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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: predictions of 2019 on: January 17, 2019, 03:45:45 PM
Seems very few projects have actually accomplished any of what they promised. Even Ethereum is failing big time with their updates and monetary policy.
Projects such as AMLT ( that has been rewarding users with 100k tokens a month rewards for submitting data on crypto related frauds/scams. Also worth noting would be SIRIN LABS ( and their phone prototype that is being released. Anyone have other projects also doing a good portion of what they said they would?
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: August 27, 2018, 02:05:46 PM
AMLT update: Onboarding of 1st Commercial Network Member

AMLT successfully onboards their first member - TokenMarket

Thank you for posting this!

Official link on our blog:
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: July 30, 2018, 12:43:04 PM
With Cryptocurrencies in the Global Spotlight, Fox Business’ Innovations Series to Feature Coinfirm and AMLT

4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: July 30, 2018, 12:33:34 PM

Yes, thank you!!! Smiley
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: July 18, 2018, 09:33:21 AM
Don't miss the Q&A session today on the AMLT_Token Short Term Roadmap by Co-Founder of Coinfirm_io Grant Blaisdell
Join us at 12 CET and 6pm CET on our @telegram community

6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: July 11, 2018, 01:13:43 PM
AMLT by Coinfirm Short Term Roadmap


AMLT by Coinfirm Short Term Roadmap

Our ultimate goal is not only to make the cryptocurrency economy a safe and transparent place and also more friendly for those who care about its adoption, legitimacy and security. That is why we are building the global AMLT Network, based on our AMLT token, and are in the development process of associated tools, panels and features.

Creating a safe and transparent cryptocurrency economy built on a global technological solution and system is a huge task, but with the participation of other market participants it can be a more effective one. Our database is constantly updated with nefarious addresses being reported by our partners in the cryptocurrency space, now we are going to reward and incentivize the entire economy to follow the same path, creating a global network and safe cryptocurrency economy through AMLT.

As we value our community and partners and see them as a foundation of AMLT Network Member community and safe cryptocurrency economy, we want to share our new detailed short term roadmap below and include everyone in the process. Next week we will be doing a live Q&A with a Co-Founder on our Telegram Channel so stay tuned!  See roadmap below.

7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: July 10, 2018, 10:49:41 AM
Leading ICO Launchpad TokenMarket Becomes Member of the AMLT Token Network by Coinfirm

8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: July 04, 2018, 03:24:21 PM
Read how AMLT is being used to fight ransomware, fraud, and online phishing scams.

9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: June 29, 2018, 08:13:55 PM
AMLT is available on Qryptos by Quoine
10  Local / 日本語 (Japanese) / 著名な講師が登場するブロックチェーンカンファレンスが無料:Tokio Free The Blockcha on: March 12, 2018, 11:22:49 AM


1) "ブロックチェーンで設計された専門医薬品の分散した生態系" ニコ・クランセク - TrustedHealthの共同設立者。クラウドファンディング専門家、初期投資ファンドのクィックスターター開拓者兼顧問。ハーバードビジネススクール卒業生で、熟練した事業家。彼は様々な会社を設立し、数百人の成功を助けました。

グレッグ・ヤルゾンベク - 企業家。戦士。夫であり2人の子を持つ父。グレッグは金融サービス業界で豊富な経験を積みました。様々な国で仕事をして学び、ハーバード、ESCPおよびワルシャワ経済学校を卒業しました。自身の母がガンで亡くなった後、TrustedHealth生態系の創設に全力を尽くしました。

2) "どこででも決済、すべての暗号貨幣、すべての決済カード" ヴォイツェック・カジギ - MobilumのCEO。情熱的な投資家で、多数の成功的なビジネス創業者および革新的な技術発明構築に注力したFinTechのファン。金融界で20年以上の経験。

3) "海上都市とシーゾーンの分権化" ランディ・ヘンケンは、シーステッド(海上都市)とシーゾーンを開発中のブルーフロンティア社の共同創立者です。ランディはピーター・ティールとパトリ・フリードマンが共同設立した非営利シンクタンクであるSeasteading Instituteの実用主義的な専務理事として、海上新政府による新たな社会の発展を追求しました。彼は保護水域で"特別統治体制"を備えた初めての海上都市プロジェクトを樹立すべく、フランス、ポリネシア政府と協約を締結しました。ブルーフロンティア社は、フランス領ポリネシアと関係を結びシーゾーンを作る他の国を探索中にあり、2020年までに海上都市を建設することを目標としています。ブルーフロンティア社はトークン化されたクラウド販売を通じて海上都市開発に資金を支援します。

