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1  Economy / Securities / 11 years nastyfans on: December 08, 2023, 11:09:13 PM
11 years ago nastyfans auction opens. I post some fun facts about the eleventh year of nastyfans...

  • 4 seats sold on the auction (total of 0.00285 BTC)
  • 1 year ago a nastyfans seat sold for 0.0005 BTC ($10.08)
  • most recent nastyfans seat sale was for 0.0015 BTC ($29.90)
  • 1 seat minted via NastyShop
  • 0.24439495 BTC donated to nastyfans
  • 1 seat accepting donations received 0.00000675 BTC
  • 6 new members

The task list for the coming year:

  • NastyPool online again
  • more polls for handling terminated seats
  • update backend infrastructure

I thank the members for making this fanclub so much fun to be with!
2  Economy / Securities / Re: NastyFans: The Bitcoin Enthusiast Fan Club (est. 2012) on: July 19, 2023, 08:06:35 PM
I actually think a majority of the tabs on should be removed as they don’t display current information and confuse more people than they help.

Majority? Which 6 tabs on do not display current information and confuse more people than they help?
3  Economy / Securities / Re: 📈 NastyFans: The Bitcoin Enthusiast Fan Club (est. 2012) on: April 15, 2023, 03:06:28 AM
can someone point me to the area where it shows the distributions to our seats?

Sign in and click "history" button. Then click "show details" button in donations section. That shows amount you received for each distribution.

Also on "home" screen you see your "on hold" total increase each week. Payout threshold for online seats is 0.0005 BTC. Payout threshold for minted seats is 0.001 BTC.
4  Economy / Securities / 10 years nastyfans on: December 08, 2022, 11:15:49 PM
10 years ago nastyfans auction opens. I post some fun facts about the tenth year of nastyfans...

  • 138 seats sold on the auction (total of 0.06946 BTC)
  • 1 year ago a nastyfans seat sold for 0.0005 BTC ($23.82)
  • most recent nastyfans seat sale was for 0.0005 BTC ($10.08)
  • 15 seats minted via NastyShop
  • 0.91404358 BTC donated to nastyfans
  • 1 seat accepting donations received 0.00002542 BTC
  • 39 new members

The task list for the coming year:

  • NastyPool online again
  • more polls for handling terminated seats
  • update backend infrastructure

I thank the members for making this fanclub so much fun to be with!
5  Economy / Securities / distrubution 500 on: July 09, 2022, 09:23:37 PM
Hello nastyfans!

Today distribution 500 posted. Amazing.
6  Economy / Securities / Re: 📈 NastyFans: The Bitcoin Enthusiast Fan Club (est. 2012) on: March 19, 2022, 07:51:42 PM
I send Markzellers private message. Like all orders over last 10 years he will receive his order.
7  Economy / Securities / Re: 📈 NastyFans: The Bitcoin Enthusiast Fan Club (est. 2012) on: March 04, 2022, 10:49:23 PM
Also thank you for clarifying the addresses for distribution question. Minted seats do not have this option correct?

Correct. As nastyfans policy states: "each minted seat set is assigned a permanent unique Bitcoin address".

so 25% goes to nastymining, that is ognasty’s mining operation - correct?  I thought I read somewhere he receives nothing for his mining operation.

Correct. NastyMining is OgNasty's mining operation. nastyfans donates to the mining operation and not to OgNasty. OgNasty does not use nastyfans donations to the mining operation for personal usage. The NastyMining address is public. OgNasty does discuss here before using NastyMining funds for mining operation.

You state threshold is .0005 - when I sign in, it shows threshold is .001 per seat - has that changed?

For online seats threshold is a setting with a minimum of 0.0005 BTC.

For minted seats threshold is fixed at 0.001 BTC. When you sign in you see correct threshold for type of seats.

I will ignore the nastyfans analyzer then - as it was direct linked to on the site site - I thought it was updated accordingly.

Maybe it is. I do not know. nastyfans analyzer is run by another fanclub member. The analyzer uses public information from blockchain and nastyfans mint data.

Mint.json  shows .232950068 btc as undistributed as total of the amounts under the threshold. Distribution History. This shows 567.7826311 btc distributed to seats and 164.7817028 btc distributed to nastymining - add this up and add the undistributed amounts and its with in .027 btc approx. Again could be spot on if I fat fingered a value.

