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I'm plugging into the back of my tower, so directly, should be USB 2.0, it's not blue so pretty sure not 3.0.
Ok, as a last straw you can try going through a USB 2.0 hub anyway and see what happens. What power supply are you using to power the miner? Are all the fans spinning up? I don't have a hub lying around so I'll have to get one and try. My PSU is an ULTRA X4 750W. 12V, 56A, all fans spinning up. Does it work right in bfl's bfgminer? No, it spews errors when I run bfgminer, that's why I'm trying cgminer, comes up as BFL 0. I'll try running in a bit with FTDI driver in bfgminer custom and show a screen. Oh OK I was using cgminer from a working in bfgminer. If you're using the custom version of bfgminer supplied by bfl and you have enough power. I'm using 1600w power supplies with enough amps. Then I don't know what else I can help you with  This spews out and repeats in bfgminer along with my monarch shutting off.
I'm plugging into the back of my tower, so directly, should be USB 2.0, it's not blue so pretty sure not 3.0.
Ok, as a last straw you can try going through a USB 2.0 hub anyway and see what happens. What power supply are you using to power the miner? Are all the fans spinning up? I don't have a hub lying around so I'll have to get one and try. My PSU is an ULTRA X4 750W. 12V, 56A, all fans spinning up. dunno, sounds like bad hardware to me. You may want to contact the Manufacture's support. Kinda what I thought. I'll try contacting support and RMA for a replacement.
I'm plugging into the back of my tower, so directly, should be USB 2.0, it's not blue so pretty sure not 3.0.
Ok, as a last straw you can try going through a USB 2.0 hub anyway and see what happens. What power supply are you using to power the miner? Are all the fans spinning up? I don't have a hub lying around so I'll have to get one and try. My PSU is an ULTRA X4 750W. 12V, 56A, all fans spinning up. Does it work right in bfl's bfgminer? No, it spews errors when I run bfgminer, that's why I'm trying cgminer, comes up as BFL 0. I'll try running in a bit with FTDI driver in bfgminer custom and show a screen.
I'm plugging into the back of my tower, so directly, should be USB 2.0, it's not blue so pretty sure not 3.0.
Ok, as a last straw you can try going through a USB 2.0 hub anyway and see what happens. What power supply are you using to power the miner? Are all the fans spinning up? I don't have a hub lying around so I'll have to get one and try. My PSU is an ULTRA X4 750W. 12V, 56A, all fans spinning up.
Is it supposed to be FTDI manufacturer?
No, its supposed to be WinUSB. Is CGMiner giving you an error message? If so why no post the text so we know what it is?  sorry had it as a link earlier in thread. Try this. I've had similar issues. In device manager un-install the USB devices, check the box delete the driver software for this device. Un-install all monarchs (if more than one you'll see). Then refresh your device manager and you will see the ftdi drivers come back. Now install WinUSB with zdiag. Try that. Still shows as FTDI manufacturer. Well, yeah, FTDI is the USB hardware manufacture. But does Zadig show it using the WinUSB driver as your previous screen shot showed? Ya, shows as WinUSB in Zadig.
Is it supposed to be FTDI manufacturer?
No, its supposed to be WinUSB. Is CGMiner giving you an error message? If so why no post the text so we know what it is?  sorry had it as a link earlier in thread. Are you plugging this directly into your PC's USB port? If so USB 1.1, 2.0 or 3.0? Or are you going through a Hub? It seems like a hardware issue like Kano said. Especially since it happens immediately. Oh, as for links I don't click on them. You can also copy and paste the text too. I'm plugging into the back of my tower, so directly, should be USB 2.0, it's not blue so pretty sure not 3.0.
Is it supposed to be FTDI manufacturer?
No, its supposed to be WinUSB. Is CGMiner giving you an error message? If so why no post the text so we know what it is?  sorry had it as a link earlier in thread. Try this. I've had similar issues. In device manager un-install the USB devices, check the box delete the driver software for this device. Un-install all monarchs (if more than one you'll see). Then refresh your device manager and you will see the ftdi drivers come back. Now install WinUSB with zdiag. Try that. Still shows as FTDI manufacturer.
Is it supposed to be FTDI manufacturer?
No, its supposed to be WinUSB. Is CGMiner giving you an error message? If so why no post the text so we know what it is?  sorry had it as a link earlier in thread.
Is this what you're asking for? C:\cgm491>CGMINER -D -T [2015-03-21 17:30:07] Started cgminer 4.9.1 [2015-03-21 17:30:08] USB init - BAS device 5:1 usbver=0200 prod='BitFORCE SHA256 SC' manuf='BUTTERFLY LABS' serial='FTYM9T5M'
Yes that's it. Try this: am having this same problem, I'm new to Monarch mining, had a Jalapeno. Do I have to compile my own cgminer or can I put that file into 4.9.1 folder and run from there? No, looks like a completely unrelated problem. Maybe USB cable or USB port or some other USB problem ... presuming you setup zadig properly  I've tried multiple USB cables, different computers, different ports. When I run zadig, the monarch comes up as Bitforce SHA 256 SC if that matters.   This is the device manager after I run zadig. Is it supposed to be FTDI manufacturer?
Is this what you're asking for? C:\cgm491>CGMINER -D -T [2015-03-21 17:30:07] Started cgminer 4.9.1 [2015-03-21 17:30:08] USB init - BAS device 5:1 usbver=0200 prod='BitFORCE SHA256 SC' manuf='BUTTERFLY LABS' serial='FTYM9T5M'
Yes that's it. Try this: am having this same problem, I'm new to Monarch mining, had a Jalapeno. Do I have to compile my own cgminer or can I put that file into 4.9.1 folder and run from there? If your running M$ Windoze, like me, then just replace the executable with that one. If your running linux of some sort then you'll need to get the code that has this fix and compile it. That's exactly what I did and I get this error. Do I need to RMA my Monarch? I have 2 and they're both having the same error. I used zadig to WinUSB, restarted computer, ran cgminer.
Is this what you're asking for? C:\cgm491>CGMINER -D -T [2015-03-21 17:30:07] Started cgminer 4.9.1 [2015-03-21 17:30:08] USB init - BAS device 5:1 usbver=0200 prod='BitFORCE SHA256 SC' manuf='BUTTERFLY LABS' serial='FTYM9T5M'
Yes that's it. Try this: am having this same problem, I'm new to Monarch mining, had a Jalapeno. Do I have to compile my own cgminer or can I put that file into 4.9.1 folder and run from there?
Is your PSU working correctly? You posted twice, btw
PSU is working properly AFAIK, using a paper clip to short the green and black.
I'm new to mining with a monarch, had a Jalapeno. My problem is that I can turn on my monarch, fan and all, but when I start mining on bfgminer, both the custom BFL and 5.1.0, my monarch turns off and received unexpected queue response repeats. I have 2 monarchs and both do this. How do I fix this?
Monarch is 775 GH PSU is Ultra X4 Running on Windows 8 USB
I'm new to mining with a monarch, had a Jalapeno. My problem is that I can turn on my monarch, fan and all, but when I start mining on bfgminer, both the custom BFL and 5.1.0, my monarch turns off and received unexpected queue response repeats. I have 2 monarchs and both do this. How do I fix this?
Monarch is 775 GH PSU is Ultra X4 Running on Windows 8 USB