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1  Other / Meta / Re: Are "giving merit to those who need a bump to rank up" topics allowed today? on: January 17, 2020, 07:56:22 AM

I personally think that good members will get their merits any way and that they don’t need help with merits or merits giveaway topics.

No, fuckin, shit... Do you know that situation where teacher says to a good student that maybe flanked the test:"I've given you an extra point for the higher grade but be sure to learn this next time well"?

2  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: ▐ Giving 1 Merit to users who need to rank up [OPEN]▐ on: January 17, 2020, 07:38:39 AM
Jesus, fucking, Christ... ok

I understand your willingness to help forum users to rank up
According to his trust history, this user hasn't that good willingness to help forum community. He spams sig campaigns using alts and defaulted on a loan of 20$ {Lol} and also evading a ban so he actually deserves a perma ban too .
He maybe thought that he can overturn what he did in past by just giving merits away. Or try to convince admins that he is a good forum user who doesn't deserve to be distrusted. Or maybe he intend to receive some more merits from other users who would believe the good intention of his initiative .
Whatever he wants to do, i don't see why someone who reached 249 merit score would ask for the last point before to rank up from a user who tried to scam others using different methods .
For anybody willing to follow this offer, I advice you to earn merits by your own efforts as you shouldn't be in need of this.

>According to his trust history, this user hasn't that good willingness to help forum community. He spams sig campaigns using alts and defaulted on a loan of 20$ {Lol} and also evading a ban so he actually deserves a perma ban too .
  - Yeah, not that I was mostly spending time in BnH and in meta looking for merit abusers. No, I did not, defaulted because that account (mezmerizer) was a collateral and the deal was to pay him off weekly with sig campaigns, but he changed the pass right away so I went fuck it. 'Ban evasion' on the assumption that indijanos account is banned due to inactivity, go check that account now. That my seccond account and it's not banned, I've just stopped using it. Shocking concept, I know.

>He maybe thought that he can overturn what he did in past by just giving merits away.

  - Nah, I don't really care and I'm not back because of signature campaigns.

>Or try to convince admins that he is a good forum user who doesn't deserve to be distrusted.

 - Nah, they can go fuck themselves just because, Admin is cool tho.

>Or maybe he intend to receive some more merits from other users who would believe the good intention of his initiative .

 - Yes, I jerk off to merit and need it to feed my family. Someone might give me merit, I don't know and who cares, but ranking up isn't my intention because I have no use of it.

> Whatever he wants to do

  - Well fuck me for wanting to help out some newbies with my 18sMerit. Eat shit, inspector Clouseau.

I agree with you on this.
He probably wants to send merit to some newbie account that needs to rank up for bounty.

We need moderators to act here for BAN Evasion and examine this case again.

>He probably wants to send merit to some newbie account that needs to rank up for bounty.

  -Aw shit, you got me boi, you've unveiled my grand scheme and I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't you for meddling kids!

>We need moderators to act here for BAN Evasion and examine this case again.

Just fuck off.

If someone has near to its rank up. I dont think he needs to do what the OP says. Send good post? Higher rank will see his ability to post and for some quite time, he will rank up eventually as it is viewed in the ranking pipeline thread.

I agree with soms feedback from nakamura12c coupable and dkbit98. Beware of the guy who has flagged with lots of negative trust. His intention might have some hidden agenda.

You is very smart good boi

No ranks over member but you included Full member which is higher than member rank.

Ya, I also agree with nakamura12
I get bit confused by reading your thread , you should correcting your rules first.

-Have at least one merit point

Why the participant must have at least one merit? Is account with zero merit is always spammer or do bad post? So we must ignore user with zero merit? I don't think so. We all from brand new with zero point, no one account providing at least one merit points when we registered in this forum. Giving one merit for zero merit account can rank up from newbie to jr. member.

Also, why must wait for them to have merit 9, 99 or 249? Since you can feel free to give merit if that's post containing useful and good to forum / everyone

>Ya, I also agree with nakamura12

  - You're a member, you'll agree with anything just to fit in and gain trust of the forum in hopes to rank up and grab those sig campaign moneyz. If they tell you you're retarded you'd say that you are but you are trying to get more smarts. Move along.

>I get bit confused by reading your thread , you should correcting your rules first.

  -What part did you not understand? I'll clear them up for you.

