I wanted to reply to my original post just to clarify something. There's nothing like a clarification on something posted 8 years earlier!

Back in 2012, the Bitty miner app links in my original post were quickly removed by mods since they were deemed "suspicious." That's okay, I understand. The links were to an .exe file which can have all kinds of bad things, like malware, spyware, trojanware, etc. Mine did not...the app was nothing more than a pointer to a web page with an embedded javascript for browser mining bitcoin. I also had an .htm version and an .hta version. Likely, I should've used one of those, instead of the .exe, so people could've looked at the page source. Oh well.
Since Bitty was never used by anyone, and since it earned zero BTC, I simply scratched the whole thing. Then, I forgot about it.
Why this reply eight years later then? Two reasons:
- Because it always bothered me a bit that the Bitty miner and "suspicious" links made me look scammy. At times, I've wanted to revisit Bitty, just to show it for what it was and that the links were not malicious. However, all the files and website were gone.
- Because only a week and a half ago did I finally rediscover the Bitty miner site from 2012. Since we're all currently on lock down at home during the COVID-19 situation, I've been rummaging through old files, folders, and the like. And, while looking at an old wiki admin panel, there it was!...complete with the miner app embedded in the wiki. The wiki had been deleted, but apparently a deleted wiki is not a dead wiki.
With this new discovery, here was my chance to set the record straight. I understand, nobody cares, and that it doesn't matter. But, I'll feel better!
In the spirit of full disclosure, the Bitty app never sat right 100% with me, here's why:
- First, it used BitcoinPlus.com to mine. Bitty's embedded javascript simply pointed to BitcoinPlus.com to browser-mine. BitcoinPlus.com always seemed to walk up near the edge of scamminess itself.
- Secondly, Bitty did require a person's computer to use all of its CPU ability, so, the computer ran hot.
Links1. The
Bitty app website (the "suspicious link" that was removed) was:
http://bitty.wikidot.com Maybe the link won't get removed this time since the miner does nothing now. The embedded javascript that made it work points to BitcoinPlus.com, which is no more. Bitty has been neutered.
2. A
video of the app in action, from back in 2012, can be seen at:
https://player.vimeo.com/video/46534255 Sorry about the rave music. What was I thinking?
3. How BitcoinPlus.com looked at the time:
https://web.archive.org/web/20120611082224/http://www.bitcoinplus.com/Below is the code for the Bitty miner app (the .exe simply opened this .hta file): And, yes, I realize the final /head tag should have been /html, oops.

<head><title>Bitty Miner</title></head>
<body bgcolor=#A3C2FF>
<font face=verdana color=#000044><big><b>Bitty Miner</b></big></font><br>
<font face=verdana color=#202020><small><small>A lil bitty Bitcoin miner powered by</small></small></font><br>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="http://www.bitcoinplus.com/js/miner.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">BitcoinPlusMiner(18131671, {autostart: true, addControls: true})</script>
<font face=verdana><small><small>
<a href="http://bitty.wikidot.com" target=_blank>Bitty website</a>