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921  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: [StableCoin] Welcome and Introduce Yourself... on: April 29, 2013, 03:38:01 PM
@wingding, You might want to check out this post.

Not exactly what you want, but a potential source base to start from.
Thanks Red. I actually came across Sweft before that, in another thread ( )
At that point he did not like idea of the fork, so I am not sure exactly what he wants.
922  Economy / Economics / Re: Would a permanent 50BTC block reward have changed the discussion? on: April 28, 2013, 09:17:48 PM
I like your idea, except i would make a couple of changes.

1) Don't make it a fork of bitcoin, make it a new crypto.
2) Keep coin creation at 100, until the coin creation is less than an annual 2% inflation.  Then have coin inflation adjust to 2%.

1. The reason to make it as a fork is that it would automatically include the bitconers and the bitcoin economy, which is something that I believe would increase chances to get acceptance. It also open the possibility the possibility for merged mining.

2. The rate of 200 per block is related to point 1 above: It means 10.5 millions new coins/year - the existing coins which are extremely concentrated on few hand will be reduced tp 50% of total volume after one year.

But anyway, the idea is still in the shaping, and I am not holding to absolutes. I want others to contribute. And yes, I actually have been thinking that coin production rate could be increasing as you suggest, maintaining some inflation. But as you know, people around here goes crazy over the word inflation Wink. You may also check this link: (I plan to make a updated version some time)
923  Economy / Economics / Re: Would a permanent 50BTC block reward have changed the discussion? on: April 28, 2013, 08:19:37 PM
I have extensively describe  the problems with a deflationary cryptocurrency.

See this thread

Unfortunately most bitcoin-fans are computer geeks with no knowledge in macroeconomics.
Their argument is that bitcoin attracts people because its scarce (max 21 million coins).

I love bitcoin because it enables transactions around the world 247 with low costs, and with high security and with no double spending - not because of its inflation attributes.

Most bitcoin-fans don't understand that when bitcoin becomes deflationary it will become a speculative hoarding asset instead of a medium of exchange, which will lead people to focus on other alt-coins until all alt-coins are speculative and two kind of cryptocurrencies will remain as useful:
1) IOU-coin - a proposed coin with zero value which is guaranteed with hyperinflation. it is a medium of exchange and transfer values via IOUs
2) LowInflation-Coin - a proposed coin with low inflation for ever, something like gold (1% inflation over time), its scarce but is still possible to mine gold if you have right equipment and resources (labor and energy).
Agree with you there. Check out my alt-coin here:
924  Economy / Economics / Re: Would a permanent 50BTC block reward have changed the discussion? on: April 28, 2013, 06:30:44 PM
In economy inflation refers to purchasing power. If you mean the increase in money supply, so say that, not call it inflation. Or talk about block reward, or coin creation rate. Discussions are meaningless when people put different meaning to the same word.
925  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitbank proposal on: April 28, 2013, 05:19:05 PM
Whats the next step - local banks can do fractional reserve lending of BTC?

FRB on BitCoin will happen whether we want it or not. BitCoinica was probably the first to use FRB.

Would FRB be possible on bitcoins? (maybe that should be a topic itself)
926  Local / Skandinavisk / Re: NRK.NO: Bitcoin – den nye verdensvalutaen? on: April 27, 2013, 08:29:28 PM
Ditt forslag vil ikke gi mer stabilitet.

Jo, fordi større supply av nye pengr vil motvirke hoarding, og følgelig motvirke bobler.

Og din misunnelse på "early adopters" er bare tragisk.
La meg slippe denne typen påstander.

Markedets dynamikk har alltid fungert slik at noe som er jevn fordelt i utgangspunktet ender opp med å bli mer skjevfordelt. Greit nok - jeg er ikke kommunist.  Men Bitcoins er skjevfordelt i utgangspunktet. Jeg tror at skjevfordelingen vil øke dramatisk - ikke ved å måle i antall coins - men når du måler i fordeling av verdi. Den omfordelingene som du (og mange med deg) antar skal finne sted er etter min mening en feilslutning.

PS: Max Keiser vil også ha mer stabil pris:
(selv om jeg ikke støtter den metoden han foreslår)
927  Local / Skandinavisk / Re: NRK.NO: Bitcoin – den nye verdensvalutaen? on: April 27, 2013, 07:04:06 PM
Ønsker deg ikke lykke til wingding. Du har ikke skjønt så mye akkurat.
Neivel? Du er velkommen til å opplyse meg med din kunnskap.
928  Local / Skandinavisk / Re: NRK.NO: Bitcoin – den nye verdensvalutaen? on: April 27, 2013, 04:40:38 PM
@herodes Jo, jeg tror nok også at BTC prisen vil stabilisere seg, men tror det kan bli lavere enn hva mange sier, fordi at en eller flere altcoin vil vokse seg stor. (og det hadde vært herlig om det hadde vært min LNC-baby, men jeg er realist) Selv har jeg valgt å investere både i BTC og LTC.