Mint.json only shows minted seats. Undistributed amounts are also for online seats below threshold. And there are accounts on probation with undistributed amounts. Not all is available to public because it reveals much about members. Many members do not want information shared about holdings or status or ownership.

When you sign in and go to "donations" page you see exact status of all total holdings and distributions.

I also notice there are times (twenty four occasions) where amounts were distributed to nastymining but with zero to the seats - Does this look right? note - these are small amounts but if nastymining was to get either 0/25/50 percent (depending on the time frame), it would seem that if nastymining got a distribution that the seats should have as well.

As policy states seats only get distributions if every seat receives at least 0.00000001 BTC. As example if at distribution time 0.00030000 BTC donated to nastyfans then NastyMining gets 0.00007500 BTC and there is 0.00022500 left over. The left over is not enough for 30000 seats to receive at least 0.00000001 BTC so that Bitcoin carries to next distribution. But 0.00007500 BTC is distributed to NastyMining still.

I guess what I would like to see is what do people pay for the seats - ie what was the average paid price of seats on date of distribution - that would show if it was truly better to have bought the seats or if it would have been better to hodl the Bitcoin.

Online seats are sold on auction. Auction history is public.

I have one question as well - it shows the number of seats for distribution as decreasing - why would the number of seats decrease? would it not increase over time as number of seats sold increases? is there a means to which a seat would stop receiving distributions?

All seats have owners. If you buy a seat then you buy that seat from a fanclub member that sells their seat. Online seat owners can choose to not receive donations. This results in less seats receiving donations. Online seats on suspension do not receive donations. This results in less seats receiving donations. Online seats of terminated accounts do not receive donations. This results in less seats receiving donations.

To understand nastyfans members it is maybe more interesting to see membership history. This is number of member accounts.
8  Economy / Securities / Re: 📈 NastyFans: The Bitcoin Enthusiast Fan Club (est. 2012) on: February 28, 2022, 03:10:35 PM
Hello MoparMiningLLC,

I see your questions and I provide you with direct answers.

if the address 1NastyFRkeUTmMdbMmzggDVTQA6r3ibUoX is the donation address for nastyfans - and is to be used for distribution for the seats - and it has sent/received almost 500 btc - does all of it get allocated to the seats? I mean 30k seats give or take and 481 btc would be like .016 btc per seat still.

1NastyFRkeUTmMdbMmzggDVTQA6r3ibUoX is current donation address. A receive amount of 481.52392888 BTC is known.

1EwtTKJaXAtctSFqCQKU3LiCg9dqYPEkxN is old donation address. A receive amount of 166.14740086 BTC is known.

Together is 647.67132974 BTC.

nastyfans receives donations in other ways. As example there is part of NastyShop sales for some items. As another example I donate all distribution transaction fees since June 2016.

Therefore actual total receive amount is 732.76935760 BTC. You can view this on "donations" page when you sign in.

In beginning was 25,000 seats. Later we vote to add 5,000 seats. And some seats do not receive donations. nastyfans currently donates 25% of donations to NastyMining. In past it was 0% and 50%. nastyfans voted for these changes and OgNasty abstained from these votes. Therefore amount per seat per distribution is various over time.

For a seat receiving donations for every distribution from beginning there is 0.04307375 BTC paid to now.

the last txn on the address was pymts to several addresses - 4 of which are other 1Nasty addresses - so are some seats getting distributions while others are not?

Online seats use any payout address owner wants. Usually this is not a 1Nasty address. When seats hit payout threshold of 0.0005 BTC then they receive payout. Usually every distribution has some seat that hit threshold.

When you sign in you see current holding amount for your seats. For your online seats and your minted seats.

ok so your seat has passed the threshold and gets disbursements then, right?


I am really curious as to why the donation address would be making distributions to non "1Nasty" addresses. Maybe there are some reasons but it has been said that both he and nonnakip get zero payment for all that they do for the nastyfans club - so that should mean all donations go to seats or no?

I hope it is clear for you. Online seats usually do not use 1Nasty addresses. I do not take any profits or special payments from nastyfans. I own online and minted seats like all other fans.

When you sign in there is much information about history of donation distributions. History of payouts to you. History of all distributions. For each distribution you can view details of where Bitcoin is sent.

according to the nastyfans analyzer the top 10 seats are holding less than .01 btc combined - I would think that there would be quite a few with higher balances if 481 btc has been received.

