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1  Economy / Speculation / Re: Segwit2X players - vanquished or on hold? on: November 09, 2017, 12:53:33 PM
Quick low-fee transactions will be built on top of Bitcoin's digital gold, making the network all that more valuable the way nature intended  Wink
It really sounds nice but I think Satoshi just wanted bitcoin to aid in transactions everyday when he created bitcoin in the first place. Still, the blockchain he introduced to the community will surely be used worldwide soon in the near future. That being said, I want bitcoin to have quick low fee transactions too just like how it used to be in the past. Even if becomes digital gold, I want it to be usable for fast transactions too, I also think that there are others who want this as well.
2  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Price changes of Coins and Tokens on: November 09, 2017, 11:32:02 AM
I want to start trading, but before i start, I am trying to study how everything works.
Can somebody help me to understand what makes prices of Coins and Tokens go up or down?

Coins and token price go up and down because all cryptocurrencies in existence are running in a free market, therefore buying and selling of them causes the price to drop and rise from time to time. Besides supply and demand, price changes occur because of happenings related to crypto worldwide and of course it's developments. Manipulation also plays a huge role in the movement of price, Lastly, Newly released coins also causes price drop or rise sometimes to pre-existing coins.
3  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Newbie in Cryptoworld on: November 09, 2017, 10:29:46 AM
Hi, also a newbie here! I just registered here and I'm still in the process of the learning how the technology works. I have been reading various posts to get a glimpse of this technology and my mind gets confused. It's a little bit complicated for a beginner I guess but I'm pretty sure I'll get to understand the process in the long run. Any suggestion where should I start with my research? Thanks!  Cool
You should start researching first what is bitcoin and how it works on google. After reading a few articles about it, watch videos about bitcoin and how it works in YouTube. After watching videos, go around this forum and participate on discussions related to bitcoin. You should learn faster that way without ever reading a book. If not faster, you should be able to learn as time pass by. Just don't hesitate to ask others here when you don't understand something.
4  Other / Meta / Re: Participating in the Bitcointalk Signature Campaign on: November 09, 2017, 08:51:42 AM
Hello! My username is pacatosul and I want to participate in the Bitcointalk Signature Campaign (for example Dropanswer:, which is available also for newbies, like me. I've tried to put it in the Forum Profile Information instead of my signature pacatosul: , but the result was an error called suspicious link removed! Please help me! Thank you!
This is the first time I hear about a signature showing suspicious link removed error. Since I started on signature campaigns, I have never experienced similar errors to yours. The best solution for now is to inform the signature campaign manager about the error. Also check other participants' signature if you all have the same error then it is not your fault, it is caused by the signature code provided in the OP of their signature campaign.
5  Economy / Exchanges / Re: Is it more expensive to buy bitcoin from localbitcoin sit than with credit card? on: November 09, 2017, 08:13:07 AM
I notice that the price at a localbitcoin sit is much higher than online price. Is it more expensive to buy bitcoin from localbitcoin sit than to buy bitcoin with credit card?

Buying from localbitcoin site is more expensive than buying using credit cards technically but it depends in the site you will use to buy btc. You can just but some on coinbase if you want too I think they support credit card in buying btc. It is much cheaper to buy in coinbase IMO since prices are near the current market price. There will only a fee though but it won't be that expensive. For guides go to this site.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin Fork called off? Is it true on: November 09, 2017, 07:01:21 AM
Heard from my colleague today that the bitcoin fork has been called off. Is it a temporary decision? Do you think it will be back? what's the possible impact on bitcoin prices ?
Just came back from my day job. posted for expert views on this topic. 
Bitcoin fork has been called of and it ain't a temporary decision. It has been called of because of lack of concencus from the community according to coindesk. Probably they won't even dare to propose it again unless they will improve the tech of segwit2x itself. This will probably make the price of bitcoin to stabilize at it's current levels, and the probability of a dump decreased because there won't be a replay attack on bitcoin that is expected to be caused by b2x.
7  Economy / Reputation / Re: Gaining trust as a beginner on: November 08, 2017, 12:36:44 PM
Willing to show someone that I can be trusted since I'm a newbie. This website is very helpful to the good people I see.
To show your trustworthiness, then just continue to participate on discussions here in forum and try not to scam others. Always be truthful to every transaction you do in marketplace. if ever you are offering services there, always try to be truthful and never try to cheat on signature and bounty campaigns. Lastly, try to help others if you can if ever one required an advice to solve his/her personal concerns.
8  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Newbie story - Everything started with a Big Mac... on: November 08, 2017, 11:19:05 AM
Any suggestion about the best way to invest my "BigMac"...? May I just keeping it or...?

