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1  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: Free Bitcoins for Everyone! Also, 0.01BTC prizes for TwitterGames. Join the fun! on: April 08, 2016, 04:08:17 AM
Is there no more Raffles/Giveaways here like d twitter games??? Huh Huh

Yes, unfortunately I have moved on. Yet I hope that one day I will be able to resurrect what my website/giveaways were about; the introduction of decentralized digital currency for the benefit of individual freedoms.

I no longer have the connections, time, or even the website to continue what I had going on a few years ago. Such is life.

Keep a lookout for me in the future. You never know when I might get a wild hair up my ass...
2  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: BEWARE OF USER "wmz1987" <- SCAMMER on: December 07, 2015, 08:45:58 PM
I was scammed by the user "wmz1987" and I do not want him to scam anyone else who might be dealing with him. Please take this as a warning if you are planning on/have been dealing with him.

Here is a link to my scam accusation thread with proof:
dam that sucks

It happens sometimes. I almost got burned for more than $20. The original deal was for $40 but I wanted to break it into two deals. I shouldn't have trusted him, but at the time he had no negative trust. He also seemed to have made other deals that didn't end in a scam. Just be sure to fully research the trader before you trade! Maybe also only deal with higher level/more established users. I hope that my scam thread will be of use for newbies to spot and avoid scammers.

So, even full members get scammed. This site is crazy. I got scammed twice but Im brand new. Im sorry this happened.

I have never been scammed before and only had great experiences on bitcointalk before this incident. I love this community; it's truly upsetting to see anyone get scammed here and the fact that it happened to you as well is unfortunate. I'm sorry. Don't give up on this place though, I have made some real friends right here on this site. There are always a few degenerate asses who will prey on people; they will have a special place in hell Grin That's right wmz1987 I truly believe you will end up in eternal torment for your unjust deeds. You are truly low life scum  Wink

Look out for him!

The email he uses for PP:

Here is his facebook: if you get a skype message with this facebook user attached DO NOT TRADE.


He scammed another user it seems. Link is to the thread where the potential scam happened. Facebook link provided by user in that thread who also may have been scammed.
3  Economy / Scam Accusations / BEWARE OF USER "wmz1987" <- SCAMMER on: December 07, 2015, 07:52:34 PM
I was scammed by the user "wmz1987" and I do not want him to scam anyone else who might be dealing with him. Please take this as a warning if you are planning on/have been dealing with him.

Here is a link to my scam accusation thread with proof:
4  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: User "wmz1987" is a scammer on: December 07, 2015, 07:09:42 PM
User wmz1987


If you see this man IRL be sure to ask him to pay me back  Wink

Image source via his public facebook account:
5  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: I have 50 EUR paysafecard , want 45 EUR BTC ! on: December 07, 2015, 06:47:20 PM
DO NOT engaged in a transaction with the user "wmz1987". Just as fair warning he scammed me out of $20 worth of bitcoin.

Here is my scam accusation thread with proof:
6  Economy / Scam Accusations / User "wmz1987" IS a scammer! Beware! **Proof in thread** on: December 07, 2015, 06:22:45 PM
I was unfortunately scammed by the user "wmz1987" for $20 worth of bitcoin.

I made a deal to buy $20 worth of bitcoin from "wmz1987" with me sending the money first via PayPal:



Which I did and then waited for the promised, at the time, BTC0.0556, to which he did not send. I messaged him multiple times, his status saying "online", and asked him if he scammed me. To which he responded:



He never sent the bitcoin and ceased communication for the day. I messaged him several times to no avail. Not wanting to jump to conclusions I decided to just wait for a response. Eventually he did respond:



I never received a response to that message. Nor any others I sent within the next five days. I finally decided that I was scammed. Not before asking to to please at least respond and work things out as to not be labeled a scammer.



I have not received any payment from him or messages since.

I realize that it isn't the best choice to deal over PP but I was okay with sending the payment first as he didn't have a negative trust level. I don't want to reverse the transaction either as I still have hope he will eventually pay me the bitcoin owed.

In short do not trust "wmz1987" as he is a SCAMMER

If you are reading this wmz1987 please contact me and I will delete this thread and the negative trust I was forced to give your account.

The email he uses for PP:

Here is his facebook: if you get a skype message with this facebook user attached DO NOT TRADE.


He scammed another user it seems. Link is to the thread where the potential scam happened. Facebook link provided by user in that thread who also may have been scammed.
7  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: **XBOX Live Gold Raffle!** on: December 04, 2015, 12:51:40 PM
There is only 0.02% daily not 2%.. CMIIW
What is experience money btw?

I emailed the halleybtc team and they replied with this:

"The Experience Money is NOT allowed for withdrawal and will become invalid in your account after 14 days.
You could earn some short profit from Experience Money rather than re-invest it. Because it does not meet the time requirements of any financial product. Thank you

Best wishes
HalleyBTC Service"

So it's like a promotional thing where they give you an amount that you can make profit off it for 14 days.
8  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: Results!!! ★☆★My first time with bitcoin★☆★0.1 bitcoin bonus——from bitcoin kan on: December 04, 2015, 12:25:46 PM
I'm very happy you enjoyed my story. Thank you.
9  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: **XBOX Live Gold Raffle!** on: December 04, 2015, 04:02:30 AM
There is only 0.02% daily not 2%.. CMIIW
Whoop that was my mistake. Changed.