The analyzer is not run by nastyfans. It is a third party server. I do not know if it is current with statistics.
9  Economy / Securities / Re: 📈 NastyFans: The Bitcoin Enthusiast Fan Club (est. 2012) on: February 01, 2022, 09:25:26 PM
I recently bought my first nasty coin with a seat from a secondary seller. It is a 2013 seated coin. Is there a way to join the fan club and be included in the project? I am looking at buying some more coins on the site. But was just curious if the older seated coins still could take advantage of the seat. Any info if helpful.

You already did correct action and your minted seat is linked to your account.

For info for others the procedure to link your minted seats to your nastyfans account is to go to and send a message with:

  • your nastyfans username
  • the full public address of your minted seat coin

You see your linked minted seats when you sign in to your nastyfans account.
10  Economy / Securities / Re: 📈 NastyFans: The Bitcoin Enthusiast Fan Club (est. 2012) on: January 17, 2022, 10:15:18 PM
A few days ago I bought a seat online, I would like to know the different from the minted seat, since I expected when buying online it would still be part of the minted seat but now I see that I have 2 different payments, one for online seat and others minted seat

A description of minted seats is in nastyfans policy.

It is not possible to add seats to existing minted seat coins. When seats are minted to a coin then it is final for that coin. You can mint your online seats to new coins. Or from NastyShop you can purchase minted seat coins that contain multiple seats.

Online seats receive same distribution amount as minted seats. A advantage of online seats is you control payout threshold and you control payout address. A advantage of minted seats is automatic cold storage of Bitcoins and additional value of silver and unique features of minted seat coins.

You could set online seat payout address to your minted seat address. This is similar result of adding seats to minted seat coins.
11  Economy / Securities / Re: 📈 NastyFans: The Bitcoin Enthusiast Fan Club (est. 2012) on: January 16, 2022, 03:11:39 PM
not sure why but ognasty has revoked their positive trust rating for me. ... Seriously hope I have no issues with my seats as I have no way to ask him about them...

I am president of nastyfans. OgNasty has no control over nastyfans seats.

I hope you discover and resolve the issue with OgNasty.
12  Economy / Securities / 9 years nastyfans on: December 08, 2021, 10:08:08 PM
9 years ago nastyfans auction opens. I post some fun facts about the ninth year of nastyfans...

  • 2389 seats sold on the auction (total of 1.2346909 BTC)
  • 1 year ago a nastyfans seat sold for 0.001 BTC ($22.72)
  • most recent nastyfans seat sale was for 0.00065 BTC ($29.07)
  • 40 seats minted via NastyShop
  • 1.23785426 BTC donated to nastyfans
  • 1 seat accepting donations received 0.00003544 BTC
  • 117 new members
  • 1 fanclub poll executed

The big excitement of this year was the generous offer of OgNasty to celebrate 10 years on and 10,000 posts! With this event all nastyfans members win donations and prizes and 140 terminated seats are minted. Congratulations to OgNasty and thank you for your generosity!

The task list for the coming year:

  • NastyPool online again
  • more polls for handling terminated seats
  • update backend infrastructure

I thank the members for making this fanclub so much fun to be with!

Stay healthy!

[edit: Fix total donation amount.]
13  Economy / Securities / Re: 📈 NastyFans: The Bitcoin Enthusiast Fan Club (est. 2012) on: December 06, 2021, 08:27:10 PM
I have been ready to send the prizes since the day I posted the picture after working 16 hour days making them so they would be ready to ship immediately.
I paid all the BTC. I made all the coins. I’ve been ready to ship. All I need is the winner info.

It is generous that you push this giveaway. It is exciting for all nastyfans! Thank you!

Please read voted giveaway poll again. Poll terms require a final auction from you of unclaimed prizes. The auction proceeds is a donation to nastyfans. This is a important part of giveaway so all fans are winners.

I check often for auction but I do not see it. I also do not see a donation so large. Please say if I miss something.

I’ve sent nonnakip messages through multiple channels that have been ignored for months regarding why he isn’t giving me the winner info.

