I am not very concerned about the additional delay still it is extremely unprofessional. A few weeks ago they assured us that no further delays will happen and here it comes another one. Bad for your reputation and extremely bad for the future of Lisk. No serious partners will consider a partnership with a team which can't keep their promisses.
All the people defending the delay are concerned ico investors wanting to keep a good overall perception about the coin but that is mostly lost at this point. I just want to say that this is not the path i put my investment in, and Max and his team should put their asses together to deliver their original promissions
Totally agree here, way too many delays and stupid announcements.
First they delayed saying it was because not enough lisk keys were generated (I was confused why they would delay)
And now they are making up stories about something else. Seems like Lisk was just a concept like waves.
So if they only know now they need to update the sql etc etc,
I am betting 0.05BTC that there will be another delay at end of month. First person to put in his address I will stick to my word and transfer the btc if it launches on time, if not, then you pay me lol!
Whos in for the bet?? I wonder what their next made up story will be?
welcome in crypto kids
Altcoins ICOs are a mix between social and financial engineering, exploiting your lack of discernment and your ignorance of the law.
Those guys who proudly show their btc wallet with hundreds of btc inside... perfect target audience