I believe experience money is the matched amount that they credit to your account when you deposit. Like if you put in BTC0.002 then they add BTC0.002 to the amount you invest. I have just started on the site and am able to withdraw more than I put in so I thought it was pretty cool. Even if it is just 0.02%
10  Economy / Games and rounds / **XBOX Live Gold Raffle!** on: December 04, 2015, 03:51:14 AM
Win an XBOX Live gold 48 hr code & make bitcoin!

What you have to do in order to be eligible for the raffle:

There is a site called where you deposit any amount of BTC, however small (deposit 1 satoshi they don't care!), but right now they are currently matching however much BTC you deposit; and you get a daily 0.02%% return on your deposited BTC! I have been using it and have been getting 0.02% daily. You can withdraw the BTC you deposit at any time. Of course they have a referral system that allows me some kind of bonus, so if you sign up under me you might win the raffle!

Here are my current stats as proof they are legit:

Sign up for with my referral link:

You must post in this thread, once you have signed up, with your halleybtc username. This is so I have a way to be sure who to message with the prize!

When you sign up your username will show on my account on the site. The winner will be picked using a randomizer from the list of those who sign up! The raffle ends when there are at least 20 people signed up and have deposited some BTC.

I will choose the winner though a raffle useing

I am in no way affiliated with the site besides being a member.

Good luck!  Smiley
11  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: ★☆★My first time with bitcoin★☆★0.1 bitcoin bonus——from bitcoin kan on: December 03, 2015, 06:03:47 AM
I did not get 3 mbtc yet.does he really pay?anyone got it?
Id: 32617
Posted answer of 3 questions already above
I had mine deposited just a little after I posted with my Kan ID #
12  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: [WTB] BTC for PP on: December 02, 2015, 08:13:17 PM
stay away from buying or selling btc with paypal it can be reversed easily doesnt matter if its a gift payment

Okay, I think I'll heed your advice.

Thanks guys!
13  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: [WTB] BTC for PP on: December 02, 2015, 07:44:11 PM
I don't suggest you to buy btc with paypal, you can easily reverse the payment.

More info here :

I'm aware. That is why I only send payment as a gift in PP. It's non reversible.

With some SE you will be able also to reverse a 'gift' payment with paypal Wink.

Paypal is not a secure method to buy bitcoin, that's all !

Oh, I didn't know that! Thanks. What's SE?

SE = social engineering

Ahh gotcha. I use to do some exchanges with PP and have a rep thread around from when I use to frequent here. Just the easiest way to buy for me right now. Thanks for the info though!  Smiley
14  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: [WTB] BTC for PP on: December 02, 2015, 07:35:31 PM
I don't suggest you to buy btc with paypal, you can easily reverse the payment.

More info here :

I'm aware. That is why I only send payment as a gift in PP. It's non reversible.

With some SE you will be able also to reverse a 'gift' payment with paypal Wink.

Paypal is not a secure method to buy bitcoin, that's all !

Oh, I didn't know that! Thanks. What's SE?
15  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: [WTB] BTC for PP on: December 02, 2015, 07:25:35 PM
I don't suggest you to buy btc with paypal, you can easily reverse the payment.

More info here :

I'm aware. That is why I only send payment as a gift in PP. It's non reversible.
16  Economy / Currency exchange / [WTB] BTC for PP on: December 02, 2015, 07:19:53 PM
I want to buy $40 of BTC with my PP. I only send payment as a non-reverisable "gift". The more trusted the better!

PM me with offers  Smiley
17  Economy / Currency exchange / Looking to buy BTC for GreenDot or possibly another kind of payment on: December 02, 2015, 07:56:12 AM
I am looking to buy some BTC. Please PM me.
Thank you,
18  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: Looking for very trusted members who will buy BTC from me via paypal - good rate on: December 02, 2015, 06:25:23 AM
A lot available...over 5 BTC

I would like to purchase $40 worth of BTC and have a verified PP account. I'll PM you to discuss some more  Smiley
Did you read the bold part in the first post? "I will ignore all offers/questions/PMs/comments etc. if you are someone not very trusted trying to deal with me via paypal."

Oh sorry, I do apologize Sad
I read it and didn't realize it was about the +/- thing. I have a trustworthy rep with my contributions to the site I guess and not rated. Ignore my post.
19  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: Looking for very trusted members who will buy BTC from me via paypal - good rate on: December 02, 2015, 05:34:23 AM
A lot available...over 5 BTC

I would like to purchase $40 worth of BTC and have a verified PP account. I'll PM you to discuss some more  Smiley
20  Economy / Auctions / Re: 2012 5BTC Casascius **Physical Coin Auction** on: December 01, 2015, 11:40:12 PM
This is the winning bid!

Thank you all for participating! I will be holding another auction in the near future for more Casascius Coins!
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