This comment confuses me. I answer you and remind of final auction. My posts here remind you also. I do not understand. Voted poll terms are clear for all members can see. Maybe you wait for perfect time for final auction to maximize prize. I am excited to bid!
14  Economy / Securities / Re: 📈 NastyFans: The Bitcoin Enthusiast Fan Club (est. 2012) on: December 04, 2021, 10:06:59 PM
I just checked NAstyfans, and I get a message that my account is terminated? I'm guessing this is a mistake since I logged in at the time of my previous messages in this thread. Can you guys tell me what I do next?

In recent times you sold all your seats. This changes your account to non-member status. nastyfans policy states non-member accounts are terminated after 30 days.

I enable now your non-member account and reset 30 day counter for your account. If you do not purchase a seat within 30 days your non-member account will terminate again.

One of the reasons I was gonna check my account was to see the status of the Silver coin I won in the lottery, which I had not received, but I'm guessing this is connected to my account being terminated.

We wait for OgNasty to auction unclaimed prizes as we voted in poll. After poll obligations complete you will receive your prize even if your account is terminated since giveaway. You do not need to become a member for this reason.
15  Economy / Securities / Re: 📈 NastyFans: The Bitcoin Enthusiast Fan Club (est. 2012) on: October 20, 2021, 07:00:03 PM
Does anyone know what happened because this past week nothing was received from the seats ..?

Much of distribution is automated. Not all. On every Friday I must review distribution and then allow action. Last week I am very busy and did not find time for this. Now you see yesterday was distribution.

I like that fans are still notice details! Thank you for posting.
16  Economy / Securities / Re: 📈 NastyFans: The Bitcoin Enthusiast Fan Club (est. 2012) on: July 04, 2021, 06:14:16 PM
It is 4 July and some winners did not claim their prize. I sent email and private message but still no claim.

Now the lottery results and claim form is removed from OgNasty will make another auction for unclaimed prizes. All proceeds from the auction are regular donation to nastyfans for following distribution payout.

The OgNasty auction will be:
  • 11x 1oz minted seat coins
  • 3x 2oz minted seat coins
  • 1x 5oz minted seat coin

OgNasty will post here when auction thread is open.
17  Economy / Securities / Re: 📈 NastyFans: The Bitcoin Enthusiast Fan Club (est. 2012) on: June 25, 2021, 09:54:31 PM
All payments from minted seat collective auction received.

Proceeds from auction are 0.0214174 BTC. This amount is distributed to 3095 minted seats as part of distribution 446.

Congratulations to minted seat owners!

Thank you OgNasty for managing auction and for giveaway contest!
18  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [AUCTION] NastyFans Minted Seats (for the Minted Seat Collective) on: June 18, 2021, 09:20:44 PM
2oz #1 @ 0.0025 BTC
1oz #4 @ 0.0015 BTC
19  Economy / Securities / Re: 📈 NastyFans: The Bitcoin Enthusiast Fan Club (est. 2012) on: June 09, 2021, 08:33:27 AM
I post with updates of lottery.

My previous post about prize for minted seat collective group were wrong. It is a surprise no one notice. The minted seat collective group has a prize of 11x 1oz coins and 2x 2oz coins. OgNasty auctions these 13 minted seat coins some time and all proceeds from auction go to minted seat addresses. When this happens I post details with distribution amounts.

I also report that OgNasty purchased all coin prizes from nastyfans shop. This results in donation to nastyfans of 0.14368339 BTC. This is distributed at next distribution and will be biggest distribution since August 2018. Thank you to OgNasty and NASTY MINING!

Until now only 25% of winners claim their prize. I will send e-mail and PM to try to contact winners.
20  Economy / Securities / Re: giveaway contest on: June 04, 2021, 09:05:58 AM
Block 686117 is mined and lottery winners are known. You sign in to nastyfans to see if you are a winner.

The minted seat collective group won thirteen 1oz minted seat coins. OgNasty will auction these coins and proceeds will distribute equal to all minted seats. (1000 seat coins are not part of minted seat collective.)

If you have winning online seats you must claim your prize. If you have winning online seats you see a button to do claim. For claim you must write full postal address for OgNasty to send your prize.

All prizes not claimed by 4 July are auctioned by OgNasty and proceeds donated to nastyfans.

Verify winning tickets with:


gcc lottery_draw_3.c -olottery_draw_3

bitcoin-cli getblock $(bitcoin-cli getblockhash 686117) | grep -A 400 '"tx":' | ./lottery_draw_3  | head -n 100

[edit: clarify results and clarify verify command]
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