>Also, why must wait for them to have merit 9, 99 or 249? Since you can feel free to give merit if that's post containing useful and good to forum / everyone

  - You just can't be that dense...

Why choose those user who need 1 merit to rank up while you can give it to deserving users whatever merit score they have? Are you really want to help or you just want to be selective on your choices? It's a rare case to see a user to have 1 merit before to rank and better give your merits to newbies so that they will be inspired to do a hardwork here.

  - Giving someone one merit and helping them skip that last step and rank up actually means something, just like when the teacher tells you:" I've given you an extra point for the higher grade but be sure to learn this next time well". I've decided to do that because I have 18 sMerit and wanted to spread them as much as I can.

>they will be inspired to do a hardwork here.

  - Just miss me with that bs.
Why choose those user who need 1 merit to rank up while you can give it to deserving users whatever merit score they have? Are you really want to help or you just want to be selective on your choices? It's a rare case to see a user to have 1 merit before to rank and better give your merits to newbies so that they will be inspired to do a hardwork here.

I agree with the OP. You can give merits to Newbies or someone who do quality posts. If you really want to give merits to those who need to rank up then you can check this thread - where you can find the list of members who are in the pipeline to rank up. You can check their profile and help them to rank up.

Thanks for the link but too late now, found 3 users to merit and spent all of my sMerits.

If you really want to give merits to those who need to rank up then you can check this thread - where you can find the list of members who are in the pipeline to rank up. You can check their profile and help them to rank up.

Or search for it in the latest DdmrDdmr's spreadsheet. Sorting first then filtering it to numbers 9, 99, 249, or the closest to them.
I don't think this is difficult, and I'm sure everyone needs to rank up here.

Same reply goes, spent all, thanks tho.

Now that I've answered all of replies I'll lock the thread. Also, you can take your neg trust, Merits, signature campaigns, speculations, theories and conspiracies and shove them up your asses and fuck off.

3  Other / Meta / Re: Are "giving merit to those who need a bump to rank up" topics allowed today? on: January 17, 2020, 06:59:57 AM
Am I the only one wondering why a ban evading, loan defaulting, bounty spamming, campaign cheating, account farming, account trader is suddenly concerned about newbies' ability to rank up?


- ban evading > ties up to loan defaulting
- loan defaulting > my account was collateral and the dude changed the password right away (deal was to pay him off from sig campaign)
- bounty spamming > that's one just wrong, idk where he got that one
- campaign cheating > mezmerizer's the 1st account that was a collateral, indijanos was account I've created after this one got taken away,  traktorista was my brothers' account that I used to post an "appeal", and this one is the newest one. So that's bs as well.
- account farming > borderline retarded
- account trader > idk where you got this from

This all happened from 2015-2018 when shit started piling up in my life so I took a break. Now I don't really care about trust since I don't give a shit a bout campaigns and I'm not back because of that so you can fuck off.

Am I the only one wondering why a ban evading, loan defaulting, bounty spamming, campaign cheating, account farming, account trader is suddenly concerned about newbies' ability to rank up?


This is gonna be entertaining.

No it won't. Fuck off back to reddit.
4  Other / Meta / Re: Are "giving merit to those who need a bump to rank up" topics allowed today? on: January 16, 2020, 05:37:01 PM
I still think that merit system is kind of flawed in some way since it's not defined by any rules then just:"Give to what you think it's meritable", so with that if a threat requires for a specific answer, first 'correct' one should be merited and threat locked, but just take a look at those threads with 3 pages of dogshit information and the answer given in the second post.
It would be difficult to define other people's opinion by setting rules determining what should be merited and what shouldn't be. If this was ever to be the case, them users should not own smerits, an algorithm could be used to give merits to those posts which reach the criteria.
The human touch is what the merit system has, it may be flawed in some way but it doesn't need to be changed. Much less by adding an upvote or downvote system.

That's what I'm saying, it can't be  because objectivity, but up/down vote would be a more realistic display since let's say 10 people find one comment helpful that person would receive one merit.

To receive merit, your post must look constructive to those who have merit but not necessarily to those who found it helpful.
5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: [VIDEO]The Nasty Secret of Bitcoin Exposed on: January 16, 2020, 04:07:46 PM
The video explains how Bitcoin turns your ownership into membership, which is exactly how classical fraudulent schemes operate.

