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1  Economy / Services / Re: 1 Bitcoin BOUNTY for info on Michael Moriarty. Owner of 50+ bitcoin sites. on: November 07, 2014, 07:04:33 PM
I remember meeting a guy in Vancouver. He bought some BTC from me. He promoted Moriarty's websites (oh whom I hadn't heard before) and actually asked me to join.

1st meeting: "Have you heard of Dr. Michael Moriarty? He has a network of 50 websites, various businesses. You seem like a bright guy, he could use your help."

While at home I google the guy and a few of his websites and immediately got a red flag feeling.

2nd meeting: "So have you checked out those websites?" I said yes and I just said wasn't really interested, no particular reason. I haven't seen the guy ever since.

But I made a clear mental picture of him. He is of average height, maybe 5'8", semi-long hair (light or ginger-ish), slim, some freckles (as far as I remember, not sure now). He was dressed extravagantly in a French-looking manner, French hat (a beret). Here's an image of that guy's clothing style (pretty close):

Now, I'm not claiming he is Moriarty or his employee. Just something I remembered while reading this thread. Maybe some of you have come across him, too. 

2  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Cognitive Nutrition NeuroPept REVIEW on: May 23, 2013, 07:35:35 PM
I take Piracetam daily. 2 capsules a lunch and sometimes 2 more closer to the evening if I need to work more.

I take Aniracetam when I do music as I read this one has more effect on creativity.

And I take Pramiracetam when I study a programming language (which is a challege for me as I'm not a programmer or IT guy).

I must say, there is some small difference from being off the pills but I excpected a little more. Pramiracetam, which is 15 x more potent than Piracetam, works better, I guess. I concentrate and just study study study.

I'm interested to try this NeuroPept. 1000 x stronger than Piracetam sounds exciting and, to tell the truth, a little scary. But I hope I'll notice the difference. Will order it soon.
3  Bitcoin / Meetups / Re: West Coast Canada Is Best Coast Canada on: May 05, 2013, 04:41:07 AM
We have a meetup in Vancouver every first Wednesday of the month. Check it out here:
4  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Live in Canada, how get actual $$ out of Mtgox account? on: April 27, 2013, 09:29:20 PM
If you are in Canada then it's pretty difficult. The only option would be the bank transfer.

For Canadians there are better exchanges. Virtex - and the one I prefer -

So, I would say buy your bitcoins back in MtGOX, open an account on one of those exchanges and transfer the BTC there. Sell them there and withdraw by direct deposit/wire/Interac and what not.
5  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: W.I.P Music Distribution Platform on: April 24, 2013, 12:01:34 AM
Will this be in collaboration with artists or will payments go directly to the owner?

Will there be a mobile app for streaming music?

Looks pretty neat!
6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: 80 BTC: transaction not found? on: March 31, 2013, 07:59:30 PM
WTF? Chain split?

Looks like the initial transaction (my friend -> me) wasn't picked up by miners so it wasn't processed. But it was still broadcast.
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: 80 BTC: transaction not found? on: March 31, 2013, 07:48:34 PM
So, here's what happened:

1. My friend asked me to back him up and sell this guy 80 BTC. he sends me those 80 BTC because I didn't have enough in my balance.
2. I meet the buyer and do the trade, I send him 80 BTC.
3. By nighttime, the transaction disappears from my wallet and the buyer's wallet.
4. Turns out the transaction my friend sent me was never processed. So he had those 80 BTC returned to his wallet. But for some reason they still showed up in my wallet during the trade, that's why I didn't hesitate.
5. My friend just sent me those 80 BTC again. Which I will froward to the buyer. All sorted out.

Still, this is a bit frustrating and the wallet should be improved to prevent such things, in my opinion.
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: 80 BTC: transaction not found? on: March 31, 2013, 07:04:26 PM
I checked the sending address (18JP8n2bzJhNXqiQvrS5h28mgEuGDaTn51) and found that there were only 78 BTC in that address at the time the transaction was broadcasted to the network. What might of happened was that the transaction was rejected by the Bitcoin network (or's bitcoind), but due to a bug the 80 BTC were still subtracted from beeteecee's online wallet.

My balance at that moment was 158.682265 BTC
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: 80 BTC: transaction not found? on: March 31, 2013, 06:44:09 PM
Hmm, it's probably a bug in the wallet software then. Did you check another site to see if the bitcoins were actually received/sent to that address?

