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1  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum Lightning Network walkthrough on: February 12, 2021, 07:25:51 AM
Electrum's implementation lacks quite a few things already, for example, multi-part payments, so I wouldn't expect them to implement dual-funded channels as soon as the official specifications are updated.

Look at the recent commits, like e.g. this 'receiving MPP' commit. Looks like MPP has been added. I haven't tested it.
2  Other / Archival / Re: MuSig2: Simple Two-Round Schnorr Multisignatures on: February 05, 2021, 11:16:21 PM
I think that even if MuSig2 ends up getting merged into Bitcoin, for compatibility reasons it’s not going to replace MuSig1 in newer releases, it’ll just be added alongside it. Most of the whitepaper was too advanced for me to understand, but the OP mentions that MuSig2 reduces transaction fees, which means transaction data structures have to change. You can’t push an update that makes existing multisig wallets send a different transaction structure without making a hard fork, so I think that what will most likely happen is that an option to choose the type of multisig signature will be added to wallets.

This would still be a soft fork though, and unless there’s a way to “wrap” a MuSig2 transaction inside a MuSig1, it’ll take a while post-deployment before people sending MuSig2 transactions to each other becomes as common as MuSig1.

Why is there even any talk of forking? All Musig variants are compatible with Schnorr, AFAIK.
3  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum Lightning Network walkthrough on: July 06, 2020, 04:46:07 PM
He claims that not all bc1 wallets will work with the Lightning Network.
Only P2WPKH wallets will work, i.e. multi-sig.
2FA and other P2WSHs will not work.

Using P2WPKH does not imply you are using multi-sig, your 'i.e.' is wrong.

Funds spent to bc1 addresses can either be P2WPKH or P2WSH. The length would determine which of these it is.

I think Electrum will not allow you to enable Lightning if you have the wrong wallet type. So I don't know if it really make sense to warn about this up-front, users will find out.
4  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: 2 weird happening now in ELECTRUM WALLET. (calling all devs from electrum) on: February 07, 2019, 02:20:55 PM
electrum must verify itself. If do that from the first version we dont have these problems

Electrum has a signed update announcement mechanism since v3.3.3. It was introduced in this commit:

You should still verify downloaded binaries using GPG, of course. And only get your binaries from Type it yourself, do not copy-paste, do not click links.
5  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Warning: There is an ongoing phishing attack against Electrum users on: February 05, 2019, 06:24:10 PM
Do we have a list of servers that are safe for sure? Would help because then you could connect manually to those when you get the pop up.

Such a list is not very useful. Keep your Electrum updated by checking, this is our only advice.

The only thing a malicious server could ever do, is to display error messages. Because Electrum v3.3.3 doesn't allow the server to display arbitrary error messages, it is safer.

If your Electrum v3.3.3+ version is showing error messages when trying to broadcast a transaction, as of right now, it probably means that you are currently using a malicious server. In that case, you can choose another server using the network dialog.

I work for Electrum Technologies GmbH.
6  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: 2 weird happening now in ELECTRUM WALLET. (calling all devs from electrum) on: February 05, 2019, 05:58:18 PM
first of all, Electrum is AGAIN, under attack. As what they said the last time, the pishing wont happen again. and it does. As of now, yes mine is being attacked/pished by someone. BUT due that i always ignore all notifications that said to update from here (which is not the right one to update your wallet!) so my funds are not stolen BUT froze in this wallet.

1. Receive this notification said to update the wallet how many times today. so i cant even send any transactions out of the wallet right now.

2. Kept calmed, i deleted that wallet, and download an updated one FROM and after updating the wallet still can't sent my funds out .

PS: I have expirience this kind of attack before as i created a topic for it . And yet, still using it. Becausei believe that Electrum wallet is the most secured bitcoin wallet. Please in also behalf of all users who expirienced this, help us know what's happening. What to do and how to do avoid it.

Calling all developers from Electrum, please response below how to fix this and why this is happening.


Hi, I work for Electrum Technologies GmbH. We are aware of the attack, and to mitigate it, we have done a number of things:

1. there is a new version of ElectrumX that makes it harder to start malicious servers and have them relayed. The new ElectrumX will warn users that have an old version of Electrum that shows error messages as rich text, which makes the phishing attack so convincing.
2. as previously mentioned, there are new versions of Electrum (v3.3.2, which disallows rich text in error messages, and v3.3.3 which has a Bitcoin Core error whitelist). To get the newest version of Electrum, always use, never any other domain. There are new phishing attempts from all kinds of lookalike URLs every month. Never get Electrum from anything but
3. since so many users were on old versions, we have started our own ElectrumX servers that notify outdated users to update, but using the genuine URL ( We are aware that this might be confusing for users, as it legitimizes this way of spreading update notifications, which we never meant to include in the first place. But since the attack has started, and this will potentially prevent users from getting scammed, we decided to do it.

If you didn't update Electrum from malicious sources, your coins are safe and you don't have to worry. If you suspect that you might have installed malicious software, take your computer offline immediately and follow typical procedures to restore from seed on a trusted machine.
7  Economy / Exchanges / Re: [ANN] SideShift AI: Automated Coin Swap [BTC/LN/GRIN/BCH/USDT/+] on: January 25, 2019, 04:41:20 PM
8  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: new paper: Securing Bitcoin wallets via threshold signatures on: January 06, 2015, 03:45:05 PM
AFAIK, the source release never happened. Why not? What happened?
9  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Speeding up signature verification on: January 04, 2015, 11:59:50 PM
Risk vs reward. No offense to Hal, but 25% isn't a very big improvement, and signature verification is something that absolutely must work correctly. Get it wrong and people can lose a lot of money very quickly. Why risk it?

The secp256k1-specific optimization has been implemented, and there's a pull request to integrate it in the reference client. It does indeed achieve some 20% improvement.

What smtp asked was about the parallel batch verification, with potentially much higher speedsup (Hal mentioned x4). The problem is that this is a much more invasive change, and the risk of getting crypto stuff wrong is extremely high. It's also not certain which degree of speedup is possible, as we need to do recovery of R before batch verification is possible (and changing this requires a hard fork basically, as the signatures are part of the scripting rules).

That said, if someone is interested in investigating, and potentially supplying a patch that is well testable... by all means, do so.

It looks as if this code is slated for inclusion in 0.10, but the given reasons are not performance, but security:

Is the new code doing the batch verification previously mentioned or is it doing the "some 20%" optimization? Or maybe the optimizations vanished to mitigate timing attacks?

Thanks in advance.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: [RIC] Riecoin status update! on: April 04, 2014, 05:20:33 PM
I spiced up the RICH list, it is now possible to tag addresses using Disqus. The highest rated comment will be shown in the list once the next hour begins.
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