I think decentralized infrastructure will invalidate these centralized political infrastructure no matter what it's called, capitalism or sweet socialism. I also think that bitcoin and its followers bring the imagination to the new world. People and their value will no longer being manipulated by any group they dislike. This means the independence of the individuals inside the human society. This is very important to protect the human value.
How do I go about importing a privkey into the latest wallet?
Try dumpprivkey from the old client, then importprivkey to the new client. Do this in the debug console of the client.
Hi, Biggest reason this coin wont get on an exchange, is the wallet. I have tried this coin so many times now, but saw this latest post and thought lets give it 1 more shot. Downloaded 0.4.9, (full blockchain version), followed all instructions to the letter....wallet opens withing 20-30 seconds (a vast improvement) BUT...even thought i have 6 connections, a very fast pc, and very fast connection, i started with over 7000 blocks to download, and 24 hours on, i still have 6400 blocks to download. This has always been the major issue....at this rate it will be over a week (if not 2) before i sync and can even start to mine it. Until this is fixed, miners let alone exchanges cannot accept this coin. I have nearly 1000 coins / wallets from 2013 to present day, and this is up there with the very worst for syncing. If anyone can help speed it up, please let me know. That said, the other thing which i think is keeping it from exchanges, is the double edged sword....NF19 Yes it makes it quite unique, but it also rules out virtually every miner...who wants to chuck a very fast pc using a ton of power, to not even get 1 block a day. NF19 stuffs ASICS, fine, but it basically means this is a coin only for the 1080ti rig guys, so its only for the rich....but even then, its block reward and value are so low, thats its hardly worth them pointing a rig at it. To open up the miner base, i suggest dropping to at least NF17, maybe lower, and having at least 2 pools. (actually better to have NF change randomly from say NF14 to NF18) Do that and i think it could be a very very good coin. I'll throw a weeks worth of hash at it, if i ever get it to sync. J The issue could be the checkpoints problem, when sync from start it can't auto select a nearest check point. So it will verify very slowly per block. This is my experience on some other pos coins. See this part of code in main.cpp: // ppcoin: if responsible for sync-checkpoint send it if (pfrom && !CSyncCheckpoint::strMasterPrivKey.empty()) Checkpoints::SendSyncCheckpoint(Checkpoints::AutoSelectSyncCheckpoint());
When sync from start, pfrom is null, so this logic won't be executed. That makes the checkpoints are still old ones embedded in the code.
c-cex is going to delist TRC, please withdraw before 21.01.2019
Can the developers at least add a switch to allow masternode / wallet to run together? I for one don't use a VPS and never will. Have never lost money to an attack.
Have been running a Terracoin node in one way or another since 2012. I don't want to sound demanding and GREATLY appreciate all the improvements the dev's have
made to this coin. Also, I don't need to be protected. Thank you for clarifying this.
You can start two instances on your desktop PC if you need to run both wallet and masternode. Here is my shortcut cmd line: C:\terracoin\terracoind.exe -conf=H:/Terracoin/terracoin.confand the H:/Terracoin/terracoin.conf: datadir=H:/Terracoin mnconf=H:/Terracoin/masternode.conf server=1 daemon=1 rest=1 upnp=1 port=13333 rpcport=13332 keypool=10 #txindex=1 addnode=explorer.terracoin.io rpcallowip= rpcuser=terracoinrpc rpcpassword=TERRACOIN_RPC_PASSWORD externalip=YOUR_EXTERNAL_IP:13333 masternode=1 masternodeprivkey=MASTERNODE_PRIVKEY
and the H:/Terracoin/masternode.conf is the same as usual. For the wallet instance, you'll need to change the port and rpcport to avoid conflicts and set masternode=0. Then run with C:\terracoin\terracoin-qt.exe -conf=WALLET_CONF_PATH/terracoin.conf, or you just use default conf path by removing -conf=...
Is it possible to support ethereum tokens for example USDT / DAI, so we can exchange with these stable coins?
After upgrading to, terracoind crashes when start masternodes, but is ok. Please tell me what I need to do. No error message in debug.log  $ cat /etc/lsb-release DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=16.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=xenial DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS" $ ./terracoin-cli masternode count all Total: 1240 (PS Compatible: 41 / Enabled: 326 / Qualify: 0) $ ./terracoin-cli masternode start-all error: couldn't connect to server
terracoin.conf is here: rpcuser=user rpcpassword=password rpcallowip= listen=1 server=1 daemon=1 masternode=1 masternodeprivkey=privkey rpcport=22355
i guess it could relate to new version disallow start both masternode and wallet. it will be better, you ask questions in mattermost.terracoin.io
There is manual action that is needed to take in case the client ( is on the wrong chain not the longest chain: thesin 12:28 AM
There are 2 choices, you can reindex (which is resource hungry option) or run this 2 commands with terracoin-cli or the debug console to get back on the right chain, I will be updating overview, insight and services to the longest chain in a few minutes. invalidateblock b7d648573174c2f0375a8da2cbe07ddc81d8674e4514f475d104d555a0dc64ff reconsiderblock 9b94a08becfe66b72b88e1f9c796e43fe03bd645337f78845922803cb40389e0
So there is no dev left on this project? I have been away messing with other things and just came back to look and see what is going on. This is depressing if true. Novacoin in one of the more innovative projects out here. I hope someone with the skills can jump in and lead this.