4) "ブロックチェーンのためのAMLとKYC" マシェット・ジオルコフスキ - Coinfirmの共同設立者。国際的な仮想通貨の開拓的適用者。マシェットは初期段階からビットコインおよびブロックチェーン空間に参加してきました。その主題に対する著名な作家かつ演説者で、ヨーロッパで最初にビットコイン会社を共同創設しました。

Tokyo Free The Blockchain Conference featuring great speakers:

Niko Klansek and Greg Jarzabek - Cofounders of TrustedHealth - decentralised ecosystem in specialised medicine engineered on blockchain =
Wojciech Kaszycki - CEO of Mobilum - Pay anywhere, any cryptocurrency, any payment card =
Randy Hencken - Managing Director and Cofounder Blue Frontiers PTE LTD, Managing Director The Seasteading Institute 501c3 =
Maciej Ziolkowski - Cofounder of Coinfirm - AML and KYC for Blockchain =
11  Local / 한국어 (Korean) / 저명한 강사가 등장하는 블록 체인 컨퍼런스 무료 : Seoul Free Blockchain Conference 14march on: March 12, 2018, 11:20:54 AM

저명한 강사가 등장하는 블록 체인 컨퍼런스 무료 :

1) "블록 체인으로 설계된 전문 의약품의 분산된 생태계" 니코 클란젝 - TrustedHealth의 공동 설립자. 크라우드펀딩 전문가, 초기 투자 펀드의 킥 스타터 개척자 겸 고문. 하버드 비즈니스 스쿨 졸업생이며 숙련된 사업가. 그는 여러 회사를 설립하고 수백 명이 성공하도록 도왔습니다.

그렉 잘자벡 - 기업가. 전사. 남편이자 두 아이의 아버지. 그렉은 금융 서비스 업계에서 풍부한 경험을 쌓았습니다. 여러 나라에서 일하고 공부했으며 하버드, ESCP 및 바르샤바 경제 학교의 동창입니다. 그렉의 어머니가 암으로 돌아가신 후 그렉은 TrustedHealth 생태계를 창설하는 데 전력을 다했습니다.

2) "어디서나 지불, 모든 암호화폐, 모든 지불 카드" 보이체크 카지키 - Mobilum의 CEO. 열정적인 투자자, 다수의 성공적인 비즈니스 창업자 및 혁신적인 기술 발명 구축에 주력한 FinTech 팬. 금융계에서 20년 이상의 경험.

3) "해상도시와 씨존의 분권화" 랜디 헨켄은 씨스테드 (해상도시)와 씨존을 개발 중인 블루 프론티어회사의 공동 창립자입니다. 랜디는 피터 티엘과 패트리 프리드만이 공동 설립 한 비영리 띵크탱크인 Seasteading Institute의 실용주의적인 전무 이사로 해상 신 정부에 의한 새로운 사회의 발전을 추구했습니다. 그는 보호 수역에서 "특별 통치 체제"를 갖춘 최초의 해상도시 프로젝트를 수립하기 위해 프랑스 폴리네시아 정부와 협약을 체결했습니다. 블루 프론티어회사는 프랑스 령 폴리네시아와 관계를 맺고 씨존을 만들 나른 나라를 찾고 있으며 2020년까지 해상도시를 위치시키고자 합니다. 블루 프론티어 회사는 토큰화 된 크라우드 판매를 통해 해상도시 개발에 자금을 지원할 것입니다.

4) "블록 체인을위한 AML과 KYC" 마시에 지올코우스키 - Coinfirm의 공동 설립자. 국제적인 가상 통화 개척적 적용자. 마시에는 초기 단계부터 비트코인 및 블록 체인 공간에 참여해 왔습니다. 그 주제에 대한 저명한 작가이자 연사이며 유럽에서 최초로 비트코인 회사를 공동 창설했습니다.

Free The Blockchain Conference featuring great speakers:

1) "Decentralised ecosystem in specialised medicine engineered on blockchain" (

Niko Klansek - Cofounder of TrustedHealth. Crowdfunding specialist, Kickstarter pioneer and advisor in an early stage investment fund. Niko is a Harvard Business School graduate and experienced entrepreneur. He founded multiple companies and helped hundreds of others succeed.