Checked the recipient's address on
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: 80 BTC: transaction not found? on: March 31, 2013, 06:37:16 PM
Added to the text:
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: 80 BTC: transaction not found? on: March 31, 2013, 06:33:48 PM
I think the guy is lying, just to get you to send him 80 BTC again. Even if the bitcoins were "lost", that would still be his fault.

But the transaction does NOT show up in my transaction history either. It was there when I did the transaction and it's not there anymore. Just disappeared.
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / 80 BTC: transaction not found? on: March 31, 2013, 06:12:00 PM

I've made dozens of transactions previously but the last one seems to have failed.

I sent 80 BTC to another person using my Blockchain android app. The person saw this incoming transaction in his wallet and his balance updated to 80 BTC. Everything was perfectly fine as usual.

In the evening he calls me and tells me his balance is 0. I check my transaction history and there is NO such transaction there. Moreover, 80 BTC are not in my account either.

Here's what I have:

1. An email confirming that the transaction was sent:

Payment Sent Notification
A Payment has been sent from your bitcoin wallet.
1Mu7R5BGKQSb3QEcTyEpii9C43tpDewtNL 80.03 BTC
beeteecee 78.62226501 BTC
-80.03 BTC

2. Luckily I left the page open on my computer when I checked the status of the transaction before I left home. I made a screenshot of it.

Like I said the transaction does NOT show up in my transaction history anymore and when I click on the link in my email it goes the main page with this message: Transaction not found.

Please let me know what I can do here to return my bitcoins. It is 8 thousand dollars we are talking about now. And as far as I understand it can happen to anyone.

I've been dealing with bitcoins for a year now but this situation made me back off with my optimism.

P.S. The guy I sent the bitcoins to also sent an email to the support.

UPD. Here's the recipient's wallet address on blockchain: It says No transactions found for this address.
The sender's address:

UPD2. So, here's what happened:

1. My friend asked me to back him up and sell this guy 80 BTC. he sends me those 80 BTC because I didn't have enough in my balance.
2. I meet the buyer and do the trade, I send him 80 BTC.
3. By nighttime, the transaction disappears from my wallet and the buyer's wallet.
4. Turns out the transaction my friend sent me was never processed. So he had those 80 BTC returned to his wallet. But for some reason they still showed up in my wallet during the trade, that's why I didn't hesitate.
5. My friend just sent me those 80 BTC again. Which I will froward to the buyer. All sorted out.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: ripple: let's test it! on: March 20, 2013, 08:20:18 AM
Hey guys,

I created a new Ripple account. My address is rzrQieowSLiDwjYDsXRKayPbb8uGzkV1D

Would be glad to test it out.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Ripple Giveaway! on: March 14, 2013, 09:55:47 PM
15  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: embeddable bitcoin price chart on: January 23, 2013, 11:13:12 PM
Wow, that's great! Can you please CAD? It's widely used as well, I may need this one myself. Thanks!
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Multibit sent more BTC than I entered! on: January 09, 2013, 07:35:30 AM
Wow, I guess it was false alarm. I've used Multibit for some time now but never seen this occur before. I just checked it, it it really was sent to another Multibit address of mine (which I've never used, that's why I got frustrated).

Thanks for the explanation, I'm relieved!
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Multibit sent more BTC than I entered! on: January 09, 2013, 07:10:01 AM
Has anybody seen this before?

I had 33 BTC in my wallet and I sent 8 BTC with Multibit. The client shows the current balance of 25 BTC, which is correct. However, The Blockchain shows that I only have 20 BTC in my final balance! And it shows that I sent 8 BTC to one address and almost 5 BTC to another address in the same transaction. How is that possible?

What can it be? Anyone?

18  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Bored Built the Bitcoin ChatRoom on: December 23, 2012, 05:43:08 AM
There is already one, it's called the Freenode
19  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: Nootropics for Bitcoins on: December 22, 2012, 06:48:42 PM
Looking forward to receiving my order! Didn't know you guys existed.
20  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Difference between VirTex and MtGox prices on: December 06, 2012, 09:14:37 AM
I believe it also has to do with amounts dealt on both exchanges. Virtex is much smaller, that's why they have higher commissions. I'm pretty sure they can lower their rates when there are more traders.
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