Explaining bitcoin and crypto to a video creator would be like explaining internet to a 70yr old.

Oy vey, bitcoin is a scam, a scheme! C'mon, goy!
6  Other / Meta / Re: Are "giving merit to those who need a bump to rank up" topics allowed today? on: January 16, 2020, 03:52:52 PM
Nobody stops you from sending whatever you want to anyone, but you will need a lot of Merits to do it.
It is better to spend time and search for good topics.

Creating topics forcing a lot of people to start SPAM to get more Merits, and those who get 99% of full amount to rank-up will not be difficult for them to get 1%.

Because spamming gets you merits. So going by that logic:

- Those who got 98% of full amount to rank up will not be difficult for them to get 2%.
- Those who got 97% of full amount to rank up will not be difficult for them to get 3%.
- Those who got 96% of full amount to rank up will not be difficult for them to get 4%
- Those who got 1% of full amount to rank up will not be difficult for them to get 99% to rank up. So essentially, if you can earn merit, than you can earn merit and all merit giveaway threats are pointless.

There must be many new and junior members who have questions about Bitcoin and the Bitcoin economy. We need to encourage them to bring these to the board for discussion. Of course if the question is very basic, and can be solved with a simple Google search, then that won't provide great value to the forum. Always assuming that the Google answer can't be questioned.

"We need to encourage them to bring these to the board for discussion" Most of the stuff I learned about bitcoin wasn't from here. Not saying that I didn't learn anything here but what I've learned here has mostly nothing to do with bitcoin.

Most of those who ask stupid question on forum already know the answer but need posts.

Value of this forum comes from a couple of boards, dev and marketing.

I still think that merit system is kind of flawed in some way since it's not defined by any rules then just:"Give to what you think it's meritable", so with that if a threat requires for a specific answer, first 'correct' one should be merited and threat locked, but just take a look at those threads with 3 pages of dogshit information and the answer given in the second post.

Upvote/downvote system + merit would be better even tho I think upvote/downvote system is retarded on social networks or anywhere where you can express your opinion.

7  Other / Beginners & Help / ▐ Giving 1 Merit to users who need to rank up [CLOSED]▐ on: January 16, 2020, 02:51:25 AM

-You must need 1 merit to rank up (I'll consider 2 but since I have 18 sMerit, I'll keep it to one to spread it as much as I can)
-Only posts on your first three pages count (that's 60 of your last posts, which is more than enough)
-No ranks over member (giving a chance to lower ranks)
-You must be active (you need to have at least somewhat active posting or participation in threads without spamming)
-Have at least one merit point
-You can apply again after 10 new posts(Don't try to write one post and reapply again after you've been denied)


Check your merit before applying and I'll be posting here just those who I've merited.


Merited users:
                     ▐                         ▐                         ▐                         ▐                      
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8  Other / Meta / Are "giving merit to those who need a bump to rank up" topics allowed today? on: January 16, 2020, 02:08:30 AM

Been away for some time, looking to get back into this whole story, have some merit and want to help out those who need a merit or two to rank up. Are threads like those allowed today?

EDIT: ofc for posts that could/should have receive merit.
9  Economy / Web Wallets / be careful if you're using on: January 16, 2020, 01:45:18 AM
Haven't been using this forum for a while and thought about coming back and checking what's going on, so I went on to check my wallet.

First is this (ad) that pops up on google when you search blockchain or is

It's a fake website that has the almost exact same login screen.

Real login page of


I don't know if anyone posted anything about this so I'll just lock the topic in 10-15min.
10  Other / Meta / Re: @theymos is it true that you forced OG to remove Laudas tagg ? on: May 09, 2019, 08:43:23 PM
No way theymos will do this as admin could easily create an account for Lauda if it has something done or wrong with the Lauda's current account. Besides, why theymos bother to force one member to remove negative trust?

This is just probably a hearsay and in my opinion this is not happening. We know that bitcointalk account were very precious but dignity and honor does more important.

Anyway, I guess it would be good if all will just keep calm and remove the negativities and stop bashing every users here in the forum.

>in my opinion

This is a spam, I'll leave you a bagillion negative trusts and petition UN to ban you and move you to a cave. How dare you?

