc for real price? where is profit? It's impossible to sell for real market prices since you want to run a business, but a good rating that is good for you and the customer is the best if you want to succeed with your cryptocurrency exchange website. You are using as payment provider that is calculating 2,75% fee for each transaction, other popular services who are offering exactly the same are using Simplex that is calculating 5% fee. This should give you some advantage to compete with established websites that have been around for several years.