There is much diplomacy evident in this group.
We will succeed where others have failed to reconcile their differences.
Such a lovely statement.
Over the past 24 hours 110000DTC was sold on FreiExchange for about $600. So getting a large stake in Datacoin is quite easy at the moment. And cheap, in any currency.
If you want to mine DTC, 2xGTX1080 graphics cards should give you about 1000DTC per day. This is not too difficult to achieve.
I am sorry about the Bter/ wallet - it distorts the debate a little. But that is an exchange - they all have large wallets.
I remember very clearly when last we had a similar discussion. Shawn Wilkinson from Storj wanted us to sell him 600000DTC. We didn't have that kind of money, so he went on to launch Storj on his own coin.
Nothing wrong with that - he took in $30 million and eventually ended up as an ICO on Ethereum. People should do what makes them feel most comfortable.
But Datacoin is so cheap now, and the mining so easy, that I think people should pause a little and accumulate the amount of coins they feel comfortable with.
It may be easier than you think.