Who cares why he did it and did he actually.
11  Other / Meta / Re: Neutral Feedback to replace the red paint for non-scamming activities? on: May 09, 2019, 08:36:20 PM
Bad goy, bad.
12  Other / Meta / Re: Yobit spam on the forum on: April 27, 2019, 04:35:57 AM
I recently got their mail on my inbox. Their rates are tempting but I don't understand the hostility towards Yobit. were encouraging users to post for micro peanuts that has resulted in way more spam than any other campaign. Compared to that Yobit looked pretty decent.

Please help me understand.

If you read Yobit terms and conditions, two things were very obvious.

1-  They will not accept Negative Red Trust Members
2-  They will not accept people who have ling period of inactivity.

Then, How come Yobit started to pay everyone (even Red trusted Members)  ?  They could have been restricted with their selections and that could have saved them money also.

They accept the forsaken as well? Holy shit, I gotta run over there right now.
13  Other / Meta / Re: Why I was perma-ban? Spam or plagiarism? Hell no! on: April 27, 2019, 04:32:32 AM
How dare you question it? I'd rather have you hanged for that.
14  Other / Meta / Re: Have some merit to spend on: January 07, 2019, 11:42:58 AM
Thanks for the link tho, I've posted here since I know there we threads like this here earlier.
15  Other / Meta / Have some merit to spend on: January 07, 2019, 11:29:43 AM
If anyone think he missed out on some merit on some posts, I'd be happy to share some.

Reply here with 3-5 posts that you think deserve merit and I might share some if I share the same opinion.

p.s. I don't know if threads like this one are still allowed, I've been away for a couple of months.

16  Other / Meta / Re: HOW do I get merit? on: January 07, 2019, 11:25:26 AM
It's been six months and these merit posts are still funny.
17  Economy / Reputation / Re: The Pharmacist,actmyname,Vod.. The mafia trying to get controll of bitcointalk ? on: October 23, 2018, 03:47:01 PM

The Pharmacist,actmyname,Vod.. The mafia trying to get controll of bitcointalk ?

No lol
Oh, another honest person who lost his account duo loan default and tried to reclaim it.

This thread is full of honest people.  Cheesy

lol Well I was a little salty about that. You know when one thing get's f'ed up, a dozen more things get f'ed up with it.
18  Economy / Reputation / Re: The Pharmacist,actmyname,Vod.. The mafia trying to get controll of bitcointalk ? on: October 23, 2018, 03:30:38 PM
The Pharmacist,actmyname,Vod.. The mafia trying to get controll of bitcointalk ?

No lol
19  Other / Off-topic / Re: [OPEN] Privcy Signature Campaign Member - Legendary [NEW] on: September 30, 2018, 01:39:24 AM
Fill out the following form:
Bitcointalk Name - Tyrantt
Bitcointalk Profile Link-;u=688810
Rank - Hero Member
Bitcoin Wallet Address- Will update later, blockchain's doing some maintenance
Wearing Appropriate Signature? Will change it asap
20  Economy / Services / Looking for people interested in starting a video game studio (mobile games) on: August 03, 2018, 02:54:06 PM
As you can read in the subject, I'm thinking of making a team for developing games. As of right now, I've started learning Unity game engine (my choice, does not have to be a standard) and I have a few ideas of simple but fun to play ones.

Not looking strictly for people to hire, this would be mostly like a freelance, free time "job". We'd be taking it slow and steady to see how it goes.
I'd be leading the team and projects but everyone can pitch in their opinion and we can vote on hat projects we will be doing.

Here are some points I'd like to put out:

- Games would be simple and mostly time killers. Examples: Flappy bird, 100 balls, pong variations,etc.. Everyone can pitch in.
- I'd prefer unity since everything is, pretty much, automised from publishing to ads and whatnot.
- Everyone would be given a segment to complete without any rush
- if there's any money to be made, it would be distributed equally. Divided by the number of people working on it and maybe 10% would be taken for advertising.
- There will be a discord and telegram group for easier communication

This is everything shortened, I'd be going into more detail once we're assembled and will explain more to those who are interested. Tho, I'm thinking of starting a telegram and discord group asap so everyone who's interested can join in there. Also, if someone's interested feel free to pm me here as well. Thanks.

Once again, this will be more of aside project, everyone will be doing at their own pace without rushing. If things go well, we can start it officially. Looking forward to pms and feel free to post a comment.

Mods, sorry if I've posted in a wrong section, didn't really know where to post it. Will move the topic to overall marketplace or off-topic if needed to.
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