Ever since upgrading yesterday, my miner has completely stopped working. Seems like it is not attempting to connect to the pool anymore and for some reason thinks the wallet address is the IP/host? I haven't changed any configuration settings at all. EDIT: Downgrading from 0.5-44 to 0.5-43 fixed the issue! Looks like the latest version breaks ethminer!
What a load of garbage. This is not S2X/NYA, this isn't even remotely related to S2X - for fucks sake, you have 4MB BLOCKS.
How desperate do scammers have to be to rip off the name of an anticipated fork just to launch their shitcoin?
Remember to join the most sophisticated ARK delegate pool yet: Biz Classic. We're still doing 100% payouts for another month and 100% forever for smaller wallets. We've got a lot of things coming up on our roadmap, we have our own discord and our own fully featured website that allows custom payouts among other things. We posted our first news update on the state of the pool earlier and we've got lots of things in store for voters. Make sure to check us out. We're currently #5 and have been forging for some time now.
Currently in the process of rewriting all the binaries in pure node and implementing profit-switching!
Is there a reason I'm getting such ABSURD number differences using the API vs a browser? It looks like the JSON in browser still uses saved cookie data. Is there any way to pass the data to the endpoint to get an accurate profitability estimate via CLI, or do I HAVE to emulate sending cookies to get this data? 
got 6 Gigabyte 1060 3gb mini's  They do exactly 20 Mh/s ETH each. (overclocked mem) Those are shipped with Hynix, but it's okish. With samsung chips I think you can expect 22 Mh/s. Each of my Gigabyte 3GB Minis gets 25MH/s. mind sharing your setup/config? got 6 Gigabyte 1060 3gb mini's  They do exactly 20 Mh/s ETH each. (overclocked mem) Those are shipped with Hynix, but it's okish. With samsung chips I think you can expect 22 Mh/s. Each of my Gigabyte 3GB Minis gets 25MH/s. You're lucky they are shipped with samsung memory I think? (gpu-z will show) What miner? Thanks Haven't checked all of them but I bought 5 together, then 2 separate, and 1 separate. The ones I did check were Samsung memory though. Power Limit @ 65%. Mem Clock + 900 Core Clock + 200 nVIDIA optimized ethminer.
got 6 Gigabyte 1060 3gb mini's  They do exactly 20 Mh/s ETH each. (overclocked mem) Those are shipped with Hynix, but it's okish. With samsung chips I think you can expect 22 Mh/s. Each of my Gigabyte 3GB Minis gets 25MH/s.
are you retarded? They keep showing you that your decision has nothing to do with dag size
Can you explain to me? thanks Sure, here you go. 
Is there a functioning split-key vanity pool. There were two before but I can't seem to find the other legitimate one.
- You can always switch back as soon as he updates it.  - Yes....yes it can. To me that would be like cheating on my wife because she's on the rag and refusing to play any bed sports. Dumbest post I've seen in a while. Probably you don 't visit any ripple topics on this forum I'm back after a several year hiatus. So I guess it just hasn't been long enough for me to recall some of the crazier shit posted.
Why anyone would buy some of these boards is beyond me when rigging a Z270A with M.2 and PCIE multipliers gets you at least 11 GPUs for cheaper is beyond me. Biostar TB350 BTC, AM4 motherboard has been fairly easy to setup here so far, a pair of rigs running now with 6 GPUs each and we have 3 more being built atm.
I think we can use this mobo with 6x GPUs and ryzen 1700x to mine by both GPU and CPU, is it more profitable than 6 GPUs and a much cheaper CPU to mine by GPUs only? Any of the Ryzen CPUs can mine enough to pay for their cost within the first 6-12 months. I'd go for the cheapest model that had the number of cores you want though, so for a 8 core Ryzen I'd get the 1700 at ~$300. We're running R5 1600s on 5 of our mining rigs and they can all do ~450 hashrate on Monero, which is good for $1/day right now. There are other more profitable CPU minable coins too, some twice as profitable even. How do you make GPU and CPU mining at the same time? Care to share any tutorial? Thanks! 1. Run GPU miner 2. Run CPU miner 3.  4. PROFIT!!
- You can always switch back as soon as he updates it.  - Yes....yes it can. To me that would be like cheating on my wife because she's on the rag and refusing to play any bed sports. Dumbest post I've seen in a while.
Good work. I try it. more stability now. can you make monitoring by RIG like Claymore monitor?
Can you elaborate on what you mean when you say "by rig"? This will work with any mining application as long as you configure it to launch that miner.
Updated to v.0.1.1 to fix an issue with the v0.1 pre-compiled binary.
Eth-NOVA Current release: v0.1.1 IntroductionEth-NOVA is an absurdly simple all-in-one mining application tailored toward Windows setups. It will overclock your GPUs, set your power limit, fix P-state, launch your miner, and monitor your mining rig for issues. It is designed to be an AIO application to get started with mining on a Windows bmining rig. Features- Overclocking on launch.
- Power limit setting on launch.
- P-state setting on launch.
- Monitoring GPU utilization, rebooting miner/machine on hang/error.
- Autostart mining.
