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1  Other / CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware / Re: How many kWh are you using a month? on: August 09, 2011, 09:24:49 PM
How many kWh are you using a month?

Enough that ma wife tried to kick me out Undecided

'enough' is about 5700kWh for 30 days
2  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: BitMarket.Eu - new currencies added: ILS and CHF! on: August 03, 2011, 07:31:57 PM
I haven't been getting responses from the admin email but I've been scammed maybe 2 times and I have a transaction sitting waiting for a cancel the buyer hasn't responded to me in days.

Same problem a couple of times. The market desperately needs some rating system, which ofc doesn't ensure fucktards to dump the prices. A couple of guys in my neighbourhood with small powers complain about those no income intervals and can't earn enough for electricity bills ...
3  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: Harware Watchdog via USB/Serial for Debian on: July 27, 2011, 06:08:57 AM
Yes, it's more tolerant and especially it restarts much faster in such a situation as power failure or hardware reset.

I don't personally know coinlinus, but just type "mount" in a terminal window. If you see "ext2" in the line that has the lone slash, you're not using a journaling file system. If you see "ext3" or "ext4", you are on a journaling system. In most modern Linux setups the latter is the default, so your chances are pretty good.

(If you see neither of the three, post here again with the full output from "mount"; a few Linuxes use other filesystems than those from the standard "ext" series).

Excuse me, but journaling fs will kill the usb flash memory with persistent installation after one week, maximum two ...
4  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: [2220 GH/s] Slush's Bitcoin Mining Pool ( on: July 26, 2011, 09:14:02 PM
Fortunately all shares are also couned separately on each backend, so I only need to merge this data from backends now.

Hoooooooraaaaaaaaaaaaay  Cheesy
5  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: [2220 GH/s] Slush's Bitcoin Mining Pool ( on: July 26, 2011, 09:03:27 PM
Probably Slush will recalculate the rewards again, but with missing count of submited shares I think this will be hard to be done  Roll Eyes
6  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: [2220 GH/s] Slush's Bitcoin Mining Pool ( on: July 26, 2011, 08:55:40 PM
6933    2011-07-26 20:38:17    5:17:14    6299980    0.00000111    138182    96 confirmations left

Rofl  Grin
7  Other / Archival / Re: Pictures of your mining rigs! on: July 16, 2011, 08:40:14 PM
Obviously Bacon is not worrying about short circuits ...
8  Other / CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware / Re: Making custom case for myself post your thoughts and changes I should make? on: July 14, 2011, 07:45:11 AM
Yeah, good solution is to put the motherboards and their guts vertically with, if possible in one horizontal line with corresponding air ducts above them to direct the flow through duct with bigger inner diameter + good industrial/home appliance fan at the end. Putting small 140mm 2BB fans below the cards will ensure almost proper push-pull design. One of the major cons is that the fluid/el bearing fans of the cards/cpus will suffer faster from scratchy sounds - their axles can't sustain very well the horizontal position.
9  Other / CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware / Re: Making custom case for myself post your thoughts and changes I should make? on: July 13, 2011, 06:49:20 AM
That's a dumb idea - the heat from the cards will be pushed down to the motherboard by those vents. Fix it!
10  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: [2220 GH/s] Slush's Bitcoin Mining Pool ( on: July 13, 2011, 06:39:48 AM
Anyone else having payout issues? I don't seem to be able to trigger a payout regardless of how far below my confirmed amount I set the threshold. I've also tried setting the threshold to my confirmed amount plus a small buffer (less than my share of the next confirmed round) to try and trigger that way). I have a valid wallet.
Is there any scope for a "pay me now" button?

Yep, I'm suffering from that too since yesterday  Roll Eyes
11  Other / CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware / Re: FYI: your basement might be warmer at night on: July 02, 2011, 07:45:30 AM
What is this 'script' you mentioned?
12  Other / CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware / Re: FYI: your basement might be warmer at night on: July 01, 2011, 06:22:27 AM
What is this 'AC' you mentioned about?
13  Other / Archival / Re: Pictures of your mining rigs! on: June 30, 2011, 06:57:13 PM
since i'm running diskless with a live image(LinuxCoin) via networkboot, the hardreboot is not a problem at all.
this setup works great for me, so i can push my setup to the limit and tweak around ... and unfortunately the server room is 10km away

You can always reach them with 20 min bicycle trip... Don't be lazy
Anyway are you networkbooting the nodes from different folders containing LinuxCoin versions for each one of them or you're using one with script that makes changes based on the current node's MAC address/cpu number?
14  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: python OpenCL bitcoin miner on: June 28, 2011, 08:13:33 AM
This happend after changing the miner with the latest version, Windows 7 x64:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 14, in <module>
ImportError: No module named wx

GUIMiner won't starts
15  Other / CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware / Re: air flow diagram for Radeon GPU? on: June 25, 2011, 05:34:49 AM
Usually the air flows are researched in empiric way - on black background with artifical light pointed upwards some guy creates smoke and the other guy records it with proper camera for the goal.

Particularly on your problem - when two cards are too close one to each other the fan of the first starts sucking the heat from the PCB surface of the second.
16  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: hashkill - testing bitcoin miner plugin on: June 24, 2011, 01:03:01 PM
Under a custom build Slax from (x64 Slackware is the kernel) I've got this error:

bash: /usr/bin/hashkill-cpu: cannot execute binary file

What exactly I need to run it under this lovely OS (yeah, it's better than Ubuntu, I swear)  Roll Eyes
17  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: Cooperative mining (1.5Thash/s) on: June 21, 2011, 03:31:34 PM
Do you see correct passwords on profile page, or are they changed? Is this problem lasting or it repaired itself?

Yes, everything seems legit. The message is logged 3 times - 20/06/2011 02:12:24 , 21/06/2011 09:34:02 , 21/06/2011 09:34:03
18  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: Cooperative mining (1.5Thash/s) on: June 20, 2011, 09:21:57 AM
2011-06-20 02:12:24: Listener for "slush": 20/06/2011 02:12:24, Error while loading credentials from database for blablabla.blablabla

blablabla.blablabla is just for example Smiley

Is it possible that those whom attacked mtgox just succesfully entered and in the pool's database?
Cause I'm using random and big passwords for sites' registrations ... Roll Eyes
19  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: Easy Ubuntu python OpenCL mining setup -solved on: June 19, 2011, 11:17:01 AM
python --d 0 --host=[pool's address] --user=un --pass=pw

For 58xx add at the end [-v -w 128] w/o square brackets
20  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: Cooperative mining (1.5Thash/s) on: June 17, 2011, 01:41:21 PM
Hello, ddos is over for some time, mining should work normally.  Please check that you're using IP (

Edit: I'm going to restart balancer now, should be back in a minute.

So some of us can't use the old address and should go to instead of Huh
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