pxc.allpoolz.com is well over 50% of the hashrate. Pool miners should jump over to some other pools to even things out.
What you can wonder about. You really think that someone else could not open the pool in its place and the same thing happens?
No-one is saying close down Verns pool and open another one. We are saying he should limit new users joining so they are forced to use any other pool than his thus distributing the hash rate rather than having half the network hash in a single pool. It's quite simple. It's also easy to up the fee to deter miners.
can we have the big poker tournaments at a better time, the 1500 free roll is at 4am in europe.
+1 or different time every day.. Putting the tournaments on a 23hr window allows it to revolve at different times on daily. Would be great to see this changed so more people can get in on the tournaments.
$70 worth of BTB for an item that sells for $14 fiat.
WDC would be useful if there was a use other than trading on an exchange in hopes of profiting. Services will drive a coins overall longevity. WDC has very little going on for it as is, and I haven't heard of much to be excited about besides the hopes of dreamers.
I believe he updates difficulties manually. LTC difficulty was wrong after the last shift for a good 10-12 hours. Someone on the forums actually pointed it out to them.
I'm here to help if needed.
Can't go wrong with more games (cards are not everyones style). Regardless, I'm loving the coin's features and the websites within 24 hours of launch. Top notch stuff for a new coin.
oldtimegin PrfHnBvFvUKrhmbi7gBd3Bfni7d8pmKeZb you premine 2,000,000 coins and you do a 150 coin giveaway ^ my thought. The premine was 1.000.000 not 2.000.000 (good to have your facts straight ) And I see the coins going to good use. There will be a 25 000 weekly freeroll and 1500 daily freerolls and more stuff is supposed to come. I actually dont think premining is a bad thing if the developers can provide accountability for where the premined coins are going. Big difference between that and just giving yourself the coins. Feels good to know the coin I am mining has some capital to use to stay relevant, so it wont just fade like another elacoin. +1 chadwick PYq3Y3t1AJV7cshjk1qcqCepkY3r1XzBuq Thanks, John!
Sorry - to clarify - to add a new currency to CoinChoose it needs the following:
1. Exchange with active buy orders and an API or a simple method to retrieve prices 2. ABE Explorer setup and accessible to to the public.
I haven't seen any of the new wave of currencies have these yet..
Any chance of adding WDC? mcxNOW has added WDC to their exchange, and there is a block explorer here: http://wdc.block-chain.net/.
Another easy sell. Thanks ElJay!
I have 1000 WDC for sale at 3.25LTC/100WDC (32.5 LTC total)
I have 1000 WDC to sell for 3.25 LTC/100WDC (32.5 LTC total).
in few minuter it will be trolling "he transfered this to his own account" ble ble ble ... whatever, dont need to explain myself ! I didn't, but now....
Now my pool hashrate went to 0 kh/s. Something isnt ok on the pool.
try pinging the pool to see how good of a connection you have. What miner software are you using? Problems like this are usually on your end, not the pools.
I tried to register, but their password restriction put me off. I refuse to use a password that requires upper and lower case characters, my passwords are already complex enough with out that noob 1990's BS.
I'm sold out for the time being.
People should definitely take 0.02BTC as a good starting price for when it hits real exchanges That was th price before people started to place a lot of bids. I bet it could be 0.02BTC too, maybe more at start. 0.02 BTC has to be hype Its likely an arbitrary number the admin is using for testing.
Please post here if you had a transaction with me.