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It fail for me with cgminer or bfgminer ...
I see 2 issues,
11/04/2012 10:50:03 : [2012-11-04 10:50:03] Failed to ADL_Adapter_ID_Get. Error -5 11/04/2012 10:50:03 : [2012-11-04 10:50:03] ADL found less devices than opencl!
I haven't this kind of error running bfgminer in command line (some param added to conf?)
11/04/2012 10:50:04 : [2012-11-04 10:50:04] JSON decode failed(1): '[' or '{' expected near 'HTTP' 11/04/2012 10:50:04 : [2012-11-04 10:50:04] Pool 0 slow/down or URL or credentials invalid
Some parse error.
I tried to do something like this some months ago, but gave up the plan, because of exactly this error. The ADL can't be accessed from within the windows service's environment, because of Session-Isolation. So the GPU-Monitoring/-Control features of cgminer won't work. You need to have a server process, which is running under a currently logged in user at the local console (RDP won't work either). Hi thanks for the information everyone. Oddly enough cgminer works for my ATI card under the service, but I was unable to get my NVidia card to work for likely the reasons mentioned (although this could be due to the fact they are on different OSs as well...). I will look into the issue, it may be something I can tackle by using some different win32 api calls. I'll post an update within a week or so.
If the ASICs turn out to be a scam, the scam side here will be all over the forum with "I told you so"s.
I wonder what will they say if the ASICs don't turn out to be a scam? As I don't think anyone from the asic side were 100% sure, so can't say I told you so.
Bitcoin is like a variation of Schrödinger's Cat. Everything about it is both scam and fully legit at the same time until you open the box. I rather like this analysis.
Start a fake company that is going to release an ASIC 'soon' and offer pre-orders though bitcoin. Be sure to post non-relevant and photoshopped pictures of electronics, as well as bogus stat tables that don't make any sense to any sane electronics-savvy person to convince people.
Watch the preorders flow in.
Great idea!
I would consider buying this for bitcoin if you could add a scheduler so we could start/stop the miners at certain times of the day, for example when the computers are in use.
That's a good idea. I'll see what I can come up with, but no need to 'buy' it. It's free 
At this point it is hard to earn money mining. Although many are anticipating the release of ASICs, I have my doubts they'll see the light of day for at least a year (if not more).
Really? What information do you have to back this up, pyramining, will have an ASIC within the next 2-3 months. Remember BFL doesn't make the only ASIC in town. Check your facts. See that's just the problem, there is a lack of factual information, just lots of claims (ever heard of vaporware?). There are several "businesses" that have all claimed they are coming out with an ASIC, but have yet to provide any solid evidence. People are dumping their btc into these preorders with no guarantee they are going to get anything.
I am the fonz 
I know this is an ancient topic, but I want to let anybody who is searching for this know I've created a program wrapper for running miners under a windows service. You can find the topic here:
ABOUT BIT MOOSEBit Moose is a free, open source, Bitcoin mining assistant program. It allows miners to run under a background windows service. The package includes a GUI and console host. You can configure your miners from the GUI or modify the Settings.xml file yourself to fine tune adjustments. Current Version: 1.0.0 Download BinariesDownload Source CodeREQUIREMENTS- Windows Vista/7 (XP Untested) or Windows Server 2003/8 - .NET Framework 3.5 SCREENSHOTS LITECOINBit Moose acts as a process controller, so it's just a matter of configuring each miner to run appropriately within the service context. The full Bit Moose release includes cgminer which can be configured to miner for litecoins using the --scrypt argument. Please read the SCRYPT-README.txt file in the cgminer folder for more information about which arguments should be passed to cgminer in order to mine for litecoins. You may also want to see this thread. In the full release, this can be found under {Bit Moose Folder}\miners\cgminer\. INSTALLATION 1. Run bitmoose-gui.exe 2. Click the menu item Service->Install 3. Wait about 5 seconds for the status bar to show "Service Stopped". 4. Configure your miner. 5. On your miner, click the 'Validation' tab, and click the button to make sure it runs ok from a console. 6. Click the menu item Service->Start - After the service is started, you should see your miner's output trickling into the miner's status box. 7. Done. - You can now log out of windows and let your miner work behind the scenes! KNOWN ISSUES On some NVIDIA cards, OpenCL doesn't detect properly in the miners when they are run from a service. I haven't found a resolution to this yet, but you may want to try changing the account the service runs under, or try adjusting some input arguments. SUPPORTTo report an issue, please PM me or create an issue ticket on codeplex. Feel free to send suggestions/comments. If you like the project, please consider donating to address: 17psYruA7Z1m2S5zwmD8JEQyqGk8nes95V Enjoy!
