Bitcointalk Username : Logik Forum Rank : Senior Member Posts : 322 ETH Address : 0x8c32478C90a466A416834d91aaf75eF280AE07ee
Ethereum, Ethereum classic, monero, ripple, litecoin, waves, are the most promising coins at a moment and all this coins will survive in long term without any doubts.
I am not spending my bitcoins at a moment in real world as there are no shops in my area that accepts bitcoins so I am spending them only on trading sites as the usage and acceptance of bitcoins is very limited in real world at a moment.
Although you said like that. However you can try to exchange your Bitcoin to flat first and then spend them to buy anything you want in the shop. Merchant allowed Bitcoin as the payment isn't going to be easy task because it depend of how popular Bitcoin in your city That's correct and if awareness level of people is not too high then we cannot expect we will be in a position to spend our bitcoins anywhere to buy anything as it will take really long time for bitcoin to get accepted at physical places so the best choice would be to sell it and convert it to your local currency.
Hi - Newbie here..I would like to put down 1000 USD next week.. What would your advice be to me?
Bitcoin will be my choice and advise for you. People continue to ask what they should buy , they should buy Bitcoin it has a track record and obviously it's going to go up the future. If you want to know what crypto to buy it's going to be Bitcoin it's not going to be something else because nothing else is shown that sort of power, nothing else that sort of value increase. Bitcoin is always an best choice to make an investment as it has proved its potential over a period of time and same we can expect from it in future too but if I have to invest in any altcoin then my choice would be to go with ETH and Waves.
Cannot afford to compare bitcoin with dogecoin as the future of dogecoin is unpredictable and may disappear in future but bitcoin will always survive..So I put my vote on bitcoin.
BTC can not be defeated, many country once banned btc , but all those country re-accepted btc at last. btc will be the worldwide coin in future.
this is already very certain ,, but in the last two days bitcoin has decreased enough to worry ,, and I think more to continue to buy bitcoin so we can see bitcoin back to the track with an expensive price .. and this will benefit us in the future ... The decline of bitcoin may be due to the Chinese state issue will ban the exchangers, but I also don't follow the news and how it will be now?. After this problem is finished I think bitcoin will go back up hopefully bitcoin demand will rise later. The demand of bitcoin is already increase and that we can notice from the increasing price of bitcoin in recent times and in future we will see more people getting into bitcoins which will again contribute in taking price to higher level and that will surely take bitcoins to the moon.
Account name : Logik Account Rank : Senior Member Start Post Count : 315 Eth Add for payment : 0x8c32478C90a466A416834d91aaf75eF280AE07ee
Signature changed and joined.
To have a success, you need to do 3 things for this campaign:
- Specify min. posts per week - Payment terms? Weekly or at the end of the campaign - Escrow the campaign funds.
Then may be you will have users in it.
Thank you for your reply i have corrected the thread CAN YOU AFFORD TO REPLY? 
you can see op is is not responding to any of the problem you mention neither he is erscrowing the fund ..so it clear is not going to pay any user and if you see the price mention is quite high also so with escrow no one will use this signature camping
That's right.. I sent PM to OP asking about procedure of joining a campaign but didn't receive any revert from his end that makes me bit worried about the genuineness of this campaign as the payouts are too high and he has not escrow the funds nor he has appointed any campaign manager and that makes this campaign risky.
Predictably and proven now, the price of bitcoin and other currencies continues to decline, everyone feels uneasy about this, but i think it will end and will not continue to experience a sustained decline later in the year. Do not get too panicked i think this drop is only temporary for sometime, and will coming back up to high again on next time. Do the best and stay saving a profit.
Yes price fluctuations is a common practice in bitcoins so there is nothing to worry or to get panic as price will rise again in future so instead of getting panic I think we should try to buy maximum bitcoins at a moment to get higher profits in future.
Bitcoin is the best way to earn money n establish youself.It promises fast earnings and is easy to work on. u can buy anything wid d money u have earned n dona lot of things
Bitcoin could be the best way to earn money online, but bitcoin also can be used for online transaction and it's really good choice to choose bitcoin as the payment, because it's easy to use, low fee transaction and also safe. i consider my btc wallet as a bank now,mostly I used my wallet for paying bills as well as eloading, I sometimes used it also when sending money to my family then they are the one who will do the cashout. It is convenient and secured since we alane can access it anytime plus that even by holding it the value can increase. We cannot point on single benefit for having bitcoins as it has multiple benefits and is helping us in many ways for me I have bitcoins only because its an great source of income as well as I can send money to my family very easy with least fees.