A special thanks to my "Big Mac addicted" friend!

Bye from Italy  Wink
Learn how to do altcoin trades I am sure it will help you multiply that bitcoin that you obtained from treating a friend of years a meal on big mac. Another tip I can give you is to convert that into fiat now and rebuy some bitcoin later when price got pretty low. The probability of btc price dumping soon is high and the latter might be a wise move to do. Just always remember to follow crypto prices to know when to act.
9  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Strategy for a newbie in this time of uncertainty on: November 08, 2017, 10:21:16 AM
Hello guys,
I have been following bitcoin for a while now, from back to when it was around a couple hundred dollars, but I was too afraid to jump on this train at the time.
Now that I see it's current level, I'm quite sad to have missed this opportunity, but, I'm ready to got for it.
The thing is, regarding the current situation where the altcoin market is quite calm and Btc on the way for the unknown with the next fork, I'm not exactly sure what strategy I should adopt.
Shall I just invest in BTC, no matter what will happen with the fork? Shall I invest in certain good value altcoins waiting for BTC to stabilize?
I know this is a question that comes a lot from beginner like, and I'm sorry If it's just another random post but I didn't found the answers to my questions for now.
Thank you in advance for your feedbacks guys, I'm new to this forum but I'm hoping to stay for a while Smiley
The simplest strategy a newbie can take in this time of uncertainty is to sell all your btc stash and rebuy at a lower price, then wait for things to calm down. This might not work all the time, but it has proven that it is one good strategy to execute in times of doubt specially when bitcoin price is high. Investing on altcoin with potential seems to be a good strategy too, you can also use it if you want.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Btc and coins on: November 08, 2017, 09:10:21 AM
What's the difference between bitcoins/ethereum and coins?
The difference between bitcoin, ethereum and any other coin is their usability and technology. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that is made to be used as a medium to transactions without needing a middlemen. Ethereum on the other hand, is a cryptocurrency that is created in order to run smart contracts on their block chain. Several other altcoins have different kind of usage too but to sum it up, they are crypt I currencies different from each other, created for different purposes.
11  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Returning to BTC after a few years... on: November 08, 2017, 08:10:27 AM
Is mining with the PC even a option anymore? 
Mining on PC with GPU is still an option for some altcoins but mining bitcoin with PC is not profitable anymore. You will need to buy mining equipments(miners) if you want to continue bitcoin mining.
Are faucets even worth it?
Don't waste your time on faucets because they are not viable to use to gain btc anymore. It would be wiser to just find a job rather than doing captcha all day on faucets.
  What's the best way to get back into this with having literally no income to actually invest with?
The best way to get back into earning bitcoin without investing a cent is to offer your skills to others like how one does it in real life, you can also be a freelancer.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: WAVES SPECULATION on: November 08, 2017, 07:01:23 AM
Say what?  It's not possible to lose more than 100%.  
Someone losing 100% of his investment is possible if the altcoin an investor picked and hold lost it's value and dumped to 1 satoshi with a huge buywall. In waves case, you are right that its not possible for it's holder to lose 100% of his investment since it has retained it's value even if the price dropped big. Investors have lost a huge percent of their investment though even if waves still have value. Probably waves would pump soon after hardforks of bitcoin stop.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Best ico in November , December? on: November 07, 2017, 10:11:12 PM
gratings everybody .
i wants to know about ico in November , December .
and which ico is best ?
 suggest 10 best ico.
One good ICO that I know is DITCOIN, it's final product would be called DITPAY which will be a cryptocurrency powered e-commerce and payment processor. Besides it this coin will ensure 100% untraceable transaction when it is released in the market. To know more visit there announcement thread. Even if that is the case, I suggest you to just wait for the hardfork and buy btc or just hodl your bitcoin until that time and sell it.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Segwit2x fork, B2X Price on: November 07, 2017, 02:16:12 PM
It seems that B2x has a better price value than the previous fork! What's bothering my mind is what would be the negative side if B2x doesn't have replay protection at all? Huh
Without replay protection, new transactions will be equally valid on both chains as well. This means that these transactions can be copied or “replayed,” from one chain to the other, in other words, for them to happen on both which is commonly referred as replay attack. If you send B2X to someone, you might accidentally send him BTC as well and vice versa because they can do a replay attack with the help of a miner in both chains.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Ethereum , is it the future ? on: November 07, 2017, 11:43:36 AM
Since 2013 , the price of Bitcoin still increasing until it has passed 7k $ . i'm thinking about the Ethereum and it could be the same scenario like bitcoin after 2 or 3 years . is it possible ?

