I've heard good things about Shakepay as well, though I haven't personally used them. Hah, worked right away. The absolute state of localbitcoins though I finally could get verified there. Anyway loan repaid w/tip! needed it quickly, thanks again txid 252f723fb050622d5a77e30ef7ccae2f6adab7132b806161984d0f9cd886e365
Anybody in the future who reads this and trades in Canada i'd be interested in what you use I used to buy coins directly from the guy's at Waves coffee in their little office there back in the day before they even set up an ATM (they're long gone). Outside of the main exchanges, there isn't much for Canada save for Coinsquare and Bylls/Bullbitcoin if you don't care too much about KYC (as far as I know). I can't say much about either of these services, though as I don't personally trade very often, but some people who have used these say that they are alright. I don't mind KYC if I'm trading huge amounts but under $100 for a traceable payment from a bank is ridiculous. What's the repayment address btw?
Sent, 48hrs I'll return 0.001938 BTC plus some extra Transaction has been sent. For (assumed) privacy's sake, I'm going to keep this confidential except in the case of critical importance. Otherwise, will confirm the transaction's receipt when the loan is complete. Note that this is loan is given without a definitive link between moni3z's current identity and their past identities, though there is significant circumstantial evidence to imply one. Privacy doesn't matter, it's coinbase commerce address Thanks, I also find it hilarious localbitcoins terrible ID-as-service 3rd party they are using rejected my passport and selfie despite me trading on there for 7 years, and contacting customer service is estimated at '3 days response time'. Anybody in the future who reads this and trades in Canada i'd be interested in what you use I used to buy coins directly from the guy's at Waves coffee in their little office there back in the day before they even set up an ATM (they're long gone).
Anyway if there is somebody from Canada here, and can accept an Interac email for $30 (i only need $20USD really), for collateral then let me know otherwise cancel this thread Just give me an address either through a private message or through here. I'll send you the US$20. Sent, 48hrs I'll return 0.001938 BTC plus some extra
Base on this profile link it seems this localbitcoin profile and this btcointalk profile operated by same user. But I visited https://www.walletexplorer.com/And I saw 1FActnPuuxVu4eU62YnCTYDmUDU6LgyYNz it is a wallet id of localbitcoin. But 1B5H4xEEaDhmbPGFVTst2kymd9HFYhymoW 1JgaFPpfvBUMo4JzNctgGuqDcgNR3AirFk These two wallet doesn't belong to localbitcoin and even doesn't belong to any exchange (correct me if I am wrong). This two wallet belongs to a single wallet which should have private key. It might be from blockchain, electrum or something like this. Probably an old blockchain wallet like this one, which you can see is in my history: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H6pUE5AT-TAq31w_R4r-vDUlmmbobANO/view?usp=sharingAnyway if there is somebody from Canada here, and can accept an Interac email for $30 (i only need $20USD really), for collateral then let me know otherwise cancel this thread
As you see this is the problem, localbitcoins won't even let you look at your wallet without 'tier 1 verification': Where would we be without Bitcoin's decentralization?  Anyway no worries, there is a bitcoin ATM here I can get too eventually If you are going to come back to the forum in any capacity, I would still recommend creating some concrete link between the 2015 cryptographic identity and the current one: if at time you repaid a previous loan and you still have access to the wallet that did so, you could sign a message with those relevant addresses from the repayment transaction. I spent the last couple of years in HK working in fintech, came back to Canada because of corona flu and now all my old accounts want piles of verification, the absolute state of memecoins in current year for small amounts even. No worries guys, I know how it works, also I could have emailed anybody a $30 interac payment (in Canada). My localbitcoins profile is this: https://localbitcoins.com/accounts/profile/discorder but if they want all this bullshit verification then I'll just go back to #bitcoin-otc like the old days
Sign this address: 18gEM6Mjk9QmXs6GyvSFbNmfncPJr2Zq69 Source: Req 1BTC, return 1.2BTC 23Oct If this is OK same address 18gEM6Mjk9QmXs6GyvSFbNmfncPJr2Zq69 Thanks again 
I am not trying to say that this is a scam attempt or anything. However, keep vigilant for anybody who willing to give him the loans since the user recently woke up after for years inactivity and has been changed the account's password lately. There's a possibility this is a bought or hacked account even though his trust was green. This is the timeline (via BPIP): 9/3/2020 9:41:00 PM password reset via email 9/3/2020 9:41:04 PM woke up Just need to make sure with some addresses first.
