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1  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: Available 1 btc for westen union . on: February 23, 2017, 03:20:35 PM
Dear guys 1 btc available for 1000 usd you pay wu fees.

i am not sending first check my last post.

If you are unwilling to send first, would you be willing to use escrow?

What country would the money need to be sent to?

Egypt, i am not using escrow.

Not using escrow? Then you are indeed brain-sick. Not just that.. but a brain-sick scammer.

Don't send any money to this scammer upfront.

Lol again everyone will begin to say that i am a scammer , and when i have posted the transaction id with photos proofs everyone shut up lol you are jacks.
2  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: Available 1 btc for westen union . on: February 22, 2017, 02:03:27 AM
Trust: -240: -8 / +16
Warning: Trade with extreme caution!

3  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: Available 1 btc for westen union . on: February 22, 2017, 01:55:49 AM
Dear guys 1 btc available for 1000 usd you pay wu fees.

i am not sending first check my last post.
If you are unwilling to send first, would you be willing to use escrow?

What country would the money need to be sent to?

Egypt, i am not using escrow.

4  Economy / Currency exchange / Available 1 btc for westen union . on: February 22, 2017, 01:49:29 AM
Dear guys 1 btc available for 1000 usd you pay wu fees.

i am not sending first check my last post.
5  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: 0.48 btc on: February 19, 2017, 04:06:17 PM
To those who judge without making a deal, and those who told me, i am a scammer thank you all.

Photos Smiley

6  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: 0.48 btc on: February 16, 2017, 12:30:42 AM
I have sold them .. Thank you all Smiley
7  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: 0.48 btc on: February 16, 2017, 12:22:30 AM
I can not reply on more PMS..

ICQ : 707416248
8  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: 0.48 btc on: February 16, 2017, 12:10:36 AM
I'll offer $435.
PM me if you're interested.

400$ you pay fees.
9  Economy / Currency exchange / 0.48 btc on: February 15, 2017, 03:33:59 AM
Dear guys i am selling 0.48 btc for western union
10  Economy / Securities / Re: Investor for a mining farm with no electricity cost. on: February 09, 2017, 12:42:33 AM
Looks too risk for me. I don't know if the electricity fees there are expensive, if so it won't worth for you, consequently won'tworth for your investors. Nowadays it's very hard to make profit with mining by yourself, it's necessary a business working with many machines on a good place (cold preferentially), where the electricity is cheap. Your offer is what Cloud Mining sites offer and we know it's not a good investment.
Just read on what he said he does already a free electricity which is already an amazing thing specially for mining operations and I could see that op looking for partners to expand its mining operations but the thing I could complain on this would be the trust issue because giving money with a random guy without any proofs if hes running a mining farm or not is very risky.

"Free electricity", what comes next? Free lunch?

He doesn't pay energy, but someone does, and from where does this energy come? The person is paying knows OP will run a mining farm which can make the bill cost increase a lot?

I am with you, but i already have a mining room like i said, and i make a video for it. also the place i have bought recently but anyone can do videos too Wink

You could post your video link here. And tell more details about your farm like how many Asics you will set ready to work, etc.
Okay tomorrow i will go  to the apartment and make a video, well the new place i have bought is about 120 cm2 . What i run for now is (1 s9, 2 s7 and 4 s5 ).

11  Economy / Securities / Re: Investor for a mining farm with no electricity cost. on: February 08, 2017, 03:00:26 PM
Looks too risk for me. I don't know if the electricity fees there are expensive, if so it won't worth for you, consequently won'tworth for your investors. Nowadays it's very hard to make profit with mining by yourself, it's necessary a business working with many machines on a good place (cold preferentially), where the electricity is cheap. Your offer is what Cloud Mining sites offer and we know it's not a good investment.
Just read on what he said he does already a free electricity which is already an amazing thing specially for mining operations and I could see that op looking for partners to expand its mining operations but the thing I could complain on this would be the trust issue because giving money with a random guy without any proofs if hes running a mining farm or not is very risky.

I am with you, but i already have a mining room like i said, and i make a video for it. also the place i have bought recently but anyone can do videos too Wink
12  Economy / Securities / Re: Investor for a mining farm with no electricity cost. on: February 08, 2017, 12:28:46 AM
Looks too risk for me. I don't know if the electricity fees there are expensive, if so it won't worth for you, consequently won'tworth for your investors. Nowadays it's very hard to make profit with mining by yourself, it's necessary a business working with many machines on a good place (cold preferentially), where the electricity is cheap. Your offer is what Cloud Mining sites offer and we know it's not a good investment.

I do not pay for electricity at all.

place is huge with perfect temp.
13  Economy / Securities / Investor for a mining farm with no electricity cost. on: February 06, 2017, 05:19:49 PM
Dear guys,

I need 1 or more investors to invest in a mining farm with no electricity bills at all. i already have a very small mining room ( 2 s7 1 s9 and 4 s5 ).
now i have bought a new place. ready to setup a new farm.
i will buy, install, configure and taking care of all this stuff.
we will discuss the %

Place is in Egypt.

contact me if you like the idea and interested.

14  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Antminer s7 issue on: December 22, 2015, 11:11:42 PM
It looks like your missing chips on the board that says 0 for temp. I bet something happened to a chip or it fell off the board like some people have posted about on this forum, if that happens you basically lose the whole board. Contact bitmain and show them this picture and follow their instructions other wise you WILL void your warranty.

Have gotten it from amazon i have no warranty i live in egypt

any help?
15  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Antminer s7 issue on: December 22, 2015, 11:02:01 PM
Hey guys,

This antminer worked perfect for 20 days, then this problem happened.
what i have done :
1- replaced the power supply.
2- changed fan sockets.
3- upgraded the software.

i still have the same problem check the miner status one of the asics shows 0 temp.

any suggestions?

which batch? wondering because your frequency is 600

The one which hashes at 4.86
16  Bitcoin / Hardware / Antminer s7 issue on: December 22, 2015, 10:44:34 PM
Hey guys,

This antminer worked perfect for 20 days, then this problem happened.
what i have done :
1- replaced the power supply.
2- changed fan sockets.
3- upgraded the software.

i still have the same problem check the miner status one of the asics shows 0 temp.

any suggestions?
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