@grinder Vanskelighetsgraden er programmert til å følge blokkproduksjonen. Men indirekte vil den jo påvirkes av prisen slik du sier.
929  Local / Skandinavisk / Re: NRK.NO: Bitcoin – den nye verdensvalutaen? on: April 27, 2013, 04:08:16 PM

Og hva eksakt er poenget ditt? Det vil alltid være fattige, middelklasse og rike.

Det er jeg enig med deg i. Jeg er ikke ute etter å omfordele verdier nei. Det er politikkens domene.

Poenget mitt er føst og fremst at det trengs en coin med (noenlunde) stabil pris. Om prisen var stabil, så spiller det ikke noen rolle om prisen er 100kr eller 1000kr. For da vil jeg kunne kjøpe noe med den som tilsvarer verdien. Og jeg vil kunne veksle tilbake til NOK når jeg måtte ønske, uten at vekslingskursen er dramatisk endret.

Hvorfor er det ikke slik med bitcoins? Jo, hvis bitcoins hadde startet i dag, så ville prisen trolig vært mer stabil, fordi man raskt ville kommet til et nivå der prisen hadde vært sterkt knyttet til produksjonsprisen. (mining-kostnad)  Jeg er ikke så naiv at jeg tror det ville bli en perfekt likevekt, men jeg er sikker på at boble-effekten vill blitt borte.

Dette senariaoet er ikke mulig fordi det er produsert 11 millioner bitcoins så å si 'før markedet ble åpnet' Og nye bitcoins produseres nå svært sent. For at bitcoins skal bli mainstream må den store hopen kjøpe coins av et fåtall som har produsert opp pengene på forhånd. Dermed blir prisen styrt av håp, forventning, frykt etc.-->casinoøkonomi. Prisen er løsrevet fra produksjonskostnaden. Bitcoin er defor blitt mer ett spekulasjonsobjekt enn en valuta/byttemiddel.

For en seriøs post som er viet dette temaet så se her:

930  Local / Skandinavisk / Re: NRK.NO: Bitcoin – den nye verdensvalutaen? on: April 27, 2013, 03:22:54 PM
PS: Hvis du kan C++ og vil være med å endre bitcoin - så gi meg beskjed.

Hva er problemed med 21 million bitcoins ?

Man kan enkelt gå over til å benytte betegnelsen mBTC i klientene og i nettbutikkene.

mBTC=millibitcoin=1 thousandth of a bitcoin=0.001BTC

uBTC=microbitcoin=1 millionth of a bitcoin=0.000001BTC

Gjør også oppmerksom på at bitcoin er delbart ned til 8 desimaler.

Problemet jeg beskriver løses ikke med desimaler. Poenget mitt er akkurat det samme om antall coins er 21 millioner, 21 milliarder, eller 21 trilliarder.

For å si det med en analogi: mange personer i verden er fattige fordi de ikke eier mer en noen få dollar. Om vi innfører en ny pengeseddel som vi kaller mikrodollar, som er en milliontedels dollar, da har de svært mange pengesedler. Men de blir ikke noe rikere av den grunn. Hvorfor ikke? Jo, på grunn av at så mange personer har fortsatt har så mye mer. Dette handler om fordeling.

