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1  Local / Actualité et News / Re: Au sujet des récentes allégations et campagnes de dénigrement on: April 18, 2017, 01:41:08 PM
we don't post automatically translated crap into the Chinese forums. It'd be great if you could do the same, thanks.
2  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Ledger Wallet - Can't paste the BTC Address. on: September 09, 2016, 09:16:13 AM
Yes, that's rather odd, I don't remember seeing someone else report a similar problem. Logs would help.
3  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: [ANN] SmartBTC: a "Pretty safe Bitcoin Wallet" with keys on a standard smartcard on: September 08, 2016, 10:07:04 PM
It's always nice to see more smartcard oriented projects, but the main drawback from this approach (and the reason why we started designing our own Operating System and apps) is that a generic PKCS-11 card will have no way to provide the user with a validation mechanism for what's getting signed or enforce some security settings (such as a maximum payable amount) itself.
4  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: OVERVIEW: BITCOIN HARDWARE WALLETS █████████████████ Secure your Coins on: July 31, 2016, 11:00:23 AM
Is this video made by you Tongue, exactly what we wanted to see, that's awesome that the Nano S is water resistant for at least few minutes but do you have any idea if the Nano S worked after a day or two?

it was made by a team member, I believe it would still have been working if hadn't decided to try it with a blender next  Grin

it still survived after that but the display shows some weird dimming that we're analyzing.

5  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: OVERVIEW: BITCOIN HARDWARE WALLETS █████████████████ Secure your Coins on: July 30, 2016, 10:33:33 PM
No idea on water resistance sorry

Not covered by the warranty (don't try this at home folks) but still it should survive an unexpected water spill
6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Release - Open source software - replacing hardware wallets with image { on: July 23, 2016, 11:47:07 PM
It'd be nice to update the title as this has nothing to do with hardware wallets - the main purpose of a hardware wallet is to run the cryptographic code on dedicated hardware so that a malware will not steal your coins.

7  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: OVERVIEW: BITCOIN HARDWARE WALLETS █████████████████ Secure your Coins on: June 27, 2016, 01:02:45 PM
If passphrase support will be added, can you consider implementing a method to counter potential keylogging on the host computer? Like maybe a scrambled-letter cypher on the Ledger's screen that changes each time?  

we could also enter it directly on device - we do that for the recovery, even if the auto completion makes things easier here

1. Ability to send bitcoins to multiple addresses at the same time which helps to cut down transaction fees. Just like's multi-send feature.

this will be available quickly on the wallet firmware, a bit later on the Chrome application.

2. Abillity to sign any addresses generated on my wallet.

same thing here

3. Ability to directly exchange BTC to ETH and vice versa as an when an user feels safe to do so.

this should typically be done with a wallet integration (for example with Shapeshift), we don't plan to support it in the Chrome application for the time being.

8  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: OVERVIEW: BITCOIN HARDWARE WALLETS █████████████████ Secure your Coins on: June 26, 2016, 12:56:32 PM

Why did Ledger decide to limit PIN to four digits? I bet many users will use the same PIN as one of their credit cards. Increasing the PIN to five digits would be so much more secure. I hate the idea of a thief getting even a one in a thousand chance to guess the PIN.

that's pretty arbitrary - it'd be fairly easy to support a dynamic size, especially with no modification on the application logic since everything is done on device. I'll see if we can push this in the first firmware release.

Down on the to-do list, any chance of seeing the distress wipe PIN return for the command line script

Not for the time being, but I think it'd make more sense to support it as an alternate derivation path PIN rather than a wipe PIN when considering reimplementing it.
9  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: OVERVIEW: BITCOIN HARDWARE WALLETS █████████████████ Secure your Coins on: June 24, 2016, 10:01:52 AM
@btchip I have a couple of Nano S on back order and look forward to writing up a hands on review as soon as I receive. I am very comfortable with my Trezors but really need a hardware wallet for Ether, and using more than one brand of hardware wallet never hurts. At $66 buying a Nano S is a no brainer.

sounds great, thanks

I am a big fan of passphrases. I like using a PIN and a passphrase protected seed but realize the secure element used by Ledger is more resistant to brute force attacks, so a passphrase is not essential though the option would be welcome.

we'll very likely support it, it's less a hassle on the Nano S than the Blue because the device stays on longer - so even if the derivation takes a long time (about 11 seconds, we're trying to optimize that, but in the end it's still a 30 MHz M0 vs a 80 MHz M4 for TREZOR/KeepKey) that's acceptable.

