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1  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Spot trading or future trading which trading is best for beginers? on: January 23, 2024, 06:38:54 PM
Spot trading will be more ideal for beginner traders since it is much more profitable and more safer since one is still pretty new to the market ,On the other hand Future trading requires lots of knowledge and skills before one can become profitable it also involves lots of losses unlike spot so for Beginners spot trading will be the best choice.

The only difference between futures and sport trading is that in futures you can do trading with more dollars and you can't do so much in spot.
With own money will have to trade in spot while in futures you can borrow from them, which again you have to pay back as a percentage, but its risky due to finishing all amount of yours in the shape of liquidation
2  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: How do I succeed as a trader in 2024 on: January 23, 2024, 06:31:44 PM
If you are new to it then I will suggest you get a good trading course where you could learn some good concepts and strategies which could help you analyze the market and pick the best trading setups .You could also opt for a mentorship program if you find it hard to learn it by yourself ,the mentor can help guide you through and find what suit you best .Think with the right knowledge and skills anyone can become a profitable trader with time.

Many years have passed before this, think about how much I have gained and how much I have lost. Starting a new year does not change what you are, but you have to change your method. How do you do trading, what does your concept say and what is it? You can become a professional at it but you will have to put in a little effort and then you will become an expert in it and you will start benefit from this.
year will remain the same but what will you do in this year?
3  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Government job or private job? on: January 22, 2024, 05:37:25 PM
In most cases, I prefer private jobs because most government workers are underpaid and many don't get there pensions or gratuity and as a result find it difficult to carter for their family.

I will prefer govt job because I have been doing private job for a long time but I don't have much benefit in it. In the city we are living in, the government gives even petrol money to its servants and salaries every month, the government employees are very concerned about their own affairs. And we are private, which is not even get salary on time, so I think the government is better because it cares a lot about its servant
4  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Moving to America on: January 22, 2024, 05:32:06 PM
In my opinion, if a person lives in his own country, it will be the greatest honor for him because own country can provide you everything.

You live like a king in your own country, but if someone go to another country, there is no respect for the servant, that is, he is not able to give as much love so value your country and consider your country as your home and live in it. Because there is benefit in it.
5  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Do not use more than 2x leverage on: January 22, 2024, 05:27:21 PM
It occurred to me that 2x leverage would be used by people who have a lot of money, and people who don't have money, even if they have a little money. The extra that is saved for trading is what leverage they are going to increase so that they can make more loss in a few seconds, so I think it's a risky thing, the more leverage you use.

It can give you both in loss and profit if you have more amount then leverage if you use less then you can effort if you have  less money and you are using  more than 2x leverage you may have a problem
6  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Looking for new coin listing alerts app on: January 22, 2024, 05:21:17 PM
Make it so easy to install  only Binance It is the best Trading exchange, the great thing that is the exchange, it will be beneficial for you to keep the notification on as soon as any new notification comes, whether it is pairs-ad or what is new. You will get to know about all those who are listed or delisted and it will be beneficial for you that if there is a coin that you want to buy,

The same way you get a notification in the announcement it has a chance of going up to 10-15%, so you can earn whatever profit.
7  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Why people mostly fail in trading on: January 22, 2024, 05:16:12 PM
Trading is not a get rich quick scheme as most newbie think, it's more difficult that we all can imagine, but their is always a way to navigate your way in trading so  as to come out profitable.
The main reason why most trader fail in trading is that they are not trained in the craft, most experience traders as they call their self don't even know how to identify the least support and resistance, talkless of knowing how to react when they see some certain chart pattern or candle stick pattern.
The skills I  believe that are  required to come out profitable in trading are;

* Knowledge: know the craft, know what you are doing, don't trade on assumption.

* Know how to control your emotions: it's very important that you know how to control your emotions like fear and greed in trading.

* Know how to manage your risk: knowledge and emotional control gives you money, but proper risk management skill protect your money and your gains

most mistakes of traders are;

* Thinking it's a get rich quick scheme or thinking that it's easy.

* Having no proper training in the craft to attain knowledge about it.

* Watching one two or three video's on YouTube by one YouTube influencer and think they are ready for it or thinking they have known the craft.

* Having no experience traders that is good in the craft to guide them.

I agree with you but the biggest mistake that happens is impatience. When coins comes down, they become very penic and they easily sell it in their hands, which is very big and very deceptive, so this thing should be avoided and this training too. They do not take from anyone, that is, even if he is a trainer, he is a cheap person who is harmed.
8  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Patience is power on: January 21, 2024, 05:33:40 PM
Every investment requires Patience but it depends on the kind of investment you want, some investment requires smartness and without the knowledge you can't make any profit, using trading as an example and you actually didn't make any profit, if I may ask what are your trading strategy or you think exhibiting Patience alone will help. Some investment requires the knowledge first and resources before you can start thinking about Patience cause when you have full knowledge about trading you don't need to stress yourself. Just like what higher rank members will advice holding is safe and better compared to trading, you still need Patience and resource when dealing with bitcoin investment.