Otherwise, I'll send it to the address. Repay me the amount I paid in transaction fees and we're good. That's an old Localbitcoins address, can't sign it, can still receive to it though. I assure you I'm not scamming for $30, I have interac Canadian payment collateral This was actually my problem actually, I logged into localbitcoins to buy some small amount of coins after a few years, they want all kinds of 'Tier 1 verification' which takes 24hrs despite me using it for years Cancel the request then, I'll just go to a bitcoin ATM here on the weekend or Bitcoin-OTC where I have rep and use an escrow
Take a real compsci intro course, one that teaches 'systems engineering' as in what a testing oracle is https://learnaifromscratch.github.io/software.htmlThen you pick up books or read papers on google scholar about whatever protocol you want to work with Then you can either do gitcoin bounty's and write features in excange for coins or you find some open source wallet or whatever and get your PRs approved Get a few PRs accepted and maybe somebody will look at you, or enter via customer support on one of the big exchanges and weasel your way into development internally If you want to take a real cryptography course from dj bernstein's gf then here you go: https://functionalcs.github.io/curriculum/#org92df451 it assumes you know linear algebra
If you remember legendary scammer 'pirateat40' the SEC had completely tracked every coin he spent and detailed how they did this in their court filing, look it up
Somehow using VPN makes me feel safe while working with cryptocurrencies, like transactions, payments and buying bitcoins. I've been using surfshark vpn for almost 3 months now and I guess it's okay. I haven't really tried other VPN's though for I don't want to risk my wallet just to try other VPN. You know, like what's the point if I have my door lock for months and it's not even rusted. The largest risk with cryptocurrency is that online exchanges are vulnerable, as mentioned, to hacking they say. I know some may already experienced this kind of problem, and I wonder how you manage to solve this. As someone who hasn't encountered such, I think it's a good opportunity to ask someone who does and help me point out what other things to do to secure not just my wallet account but also my other personal accounts.  A VPN is something you use when you don't trust the network you're on, like you're in the Hong Kong airport and you're using their 'free wifi' and you want to xfer some coins. It can also (sometimes) be used to bypass some kind of country specific firewall but you'd likely just buy fireproxy for that or something. As for 'hacking', nobody is going to hack your phone or bitcoind daemon or w/e it is you're using unless you've dropped it on a server The largest risk with cryptocurrency is the exchange gets seized by the regime or the owners disappear with all your money, so choose exchanges where this is not likely to happen
My coinbase annoying timer timed out, so will xfer to a wallet Repay amount up to you, name price Collateral, CDN interac is all I have or reputation I used to loan here back in the day all the time Reasons: buy online service, don't want to wait the 24hr 'verification hold' for coinberry and other exchanges in my country
Sign transaction offline. Move txn to online system. Broadcast it.
That's what I've been doing for years or if it's small amounts Google Authenticator 2FA, just avoid all SMS/phone number 2FA schemes, that is easy to fake and how businesses get their domains hijacked routinely when some guy spoofs their SMS recovery and logs into their gmail, then changes their domain (or in OP's case, steals all the coins).
There's still a middle man, by using reddit you are under their whims to censor/ban or manipulate whatever happens to work tasks there. It's also filtered in a lot of countries you'd want to include like China. I'd avoid it at all costs and pick something more decentralized. I wouldn't even trust a subreddit to be the discussion forum for a site I ran let alone be in charge of assigning work. Some kind of app for this instead, pref a free/GNU project, but with a highly abstracted overlay and UI for the common upwork freelancer to understand that doesn't rely on any Zucker/Reddit/Twitter cancer that will actively work against what you're trying to do.
being something that involves investor money, you should do things that do not violate the law
This, otherwise everybody is going to lose eventually. if anybody remembers what happened to the Redbook admins in SF you should be careful considering they're both doing serious time right now. Incorporating 'offshore' is meaningless if you are actively promoting within the US or taking payments you can still get extradited, esp if you're giving interviews, or are at all political. One of the main reasons Redbook went down is they became political/advocacy, if you're doing something illegal don't get involved in politics, try to avoid centralizing payments and never give interviews to the media, just grow your shady app slowly it will get popular, no need to force it by rubbing your illegal service in the face of cops and politicians with high profile interviews, they hate that and like to make 'examples' like the Redbook people. The media isn't your friend, you should treat them like late stage cancer because after every interview they go run to the nearest politician "What are you going to do about this blatant illegal app? Your comment please Senator" and this elevates you to having significant resources aimed in your direction.
Why do you need atm when you have localbitcoins.com?
For small amounts, also 24hr access. There's a bunch of ATMs where I live and numerous times I've had problems with them stopping halfway through a transaction reporting some error. Here they often have somebody hanging around working for the ATM to chase off rival traders sitting beside it offering a lower rate so I was able to fix the problem immediately but would be wary of any standalone ATM with a phone number that just led to a voicemail that's never checked.
Ethereum also has to survive the inevitable bugs in the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine ) and user written contracts. When those contracts start becoming real with actual value attached and popular enough that it's worth spending time to analyze you're going to see every hacker in the world trying to exploit those contracts. So the real test is can Ethereum survive a confidence loss when the media is running multiple headlines about money disappearing because somebody analyzed a SolC control flow graph using satisfiability and discovered a way to steal millions of dollars.