We’ve confirmed that the performance drop is due to the size of the DAG exceeding the total on-chip TLB capacity on the Pascal GPU. As a result, there is an increased number of TLB misses, which affects performance. Because the TLB is a fixed capacity hardware resource, and the ETH algorithm accesses the DAG randomly, we don’t believe there are any software optimizations that could reduce the TLB miss rate.Nvidia seemed to acknowledge the issue however they passed it off as a "hardware" problem. Really a bummer since that means 99% they won't release a driver fix; not to mention Nvidia probably hates crypto miners since angry shareholders opened a class action lawsuit regarding GPU sales Sell them overpriced for the hashrate 1070s and get 570 8gb cards!!!
-straps 1 (Nvidia cards 10x0 series) run as with administrator rights, but when I place the bat file in the auto start win 10 it will not start why?
Anyone have luck with the -straps function?
-straps <n> Memory strap level (Nvidia cards 10x0 series only). The possible values are 0 to 6. 0 is the default value and uses the default timings from the VBIOS. Each strap level corresponds to a predefined combination of memory timings (-vmt1, -vmt2, -vmt3, -vmr). Strap level 3 is the fastest predefined level and may not work on most cards, 1 is the slowest (but still faster than the default timings). Strap levels 4 to 6 are the same as 1 to 3 but with less aggressive refresh rates (i.e. lower "-vmr" values).
I'm getting an error 31 Must be run as administrator...Tried to do so but still getting the error...Wanted to see if this feature could be used instead of the ethlrgmentpl
Right-click the program icon (PhoniexMiner.exe). Choose Properties. On the Compatibility tab, select the Run This Program As An Administrator option. Click OK.  I run 1080Ti in 3 different rigs and none of the rigs accept the -straps command. When I run the miner with admin rights it returns "Invalid option: -straps" If I run without admin rights it doesn't even return anything, the miner simply doesn't start with "-straps" in the bat file I'm on 1080ti's as well and have the same issue. 2 rigs different mobos, sane error set another batch file to run claymore to set straps... (and not mine, botch pool)
How do I set memory voltage on 5700? I did it before, but forgot how. Need to try setting to like 1325mv.
Hello, i only got 22 Mh's with my nvidia 1070ti... Is it normal ? What should i do for improve that ?
Should get around 30MH, need to increase memory clock with -mclock flag, or MSI Afterburner. If MSI afterburner, try +500
finaly we should sell our 4GB graphic cards or we can mine ETH in future?
This is good idea , but how can you sell 50+ or 100+ those GPUs ? for its weight ?  Ive switched for 8Gb in a couple of rigs but its so hard to find more or less convinient deal  Can mine Ravencoin, or sell and then buy used 8gb cards.... or if high power cost get 5700XT??? Vega cards can get 50MH, so also good if get good price on them. You can use Phoenixminer to still mine (not good with the display card though...) on 4gb cards, and use claymore to still set -rxboost (set bogus pool on claymore......), or set the REF param with amdmemorytweak.... Well , i can sell 4gb GPU for $80-90. How many of it a have to sell to by one 5700XT  ? So certainly il stay on 4Gbs and will mine whatever i can. sell 4 cards to get 5700 xt. 5700 a lot more efficient, but a lot higher cost, gets 55-60Mh though. If power not expensive, just trade for 8GB 570s!!
finaly we should sell our 4GB graphic cards or we can mine ETH in future?
This is good idea , but how can you sell 50+ or 100+ those GPUs ? for its weight ?  Ive switched for 8Gb in a couple of rigs but its so hard to find more or less convinient deal  Can mine Ravencoin, or sell and then buy used 8gb cards.... or if high power cost get 5700XT??? Vega cards can get 50MH, so also good if get good price on them. You can use Phoenixminer to still mine (not good with the display card though...) on 4gb cards, and use claymore to still set -rxboost (set bogus pool on claymore......), or set the REF param with amdmemorytweak....
Is there any gain by over locking in the config file instead of using something like afterburner? I use afterburner and it works pretty damn good. Just wondering if there is some sort of performance gain to do it in the config for the miner instead.
Performance don't think so. I think clocks may be more set in stone on some cards with config though. Also if you switch coins easier to set different for each one. Also easier to change en masse with config, or through remote manager. If tuning each card, using config make it easier to adjust for instability since numbers in log same as order you set them... Down to preference really.
Would anyone share settings for Gigabyte RX64 gaming ? Thanks
the best you can get on that gpu is 43mh/s. if you raise the tRef over 4k it crash always Use claymore to set straps, then mine with TeamRedMiner, I get upwards of 50MH on reference Vega 56....
Some "proofs"?
I'm lie. I would rather have 15 570s than a single 3090 any day!!! Mining today is crazy!!!
Got my 3090 delivered today. These hashrates are crazy!!! 120MH for Ethereum, 65MH for KAWPOW. Eats up the power though, need to tweak the power usage.
