Received my bounty, thanks! When will this coin be listed on exchanges? Theres no volume on etherdelta so cant even sell them on there.. Thanks!
Great ICO, no wonder its supported by John Mcafee. I support it toooo
Thanks for the reply Yombu! you da man! haha. Waiting for distribution, all you people just need to be patient. This stuff takes time. You will get your payment in the near future.
Sooo what exactly is "Bonus activity" and "special bonus" on the sig spreadsheet? and why does the user "Bribed" who has negative trust have so many posts + bonus and special bonus points? im guessing that is the bounty managers other account or something? cuz there is no way he could have that many posts. plus i dont remember reading anything about special bonuses? This better not be another bounty campaign that ends up screwing over its bounty workers like Change Bank did. Id be pissed. I also email every different project that change partners up with to warn them about how they are bad ppl and screwed over their bounty workers. I would def do the same for this project if it ends up not being legit. But I am going to assume this project is legit. We will see.
Dang, missed it. Would only buy from the first batch now days since the whole D3 incident. So hopefully they release more new types of miners sooonnnn
Hello! The last week ends 14 January - thats mean bounty campaign ends?
yes we just need update from dev or managere Campaign hasnt ended yet, Got another day or so left. ICO got extended. So make sure you keep your signature! Peace
Hello! Do you know who is a bounty manager of Envion? I have some questions concerning my Facebook and Twitter stakes charges. information in the public spreadsheet on quantity of the weekly reposts and likes made by me is aren't true.
If you read the original post you will find out who the bounty manager is... Here is the manager..;u=1248790
My forum rank has changed but it says that you will be paid depending on your rank at end of ico so im guessing you guys will figure out my rank changed? Thanks!
How much did people earn from the first bounty? Does this bounty pay good? Just curious. thanks!
whoa i dig your coins name, Bulwark, howd you come up with it? and what is it exactly that makes this coin different than other masternode coins?
Got my lockpicks in the mail a few days ago, they are awesome! Thanks again!
I have a great feeling about this project. Def going to be joining the blog campaign and possible more campaigns. Good luck!
Is this bounty campaign still goin on? When does it end? Thanks in advance for any help you may provide 
So whats the point in this coin? To fund graphene production? Do you guys have any experience in creating graphene batteries? or graphene anything?
Is bounty still open? Was wanting to join article/blog bounty if it is. And if so where is the sign up link? Thanks.
This still happening? or no? Would be kool if it was! Let me know, thanks!
How is this project doin? The ICO seems to be going kinda slow ya? Lets speed it up people! Thats what we are here for! lol. Now lets start spreading the word!
looking to buy eth or btc with paypal if u can help me out would really appreciate it..thanks.
im willing to send you a pic of my drivers license and any other documents you may need