Greg Jarzabek - Entrepreneur. Fighter. Husband and father of two. Greg gained extensive experience in the financial services industry. He has worked and studied in many countries and is alumnus of Harvard, ESCP and Warsaw School of Economics. Greg's mother died of cancer, an event which drove him to put his full energy into founding the TrustedHealth ecosystem.

2) "Pay anywhere, any cryptocurrency, any payment card" (

Wojciech Kaszycki - CEO of Mobilum. The passionate investor, multiple successful business founder, and FinTech fan focused on building revolutionary technical inventions. With 20+ years experience in Finance world.

3) "Decentralization with Seasteads and Seazones" (

Randy Hencken is a director and cofounder of Blue Frontiers, a company developing seasteads and SeaZones. Randy has been the pragmatic Executive Director of The Seasteading Institute, a nonprofit think-tank co-founded by Peter Thiel and Patri Friedman, promoting the development of new societies with new governments at floating at sea. He signed an agreement with the government of French Polynesia to establish the first seasteading pilot project with a “special governing framework” in protected waters. Blue Frontiers is engaged with French Polynesia and seeking other nations to create SeaZones and to locate seasteads by 2020. Blue Frontiers will be funding the development of seasteads through a tokenized crowd sale.

4) "AML and KYC for Blockchain" (

Maciej Ziolkowski - Cofounder of Coinfirm. An international pioneering virtual currency adopter. Maciej has been involved in the Bitcoin and blockchain space since the early stages. He is a recognized author and speaker on the subject and co-founded the first Bitcoin establishment of its kind in Europe.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: February 19, 2018, 05:13:05 PM
I get this post from amlt every day: Dear Contributor,

Your KYC has not been submitted. We need your KYC form ASAP or else you will not receive your AMLT once released. Please submit your form and related documents.

My purchased tokens are already on my myetherwallet. do I have to do something else?

Please fill in the KYC form. It is the Token of Compliance, so Know Your Customer has to be done. And it is the rule and the terms.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: February 08, 2018, 03:11:18 PM

I sent him msg via priv to let us know the exact details as he participated in the Bounty.
Thank you!
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: February 05, 2018, 01:28:37 PM
E-Mail i got just now:

Thank you!

Thank you for your participation in the AMLT sale.
We highly value your commitment and trust. Please be informed that your KYC process is completed.

Your AMLT are available on your wallet but become transferable only after 28 February 2018.

Coinfirm Team

For support please contact

Yes, correct
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: February 04, 2018, 11:47:49 AM
Excited about this. A great way to end the year and start a new one.  Good luck

I am also excited. but only because no more dev reports here. why do not come here any news and updates. I find that very strange. The people need news when the token comes to the exchange and which exchange is in the conversation. even after the ico the dev should continue to be active. That's always good for a new project

The best is to follow the official channels

Everything is on track and the market is better than expected for Coinfirm and AMLT!

16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: January 30, 2018, 02:47:58 PM
So Maciek,

Today we are gonna get a mail with further info?
Where we can exchange/sell ... ?

The official info will be on only and official emails.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: January 30, 2018, 09:47:44 AM
ok i'm not getting this, why is it not gonna be on an exchange? can someone clarify? how is the price
gonna grow? shouldn't this be a priority for investors to be on a good exchange?

It is a pre-paid product and you should treat it that way.
The only official communication will be published on
After the end of tokensale you will receive the information via email and on the website where and how you can use your AMLT. It is also explained in the whitepaper.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: January 25, 2018, 11:03:36 AM
I saw in the whitepaper that, users with 50K AMLT tokens will get free access to it?
So if a ICO uses AMLT platform with 50K tokens, they are basically getting the reports for free - since they have data of the investors. right?

50K AMLT means that you can be the Network Member and that you can get rewarded for providing us the data about transactions.
Everyone has to buy the reports with either USD ot AMLT so that's why the tokens are valuable (as pre-paid product).

19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: January 16, 2018, 12:36:47 PM

Will amlt be on exchange soon after ico? or will take it a while?


We are not in any way actively looking to place AMLT on exchanges but we will not block them from buying and selling AMLT.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ANN [AMLT] The Token of Compliance by Coinfirm on: January 15, 2018, 09:47:45 AM
To be honest I'm a bit confused with the project but after I keep looking for information about this project, it turns out the project is quite interesting but the information provided is incomplete. hopefully the project can succeed with predetermined expectations. I see the seller also quite smooth.


Please let us know what information we should provide?
Also please check website of for a lot of info

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