Why did Ledger decide to limit PIN to four digits? I bet many users will use the same PIN as one of their credit cards. Increasing the PIN to five digits would be so much more secure. I hate the idea of a thief getting even a one in a thousand chance to guess the PIN.

that's pretty arbitrary - it'd be fairly easy to support a dynamic size, especially with no modification on the application logic since everything is done on device. I'll see if we can push this in the first firmware release.
10  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: OVERVIEW: BITCOIN HARDWARE WALLETS █████████████████ Secure your Coins on: June 21, 2016, 07:56:01 AM
Reported on reddit that the Nano S will work with Mycelium on Android. Could you guys please consider selling a decent OTG adaptor for newer phones that use USB C? I am aware there are adaptors for sale on Amazon but they are crap, do not work.

yes, we're considering that

How does PIN entry work ? Like setting the time on your oven ?
pretty much, you scroll through the numbers with the up/down keys and validate each digit by pressing both simultaneously
Are passphrases supported ?
they are but not enabled yet as the stretching still takes about 10 seconds
How are seeds generated ? Just like HW.1 by the chrome app ?
Seeds are generated by the device on this hardware
Does seed generation use 2 sources of entropy ?
It just uses the chip entropy for the time being but that's quite easy to change (we started with that because the Blue can be set up without being connected to anything)
Is the mnemonic seed generated on the hardware wallet and exclusively displayed on the OLED screen ? Or on the chrome wallet extension like HW.1 ?
It's only displayed on the device screen
How does mnemonic seed recovery work ?
You enter the mnemonic words on device - same than with the PIN. It's a bit painful but still usable as we can suggest auto completion after we get the first 3-4 letters of each word.
Out of the box does Ledger S work with mycelium/electrum or will they need updates ?
they need an update which is basically just changing the USB device ID. It should be published when the device is out.
Will a new udev rule be required for *nix ?
Yes because the device ID changed
What happens after 3 incorrect PIN attempts ? Will Ledger S share the power cycle requirement between PIN attempts ?
The device seed is wiped after 3 wrong PINs. Since the PIN is entered on device, we don't have that power cycle requirement as a malware cannot wipe the device on its own.
What are the specs of the STM chip ?
The Secure Element is an ST31H320, the generic MCU is an STM32F042
Where are the apps stored ? On the STM ?
Applications are stored on the Secure Element.
What source code of Ledger S is available to review ? What's closed source/NDA and unavailable ?
The code will be available on - it will include all high level applications and the STM32 firmware.

The ST31 kernel (bootloader, isolation, implementation of the SDK APIs) is unavailable right now but will be over time as we figure a way to properly isolate the Hardware Abstraction Layer that we cannot release and have something users can build and link against. We described the way forward in a Medium post earlier.
The rough roadmap looks like :
* Provide more code as read-only material (you can compile chunks into the apps, but not verify what's on device)
* Provide an Open Source version of the isolation kernel that can work on a generic MCU with MPU/MMU support
* Provide a version of the above that can be compiled, linked against an encrypted binary blob implementing the NDA-ed parts (mostly related to chip initialization, memory & I/O), loaded and verified on device
When's shipping?
29th of July
Do you have a video of S in action ?
Coming soon, in a couple weeks
Do you need a reviewer ? :-)
Of course you'll get one Smiley
I think they had to add a screen in order to compete with Trezor and KeepKey both at $99 now
I think the most distinctive feature of the Nano S (not considering the screen or the Secure Element) is the ability to write your own applications and load them on demand
I do note they only allow for a four digit PIN though. I would feel more comfortable with a longer PIN.
That would be easy to tweak, but we tried to pick something convenient for the user experience first.
11  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: OVERVIEW: BITCOIN HARDWARE WALLETS █████████████████ Secure your Coins on: June 20, 2016, 02:28:15 PM
More details about Ledger Nano S :
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Ledger Wallet - My Review - Comparing Wallets For Security on: May 28, 2016, 02:11:49 AM
My ledger has wiped itself?Huh 'welcome to your new ledger wallet' glad I have the seed with over a grand of BTC on it which restored okay.... That was... unexpected... I was wondering if this stick on my keys is vulnerable to ESD.