DownloadPre-compiled binaries are found here. Full source code found hereInstallaton / ConfigurationThe default mining configuration applies no overclock or p-state changes and sets the power limit to 120W. Modify the configuration file to your liking. At the very minimum, the path should be modified with your wallet information. Adding this application to your startup is recommended. If you do so, make sure it is ran as administrator (along with EVERY executable in the binary folder!) and is launched from its own directory! Turning off UAC is also necessary to ensure application launches run uninterrupted. Configuration is as follows:- theshold: Threshold in utilization percent to consider a GPU idle.
- kill: Command to kill your mining process. Modify this if you are not using ethminer!
- path: Path to the miner that should be launched. Modify this!
- reboot: The command that is executed when a GPU is idle despite miner restart.
- restartApp: Idle time in cycles (roughly seconds) until the miner process is killed and restarted.
- rebootRig: Idle time in cycles (roughly seconds) until the entire machine is rebooted.
- core: Core overclock amount in MHz.
- mem: Memory overclock amount in MHz. This should be HALF of what is shown in Afterburner!
- power: Power Limit in Watts (NOT percentage!).
If you do not trust the packaged binaries, you can replace them with their original sources, as detailed below. Binary SourcesTO-DO- Event Logging
- Internet connectivity check
- Linux Support
- AMD Support
- Configurator App
DonationsIf you enjoy the application and want to see more of the TODO features implemented, please donate. ETH: 0x00972cd6a2c6786afbcc24ca592b8c86f33f747a BTC: 1n4ruYy5QWbTDBbPEyBRWwj1Ni4U4Sz5P
and also you're not adding in the BTC price value. if BTC was at $3000 usd for one coin last week and its @ $2500 today for an example a lost $500 value is directly proportional to your earnings per day.. if you converted to BTC... get it... hint .. hint
Do you even fucking run NiceHash? It gives you a readout in mBTC and the fiat currency of users' choice. You'll notice I didn't cite the earning capacity in fiat currency, I cited it in mBTC because I'm not a total fucking moron like your shitty and useless message implies. Thank you all for letting me know that this community is the worst possible place to recruit a coder for a new project. You all can fuck off. I don't care at this point if I get moderated and my account gets blocked. This forum is full of useless, flame-happy masturbators. FOR THE LAST TIME NICEHASH MINER HAS A VIRTUAL MEMORY ALLOCATION BUG I DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET AROUND AND ITS LATEST VERSION COMES WITH A LEGAL NOTICE THAT HAS SCARED MY FUNDERS OFF. IF NONE OF YOU HAS ANY INTEREST IN WRITING SOFTWARE THAT PAYS USERS IN BITCOIN FOR MINING A LESS MAINSTREAM CRYPTOCURRENCY AND HARDCODING CPU EARNINGS FOR YOURSELF THEN FUCK OFF AND STOP POSTING IN MY GOD DAMN THREADwhat a moron.
Does it? Specs-wise, it is a good bit faster than the HD5870. I can't say I know which specs' changes would best align with vanitygen changes, but it doesn't seem unfathomable. I'm sure it's not even removely the fastest; but hardware review sites don't generally test against oclvanitygen  I bought the 5870 when the R9s first came out, and it got swept by the HD5870s by about a 50% difference, as it did against the entire HD7xxx series.
o_O Has anyone else tried it? That seems a little insane.
Has the HD5870 been superseded yet as the best vanity miner? I bought mine for $100 and it gets a whopping 30Mkey/s out of the box. Have newer gen GFX cards surpassed this?
About two weeks ago, I deposited a fair amount of BTC more than intended into Foodler's service. For those unfamiliar, Foodler is a service nearly identical to GrubHub and Seamless, but with the big (what I thought to be a plus) addition of accepting Bitcoin and converting it into "FoodlerBucks" (their credit system). I meant to send just over .07 BTC, but lo and behold I made a mistake. Now I'm in the middle of a disastrous customer support chokehold, being told multiple things by different people and even being hung up on by support once without having my call answered. I have spent over 7.4 Bitcoins on their service to date, and this is one of the worst customer support experiences I've ever had. I have not spent a single cent since the mistaken deposit and have been eagerly awaiting their response. After an initial email and phone call, I was told the support would "contact Bitcoin". After correcting them and getting the case forwarded up, I called again after 48 hours and was told "the head of the company" and a "supervisor" was notified and that I should be getting a call and receiving a refund. That call never came. I sent another email and was told the same drivel - "they're working on it". After placing one more phone call days ago and trying to get the contact information of someone relevant, I was told the same old "we are working on it but cannot put you on the phone with anyone who can help". I am posting here to let people know to be careful and avoid Foodler's horrendous support. I have lost ~$60 over the past week because of increasing BTC prices, and I have yet to see any of my Bitcoins back in my wallet - and do not know if I will be refunded the full 1.71 BTC I originally deposited or if they will be refunding me at all. I have yet to even receive a confirmation from anyone but their unreliable customer support who cannot seem to get ANYONE else on the line to speak to me. It's been over a week since any correspondence and it seems they have no interest in giving me a refund despite telling me otherwise. I will not be using their services again if this is how they do business with a long time customer. Here is my latest correspondence with them, which is them basically telling me "we're working on it" with no updates. After this email I waited a few days and made the recent call. Still nothing. If anyone has ANY relevant contact information for the CEO or someone who can actually help me over at Foodler, whether it be phone number, email, or otherwise, please PM me or post it here. I would love to get in direct contact with someone who can actually help me out. Buyer Beware.