4 hours. Make sure to make some posts. Enjoy! 
At this point it is hard to earn money mining. Although many are anticipating the release of ASICs, I have my doubts they'll see the light of day for at least a year (if not more). That said, it doesn't hurt to just set up a miner to give you some 'trickle-in' BTC, just don't expect to make a ton of money.
Also, be really, really careful with your wallet. Your wallet is golden, store it safely, and securely, and as much as possible, offline.
PayPal should have died along time ago with all the sh*t they put their customers through. 
Basically, fuck off...
Wow that was harsh.
If they are, they aren't in the same state where they use their PO Boxes: - Butterfly Labs "Address": PO Box 413671 Kansas City, Missouri 64141-3761 Missouri Business Entities : Result - no Butterfly Labs- btcfpga "Address": P.O. Box 246 Hannibal, NY 13074 New York Business Entities : Result - no BTCFPGA
Everybody keeps screaming about the ASICs but to me every single company w/ an "ASIC" coming out doesn't look reputable at all (businesses w/ just PO boxes and unanswered phones, not being registered with the state(s) business dept., etc. etc). I mean is there any actual proof that they are on their way? And if so, why are they all operating so shadily!?
Undecided because I'm not yet convinced any of the ASIC products aren't just scams.
None of the companies are registered as businesses with their state, they all have PO Boxes and no addresses, and unanswered telephone numbers, and there really isn't any proof they have, or will have what they say they will. They just want money and say "we'll send it when it's ready, thanks for your money and shipping info!"
Hmm, so even if one of my wallets were to be linked (potentially) to identifiable information, they'd be hard pressed to prove (without other evidence) that every address in-between was linked to me, and not some other joe turning it around and buying some government-hated product? So the more hops the better for anonymity... hmm this currency is starting to sound like the internet 
No one knows any identifying attributes that can be traced to you.
But wouldn't those bit coins have to have come from some initial transaction? Say for example: - I use bitinstant buy some btc to put into my wallet by depositing cash through bank wire or whatever. - Then lets say I spend those coins on a a product that is banned in my country, and some gov. agent recieves my btc and confiscates it. without knowing my identity, but looking in the bitcoin network, couldn't he ascertain that I had previously placed money from bitinstance into my wallet (assuming he know's bitinstants wallet address, order on bitinstant raid, get logs/interview, and identify my bank wire)? or if not bitinstant, find anyone in my transaction history whose wallet is known and get them to disclose (potentially) identifying information about me?
I jumped on bitcoin because I've heard that it was anonymous. But after more reading I'm not so sure. Is it that all transactions can be monitored, traced, and/or viewed publicly? I mean ultimately if everything could be traced back to either you putting money in, or pulling money out... well that doesn't sound very anonymous to me at all! So are bitcoins anonymous or not?
So, I really like the idea of bitcoins, but as I've been mulling over all the details, websites, mining info, etc. I seem hard pressed to see where there's a solid exchange of this currency between consumers and retail/service businesses. Mostly what I find is that the major 'commercial' sites are either TOR based (want to be anonymous for legal/illegal reasons), or set up as means to facilitate bitcoins themselves (exchange/wallet/transfer sites).
Am I missing part of the spectrum? Are there any medium or large legit businesses that accept bitcoins?
I don't mean to piss on anyone's parade, I'm genuinely wondering.