I've been talking about Bitcoin to family, friends and random people for years and nobody seemed to mind when BTC was under $1000. But now that Bitcoin has reached $2000, people are starting to realize that owning 1 BTC is beginning to be out of reach for the average person.
I've had more people ask me about Bitcoin lately and wanted help buying Bitcoins. What about you?
No one asked me about Bitcoin until I introduced it to my family and friends. Then it is quickly attracted by them. And now there are quite a lot of people asking me, "What is Bitcoin?" and intends to invest Bitcoin. I think there will more people asking me about Bitcoin. Yes bitcoin is still new to many people and not many are aware about it but in future we can expect that many more people will start asking us about it when they will listen to the news related to bitcoins.
I easily get panic when I start seeing that price has started to go down then my initial purchase and many times I have sold my coins at a wrong time at lower price and after that it suddenly start pumping up but now I have learned not to get panic and hold coins for a long time.
I don't think that there is any sport that can give you guaranteed success each and every time but somehow I feel that betting on cricket is much easier for me to make some money as you can easily predict what will be the end result depending on the teams and if you have good knowledge then it will become more easier for you to win in it.
It all depends on individuals because if you like some sports then you will watch those games and knowing which team and players are strong. That will make your guessing more accurate but that will not give you any guaranty of winning the bet. I too like cricket game and so far got more success rate in cricket betting. But after directbet site close, I stopped betting in sports. Yes mate even I stopped betting on sports after the closure of directbet as it was the best site for live sports betting and now I don't find any good site for betting on sports there are few but those are not as user friendly as directbet was and ultimately its helping me to stay away from gambling now.
Just checked the prices and it's quite low, did anyone tried to purchase something at this, and about the fee of transport, does this website send international?
They do. They offer worldwide delivery. This is their estimated delivery time. http://www.gamiss.com/m-article-id-39.htm and as for the delivery fee, once you choose an item,click on the "Add to bag" button. They have an estimate for the delivery fee on the lower part of the page according to country. Wow good thing that this gamiss has did a free advertisement here in forum and it caught my attention that they are doing to shipping international. But I am hoping if they are going to accept bitcoins in the future this is going to be more conveniently to all of us that wants to buy new clothes. I wanted to buy one as a gift for my mother. this caught my attention also, haha i havent try buying online using bitcoin its a good thing you have posted this here and seems you have good feedback good to know it offers worldwide delivery, i must try this I agree, a good idea. I am also ready to try to make such a purchase. Until today I only bought a mobile phone with bitcoin. Bitcoin is becoming more popular and soon we will be able to buy any product with bitcoin Even I bought mobile phone and laptop using bitcoins but I would really love to buy clothes using bitcoins but I think for that to happen we need to wait for a long time as there is no physical clothes shop at a moment that is accepting payment in bitcoins.
I don't think so, it may touch $1000 mark but wouldn't stay long for their to buy or accumulate( it would be like touch and go). Everything which has reached peak need a correction and it's time for Bitcoin to have some correction but not to the extent of $1000.
Bitcoin price will not reduce to 1000$ in future also.Since bitcoin price gradually increasing due to bitcoin users.It will not reduce to 1000$ .If you had a idea of inverse your money in bitcoin. You can proceed. Don't think about the slight changes.Your money is safe if you inverse in bitcoin. I'm sure everybody must have feel worried if the bitcoin price will going down lower than $1000 again, I also have that feeling like that when I'm sure if the bitcoin price will not drop below $1000. Feelings of worry and doubt will exist when the bitcoin price is falling as it is now. That's true that as an users of bitcoins it makes us worry when we see price going down and same is the scenario at a moment as it can go below $2000 at any point of time and if that happens surely many people will get panic and will start dumping their coins but I don't think that it will go as low as $1000 again. Less than $1500 might be possible in case of chain split and any of the two blockchain doesn't have major consensus. In that case there might be half supporting the new blockchain and other half the older one. Splitting of bitcoin in two chains with equal value will create a chaos and major price drop as both of them will now compete with each other for being major one. However, this scenario is least possible but still chances are there. At present all we can do is to speculate. Picture will get clear after August 1. Yes August 1 would be the deciding factor about the price of bitcoins and it would be interesting to see that whether price will go higher or lower after that so till then fingers are crossed and lets hope that price will move in positive direction which can bring again smile on our faces.
What are the things to do to succeed in trade? What are you doing to make your business bigger? How can we make more money?
I think to make more money then you should invest in bitcoin, now bitcoin is growing and in the future the bitcoin price may increase, till then the bitcoin you invest will give you a profit margin high. Investing in bitcoins is the right thing to do as it can prove to be the best investment in future and if you can hold it for next 5 years then you can expect huge profits from it as we have seen that price has increased over the years and we can expect the same from coming years too.