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1  Economy / Collectibles / Re: Ravenbit Interest on: July 05, 2024, 09:26:47 PM
Although the color editions are nice, does each color carry a higher premium is the question? also not sure if it was limited mintage on certain colors as I was not around during that time.

here's the stacks archives:

each was loaded with .047 btc when btc was around 37k...

I love Ravenbits, not sure I'd spend a ton of sats just to get different colors, but definately a fan of them. Didn't find any on ebay sold listings to compare either.

Good luck fishing... might catch something

There are 2 LIVE on ebay, but with listings on ebay are they over priced?

ICG graded Bronze Grey label - 334597800861

ICG graded Bronze Grey label - 305639034392

Not necessarily over-priced when you factor in fees/shipping and both allow to make an offer, so I would think the listed price is prevent people low-balling offers

Sorry for the dumb question, in the process of moving and just working like a dog if not sleeping, what price are these listed at if you wouldn't mind telling me?

Just happy I can get some conversation going on these. Seems like a large "generation" haven't heard or seen these before


2  Economy / Collectibles / Re: Ravenbit Interest on: July 02, 2024, 03:52:06 PM
I appreciate the responses, as noted, not particularly interested in selling at this time, so I am not going to throw a number out there but will listen to offers. Also not particularly interested in auctioning at this point for same reasons. Been collecting these over a number of years and not sure I am ready to part with such a rare set, unless the price is right.

To answer other responses, the colored ones are not loaded.
I agree, these are beautiful and I have always been drawn to them. At this point I have probably the biggest collection of the colored versions of them in the world, but they are just so pretty and nice to display.
3  Economy / Collectibles / Ravenbit Interest on: July 02, 2024, 01:17:19 AM
Hey everyone, been a long time since I have been around, but just curious what the interest is like for Ravenbit coins?  I have the below (old pictures but still the same set) and just curious what interest there is in these since I don't really see them come up for sale/auction...

Series 2.3 (colored brass coins)
1x almost a full set, missing red coin.  Includes 1 of each green, yellow, violet, blue, orange.

Extra coins
2x green label
1x yellow label
1x purple label


Series 2.0.2 (colored bronze coins)
1x full set, only 6 possible. Includes 1 of each grey, green, yellow, red, and orange coin.

Also have a few extras of some of the colors, see pics below


Like I said, just curious what the interest is like. Not necessarily interested in selling yet unless it's a super strong offer. Also just showing off the collection as you don't ever really see one of these go up for sale, much less complete sets (still need that red for 2.3, if anyone has one they are willing to part with let me know).


4  Economy / Collectibles / Re: (WTB) Ravenbit series 2.3- Node Bronze Red Address on: April 17, 2023, 10:53:03 PM
Bump, still looking for a red address to complete my collection. Possibly interested in other colored coins to, so please let me know if you are willing to sell any.


5  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [SALE] 1HoDLCLUB 1mBTC coin "Fuck Fiat Money" Collection on: March 06, 2023, 12:07:17 AM
2 coins for me please


6  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [AUCTION] Satoris!!! 3x graded // 6x raw on: February 12, 2023, 12:13:42 AM
Lot 1 - 0.0015
Lot 2 - 0.0015
7  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [SALE] 1HoDLCLUB Fine Silver 999.9 LTC Poker chips on: February 10, 2023, 03:30:30 AM
Hello, can you update my order to 2 coins and can i have #1 and #8?

Once you confrim i will get paid.


8  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [SALE] 1HoDLCLUB Fine Silver 999.9 LTC Poker chips on: January 20, 2023, 01:12:41 AM
1 please.

Thank you
9  Economy / Collectibles / Re: HAPPY HODL-DAYS: THE 12 DAYS OF CRYPTOMAS on: January 01, 2023, 04:19:45 AM
54 please
10  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [SALE] 1HoDLCLUB Copper LTC Poker chips on: December 13, 2022, 03:16:38 AM
Is there an update on when these will ship? Just curious as it hit me today i havent seen them yet.


All paid order was shipped since few days ! let me look at your in the orders list !  Smiley

Thank you, i should be paid in, let me know if you need txid.


Any update?
11  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [SALE] 1HoDLCLUB Copper LTC Poker chips on: December 11, 2022, 03:24:47 PM
Is there an update on when these will ship? Just curious as it hit me today i havent seen them yet.


All paid order was shipped since few days ! let me look at your in the orders list !  Smiley

Thank you, i should be paid in, let me know if you need txid.

12  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [SALE] 1HoDLCLUB Copper LTC Poker chips on: December 10, 2022, 09:42:34 PM
Is there an update on when these will ship? Just curious as it hit me today i havent seen them yet.

13  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [SALE] 1HoDLCLUB Copper LTC Poker chips on: December 01, 2022, 11:25:30 PM
5 please

Thank you my friend for your trust and support ! really appreciate !

you are added to the order list and count updated !


Just sent the btc, you should see it shortly. Will need to get home later to access my ltc, but will send that soon.

Would you please make sure my 5 are the special ones?


14  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [SALE] 1HoDLCLUB Copper LTC Poker chips on: December 01, 2022, 11:02:27 PM
5 please
15  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [SALE] 1HoDLCLUB Golden Brass LTC Poker chips on: November 14, 2022, 08:17:25 PM
5 please.

And i believe i still owe you for 8 from the previous, can you give me a total amount owed?


16  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [ANN] Bitcoin Penny® Mystery Rolls on: November 08, 2022, 01:52:50 AM
I will take 1 roll if any still in stock


17  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [AUCTION] 10 CASASCIUS BLANK 5BTC TOKENS - ONE DAY AUCTION on: November 05, 2022, 11:36:05 PM
1 at 0.022
18  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [Sale] 1HoDLCLUB Blue Clay LTC Poker chips on: November 04, 2022, 08:06:06 PM
I will take 2 please, can you please let me know payment instructions?
19  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [AUCTION] 10 CASASCIUS BLANK 5BTC TOKENS - ONE DAY AUCTION on: November 04, 2022, 07:35:27 PM
1 at 0.02
20  Economy / Collectibles / Re: ⭕LEALANA 1/10 oz silver THE WORLD’S SMALLEST LOADABLE PHYSICAL BITCOIN …COIN on: October 10, 2022, 12:57:27 AM
1.) I will take- ONE Roll of 10 x 0.01 BTC 1/10th oz 999 FINE SILVER CENTS (regular silver non-rainbow)
2.) I will also take- One SIX COIN SET.
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