Hello Grumpy fans, some updates about upcoming wallet. First tried upgrading to latest Litecoin code but so many changes and at the end nothing exciting for our grumpy holders so I decided to modify Megacoin wallet as it look way more interesting with frameless window and beautiful layout and heavy use of stylesheet and this wallet also has updated Litecoin and Bitcoin code. Megacoin has also done a really good developer job. Network and coin parameters fixed and wallet is syncing until block 20465 where I get errors that I am investigating in the code as you can see in attached screenshot. I found where but takes some more time to debug. Also showing here color identification of Megacoin wallet to be replaced with GrumpyCoin colors. First window is changed to test but final colors and images will be decided later. Megacoin wallet available here: http://megacoin.co.nz/downloads[edit: cut a less relevant pic. goto original message] Stay tuned! looks like KGW was not enough hm, some people like to go the extra mile, and megacoin has set new heights with its GUI
nbk is amazing at these designs +1
so we don't mind BlackCoin?
Are you creating these designs? They look really nice.
Hm.. nice android wallet. android wallet working great
Flip that miner over or disconnect the fan.
You are going to kill the fan and draw unneeded power.
Ok thanks, flipped so the fan is facing upward.
and..... its going to happen, confirmed, validated, and sealed.
POS + 42 = happy community.
I am having problems detecting the MAC and IP Address
I have 1 X la3m - only 1 miner is connected to my setup to the initial testing
When I do IP CONFIG /all in CMD I do not see anything relative to the MAC Address on my controller
On my router settings, I am looking at 'DHCP Clients' and I see my other connections except for the controller
Do you guys Prefer POS or KGW ? KGW had an exploit recently, and this could affect every coin that is using KGW... A patch is required. Currently, 42 does not use KGW (Kimoto Gravity Well) The purpose of KGW was to avoid profit switching multi-pools for difficulty re-targeting basis. Should 42 have KGW? or... What about the POS Concept? TX42 was the first to come out with the POS concept, and I think this might be what 42 needs. Let's make a decision quick... tx42 is willing to help and a few others that have approached via pm. The community is the key! let's all work together and achieve something together. I'm willing to implement KGW for 42 if Hendo and Maco is approves it of. I like my idea better. Move to pure PoS. It has several advantages: 1. No reliance on mining hashes so absolutely no pool jumping vulnerability. 2. Present coins jump in value because they earn interest for stakeholders. 3. Can still target total money supply to 42 coins. 4. Can still award transaction fees to miners. 5. Energy efficient. Saves the planet. 6. I'm already working on it! go for the PoS it will for sure increase value of the coin Yeah, I agree. tx42 seems to be working on it proactively. +42 goes to him.
Do you guys Prefer POS or KGW ? KGW had an exploit recently, and this could affect every coin that is using KGW... A patch is required. Currently, 42 does not use KGW (Kimoto Gravity Well) The purpose of KGW was to avoid profit switching multi-pools for difficulty re-targeting basis. Should 42 have KGW? or... What about the POS Concept? TX42 was the first to come out with the POS concept, and I think this might be what 42 needs. Let's make a decision quick... tx42 is willing to help and a few others that have approached via pm. The community is the key! let's all work together and achieve something together. I'm willing to implement KGW for 42 if Hendo and Maco is approves it of. I like my idea better. Move to pure PoS. It has several advantages: 1. No reliance on mining hashes so absolutely no pool jumping vulnerability. 2. Present coins jump in value because they earn interest for stakeholders. 3. Can still target total money supply to 42 coins. 4. Can still award transaction fees to miners. 5. Energy efficient. Saves the planet. 6. I'm already working on it!
being worked on as we speak
I want to add to my post It looks like Admins can EDIT Comments- however, I have not found any data they can 'act' as a specific user just yet. Sources for NING admin rights: 1) http://www.ning.com/help/?p=55682) http://www.ning.com/help/?p=42003) http://www.ning.com/help/?p=3369More on this as I fact find and gather data. Two options here - My guess, Satoshi decided to go with Option A.
A) Satoshi is responding to the madness so that there is no more headaches for Dorian B) Someone hacked into it or found an exploit to write that.
Ning was never a reliable platform even in the early days of the Ning Social network.
Satoshi needs to speak up in the forums of BitcoinTalk!
can a site admin to such a thing? maybe if paid well? I don't remember if that was a possibility. I've used Ning for many reasons back in the days because Ning forums were very popular back in the days, up until they started charging forum owners for it. I do remember Ning not giving admins that much access in the first place about a year or two later, you had to pay to keep your forums up or something of that nature. Other than forum modifications, banning users, etc. I don't know if this account was controlled by an admin or not, but it could be possible. The post url from today does match up to his original profile url posted back in 2009 Same url: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/m/profile?screenName=0ye0gncqg772oWe know it is the same account- so it has to be either A) it is really him speaking up or B) it was hacked or controlled by someone else.
Two options here - My guess, Satoshi decided to go with Option A.
A) Satoshi is responding to the madness so that there is no more headaches for Dorian B) Someone hacked into it or found an exploit to write that.
Ning was never a reliable platform even in the early days of the Ning Social network.
Satoshi needs to speak up in the forums of BitcoinTalk!
can a site admin to such a thing? maybe if paid well? I don't remember if that was a possibility. I've used Ning for many reasons back in the days because Ning forums were very popular back in the days, up until they started charging forum owners for it. I do remember Ning not giving admins that much access in the first place about a year or two later, you had to pay to keep your forums up or something of that nature. Other than forum modifications, banning users, etc. I don't know if this account was controlled by an admin or not, but it could be possible. The post url from today does match up to his original profile url posted back in 2009 Same url: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/m/profile?screenName=0ye0gncqg772oWe know it is the same account- so it has to be either A) it is really him speaking up or B) it was hacked or controlled by someone else.
Two options here - My guess, Satoshi decided to go with Option A.
A) Satoshi is responding to the madness so that there is no more headaches for Dorian B) Someone hacked into it or found an exploit to write that.
Ning was never a reliable platform even in the early days of the Ning Social network.
Satoshi needs to speak up in the forums of BitcoinTalk!
Two options here - My guess, Satoshi decided to go with Option A.
A) Satoshi is responding to the madness so that there is no more headaches for Dorian B) Someone hacked into it or found an exploit to write that.
Ning was never a reliable platform even in the early days of the Ning Social network.
Satoshi needs to speak up in the forums of BitcoinTalk!
Hendo welcome back! looks like you had a nice holiday now lets make this coin rock again! maco cool finally some more extensive article promoting 42, glad to see this i would really love to start mining again, looking forward for all the updates, this should be the first step Sounds good - twitter seems to have some real-time activities about it https://twitter.com/search?q=42coin&src=typd&f=realtime