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Sorry, but I can't see any price increase because of a "deal" (nobody knows more about it). We will see the price will decrease because all are disappointed and the expectations will not met. I don't like this current speculation with no Facts.
anybody already sent successfully IOTAs across the network? How fast is it?
I know that Cfb is very unpleasant.
Cfb is a gentleman. He never swears and his posts are smart, why is he unpleasent? Cfb CIYAM My mistake. spelling mistake. I'm sorry. Cfb - I think you make a great job, really!
CIYAM says hardcoding a port <1024 is bad security wise. He is not a Java dev as far as I know. Cfb says it's necessary because it makes testing a lot easier, and it's only for the reference implementation. In the final, non reference client there won't be a hardcoded port. Thats all there is to the discussion. It has nothing to do with code not written very clean. Please please do not delegate your ability to gain knowledge to an authority (neither ciaym nor cfb/iotatoken), use your own brain instead. I use my own brain and I know that CIYAM is very unpleasant. I'm an early adopter of Bitcoin and I know this kind of posts of CIYAM already very long. But I don't think he is stupid. The technologie and Protocol of IOTA is very complex. I can't say if this technologie is implementable but I hope it. What worries me is why it is so easy to write the complex code and so diffcult to write the easiest part- the GUI. I hope this official statement is true. Please do not get me wrong! I want that this project will be a success. Maybe last it have been better if the iota-Foundation had accepted Bitcoin instead of IOTA. If the project fails at the beginning, the Foundation has no money to repair the software.
Sorry, if I answer late, but i can only send 5 personal messages per hour  You have exceeded the limit of 5 personal messages per hour.
I own about 4 mil iota and I pledge a donation of 400,000 to be split up between the foundation and this large potential deal as David sees fit.
I encourage others to make the same pledge! Let's get this done!
Ok, I pledge 2,000,000 iotas to be split up between the foundation and this large potential deal. When it needs to be paid?
Dont get me wrong iotatoken, iam honestly suprised and try to understand this moves, because it is realy unusal to see such actions. We all think that iota "could" or will be a big thing, but bigiotabig seems to have a lot of play money, for a project which is in a prestage, which makes me think. Have never seen such a crazy aggresiv buyer ever, in a prestage, and this looks realy untypical.
Wish us all a good journey, i trust the whole team and CFB has ever shown that he is a exceptional talent!
Sure, feel free to voice your concerns and skepticism, but I am telling you that I have not given any info to anyone that would prompt them to buy like this. At all. The info is quite simple: there are some big potential guys who want to own a lot of iotas and help the ecosystem grow, but ONLY if we can pool together enough iotas for sale at below marketrate. Nothing more and nothing less. This is the same info every person who has contacted me has gotten. Can you tell us how many iotas do we need to pool ? Min 25 million, which is only 2.5% of iotas. It may sound like a lot due to the 'million' in there, but if you think about parting with 2.5% in exchange for a partnership that will boost the rest of the ecosystem with A LOT, it is really nothing. So far EVERY person I have talked with is positive, the biggest problem is reaching those who are idle/not reading the forum/ryver So you need only bigiotabig to contribute  . I think that is not fair. Bill Gates becomes cheaper iotas than I. Was that the reason why Mircosoft doesn't accept bitcoins no more?
Since BigIotaBIg is now I guess one of the biggest shareholders, I have some questions. I think there are many people who have 1% of the iota Are you going to donate to to the fund? Is this the fund rtrtcrypto wrote about?: now I don't have any IOTA yet, but after release I will definitely donate to this fund, yes! Are you going actively help IOTA with progressing? I'm not very smart in programming, but where I can help I will help. First, I will write many companies and ask to accept iota as payment service. Are you capable of selling in a way, that it won't harm the price and the project? No! I hope I will never cash out in FIAT because I can buy nice things all over the world with iota directly. Thanks
If someone with a noobi account buys for approx. 100k$ iota from all other shortly after the public oportunity message, than of course its a insider trading. It should be slowly incorporated all a little more, thats my opinion.
I guarantee you that I have no inside information. I have a lot of Bitcoins because I'm an Early adopter of Bitcoin. I'm afraid that IOTA could be the new bitcoin if the technologie from iota doesn't fail. For me it is a high risk investment, not more. Maybe, you know more from iota than I. If iota fail and the value of the token goes to zero you will happy that I was here before. We will see.
offer: 160000 IOTA for 10 BTC (with yassin54 as escrow)  Good luck 
you can confirmed me, you have sell another LOT IOTA for : 4 btc buyer @CryptKeeper 8 BTC buyer @bitfromit Thanks!!  Confirmed, thanks. Double confirm these two deals  . Again, I still have 6 million+ IOTA for selling, and I have keep part of them for myself, if you want to buy, buy it now, I will close this selling if the balance hits my bottom. I would buy your 6 million IOTA without escrow for 138 btc. deal?
Helo. i sell iota. 1M chunks for 40 BTC each.
Sure, "bighodler" "vladika1OO" and now "iotafuture"?? I go to sleep ... see you tomorrow
Be carefully. vladika1OO is a scammer!! Be shure the Bitcoinadress is really from escrow! [WTS] 5,959,254 IOTA Price 120 Bitcoin. Drop me a pm if interested, Escrow with OgNasty. ** Yes I made a typo  ** The price was 120 bitcoin not 12 bitcoin.
I'll buy 1,000,000+ IOTA, I pay with Btc. Make me an offer :-)
[edit] I prefer yassin54 as escrow.
[WTB] 5,959,254 IOTA for 100 Bitcoins with Escrow LOL. Ok. I will buy it for 12 BTC w/ escrow. [WTS] 5,959,254 IOTA
Price 12 Bitcoin.
Drop me a pm if interested, Escrow with OgNasty.