It is possible to happen in ethereum but it is very unlikely that it will do a bullish trend and be like bitcoin because it is overvalued right now. For now I think ethereum will be on a bearish trend for a prolonged period of time before it rise again. Probably ethereum would just remain to be one of the top coins in terms of marketcap but it will reach 7000$ when bitcoin becomes mainstream in the near future.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Has the btc to alts migration started? on: November 07, 2017, 10:07:08 AM
Today btc is going down and a lot of alts are rising. Do you think it will be a trend also in the next days? I imagined that would happen after the 2x day. Thank you
I don't think that btc to alts migration has not started yet. I also don't think that this trend would continue in the next few weeks. Still, I know the much awaited alts bullish market comeback is soon to happen. If not by December, it will happen by the early 2018 and the much anticipated btc's continuous bearish trend might also be seen soon. Still, it would be wise if one starts to enjoy the current altcoin pumps that have happened.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Is LISK underrated? on: November 07, 2017, 08:43:28 AM
The title says it all....
Probably LISK is underrated as well as other alts out there. LISK like the others have suffered a lot from the current hardforks of btc that got people's attention to divert to btc. After the hardfork train, probably we will see it rise somehow and the same can be said with other alts. As for it's future potential for growth, It still have potential left in it but the development is slow so it might get stable for a while.
18  Economy / Economics / Re: Legalizing Bitcoin on: November 07, 2017, 07:40:47 AM
I think besides getting tax in every transaction which is impossible to be control by the government, Bitcoin will just simply help the economic status of one government. as long as the people benefits then the government will also benefit it will lessen the poor and lessen the corruption.
The fact that the government tax even the tiniest things in life still exist and bitcoin is not an exception to it. Always remember that most politicians does not care for the common good, but rather they would legalize bitcoin with the intent of exploiting it for themselves, therefore bitcoin would be legalized one way or another. In the future, there would surely be countermeasures prepared and maybe right now, governments are developing a concept to tax crypto into a certain degree.
19  Economy / Economics / Re: What will happen if the government know bitcoin in your country? on: November 07, 2017, 06:17:41 AM
That's not really possible to keep track of the users as well to make the people stop the usage of bitcoin. These days governments too have the plans of making use of bitcoin, than abolishing it. Because people tend to use it one or the other way, so that it's not possible to abolish it. Expect more countries to get into bitcoin usage and make it grow higher same as that happened when Japan entered the community.
Exactly. Since they cannot stop people to use bitcoin, government intends to legalize it to use cryptocurrency for the benefit of their own country to it's maximum extent. For this reason, some countries like Russia or Uruguay launched a cryptocurrency of their own to aid in their economic status. Countries other than Japan are on the process of adopting btc with the hopes of regulating it in a way and using it to their advantage.
20  Economy / Economics / Re: Central Bank of Uruguay announces launch of own crypto currency on: November 07, 2017, 05:16:21 AM
Central Bank of Uruguay announces launch of  own cryptocurrency, lets discuss, what effect it will make for their economics.
It seems to me that they have just followed Russia and other's example to launch their own crypto. Their only problem is that poor people who cannot even afford to buy electronic gadgets of their own cannot use the crypto of their own country. Still, it will help them to ease transactions they do in their country everyday but it wont affect their economy greatly unless they use it as replacement for fiat.
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