The code base is quite solid, it can run for years without outside interference. This is truly decentralized. It will be better if someone can merge the other projects updates (without hard forking) into it. Ok the idea of decentralization is an excuse and we can consider. However as a project with Novacoin's time and its valued price is abandoned? This should be considered and many investors rely on this information to define their strategies. If there's no one going to merge the bitcoin/peercoin updates into novacoin, I'll do that in my spare time. But I can't promise when it will be ready to be public.
Hello Terracoin believers, Our aim is to add value to the whole crypto community by giving the best user experience to analyse cryptocurrencies. It would be really great help from your side if you can spend 60 seconds of your time and give us your valuable feedback for our two recent updates 1) Snapshot and 2) Colourful interface of Terracoin at: https://cointopper.com/coin/terracoinConstructive criticisms are always welcome at CoinTopper. Thank you!! The website UI is beautiful. I'll bookmark it. Thanks.
So there is no dev left on this project? I have been away messing with other things and just came back to look and see what is going on. This is depressing if true. Novacoin in one of the more innovative projects out here. I hope someone with the skills can jump in and lead this.
The code base is quite solid, it can run for years without outside interference. This is truly decentralized. It will be better if someone can merge the other projects updates (without hard forking) into it.
Note clockuniverse 4:04 AM
If your masternode is down then you are running an older version of the client. Please upgrade to! (edited) clockuniverse 4:09 AM
You will need to start the masternode from the local client again too, obviously.
C-CEX info C-CEX.com Trusted, Secure & Friendly Exchange Since 2013. 200+ Alts,USD,Low Fees May 23, 2018, 10:37:03 PM
From May, 31 till approximately August, 31 we will switch to "limited service" mode for summer vacations.
We will: provide trading service, API trading service, C-CEX codes creation and redeeming, fiat deposits and withdrawals. We will not: provide all cryptocoin and tokens deposits and withdrawals, support ticket service.
If you need your cryptocurrency to trade here or elsewhere during "limited service" period - please, deposit or withdraw it before vacation start date. Please, do not send any deposits during "limited service" period as they will not be posted to balances.
We will resume normal service after August, 31. We may resume normal service earlier. We may serve tickets during vacation period but we do not take obligation to do that.
Happy summer!
I like to run a masternode on my desktop. I do not want to have a vps at this point and like to keep it all on my PC. The question is: Do I need to do anything after creating the mn private key or just keep the client running?
Dear all friend I run masternode in window VPS, Masternode Tab in my wallet show: ENABLED But when i check in my friend wallet! This show WATCHDOG_EXPIRED and https://masternodes.online show WATCHDOG_EXPIRED How to i can fix it! Thanks You'd need to run sentinel to prevent from being expired. https://github.com/terracoin/sentinelYou can also follow this guide and script: https://github.com/u3mur4/terracoin
Hi, is there a bootstrap file available for Terracoin? I just downloaded the wallet, and syncing over five years of chain is going to take forever...
There's a TRC blockchain download available on cryptochainer, you'll find it on this page http://cryptochainer.com/dir/?page_id=365Thank you! I ended up letting the full sync run, it only took 3 or 4 hours, quite fast actually. I am trying to set up the headless wallet on a Raspberry Pi 3, I compiled everything and I can start the daemon, but after a while it crashed with *** System error while flushing: CDB: Error -30974, can't open database wallet.dat Error: Error: A fatal internal error occurred, see debug.log for details ERROR: ProcessNewBlock: ActivateBestChain failed
I can't see anything wrong with the wallet.dat, on my Windows machine it syncs and runs fine. Anyone got any experience with this? I know some people wanted to set it up on Raspberry Pi, but I haven't ever heard of anyone actually doing it, sadly. I'm starting to think there is some incompatibility between Windows and Linux for the blockchain files or the wallet.dat. I am syncing from scratch with a fresh wallet on the Raspberry Pi now, and so far no Problems. I will keep you updated  This is possible. Cause arm cpu and x86 cpu have different byte-order.