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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Custom Innosilicon A2 Terminator image - Anx Edition on: September 26, 2015, 11:48:38 PM
Thanks for the suggestions.

I've tried all 3 images and all have the same result.

I know it is connecting to the internet as I can see an additional worker on when it is running - sadly the worker just sits idle.

I'm reluctant to open the box until I talk with Zoomhash (there is a seal on the case), and if an RMA is warranted, the extra hassles aren't worth it.

The boards doo light up green, things look healthy, but who knows what might have shaken loose inside during shipping?

The ANX firmware certainly gives the most info, all the blades report healthy, the status shows the pool as "alive"  --- it seems so close, but as of yet, no cigar.

Thanks for the feedback.

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Custom Innosilicon A2 Terminator image - Anx Edition on: September 26, 2015, 07:55:28 PM
I'm back to the stock image and seeing the following stats.

My config is

Another capture is

Ghash isn't showing my worker.

As said in my previous post, I'm willing to pay someone if they can help me get this new miner working.   

I'm starting to suspect that I have a bad box, but I don't know what might be wrong? Huh

Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to help.

3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Under-overclock image for A2 Innosilicon by Emdje - Extranonce support - V4.0 on: September 26, 2015, 05:37:45 PM

I just got an A2 last night from Zoomhash, and I'm having issues getting to actually mine anything.  I've tried your firmware, the stock firmware, as well as the ANX firmware.

The best I have achieved is with the stock firmware as I can see that it shows up as a worker on, but nothing is being mined.

Looking at the status everything looks OK, but I really don't know how to interpret what I am seeing.

I would be willing to share some coin if there is anyone who can help me get this working.



BTW - I know I should have included some screenscapes, but after a night of fighting with this, my brain is fried. There is also a question of what image/info is relevant.  If someone can help me out, I can post the images I sent to Zoomhash.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Custom Innosilicon A2 Terminator image - Anx Edition on: September 26, 2015, 04:14:29 PM

I just received my first A2 last night, and have been trying to get it going without much luck.  I've tried the stock Zoomhash firmware, and yours - which is pretty amazing - but I just can't seem to get the box to do any mining.

I've tried different pools, but the most success I have has is with - it at least shows a worker, albeit that worker is doing nothing.

If anyone could help me out, I would be happy to share some coin.


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