Actually it depends on the person what kind of trade he wants to do if he wants to do long term trade then he has to wait
If he wants to do short term trading, he can do what is known as daily trading and there is no risk in it, but it depends on each person how he understands trading.
With what method he knows about trading, so to explain what it is, I would like to say that what trading is should be thought and understanding and what is in it requires more patience than holding is needed.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Which coin is more profitable? on: January 21, 2024, 05:27:39 PM
Just one bitcoin
Bitcoin is the most profitable crypto to all investors. Bitcoin is the first digital asset to hit the crypto market. In fact it was more profitable for its early investors.

I think instead of bitcoin if we prefer an altcoin which is more profitalbe then bitcoin then we can make most of the profit in it for example solona is now at very high price already 10x. Let's go, we have to search the way we see the market, Bitcoin has stable, but what others have, they are growing very quickly.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What is the largest meme coin ever? on: January 21, 2024, 05:27:01 PM
Which is the biggest meme coin yet? You can visit the cmc list if you want, and don't forget to name your profitable meme coin.
I can share some name of top meme coin.

I don't like memecoins if one wants to invest then invest in alt coin
because if one invests in it then one can take a lot of profit because it is mostly two x three x up to four x.
Meme coin  give profit to the person, but if the person gets stuck in it once, then he cannot get out.he will get out from this only in loss
11  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Are you ready for crypto investing in 2024? on: January 16, 2024, 05:24:17 PM
For this year I have invested in new coins, and will probably plan to increase the portfolio I have. However, this year has quite a lot that could make crypto prices rise, especially popular coins. Well, I'm very enthusiastic and believe that this could be a very good year to increase the value of the assets that we own. So, I don't want to miss out. Besides, I think many people have been preparing for this since the end of 2023.

This time I will try to expand my portfolio and trade in a unique way because earlier I used to spend a little money on this trading which turned out to be very harmful. That will be that I will invest in it little by little if I increase my investment in it and the profit I will have, I will not withdraw what I have for three years, thus my portfolio will also be maintained and I will be in benefit.
12  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Are you ready for crypto investing in 2024? on: January 16, 2024, 05:19:09 PM
The real investment opportunity was in 2023, when the price was at its lowest level in the coming years, and as the days and months passed until the end of 2025, the price increased day after day, so try to focus your investments or be wise and just buy Bitcoin.

The altcoin season will be the beginning of next year

Yes, the time to make money was in 2023. If we had made our investment at that time, i.e., we would have taken entry in trading, then we would have gained a lot, but since we have lost this opportunity,

now we see. In the case that we need to, we can do scalping, if we look at the coin, if we look at the altcoin it goes up. If we can do this, we will benefit from what we have and we will not suffer from this journey
13  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: My btc full year plan 2024 on: January 16, 2024, 05:13:09 PM
The price of btc is not always same, the prediction you made may be correct, but because some people say that btc will go a lot in January, it means it will pump so much that it will go higher than 80K because most of the prediction people who are there put their analysis but because what is introduced is also on the news from ETF approval and bitcoin halving bitcoin goes upto 48k if there is another news in future then we will see Bitcoin will go higher and your prediction will also be in the right direction.
14  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Im good with shorting binance on: January 16, 2024, 12:03:49 PM
Im good with shorting on binance.
ID like to Open my trading group where followers can donate some rewards afrer few successful signals.
Follow here my short signals to see my work.

Right now i took the short pos MDT/USDT  entry: 0.05380$  my tp would be: 0.053$

By referring to just one coin, you can't say that the signal is going to short every coin that it is and that your signals are going to be absolutely accurate because the signal is related to what the market is.

If the market is good then your signals will work. Advise signals depend on the news. If the news is not right, then your signals are of no use, because the signal is accurate if they resemble the market, that is, if the market is stable, then the signals of your analysis will be perfect and we can believe what is there, but if the market suddenly collapses. So what will be your role in this reality?
15  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: How to make a life by Day Trading on: January 16, 2024, 11:59:35 AM
Day trading is very interesting to do because it's one of the most convenient means some people finds so easy to use in trading especially when they are specialized on a day to day trading activities and want to realize some income from it, day trading must also be done with utmost care in other to avoid making unnecessary mistakes, we have to engage in the use of trading indicators to help us achieve the best and maximum degree of our expectations in trading each time we are doing it.