We have identified a bug that can cause this in some specific sequence of events. It has been fixed for the next firmware update (the one including Segwit)

13  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: [NOW AVAILABLE] BTChip / Ledger HW1 : Bitcoin Hardware Wallet in a USB smartcard on: April 28, 2016, 10:02:25 AM
You should get them when clicking on Settings / Tools / Export Logs, but since it appeared, it might just have been a temporary mempool glitch, as we're still tweaking servers a bit.
14  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: [NOW AVAILABLE] BTChip / Ledger HW1 : Bitcoin Hardware Wallet in a USB smartcard on: April 28, 2016, 09:44:46 AM
Thanks for the review, on to the questions

  • at the moment, the ledger wallet is basically a chrome plugin... Will this always stay like this?

On desktop yes, we don't plan to make it a standalone application (or maybe a standalone Electron application at some point, which doesn't change much)

  • maybe it's a good idear to put the linux tutorial on how to get the wallet working on a more prominent spot

yes, we'll think about it

  • will there be an option to sign messages in the near future? I think this would be a great addition, since that way i could get rid of my electrum wallet

this will be available in the next firmware update, when paired to a smartphone.

  • speaking of electrum: would it be possible to get a newbie-friendly version of the installation manual for electrum? I found a tutorial, but it was so long i didn't bother following it

yes, this is long overdue, but we didn't get an opportunity to write it yet.

  • a new address is being generated for each transaction (perfect), but at the moment, i'm transferring funds to my ledger with very low fees (i don't care if it takes days, even weeks before it's confirmed): i don't see unconfirmed transactions to the newly generated address, while in fact, there is an unconfirmed transaction viewable on (i'm not willing to share the tx because of privacy)... is this a feature or a bug?

it should be displayed, you can send your logs to so the wallet team can have a look if it doesn't appear.
15  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Opendime, a New Hardware Wallet. Any Reviews? on: April 25, 2016, 04:47:17 AM
I believe there's a market for it (as a mean of physically exchanging coins) but it shouldn't be called a hardware wallet because it's a totally different thing
16  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: [NOW AVAILABLE] BTChip / Ledger HW1 : Bitcoin Hardware Wallet in a USB smartcard on: April 23, 2016, 01:11:26 AM
The question I have is can I continue to use my hw.1 as a dedicated hardware wallet, as well as, have it function as a co-signer for the copay wallet?

Yes, you can do that if it was properly initialized with the "allow multisig without confirmation" flag - it might not be if you were one of our first users. In this case, you'd just need to reset the HW.1 by entering a wrong PIN 3 times, and restore it with the latest Chrome application. But you can test it with Copay first. If it works, you're good to go.

17  Local / Débutants / Re: Mes bitcoins sont repassé en "non confirmés" (Multibit) on: April 14, 2016, 05:56:30 AM
Je ne suis pas un expert de Multibit, mais ça ressemble fort à une réorganisation qu'il aurait mal géré. Attention à ne pas supprimer de choses au hasard par contre, ce qui pourrait effacer les clés privées et rendre les Bitcoins inaccessibles définitivement. Le support a peut être déjà vu ce problème (
18  Local / Échanges / Re: Probleme avec COINHOUSE on: March 28, 2016, 04:53:21 PM
Bitit fait des vérifications plus light, mais pour 25 euros. Ca permet de tester des trucs déjà -
19  Local / Échanges / Re: Probleme avec COINHOUSE on: March 28, 2016, 02:40:35 PM

si tu es un nouveau client, par du principe qu'aucune plateforme ne te fera confiance pour une grosse somme sans un minimum d'information (adresse, numéro de téléphone).

commence avec 50 ou 80 euros ... pour passer à travers le tiers de confiance sans demande de vérification (qui sera faites dans un 2ème temps).

Bah moi je veux juste acheter 1BTC, et je trouve un peu exagéré de devoir fournir CNI/passeport+ justif de domicile à un tiers.
Je comprend le but hein, mais bon...

dans ce cas tu peux venir nous voir en physique et acheter des coupons Bitit :
20  Local / Échanges / Re: Probleme avec COINHOUSE on: March 28, 2016, 01:54:20 PM
Notre contrat VAD ne nous permet pas d'annuler une commande de notre propre chef sur ce type d'opération. Vous avez la procédure à suivre, envoyée par le support, et recopiée içi. Personne n'a jamais eu à s'en plaindre.
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