I tried, gives me less hashrate than CM.
run claymore with bogus pool to set the -rxboost option, and mine with phoenix, it is slightly faster. Ok explain that in more detail please. 2 batch files. One runs claymore miner, but with an invalid pool to mine at.... just throw some gibbirish in the URL. Then have normal Phoenixminer batch file to actually mine. -rxboost sets a memory parameter that increases mining speed. You can also set the parameter yourself with amdmemorytweakxl or whatever. I think it is TREF or something??? recent quote from phoenixminer forum.... Re: PhoenixMiner 5.1c: fastest Ethereum/Ethash miner with lowest devfee (Win/Linux) August 30, 2020, 04:23:21 AM Reply with quote +Merit #5265 Quote from: chafer99 on August 30, 2020, 04:21:51 AM Hi, exist some GPU option like -rxboost in Claymore miner? I have 33.5Mh (RX580 8Gb) with -rxboost, and 32Mh on Phoenix (with autotune), but this miner better for my 4Gb cards.No. PM didn't have analog option. But I use AMD Memory tweak tool to set the REF parameter for each card - that's what -rxboost do.
I tried, gives me less hashrate than CM.
run claymore with bogus pool to set the -rxboost option, and mine with phoenix, it is slightly faster.
Hi, is there a way other than -nofee 1 to mine small DAG coins on 4GB cards and not have miner crashing when he switch on dev fee and want to mine ETH on ethermine ... ? -allcoins -1 or -allcoins 1 have no effect
Use Phoenixminer....
Hello all. Does anyone have a MSI Evoke 5700? I also have a Mech 5700. Both flashed to the same BIOS (5700 XT + Strap mode), same BIOS mod 1500 straps and yet the Evoke barely hits 52MH/s where the Mech is hitting 55MH/s easily. I have another Evoke on the way as well as a Mech so I can confirm whether or not the Mech is just a better card or not. I have tweaked all the clock settings to find the optimal for stability and speed but that Evoke just won't hash as well as the Mech.
So what I am trying to figure out if others are having similar issues or not.
Hello, msi xt 5700 8 Gb EVOKE OC. You must edit only 1 ts bios straps copy 1550 and down! The second bios must be unchanged! Otherwise, the cards will not give a higher hash Can edit both, be fine, only the one for your memory type gets used so just change both. The display monitor will hash noticably slower. Also, check memory temperature, if memory hits 105C it will throttle core.
As a stupid dumb quick solution for 4gb cards if you did not mod your bios...
Run claymore v15 and after it applies the straps just right click on the cmd bar and hit edit -> mark. This will pause the program. Your timings and straps are applied.
Now go run say....phx miner with basically no settings except your pool since the GPU settings are done and you can continue mining for a bit until you have time to mod your bios/linux etc.
Bro just make the pool some bogus nonsense.... then it applies straps but doesn't create the DAG and burn RAM
To set logfile current date time (Windows)
for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%i in ('date /t') do set tdtd=%%i%%j%%k for /F "tokens=5-8 delims=:. " %%i in ('echo.^| time ^| find "current" ') do set ttrn=%%i%%j%%k%%l set tufn=%tdtd%_%ttrn%
Then add this flag
Creator(s) should make it easier!!!
I have come across a strange problem. My Gigabyte RX580 8GB cards was hashing at about 31 Mh/s but has suddenly fallen to 25. It is like Clymore 15.0 can no longer apply the straps but there is no indications of anything wrong in the log files. If i remove the -strap option they will actually run a bit faster. And if I flash the VBIOS they will be back up to 31. Can anyone explain that? They were running a bit faster with strap from Claymore than the VBIOS I have found (or made, can't remember) so it would be nice to get it working as it should. Win10, AMD 20.4.2
If card is flashed, no need for -strap, -strap is to allow memory boost without flashing for ease of use. If want to use -strap to test memory settings, try driver uninstall then install (Claymore driver....)
Hi, trying to have Phoenix working on my RXs 4GB. I'm facing 2 problems. It's a W10 8 gpus rig, 4Gb RAM, 32GB virtual memory, drivers just updated to 20.4.2
Running more than 5 gpus gives a fatal error. -gpus 12345 works -gpus 23456 works -gpus 123456 fatal error, nothing more in log
-mt 1 and -mt 2 have no effect. Gpus are bios flashed, is it for that ?
Parameters used : -mt 1 -gt 46 -gpus 12345 -amd -acm
32G is not enough. Try 42 for example... All memory allocated on GPU needs addressed in Windows, if DAG is almost 4GB, needs 4x8GB + more for good measure...
AMD released 20.8.2 driver. I checked it - PM support it. OpenCL still from 20.7.1. So 20.8.2 can be installed without any difference with 20.7.1 drivers.
I tried to installed 20.8.2 with my 12 rx 4gb flashed bios but when i tried to patch with the amd patcher it says that it was too big in memory and unable to patch, for me the 20.4.2 is stable as for my experience, the last thing i need to tune up is the proper command line for my rig, because i've noticed that it frozen after lessthan an hour and before it was freezing some of my cards begin to reduce its hashrate power. Download newer version of patcher....
What is a good remote monitor? Similar to Claymore remote monitor.
CLAYMORE REMOTE MONITOR WORKS WELL-- PhoenixMiner was designed to run in a compatible fashion to Claymore's miner. Claymore's "ETHMan" remote monitor works well with PhoenixMiner, it is easy to read, and lets a miner know when a problem pops up. --scryptr Yeah figured that out... Seems to all work except doesn't show shares accepted/stale... Oh well.