The day trading, I have done many times but it is not so profitable because there is more loss. The advantage is that you have to be patient for it. Look, patience is a very important thing in trading. If you don't have patience, you cannot trade what you have. So we should avoid day trading because it has a lot of chances of loss because in day trading you will prefer altcoins rather than bitcoin and ethereum. One who invests in ethereum or bitcoin is a very great and superior thing to do
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What are your doing for now? on: January 15, 2024, 06:15:37 PM
I have been out of crypto world for some time now but making my comeback now. Trying to get involved in more and more projects. doing some research and then once i believe i m back on track then i'll do some investing. So this is my January of 2024

Now is the time to stay in crypto, because now Bitcoin is going to be halving in April and ETF has also been approved. We are seeing that there is a lot of good news and the market depends on the news. These are the two main reasons that we can give the final results I'm few days for the bitcoin and over all market there is to stay in in this condition, not to get out, that is, until April, we can enjoy what is there, we can make a lot of money in it, but we have to give it time.
17  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: How diverse is your crypto portfolio? on: January 15, 2024, 06:09:36 PM
Hi guys!
Just wanted to know how many cryptocurrencies you're invested in? And with what percentage of your portfolio (No need to mention the amounts involved, if you don't want to). Just want to get a general sense of how everyone's diversifying their crypto assets.
Some people prefer to diversify their cryptocurrency portfolio, so they keep their funds in multiple altcoins, if i was a holder I would've done the same. because i think it is safer to divide your portfolio among multiple altcoins to increase your chances of profit and decrease your risk of losing big percentage of your portfolio incase of a price drop for one coin/token.

There are two types of traders with whom you will encounter with. One who likes to take more risk and make more profit in short period of time, and other who takes less risk and less profits. I like to do safe investments. I am more of a person who likes to invest rather than trade. If you ask me then I have major portions of investment in BTC. Some in ETH and few in BNB and XRP. I trust these coins and hence I know they won’t make my overall profit red.
First type may earn more money in shorter time. but he can loose more money in shorter time too. in fact can loose all his money some time. I think second type of traders are better, they are smart, steady and patience, they take less risk and make less profit because they are not greedy and don't want to loose all their money at once.

I also often think that this greed is a very bad call, in that we often make the mistake that all the trades we make are very short-term, in which all our losses are substantial, I think all those who are long-term traders are more successful than us, the main reason is that they have a lot of patience because they are full of patience and we have this impression. It is found that we get panic very quickly, the main reason for drinking is that there is such news in the market which causes the market to crash a little, then it tries to stabilize its price. But we just sell it because of panic, in which we lose a lot
18  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fight against corruption on: January 15, 2024, 06:04:21 PM
How easy for a new president who is been elected to fight corruption in a nation where all the systems of government is been corrupted,  like in the force,  and judiciary,  even the politicians.

Having  the mind to stop corruption is not easy in a nation that corruption  is seen as nothing, making an attempt to do so some politicians will do everything to frustrate the agenda. Do you think a genuine president can easily end corruption of this level ?
I don't see a new president having that ability to fight corruption that easily. If he must then he needs to start as an example of transparent and accountable leader then slowly surround himself with people of like minds not necessarily political leaders then from there he can slowly make implementations that will put the country in check of bad leadership and corrupt practices.

But fighting it completely is not possible the highest that can be achieved is reduced corruption

Yes, this is exactly what you are saying, it is right, we should fight against corruption because it is the benefit of our own country, if we will support the corruption as it is and not its graph landing, then our own country. There is a lot of damage, that is, what we need is that we should implement a law for this, that in any country, in any society, if this corruption occurs, then this punishment will be given, then people will be afraid of the punishment and They will act on it and this program will benefit the entire country, that is, it is not a benefit to a person, it is also a benefit to a society, but it will become a benefit and security for an entire country. Besides, we all should take a necessary action against it
19  Other / Politics & Society / Re: People wake up now on: January 15, 2024, 05:58:57 PM
We are also thinking about this that nowadays people have become very smart and they try hard to save their money. The fee is also very low, sometimes it is not charged at all in the transfer, and what is more, it is a unique method, that is, no one knows how much money you have. In addition, there are other countries, i.e. foreign exchangers from one country to another country, they have a lot of benefits, besides this is a very great method, your money is safe and it arrives very quickly.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: why people are always interested in altcoins on: January 15, 2024, 05:55:41 PM
For me personally, buying altcoins is primarily a desire for greater possible profits. I am attracted by the high volatility and rapid growth of some projects. Of course, the risks are also high, but the thirst for a quick 'pump' leads to these investments. But this is not always profitable for me, because the projects are different, so you need to invest with caution and be prudent.

altcoin they pump so much I'm also very impressed with it sometimes so I mostly invest in it because it's one thing we get more of what we have. If we have a few dollars, we accept it more, that's why we can benefit more, and also the most important reason is that it's a very fast journey. Determines that means if it starts in one day, it gets pumped in a very strong way, then it gives us a lot of benefit.
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