Bitcoin produseres med en forutbestemt rate på ca 25 coins per 10 min. Vanskelighetsgraden (difficulty) justeres automatisk ca hver 2 uke for å opprettholde denne raten. I dag er difficulty såpass høy at å produsere nye coins er kun litt billigere en markedsprisen. Før desember 2012 var raten dobbelt så høy, 50 coins per 10 min, og difficulty mye lavere. Storparten av de 11 millioner coins på markedet er produsert for en kostnad langt under 1 dollar per stykk.
931  Local / Skandinavisk / Re: NRK.NO: Bitcoin – den nye verdensvalutaen? on: April 26, 2013, 10:06:11 PM
PS: Hvis du kan C++ og vil være med å endre bitcoin - så gi meg beskjed.
932  Local / Skandinavisk / Re: NRK.NO: Bitcoin – den nye verdensvalutaen? on: April 26, 2013, 10:00:25 PM
Nope. Bitcoin er et flott konsept - men ikke den nye verdensvalutaen. Jeg kan Satoshi's paper utenat, og beundrer teknologien. Men han/hun/de bommet på pengeproduksjonen. I 4 år har en liten gruppe mennesker produsert størstedelen av alle bitcoins som noensinne vil finnes. Så skal liksom resten av verden kjøpe den nye valutaen av en liten gruppe ukjente mennesker? Hvorfor?
Se her:
933  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Shorting BTC via Ripple on: April 26, 2013, 04:57:17 PM
Even Granny can short BTC with Ripple.
All it takes is for someone to accept Granny's BTC IOUs in exchange for more liquid BTC IOUs like Bitstamp's.
Granny can then sell the Bitstamp BTC IOUs for USD IOUs, and wait for BTC to crash.
Granny is now short Bitstamp BTC.
Short selling require the seller to borrow the coins. Hence, a counterparty is required, i.e. someone holding the long position. Why should anyone trust Granny's IOU just like that? I can't see how this can be done without a broker, just as in conventional markets. Though I must admit do not understand Ripple completely, so perhaps I missed something here.
934  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: [StableCoin] Welcome and Introduce Yourself... on: April 25, 2013, 07:35:45 PM
I think that it is extremely difficult to have a new coin succeeding without strong power or support behind it. Even though it may provide more stability. When the fresh markets realize that that most bitcoins were premade before supply rate was halved, the hoarding/scarcity problem becomes evident, and new money will seek their way into alternatives like Litecoin and Ripple. I still think still the fork/twinchain/branch concept could achieve something, because it could be a healthy mutation of bitcoin, and not something entirely new.

935  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: [StableCoin] Welcome and Introduce Yourself... on: April 25, 2013, 03:58:43 PM
A coin with predetermined difficulty

Imagine a coin that is exchanged at $100, and mining it costs somewhat less. Different from bitcoin, the difficulty is not adjusted according to block production. Hence, if an increased market demand takes place, the price will go up, but so will also mining, which in turn increase the supply and work against the price increase. In the case of a price decline, so will the profit from mining, and fewer coins will enter the market.

The mining difficulty could be predetermined to double each 18 months, following Moores law. I believe such a coin would show more price stability, and a value strongly correlated to energy costs. It would certainly have a different price dynamics than bitcoins.
936  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: [POLL] What current alt crypto-currency do YOU believe in? on: April 24, 2013, 10:06:55 PM
The LinearCoin
937  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: I will create a forked bitcoin chain on: April 24, 2013, 04:32:48 PM
@wingding, Have you started trying to build the code? Are you a software developer?

No I am not skilled in C++. I welcome any initiative taken to test the concept.
938  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: I will create a forked bitcoin chain on: April 24, 2013, 04:09:07 PM
so my bitcoins held at mtgox will not be in that fork, correct? I would have to move them before the fork to bitcoin-qt?

All bitcoins produced before the fork will be duplicated into the new chain. So all the coins held by mtgox at fork-time will be held by mtgox also in the new chain. Mtgox should keep track of who owns these coins at fork-time, so they can transfer them to their legitimate owners.
939  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: I will create a forked bitcoin chain on: April 24, 2013, 02:17:29 PM
Before anything happens can we get a date for when the fork will be?

I want to move all my Bitcoins to a wallet I control before the fork. (Some of my coins sit in exchanges)

A key point for success - and the key difference from the current branch history - is that a large community are given opportunity to start at same time. The whole world actually. So the date should be announced well ahead the fork, and software be made available in good time too. Also exchanges and places who hold other peoples coins must be given time to keep track of the owners of the bitcoins at the point of the fork. (in my main paper I suggested 1st September mainly as an example date)

As one can see from this thread, there are a lot of technical question, innovation and decisions to be resolved. So the idea is still premature. But I would really like to see some experimenting take place.
940  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: I will create a forked bitcoin chain on: April 24, 2013, 02:07:02 PM
But you all missed the TRUE OP's goal :
to confuse/delude(or defraud ?) as many Bitcoin users as he/she/CIA can...

Based on the comments right after yours, it looks like that attempt is successful, unfortunately.

Whats the worse that can happen? They can't use this fork to steal coins can they?
It depends from...
well, how this forking will be done.

The forking can't harm bitcoin in any way. If so I would have found a fatal weakness - but no. And regarding Ukigo's comment; I do not have ill intentions for bitcoin - on the contrary! I urge you to read my earlier post explaining the motivation.
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